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However, I'm afraid I can't give you any ideas for the bra wire problem, other

than....oh, NEVER MIND! (I am editing out over 1000 great ideas right now!).

Back to the issues at hand (no pun intended).... If you want PROTEIN but

don't really enjoy eating meat, I would suggest BUFFALO MEAT. I am

predjudiced because I sell it for several of my farmer clients but it is really

good, really healing, also like nothing else. I've had a huge number of people

who are not big meat eaters, and several flexible vegetarians, who LOVE the

texture, flavor and whole gestalt of the bison meat. Often, they can't get

enough. One person re-ordered and was so eager to get it said that he " was

actually dreaming about it " . That's a pretty good endorsement.

If you try it, seek out GRASS-FINISHED ( not grass-fed, as everything is

grass-fed). It's worth the search. You want to avoid that whole feed-lot

mentality which goofs up the perfect meat. I think this is why a lot of meat

doen't make the eater feel very good. Feedlot grain, in addition to being an

idiotic concept, gets you back to the Omega 6 imbalance problem again

making it more like bad beef. Grass-finished has high levels of CLA

(conjugated linolenic acid) and is well-endowed (it's your fault!) with a full

complement of grass and soil minerals. No need for vaccines, antibiotics,

hormones, or pesticides either. It's the way god intended all meat to be


Try using the ground buffalo in chili, stews and sloppy joes. Cube the roasts

and put them in a good stew (I have a recipe using 3-4 kinds of ROOT

VEGETABLES if you want it). On special occasions grill a steak and slather it

with raw butter. This is medicine, folks.

Will in Minneapolis

PS Don't forget about using FREE-RANGE EGGS for one of the very best

protein sources in the world. I throw several in my smoothie every morning

and fry them for layered tacos, and one goes in the middle of my home-made

pizzas too. If you can get RAW MILK, that is another incredible source of

perfect protein. Don't mess with any of the commercial, fractionated,

fat-reduced, hormonized, homogenized, pasteurized, cold white liquid

nostalgic facsimilies of real milk, it'll make you sick.

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In a message dated 5/22/2004 10:27:52 PM Eastern Standard Time,

holistic@... writes:

> However, I'm afraid I can't give you any ideas for the bra wire problem,

> other

> than....oh, NEVER MIND! (I am editing out over 1000 great ideas right now!).

Will, thanks for all the food tips and understand entirely that you wouldn't

have an inkling about underwires! Maybe a good thing, all in all. ;)

The buffalo meat may, at this point, be just a bit beyond me. Not being a

heavy meat-eater, it would take a real kick in the seat of the pants for me to

buy it. LOL I'm also having trouble assimilating all the animal fats in my mind

and foods like chili. Mexican food (either the spices, or the oil it is

cooked in) has too many raw memories of bad attacks still for me. I guess it's a

slowly, slowly thing of learning to trust the process of reintroducing certain


The other thing is locating a really good farmer's market in CT. As far as I

know, we don't have anything like you might have out in the midwest, because

it's all mainly dairy and small holding crop farming. Occasionally, a local

farmer will have a stall on the roadside with fresh veg, but I've never seen


on offer. It's definitely something for me to look a little more deeply into.

At the mo, I'm just buying fish and free range chicken, because that's all

I've been able to find in raw state. We're a little bit out in the sticks and

the shops are some distance.

Anyhoo....will bear all your thoughts and advice in mind and take a

step-by-step approach, I reckon. Thanks!!!!

Blessings, n

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