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Hope the moderator will accept this for the gallstone group I think its helpful. anne

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More on Excess Protein

(Ask s Moritz # 2)

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Subject: More on Excess Protein

From: richidoo < no email > | Show All messages posted by

richidoo |

Date: 11:29 Aug 08 2003 (5 h)

Hi everyone. I found this interesting article on the web. It describes

once again how excess or poorly digested protein can cause all kinds of diseases

when stored in the arteries and capillary walls.

It also explained to me why I would feel great after several days or

even a few hours of lemon juice fasting, but then resort to previous lack of

energy after I stopped the lemon. Lemon, or any acid fruit, rapidly clears this

stored protein though the dispersing effect of the potassium citrate, which acts

electrically like soap inside the body. Lemon also stimulates bile secretion

through its initial acidity, and bile quality with its many minerals thus

improving digestion of other foods. Prior to reading s' book and learning

that liver cleansing is more about restoring good health and not just avoiding

gallstone attacks, I had only one way to feel good, that was lemon fasting (the

master cleanse) but there was never any lasting benefit.

Only liver cleansing (4 cleanses) has given me any noticeable,

prgressive and cumulative improvement, and this makes sense too, since my

digestion is improving, so that less undigested proteins can clog the filters

and arteries, and more nutrients can get to where they are needed. The liver

cleanse is like a permanent " master cleanse " for me.

There is more to this article pertaining to electrical aspects of cells

and nutrients, if you are interested, but this page relates directly to s'

presentation that eating animal protein or other difficult to digest proteins

clogs the liver blood capillary filters with undigested protein, disallowing

blood cholesterol to enter the liver, causing the liver to believe blood

shortage of cholesterol and so overproduce cholesterol for body needs, which in

the absence of sufficient bile salts to solubility of all the extra cholesterol

causes gallstones, which block flow of bile, which reduces digestion of protein

and other nutrients, which is the cause myriad disease symptoms and a vicious

cycle of poor health. Whew!

s' recommendation of a vegetarian/vegan diet in addition to

avoiding indigestable proteins has the advantage of supplying plenty of minerals

and lecithin to make the bile very strong by increasing the concentration of

bile salts in the bile.

My liver cleansing is working great. After 4 cleanses, my mind is

clearer and I have a much deeper spiritual awareness, and inner peace. My main

frustration is waiting the month before repeating the cleanse, since the

physical symptoms COMPLETELY disappear for a few days after a cleanse

(hallelujah!), but then they return gradually over a week. I wish I could keep

blasting those stones as soon as I feel the return of symptoms, but I guess this

would be too much of a strain on the liver. I am very excited to have the

symptoms remain gone permanently after more cleanses. I have removed a lot of

stones on every cleanse.

Thanks s!


The Protein Connection



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