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new member...9th flush

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Hello..I was diagnosed with gallstones in 2000. At the time, I was

having an *all over* organ ultrasound, which my doctor had organised

as I have Hepatitis C. Gallstones were an *incidental* comment from

the radiographer. " Multiples & sludge " ..it read...ugh. Anyway, as

far as I knew I'd never been symptomatic.

I had an *attack* about 12 months after being diagnosed with

Gstones. Thought I was having a heart attack as I had acute pain in

the heart region. It lasted 24 hours or so. I caught a cab to the

hospital as I could not drive. At emergency, they didn't really

know, but said it definitely was not the heart. I suggested the gall

& they said yes..could be.

Anyway, about a week after the attack... I found out about liver

flushes through a friend. She & her daughter had done several.

Immediately, I did 6 flushes over a period of 12 months as suggested

by Hulda e.

First one..I did without epsoms...eating organic apples and juice

till 2pm. I am pretty sure there were over 50 or so in there..but

couldn't be sure. I extricated several & dissected them...I was

amazed..cried in fact & felt great...lots of energy for weeks.

The next 5 flushes...I used the epsoms, which..although

ghastly..cleans you out..so the stones are buck naked. I was

mightily impressed by the flushes..and after each one..felt so

energised and cleansed. I thought I could not bear another flush

though..as the concoction is so horrid to drink. I hoped they were

all gone..as I probably passed way over 500 stones over the 12 month

periuod..in different shapes and sizes.

However, recently I became extremely fatigued, more so than usual. I

was sleeping 16 hours a day, developed a permanent migraine, nausea,

bloated abdomen, a static digestive pattern..(no gurgling) & the

fatigue.. foggy thoughts..depression. I decided to get the damn

thing out...the GB. I booked in for surgery..felt defeated...was on

a waiting list.

Luckily...my number did not come up for 3 months..(3rd Oct).

Meantime...I couldn't bear the migraine & associated symptoms any

longer..as I felt miserable. So...I braved another flush (phew).

All symptoms disappeared overnight!! Felt good again..passed about

50 little stones & chaff. I felt one go *bloop*, out of the duct not

long after drinking the olive oil. They were ready to pop out!! My

daughter who is 23, did the flush with me. She passed at least 50

bright green emerald ones. She vomited in the morning..with her 3rd

dose of epsoms..so she didn't drink the 4th dose. I admired her

tenacity to carry it through. She was a different person afterwards.

Happy, cheery chatty..animated...busy. She's been very lethargic &

grumpy with mood swings for a very long time. The flush really

improved her mental state for a while.

Meanwhile...I went to a herbalist..and am now on a herbal tincture to

break up calcified stones which I assume I have in there. I found

this group in the middle of the last two flushes..and really

appreciate the links to other sites. I also enjoyed reading Dale

initial story & Q & A page. Lots of information there. I

am researching the gallbladder more now..I go to Curezone.com

regularly for information.

Last week, I did another flush..passed just small ones this time..and

broken dark bits. Also some icky looking sludgey stuff..not sure if

that was from the gb or the bowel..confused me. I can only assume

that the tincture is working? Hope so.

I still have the gallbladder pain..just a niggling dull pain where

the gallbladder is...it comes and goes.. & sometimes pain in the

pancreas area..it's only mild pain....but this could be because I

have the Hep c. Still trying to figure it out. It's so hard to get

information from the docs!! I am however, braving the liver

specialist again this week. I managed to retrieve a few small green

stones and shall take them with me..and present them if the climate

is friendly.

Every time I have mentioned liver flushes to any of my doctors..they

move on to the next subject as if I had never spoken. I guess they

are like Dr. Weil (online doc)..who thinks we are passing *globs of

olive oil*? Good grief...what a silly uninformed thing to say. We

know the truth & that's all that matters I feel.

That's all for now....Jilly

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