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Re: Going to do First Flush Monday (Oh My!)

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<<Do I have to lie on my back or can I turn to my right side at some point? I'm

good at keeping myself mentally relaxed though, unless there is a distraction

and that's when agitation hits for fear of messing up with something so simple

as moving around to keep any stones from coming out!>>

I have found that the most comfortable way is to lie on my back. Particularly

the first few times I could feel the stones/oil moving just below the right

rib/right side of the breast bone. It wasn't painful, but being on my back was

most comfortable. There have been times I haven't felt anything and still

passed stones.


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A few thoughts on your post follow.

<landolakescatclan@a...> wrote:

> I'm also Hypoglycemic/FM.>

Being hypoglycycimic means you must keep your sugar levels up. I'm

also hypo G and found that the flush was too muchh of a fast for

me. I drank lots of liquid (water or herbal tea) in between the

epsom salt drinks throughout the day and used grapefruit juice for

both taste and to keep my sugar levels elevated. This made a big

difference for me feeling not so " spaced Out " while flushing.

>I believe this will work for the pains, indigestion and skin, etc.>

The flush is a good system cleanse and gave me more energy after

each flush.

> I didn't buy the Ornithine>

I never used any sleep enhancer (too sensative to any type of drug)

and just used mind over matter to calm myself to sleep.

>It's EASY for me to get VERY agitated at timed, detailed tasks>

Sounds like we have a perfectionist here - sorry, but I can

identify, because I am the same way. To help with the anxiety of

not doing the flush in the correct order/ times, etc. I printed out

the complete flush and crossed off every item as it was done. I

also prepared all needed materials for the whole flush in advance so

that there would be no searching. It was like doing a science

experiment or following a brand new recipe. :)

> Do I have to lie on my back or can I turn to my right side at some


There are many opinions on the lying position. I prefer to lie on

my right side for most of my sleep. - lying on my back puts pressure

on my throat. My opinion is: the flush uses a muscular action of

pressing out the stones. - like sneezing. It'll come out if it's

the right time in your flushing regimin.

> I was thinking of eating alot of apples to soften stones and

bananas for the potassium as sometimes I get charlie horses.>

Apples are great for softing and loosening things up. I had my best

flush when my breakfast the morning of the flush was granola blended

into a smotie with apple sauce. Bananas will firm up your BM's-

which is NOT what you want in the preflush state. Why not take

oranges/juice for the potassium?

Good health wishes,


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>>>I didn't buy the Ornithine.... Do I have to lie on my back or can I turn to

my right side at some point?<<<

I don't use anything to help me sleep and I always sleep on my right side for as

long as possible.



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<<>>>I didn't buy the Ornithine.... Do I have to lie on my back or can I turn to

my right side at some point?<<<

I don't use anything to help me sleep and I always sleep on my right side for as

long as possible.>>

The Ornithine isn't a sleep aid, it is to relax the gallbladder and ducts.


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At 03:46 PM 4/10/04 -0400, you wrote:

> >Thanks for any input. I already am looking at this as a worthy

> investment to beating surgery. You'd think my lifestyle would be

> impeccable with my strong aversion to the cut and drug industry.



You verbalize what probably many of us think but rarely say " out

loud. " It's hard for me to stop my own self-critical thoughts, and yet

when I read your message, I want to tell you to try to be more gentle with

yourself ! Sometimes reading messages from this group I start to feel as

if everyone else has " more control " and has " figured it all out " regarding

food, exercise, supplements,etc. When I read more carefully, I realize

that it's after a lot of time (and usually pain) and effort that habits

change permanently. One day at a time.

Take care,






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Thanks everyone for the great responses!!

I'm getting ready to do the fast, I think I'll be fine for four hours and I'm

mixing grapefruit with the salt so I'm sure that will be fine.

The reason I asked about Ornithine is because in the instructions it says take 4

caps with the first few sips of the oil potion and take 8 if one is an

insomniac. I'm going to do the flush without them however so hope all still

goes well.

I've also been reading the " F " factor with interest, I'm about 88 lbs overweight

and have yo-yo'd all my life, was an anorexic preteen too. I've had stomach and

side pains growing in severity for years and have either starved all day with

nicotine and caffeine and then eaten wheat, sugar, trans-fat foods or done low

fat diets or slim fast and other liquid diets. Needless to say I feel quite

responsible for being in the position to need a gb flush.

Last June I went on Atkins and loved it, my blood sugar was normal and I lost

over 40lbs in 4 months with most of it in the earlier months. The best part was

the protein, low carb bars with sugar alcohols. At first they didn't affect me

but after awhile they gave me serious gastro-intestional distress and I quit all

processed low carb foods allowed on Atkins. Well, with the " fun " part of the

" diet " going out the window so did the rest and I returned to SAD. Of course!


I've been doing moderate balanced eating since January and I can attest to the

fact that after being off sugar for 8 months that my blood sugar will drop

dangerously low if I don't eat within 4-6 hours depending on activity level.

Doesn't matter what I eat to keep it level, but eating sugar will cause me a

spike and drop regardless. So, when just eating meat and veggies and advantage

bars along with a gallon a day of purified water, No coffee or tea, etc I will

drop if I skip a meal. I was diagnosed over 20 years ago and sugar was never


Well, I'm taking it easy so I don't get agitated if I don't get the potions down

with ease.

Thanks again for the support!

(ps to midge: I'm in ctrl florida...so, howdy ya'll!)

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Thanks everyone for the great responses!!

I'm getting ready to do the fast, I think I'll be fine for four hours and I'm

mixing grapefruit with the salt so I'm sure that will be fine.

The reason I asked about Ornithine is because in the instructions it says take 4

caps with the first few sips of the oil potion and take 8 if one is an

insomniac. I'm going to do the flush without them however so hope all still

goes well.

I've also been reading the " F " factor with interest, I'm about 88 lbs overweight

and have yo-yo'd all my life, was an anorexic preteen too. I've had stomach and

side pains growing in severity for years and have either starved all day with

nicotine and caffeine and then eaten wheat, sugar, trans-fat foods or done low

fat diets or slim fast and other liquid diets. Needless to say I feel quite

responsible for being in the position to need a gb flush.

Last June I went on Atkins and loved it, my blood sugar was normal and I lost

over 40lbs in 4 months with most of it in the earlier months. The best part was

the protein, low carb bars with sugar alcohols. At first they didn't affect me

but after awhile they gave me serious gastro-intestional distress and I quit all

processed low carb foods allowed on Atkins. Well, with the " fun " part of the

" diet " going out the window so did the rest and I returned to SAD. Of course!


I've been doing moderate balanced eating since January and I can attest to the

fact that after being off sugar for 8 months that my blood sugar will drop

dangerously low if I don't eat within 4-6 hours depending on activity level.

Doesn't matter what I eat to keep it level, but eating sugar will cause me a

spike and drop regardless. So, when just eating meat and veggies and advantage

bars along with a gallon a day of purified water, No coffee or tea, etc I will

drop if I skip a meal. I was diagnosed over 20 years ago and sugar was never


Well, I'm taking it easy so I don't get agitated if I don't get the potions down

with ease.

Thanks again for the support!

(ps to midge: I'm in ctrl florida...so, howdy ya'll!)

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