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Re: question...@ dairy

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I have a few questions. It concerns consuming heated forms of dairy

v. raw dairy or v. no dairy....with vegetarians who have experienced

galbladder/liver stones.

Has anyone on the list had the experience of being a long term vegan

and still developing liver/gallbladder stones? How about doing the

flushes and then becoming vegan? Did more stones develope on that

diet after doing the flushes? Has anyone experimented with a

vegetarian diet...but only consuming raw goat or sheep based

dairy...supposedly easier to digest than cow's milk?....while doing

the flushes?

The reason why I am asking is that it has been nearly 2 years since I

started doing the flushes. I have been a lifelong vegetarian....but

I still ate dairy. In trying to figure why someone with " healthy "

diet and as active as I ...why I would develope stones and signs of a

very clogged and sluggish liver.....along with constant pain and

weight gain that went with it.

I was also pondering why I was reading about so many people who where

doing sooo many flushes over long periods of time....and still coming

up with lots of stones. That, to me, had to indicate something with

their diet....for the undigested choloestral had to come from

somewhere...and for a vegetarian...the only sources are dairy and

tropical oils.

Since then I have been converting to a raw/living food diet. With

this diet I consume very little dairy...and what I do consume is from

raw goat's milk that contains only vegetable sources of rennet or no

rennet. I have noticed no physical reaction when I eat the raw

dairy....but I still get gallbladder " twinges " when I rarely try to

eat cow based dairy that has been cooked and homoginized. Has anyone

noticed anything like this?

I have noticed, since I have started chaging my diet this way, fewer

and fewer stones with each flush (I have done about 18 or so since

January 2001...not counting the 4 extra flushes I had to do a 2nd

night in a row to get my gallbladder to respond when I first started

doing the flushes) ...but I not have managed to go long enough

without eating ANY cooked dairy to see if the stones that are

produced are because of heating the dairy....or if they can from the

consumption of any dairy..cooked or not I am alos wondering if a

vegen diet would produce any stones at all...let alone a raw/living

food diet (many raw food people consume large quanities of tropicals

oils which contains cholestrol).

Just curiuos what other may have come up with along these lines of

thinking and experiementing with themselves.

Joyfully thinner, healthier, and pain free thanks to the flushes and

nature's bounty eaten the way she made it



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