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Re: has anyone flushed using flaxseed oil?

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Darn! I should of used a collander. I just couldn't get the courage up though.


I'm also thinking of using a slower flush with safflower oil. I read that my

blood type should stay away from it and use olive or canola, but my intuition

says no olive only safflower. I did my first flush and maybe had small stones,

could of been those littlest grapefruit seeds, but no way did that many seeds if

any get through the strainer when I made the juice although I drank a total of

3-3/4 cups of fresh squeezed juice that day. Needless to say I'm not at all

interested in any citrus or any olives or olive oil for a long time!

I'm working on diet rotational stuff right now. I'm not having any dairy today

to see what kind of pain I might not have tomorrow morning. For along time I've

been waking up screaming in pain at my right side from my ribs all down my side

and it's hard to roll over and sit up.

Last night I saw a rerun of Seinfeld when Kramer had a kidney stone and was

screaming and jumping around from the pain, when at the circus (sp?) he finally

peed it out and his loud, horrific scream made the tight-rope walker fall off

the high wire.....hehehehe, did anyone else see that?

Well, I haven't been to a doc to see if I have those kidney stones too, but I

did vow right then and there to do a rotational diet, improved diet and one of

the kidney flushes asap, all while eating that laaaast cinnamon bun! Ouch!


----- Original Message -----

From: lori


Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 10:27 AM

Subject: has anyone flushed using flaxseed oil?

well, i did the flush i planned on tuesday night. this time i

decided to try flaxseed oil, because even the thought of olive oil

makes me gag a bit these days. i think i had seen someone

mention using it to flush somewhere, though now i can't seem to

find any mention of it. anyway...

i got next to nothing out. we're talking under 10 stones that i

could find (used a colander, so it would be hard to miss anything

but the tiny stones that get washed through). i could take this to

be a good sign that there's not much left in me to flush out, but

i'm far too realistic to get excited and believe that yet. given that

this was the first flush i'd done with flaxseed oil and the first


where i got so little out -- it seems too much of a coincidence.

i did find a few mentions of using safflower oil on curezone,

though, which i think i might try next time. i just need a change,

and encouragement to bump up on the oil rather than wimping

out and doing less each time (i only did about 1/2 cup of oil this

time - but then, i've had better results with a mere 1/4 cup of olive

oil in the past whilst doing a mini-flush)!

depending how i feel this coming week, i plan to either do a

repeat flush next tuesday if i still feel " full " , or wait the

recommended 2 weeks and try again if i'm not feeling much


well, just sharing, and wondering if anyone has used flaxseed oil

and whether they had good results with it or not. thanks!

::: lori

Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:





Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/

Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73




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