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Re: GB Cleanse

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In a message dated 7/27/2004 10:30:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,

Isabel.Nonnet@... writes:

> Do I really need to do an enema before and after the

> flush?

Hi Isabel,

Hope you don't mind me replying to your email to Will. I had a hoot about his

enema comments and fully empathize with his feelings on this. I, too, am

creeped out by the enema process. I expect Freud would have something to say


that! LOL

I don't know if this will help you, but what I have found, as an excellent,

gentle ozonated colon and bowel cleanser, is " Oxy-powder " . There are other

colon cleansers out there, too, like Colozone and Homozone, but I haven't tried

those yet. By all accounts, though, they all do basically the same thing and

just vary somewhat in their ingredients. Oxy-powder contains germanium 132,


is supposedly wonderful antioxidant with all kinds of healthful properties.

Apparently, by the time we're in our 40s we generally have 5 to 20 pounds of

compacted fecal matter sitting in the colon. This stuff is pretty toxic and

it's a good idea to either have a professionally done colon cleanse before/after

a flush, or you can alternatively use these capsules, which are basically

just ozonated magnesium and citrate and will clean you out, too. It's important

to get rid of all the fecal matter in your inner tubes before, during and after

the flush, because you're getting out the toxins. If they remain in your

system, you might feel pretty awful during and after the flush. Using an


colon cleanser also helps to pass out any lingering stones. The Epsom Salts in

a flush act similarly and many prefer this method in place of an ozonated

colon cleanser for regular maintenance, because it's cheaper. I use Epsoms for


flush, but Oxy-powder for regular maintenance (2 caps at night with water),

simply because it's easier to control (not quite so explosive) and you can go

about your normal daily routines without having to run to the loo as much. It

also seems to help greatly with IBS.

Some people get pain in their bowels with flushing and, although I haven't

experienced this, myself, many seem to get great relief from performing coffee

enemas. So, it's really just a question of going with your gut instincts (pun

intended) and see what works with you. There are a ton of alternatives out

there to choose from (including many flushing protocols), so that's the really

heartening part about all this....just seeing what seems to feel good to you and

going with that. The important thing, as Will said, is to really just start

making headway with lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, supplements and flushing)

and going at a pace that is comfortable for you.

Blessings, n

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In a message dated 7/27/2004 9:06:01 AM Eastern Standard Time,

obe20032003@... writes:

> Did another enema before

> starting with the Epsom salts(is there anything that can taste worse

> than this?)

Hi ,

I know what you mean...the taste is pretty ghastly, but sooo worth it. I

found that when I mixed my Epsoms with freshly pressed grapefruit juice, instead

of plain water and drank it with a straw, that it really helped to down it. The

only thing is that if you have hemorrhoids, the acid in the juice may cause

them to sting a little on the trip out....sorry to be graphic, but perhaps

better to be forewarned. ;)))

A little trick I learned, early on from this site, is that if you mix between

1 tspn to 1 tbspn Epsoms (depending on severity of attack) with one cup

water, or grapefruit juice, when having an attack, this will help to stave it


(like a quick bandaid fix). It's not a substitute for a regular flush, but it

certainly offers pretty immediate relief.

Blessings, n

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, for someone who is a self-described skeptic about " natural medicine "

you really flew boldly into action! Bravo! Your flush sounds successful and a

sure way to beat the doom-and-gloom docs and their back room

scalpal-wielding sidekicks.

Why don't you now create some new " science " for your own piece of mind as

well as for the advancement of the cause of this group. Send the objects you

passed into the medical laboratory for analysis. While virtually every one of us

here know what you passed are true cholesterol gall stones, the additional

verification by a medical lab would be very valuable for the next newcomer.

Incidentally, you may also pass some real sinker " rocks " in subsequent

flushes, most of us have, however these light-colored, floating, semisoft

gelatinous cholesterol concretions you have collected make up the bulk of

what is found in gallstone-packed GBs as well as the bulk of what we pass

when we do flushes.

Personally, I think it is hilarious when skeptics try to convince us that they


NOT gallstones. It is particularly funny when, in desperation, they decide it

must be " mysteriously-solidified olive oil " (my flushes haven't involved olive



If you also don't mind donating your body to science (temporarily) head in for

an ultrasound or scan of your GB to compare it to the pre-flush pictures. Send

us the results.

Be sure to stick with your new diet, lifestyle changes and dissolving

techniques. You are well under way,

Best wishes,

Will in Minneapolis

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in your last posting you mention to that your flushes do not involve

olive oil. What do you use to flush? I haven't done a flush yet and am

trying to pluck the courage to go ahead. In the meantime, I am looking

for the most efficient and less dangerous way to flush. I have just

started taking stone free tablets 3x2 a day and drinking lots of organic

apple juice and mineral water. Hoping this will ease the way for when I

do start the flush. Do I really need to do an enema before and after the



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Isabel, thanks for bringing up the topic of OLIVE OIL for flushing. Please don't

think I am against the use of olive oil in the diet or for a flush, I'm not. I


olive oil.

In fact, I have a documented olive oil flush story that occurred so long ago it

was back when most people on this site hardly knew they had a GB . My

MOTHER called me in 1983 asking me, in a tiny, scared voice, to " wish her

luck " for her upcoming cholecystectomy on the next day. She dreaded it and

said she " would do anything to avoid surgery " . " Anything? " I asked. She said

yes, and I put her on the classic regimen of apple juice only for 7 days and

then 8 ounces of olive oil.

Back then I was a practicing veterinary herbalist but it was hard to find much

information on GB flushing, I relied mostly on D.C. Jarvis's book " Folk

Medicine " , he was a big fan of apple cider vinegar and honey and 30 years

ahead of his time regarding alkalizing for health. The flushing techniques

have been around forever though. Purgatives were one of the mainstays of

herbal medicine in the 1800's and people back then probably needed more of

it than they do today.

My mother passed several hundred stones and actually took them in to her

doctor! This was the jerk who had told her (these she said where his exact

words) " go ahead and do your silly fast, n, I will be seeing you on the

table, sooner or later.... " . so that was over 20 years ago, she still has her


and is proud of it. Long before the internet she has told dozens of other farm

ladies about her success and others followed her example. However, this

town doctor continues to cut and saw away on the unsuspecting locals, the

graveyard is full of his former patients.

What I was referring to were two " accidental " flushes I did following some

severe GB colic attacks that I had. In these cases, I took either one or two

large doses of epsom salts with warm water, along with castor oil hot packs

externally, to relieve the severe acute pain and ended up with diarrhea that

concluded with the passage of hundreds of stones, a few of the rocky kind

and the majority the soft light-green ones. In these cases there was no time

for fasting, apple juice or even olive oil, just pain > epsom salts > stones. I

keep a small jar of epsom salts in my traveling fanny pack now in case of


I'm alternately on the Stone Free or GB6 which seems to have somewhat the

same effect with regards to dissolving stones. I'm assuming that my GB is

now not inflammed and the bile is flowing freely once again. I'm due for

another flush soon so I will find out. In addition, I must maintain the weight

loss, exercise, water intake, stress management, red wine every night, and

good diet with plenty of healthy rich fats and oils every day along with my

vegetables, grass-fed meat, fish, greens and fiber.

I am not an enema type person so I've never done one, but I believe in the

theory and I know that thousands have been cured or helped by them. Just

thinking about the process gives me the creeps, so I'd only consider it in an

emergency situation. Beats dying, I guess

Will in Minneapolis.

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Thanks for the thorough explanation about using olive oil in flushing. I

greatly appreciate all of your comments. I read somewhere on this forum

that Epsom salts are very bad for the digestive system...I have never

taken them, so would not know how my body would react. Maybe I should

give it a try


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Hi Will in Minneapolis:

I am preparing myself for the second flush. Once I have done the

second flush, I will proceed to have an ultrasound to compare the

pictures from the first ultrasound diagnosis to the new one.

I will post them on our forums so that it can provide " evidence " and

not myth to the GB cleansing.

P.S. I will keep you guys posted on any new findings or just to say


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Extract taken from n's posting

I don't know if this will help you, but what I have found, as an


gentle ozonated colon and bowel cleanser, is " Oxy-powder " . There are other

colon cleansers out there, too, like Colozone and Homozone, but I haven't


those yet. By all accounts, though, they all do basically the same thing


just vary somewhat in their ingredients. Oxy-powder contains germanium

132, which

is supposedly wonderful antioxidant with all kinds of healthful


Hello n,

Many thanks for your advice. The " Oxy - powder " sounds good and not too

harsh on the digestive system. You mentioned you take it as a regular

maintenance 2. capsules a day . Can you take them for an indefinite


I take " Stone free " which my daughter managed to get hold of in London.

The first night I took two and woke up at around 3.30am ( the time that

the liver is working to heal itself ) I often do wake up at this time!

However, this particular night, I woke up to a very uncomfortable

feeling in the liver area (right side under the rib cage) I just curled

up on my right side and eventually went to sleep. I think subconsciously I

am afraid to take anything my body isn't used to. The next day I felt

better and have had no problems since then.

I basically know what I have to do concerning my diet and lifestyle it's

just having the discipline to do it...

My problem is I love cooking and eating although I am strict about eating

NO JUNK food and eat only fresh unprocessed foods mostly organic.

Like Will, I drink a glass of red wine with dinner.

With all this in mind I will try to find the " Oxy powder " and start using

it along with taking the apple juice, lots of mineral water, good food and

as Will says " good fats " plus the stone free tablets all this will be a

good precursor for the eventual flush. I really don't want to get those

blighters stuck in my guts!!!

Two other points I would like to mention. I was diagnosed with stones in

the GB threes years ago. After being on hormone replacement therapy for

nearly three years.. I wonder if this provoked the stone formation I have

read on this forum that HRT can cause this to happen. I stopped the HRT

for well over a year now and manage my menopause with " Black Cohosh "

tablets and lots of good vitamins. Also drink lots of green tea for the


I also drink a glass on warmed pure water with 1 tbs of organic apple

cider vinegar and 1tsp of good quality honey in the morning, even though

my stomach doesn't thank me for it!! I feel queasy for 10-15 mins after

drinking it...I feel that it does help to clean me out.

Best wishes to you


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Hi Isabel,

Thanks for your email reply. :)

>>>Many thanks for your advice. The " Oxy - powder " sounds good and not too

harsh on the digestive system. You mentioned you take it as a regular

maintenance 2. capsules a day . Can you take them for an indefinite


Well, I must be honest and say I wouldn't want to advise you, or anyone,

really, because it's just what has worked for me. Otherwise, it would be like


blind leading the blind! Ugh! LOL I think a few others have been using this

product here on the site, so perhaps they would be so kind as to share their

experiences of using ozonated colon cleansers?

>>>I think subconsciously I am afraid to take anything my body isn't used to.


It's becoming more widely accepted that our emotions will eventually manifest

on the physical level (in just the same way as stress, fear and anxiety can

induce headaches, heart attacks, high cholesterol levels, etc). Energy workers

all pretty much concur that solar plexus imbalances (long-term repressed

emotions and the ways in which this affects how we interact in the world)

exacerbate certain predispositions to various illnesses in the upper abdominal


specifically. Barbara Brennan, an ex-NASA physicist-turned energy worker, has

written a lot about the subject in her book " Hands of Light'. When she began

seeing people's energy fields, she was able to detect where these imbalances

occurred in the energy field template of the physical body. Her book has some

wonderful illustrations of all this, if anyone is interested in looking further

into their physical conditions. Beautiful book to just have on the shelf, if

energy healing interests you.

>>>I basically know what I have to do concerning my diet and lifestyle it's

just having the discipline to do it...<<<

Taking all the steps to really empower and sort this all out for ourselves

goes a very long way, energetically speaking, to healing bodily imbalances.

State of mind and setting affirmative intentions are so important in all aspects

of self-healing...really taking conscious, well-informed personal

responsibility. It's a very easy thing to say this, too, I know, because it took

me a while

(and still sometimes does when I fall off the wagon) to get on my pony and

ride. I guess we're all human, after all.

Hope you don't mind me sharing this tidbit, but de Mello wrote a

wonderful book called, " Awareness " ....he talks about this as " knowing " what we

must do to take affirmative action, but that in essence it takes a profound

" awareness " to really do it. It's like knowing that smoking, for example, is

harmful to your body, but actually waking up to that takes some doing, if you're


smoker and addicted. Sometimes it takes a great deal of pain and illness to

awaken us sufficiently to bring that kind of awareness and resolve. So, in many

ways, it really serves no purpose to prostheltyse to anyone about this stuff,

as it really is a question of choice to make the commitment on a very personal

level. Probably the kindest way to get to this point is just to hold the space

for enough compassion for one's self, without falling into self-judgment

about the whys and wherefores of how dis-ease with our bodies manifests and just

follow what your own heart is telling you.

>>>With all this in mind I will try to find the " Oxy powder " and start using

it along with taking the apple juice, lots of mineral water, good food and

as Will says " good fats " plus the stone free tablets all this will be a

good precursor for the eventual flush. I really don't want to get those

blighters stuck in my guts!!!<<<

If this helps in your research, here is the URL describing Oxy-powder and its



Here is the URL for the flush protocol the distributors of Oxy-powder

recommend, which is virtually the same as the Kelley protocol

outlined on Curezone, except they also include how to go about using Oxy-powder


a colon cleanser in the 4 days prior to your flush:


Every morning I had to run to the bathroom with very loose stools ...maybe

several times, but by midday each day, I was clear and dry. What I found helpful

about this protocol was that there was really nothing left to pass but stones

on the day after the flush (even with the strawberries and cream supper).

They came out clean and very easily and it was very clear that what was being

passed were actually stones. I didn't resume the maintenance dose of 2 caps,

either, until 2 days after my flush, but still kept passing stones for several

days. I must say, though, that this was just my personal experience and I'm sure

it will be unique for anyone who decides to try this particular protocol.

>>>I also drink a glass on warmed pure water with 1 tbs of organic apple

cider vinegar and 1tsp of good quality honey in the morning, even though

my stomach doesn't thank me for it!! I feel queasy for 10-15 mins after

drinking it...I feel that it does help to clean me out.<<<

This sounds like a great concoction....I've used apple cider vinegar, but not

with the honey. So, I think I will add that, too, to make it more palatable.

Thanks for the tip! Do you think if you added some fresh ginger to the mix it

may help with the nausea? I find ginger very settling for the stomach and

sometimes make lemon and ginger tea, which is really nice.

Peace and healing to you, Isabel,


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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest


> Hello I am new and was wondering what is the most common GB Cleanse that is

used by this group ? Yes I am going through the files to look for helpful hints

but just wanted the opinion of those active with the site now. Thanks for your

opinions. J


Many people use Dr. Hulda 's protocol for liver/gall bladder cleansing:



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