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Hi ,

wow. I wish I could type as fast as you and needed as little sleep as you do!

I have a sister like that! I also don't know how to do this cut and paste thing

very well....so I have to try and have your message and my message back to you

both up on the screen at the same time as there are so many questions I cannot

answer them all by memory!

Micah is not good at nintendo games. He is not good at chess or music or

computers. He enjoys painting and drawing little stick figures but I can't say

he is particularly good at it. I can't really think of ANYTHING that I could

say he EXCELS at. He ENJOYS many things and is a fabulous kid to be with....but

as far as skills he isn't really GOOD at anything. he can hold his own at a

number of these things but I would not put him above the average of his age

group...do you know what I mean? I would eventually like to put him on a swim

team, if he can begin to figure out how to move forward when he swims with any

kind of speed.....but it does cost money and requires an hour and a half drive

in good weather to do so. Again, with nintendo and chess he plays but usually

loses. He is in a Christmas play at church but does not have a speaking part

and cannot sing/remember most of the songs that he is supposed to sing with the

group. I have thought of signing him up for piano lessons, which are local but

we do not have a piano he could practice on at home....so am thinking of looking

for that....although have to convince my husband of finding some room in our

small house to put it.

In answer to your questions....we do have local karate so I was excited about

singing him up even though the classes are huge and there is no other choice...I

signed them up but then had to cancel as the WONDERFUL DOG that we had given to

us last fall turned out to be sick! We spent a thousand dollars on her in six

months, which made ME sick.....had to cancel the karate class. Micah does love

the dog but doesn't have the hand strength to hold her on the leash or to open a

can of dog food...he does real well with the water changing though. he is

really crazy about the dog and wrote a story about her for Reading Rainbow last

spring...he told me what to say and I wrote it. ...then he drew a picture for

each page.

Because we live so far away it is difficult to sign up for more than one thing

at a time. I do have him singed up for therapeutic horseback riding

finally...for a six week session...but he will have to sit in the car for three

hours to go to that....and it does cost $300 plus all the equipment! But I keep

thinking....if he does turn out to excel in any of these things we are trying

then we can focus on that particular thing.

As I wrote before, yes, I have asked several times about his diet. I don't

know that I would call his bms constipation...as much as irregular....he has

been since he was a small baby....yes, I tried the nectar and didn't notice it

made him regular. Yes, we do not have much snack food in the house....it is

when we go out that he gravitates to soda (in the machines at chess club at the

school, in the stores, etc.) or donuts, to which like I said I usually say no.

He does have low tone and some providers say he also has weak muscles but same

say no, it is just low tone....so not sure about that....he still uses scissors

to open little candies..can't pull it apart on his own.

, I totally agree with you about the expectations.... it seemed to me the

school was happy with average performance....my expectations were that he

perform higher than average in academics because of his smarts. I totally agree

with you.....ADHD is not a learning disability....but apparently many kids with

ADHD have ACCOMPANYING learning disabilities...I know some extremely successful

men who are ADD that DID NOT HAVE THE learning disabilities with them. I think

yes, that a learning disability would show up if you struggle in the

classroom...but it may not be acknowledged as a struggle if the child gets

average grades....the struggle is internal between the intelligence, which is

high, and the performance which is average....I would call dyslexia LD if your

sister was not able to reach her potential....many kids with LD have great

potential but the LD holds them back in the group....they may get " B's " the

whole time in school but without the thing holding them back would get Apluses!

if the LD is addressed and the appropriate intervention given then it should not

hold them back...(I think the problem is that people in general EXPECT less if

there is a label, rather than expecting more as the intervention is

implemented). (In fact our school Superintendent just recently wrote an article

blaming our school being listed as one " which has made inadequate progress " on

two kids who he claims have " reading disabilities that PREVENT them from

learning to read " ....can you IMAGINE????? BUT these are the low expectations of

some educators) It sounds like Tanner does not have any kind of LD, which is

great! Unfortunately, I see Micah struggling even here at home! Even with my

teaching and curriculum adjusted for him and one on one, I still see him

struggling....but I am still expecting him to succeed and he is....he would be

even further behind now if he was in with a whole group in school.....but I

don't think the school would acknowledge his struggle because his grades would

be average....after all he is SO intelligent that he is able to " hide " the

internal struggle that he is having, while in a large group. I expect him to

perform at the top of the class like Tanner, not in with the kids who are

average......I think in the end he will be at the top of his class....but only

if I continually join in the struggle with him and help him to get through it

and over to the other side.

Labels are only helpful IF as we have talked before they lead to appropriate and

helpful interventions and strategies. I don't care about grades or labels....I

care about him progressing in his learning and education, whether it comes

easily or with a struggle. To be labeled a late talker is only helpful if it

gets you the help you need to talk. To be labeled LD is only helpful if it gets

you the help you need to learn....if all it does is lower expectations it is

worse than not helpful. I totally agree with you.....it is bad for our group to

automatically assume that our kids will have a learning disability and we should

NOT try to get them labeled as such....but we also should not pretend they are

not struggling if they are and we SHOULD try everything we can, as you are

doing, to prevent any struggle they may have from interfering with their success

in the classroom and we should fight at all times LOW EXPECTATIONS....believe me

I had that response written to our district superintendent so fast I blew my own

socks right off!

Hey....good luck with your dog! I know you will all love him/her!

Thanks for the tip on the game....I can't imagine it will be any different from

what we have already done...but you never know! carol

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Carol -low tone and weakness typically go hand in hand/are ways of

saying the same thing. It's not that you can't have a child with

low tone and build up strength -you can -it just takes longer.

You sound like you have been through so much, and yet you project

this inner strength, which is amazing. Micah is lucky to have you,

and he will learn much from your inner strength.

About self esteem -my sister lost her's during school years

when she too thought she was stupid. was dyslexic -and my mom

spent years fighting to protect her -this was years ago, my mom was

ahead of her time. This is how I learned how important self esteem

is -and why I know Micah will learn from you.

Have you tried clay therapy to help him act out some of his

feelings? I appreciate he is aware he can't do things the way

others can right now -but he could. It takes work, practice -and it

takes failure. We all learn early that it's important to learn how

to fall -and to get back up and do it again.

since you are dealing with snow and from the NE states:

" I shimmy my feet back and forth, eager to skate away. I feel pretty

confident. Being a native of New England, balancing (walking,

driving, you name it) on ice is an all too familiar theme. I've also

had my fair share of skating on lakes as a child and I've taken a

few lessons at a rink before. Rinks certainly have their advantages -

- no embedded branches to trip over and no snow to shovel off.

''Next,'' I hear Towers say, ``we learn how to fall -- the right

way.'' He shows us the technique and the ducklings follow. We tumble

like dominoes.

''Once you've done it, you know what it's like,'' Tower says. ``The

more you fall, the better.''...

With visions of a triple lutz in my head, I cruise full throttle

ahead. Ah, the cool wind in my hair. I am free. I race (or so it

seems) around the rink. ''Stop there,'' I hear Towers shout. Er, I

seem to have forgotten how. I crash into the boards with a loud

bang. He shakes his head. Stopping is our next lesson. I guess I

still need some work. "



Tell me more about Micah and Nintendo. Nintendo takes hours and

hours of practice to be good -longer to be one that wins. How is

his focus? How long does he play for and who does he play with?

There are strategies and tricks that groups of boys learn and share

with each other. If Micah enjoys Nintendo for example -how often

does he practice it? What games does he have? It's OK to purchase

games that are intended for much younger children while he works up

skills -nobody has to know. Nintendo, Play Station, Game Cube, Game

Boy -whatever -they are all " boy talk " -a way for today's boys to

communicate nonverbally -and they all understand it. For an apraxic

child -especially a boy -please don't overlook this due to

reservations about violence and all -(not you Carol -anyone else

reading this) You as the parent can choose the games -and there are

some educational ones out there as well. And Carol -what about the

cards -like YuGiOh or Pokemon -there is an entire game to that the

boys play together too. These are things outside of sports that

Micah can play just like the rest.

I have some suggestions for you. You say that there are many things

that Micah enjoys -but nothing as yet he " excels " at. Some will

change as he grows and develops -some may stay the same. His

attributes would represent his unique innate qualities in his

character, his abilities would represent his experience and

learning, and his aptitude would be where Micah has a talent, knack,

or proclivity for/or with a subject area, activity, or condition.

Nobody for example would be good at chess, puzzles, skateboarding,

swimming, or anything without practice. What did you guys want to

be when you grew up? I wanted to be a vet -but I loved to draw and

when I learned about animation -that's what I wanted to do -and I

did. Toy design -love it. Helping children -love it. Loving

something is a sign that you should explore more in that area.

There is such a thing as " undeveloped talent " and I know. I was

always talented as an artist, even as a child, but also spent hours

painting and drawing and went on to School of Visual Arts -and then

to work in animation/film and design. I loved to inspire artists

that were still learning, and I love art...so I started to teach

animation one day a week at the Joe Kubert School (

http://www.kubertsworld.com/ I quit due to being freaked out by a

really disturbed student who developed a crush on me -and then Joe

Kubert (who ran the school) and Milt Neil (an original animator from

Disney that ran the animation department) couldn't agree on who to

replace me -so they got into a fight and then Milt quit too and then

the whole animation department fell apart) And for anyone interested

in one of my comics done while 'I' was in school learning cartooning

under the famous Art Spiegelman at the School of Visual Arts (which

my students at the Kubert school told me was an underground comics

collectable but back then was just par for the course homework)

Fernandez, .

A 2 Z : Alphabetical Disorder / contributors:

Fernandez, et al. -- New York : Disorderly Distribution,

1982. -- 28 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. -- Published in an edition

of 250 copies.

1. Alphabets--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Fernandez, .

II. A to Z. III. Alphabetical Disorder. Call no.:

PN6728.55.D47A2 1982


(Wow you really can just find everything at google!)

As an artist I can tell you for a fact that the most talented

artists are not always the most famous. Disney for example was an

excellent business person -and surrounded himself with talent -but

he himself was artistically not as talented as many that worked for

him. And the same happens many time in other fields. I used to

teach my students that if you want to make a name in art either be

the best or the worst -or you are forgotten. So being the worst can

be a good thing too -think of Rocky Horror Picture Show, many

consider it the worst movie ever made..but as I would point out -

it's listed as one of the only movies ever to gross over 100 million




Even falling all the time as you say Micah does can be looked at in

a positive light. He's in good company. Read the bottom of this

link to learn how being clumsy was used to define both a former

president (and a comedian that portrayed him):


Since right now Micah is dealing with motor planning problems that

have apparently affected his self esteem, and there are financial

and travel concerns, what about being a volunteer at a local

children's hospital, zoo /pet store/ humane society, library etc.

Reaching out and helping others can be very uplifting and

therapeutic. Here is a bunch of links to great sites that you can



I hope one of them inspires Micah.

Not that this is volunteer work -but involves it -what about the boy

scouts? http://www.scouting.org/ It's a wonderful organization (as

is the girl scouts)

I truly believe that we all have at least one thing to learn from

each and every person that walks this planet. Micah's gift (hey I

like that idea for a book -Carol you'll have to work on that!) may

still be hidden -but that's the beauty and the fun of children -

discovering and developing hidden talents in them. As parents we

may lose focus at times due to having to be the cook, maid, nurse,

chauffeur, gardener, teacher, plumber, mechanic 'and' the puppy

trainer, but follow your gut on this -in your heart what do you

believe Micah would excel at if given the chance?

I put " no skill in anything " into google and I found 20 hits -this

one of intrest, a site that asked people " What would the you of

years ago think of the you today...would he/she recognize you as you

are now? "

" The me, when I was 13 years old, would say...'Who the h*** are

you???' There is no way the me of when I was 13 would recognize the

me right now...

Let's examine the facts...when I was 13 I went to school, watched

the tube...went to sleep...Even though that is the popular

misconception at work of my life...that misconception, is just

that...a misconception...if they've got a probably with that I've

got two words for them, to quote Dx......Now, I got to work, write

my unpublished novels, and read (4 books at a time)...then I go to

sleep...13: Had no skill in anything...Now, as Mick Foley would say,

when it comes to writing 'I have a thimbleful of talent.' 13: Was

terrible in school, afraid of reading, or anything to do with

learning...now, I am totally into ancient history, classics, the

Greeks and all that stuff...Most importantly, however, back then...I

wouldn't be caught dead listening to Country music...Now, at work, I

get down to 'North to Alaska,' 'Sink the Bismark', 'Bear Tracks',

and 'Springtime in Alaska.' What can I say, Alaska totally reeks of

awesomeness... ~Luki, 31

Valhalla "


and under " not good at anything " I found:

I'm not good at anything!

Q At the age of thirty, I have yet to discover my gifts and talents.

My mother is a great cook. My sister is a wonderful seamstress. But

I can't think of one thing in which I am gifted and enjoy doing. How

can I discover what talents God has given me?

A We have all been given different talents and skills and it's not

unusual to overlook them. You may need to do a little homework to

discover what they are. Try a few exercises to help you define your

God-given talents.

As you go through these exercises, ask God for wisdom. " If any of

you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all

without finding fault, and it will be given to him " ( 1:5).

The first exercise requires some time travel. Take ten to fifteen

minutes to think about what you loved doing as a child. Have a

notepad and pen handy to write down your thoughts. Think about the

times when you were the happiest. Did you enjoy being outside? Did

you love art projects? Did you have fun with numbers?

The next exercise requires you to think about what you now enjoy

doing. Don't think about your obligations; think about those

activities which you look forward to doing. Do you like volunteering

your time to help others? Do you have any hobbies? Write down what

comes to mind even if it seems a little silly.

You may also want to ask your friends and family what gifts and

talents they associate with you. Write down some of the ideas they

tell you.

Now examine all of your lists. You may have already discovered your

gifts through these " mind jogging " exercises. If not, look for

repeats on your lists. Did it seem as though making crafts, learning

new software or playing a musical instrument appeared frequently? By

doing this, you will have a better idea of your gifts and talents—

and by all means start using them! w

DEBORAH McNAUGHTON is founder of Professional Credit Counselors.

McNaughton's latest book is Financially Secure: An Easy-To-Follow

Money Program for Women ( ).


And if you are still not sure what Micah 'can' excel at and/or be

proud of -ask him... " Micah what do you want to be when you grow

up? " ...and let us know what he says and perhaps we'll have

suggestions to help get him there!

From " everybody's good at something "

" If the job you want seems a little out of reach right now, you can

work toward it in stages. Aim for an entry-level job (e.g.,

receptionist, messenger, mail clerk, etc.) in the type of company or

industry that you want to work in. Even if the job seems unrelated

to the one you want, it will give you a great opportunity to learn

about the industry from the inside and make valuable contacts. The

experience will put you in a better position to move ahead, either

in that company or in a different one within the industry. "


Oh and PS -how much nectar did you give Micah and how often?


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Hello Carol

Have you ever thought of putting your son in a tap class? I would not have

thought to do it but my son has sat & watched his sister for the last 4

years & this year wanted to. At first I thought, boys don't dance, they

play ball. But he wanted to so we did it. There is another boy in the

class & it is the same teacher my daughter has for her competition class.

He loves it, what cheap therapy. He has to look at the teacher & then

figure out how to do it on his own body. He has come so far since this

summer, I just can't believe it. Maybe there is a dance studio somewhere

near you that would let you try it for free before you paid for the month??

I feel has really gained a lot of strength from this too.

Tammy I. in FL mom to 5 apraxic, 7, 19 & 22

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

>>>There is a testimony by n on the site - is that yours ? <<<

Hi ,

Yes, it was my 'testimonial'. About a month after I ordered from the Global

Healing Center, they did a follow-up to see how I was doing with the

Oxy-powder. I wrote back and they asked if they could use it for this purpose in

exchange for a $10 discount voucher, which I happily accepted! ;))) Fame at

last...even if it is with a colon cleanser! LOL

Blessings, n

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  • 1 year later...

it's OK if you don't want to address the other questions here

or even to me. I ask them because they are more questions for you

to ask yourself. But of course if you answer here there may be

others who can relate and can help as well. I am so happy to hear

that Ian is homeschooled and with you that I can't even tell you. I

didn't want to make it too obvious that the writing was on the wall

he was headed for MMR classification, and at the time wasn't sure

what your views were on him which is why I said to seek the private

evaluation. It's clear that he is in great hands no matter what the

story is behind the scenes in his past and Ian is INCREDIBLY

fortunate to have you there for him. You can perhaps work him up to

getting him mainstreamed later on. Are you seeing in him any signs

of " strong memory " ? This is one of the positive signs we are

seeing as a group which most didn't appreciate the positives of

years ago. Strong memory is a sign of a gifted student and those

skills can be applied to math, spelling, reading..etc. I have found

with my son Tanner that many of the therapy tricks I watched

therapists do and then I did to help him to speak -carry over in

helping him to learn. At times he gets stuck because he views

something not wrong -but different then the way he is supposed to.

That's due to the way the teachers taught the subject. The best

example is from 2nd grade and the 3 theres. There, their, and

they're. Sound the same but 3 very different meanings and

spellings. Tanner came home very frustrated from school and when he

started him homework (where he needed to write sentences using the

right " there " ) he picked up his work and threw it and


I knew Tanner wasn't trying to " push my buttons " and that he

honestly didn't get it. I sat down with him and said " Tanner, you

are absolutely right. There, there and there do sound the same and

yet they have three separate meanings and spellings. They should be

three separate words you are right. The English language is stupid

at times. But you know what Tanner? That's where you have an

advantage because you have an incredible memory. You don't have to

understand it...you just have to remember it! So whenever you see

this... " And from that point on I just (one time!) went over the

rules of the three theres and then gave him the sentence to write

(can't remember it exactly but something like) " They're going over

to Dillon's house because they have their toys over there " And he

got it right -and it never messed him up again. The only reason he

threw a fit was because he was frustrating this one teacher who

started yelling at Tanner. We addressed it with the school, and

with Tanner. Tanner had been a straight A student up till this

year -and now he's mainly A and B, but things are getting better.

Tanner loves school again and is very social (actually he is on a

playdate right now with his brother which is why I have a minute

before the superbowl party later)

Please remember however that if Ian does something one time and

doesn't do it again, or if he can't do something -the reason may not

be cognitive or behavioral. There could be motor planning, sensory,

or strength reasons why. At his age providing him with the benefit

of the doubt -along with the incredible support, guidance and love

you already are -he's in good hands.

Here is one contact from your state

Contact: Garner

Southern Idaho

E-Mail: cgarner@...


Again welcome. I hope as a group we can help you to continue to

help Ian. But from what it sounds like -you've got it lots of it

covered with all you've had to go through to get him to where he is

from where he was!


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  • 1 month later...
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You sound like me in that you would like to know what's going with

one medication before adding on the next because you can easily end

up on 10 different meds all at once.. I was the same way. Also, I

have yet to go in remission, which I thought used to be the goal of

the rheumatologist -- remission. Maybe my lack of remission was to

do with I didn't care for the cocktail approach, maybe not. I

understand what you are saying completely and am the same way. I

must say I have since started using the cocktail approach, as it

seems none of them work alone, unfortunately. Because it is not long

before RA outsmarts them one by one. Even with the cocktail of

biologics, MTX, antiinflammary approach RA can still outsmart them.

Whatever this disease has set its mind to do, it finds a way to do

it. That's if you have very bad RA. Some have it mildly or

moderately or occasionally, still in pain but not in hell or your own

personal torture chamber. haha! The RA for me, started out showing

up only once every 3 months or so, than after the diagnosis and meds,

it became everyday and vicious. It was almost as if the meds shook it

up and made it mad or something and it then came after me viciously.

As for pain meds, the few I have been given, ultram, darvocet were

not effective. I don't think they like to give pain meds because

they feel we will become addicted. I really don't think that's

possible, unless you are not in pain and taking it to get high or

something. The pain meds barely take the edge off the sharp

excruciating, piercing, searing pain. If your pain is mild enough for

tylenol then you shouldn't be taking the heavy stuff anyway, IMHO.

All I can say is make sure you are doing all of the other things for

RA, if you are going to add on the one med at a time such as, eating

right, exercising when possible as often as possible, stress-free as

much as possible, drinking your 8 to 10 cups of filtered water,

getting plenty of sleep, pacing yourself so as to not overdo it when

you are feeling better and etc. and some say get plenty of natural

light. I think that is true. No wonder so many people go to Florida

in their golden years.

healing to you.



--- In , " Randall " <krandall@...>



> Hi Dennis,


> The trouble with that is that I'm not sure I'll know if the Mtx is

> working the way it should be, or whether we should be looking for

> another DMARD. I feel like I need to have that " feedback " , at


> until we have the other meds where they need to be.




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Hi Ebony,

I don't have a philosphical aversion to more than one med... Heck,

I'm on a lot more than that already!<g> From what my rhuematologist

has told me, and from what I've read, both here and elsewhere,

aggressive, early treatment is important to try to avoid or at least

slow joint damage.

My RA started slowly over the period from Sept to early Dec. '05. I

had some very painful joints, but they would clear up on their own

before I had a chance to even go to the Dr. about them. Then in

Dec., I started to have longer periods of what I now know

are " flares " , and by then, there were often several joints

involved. By the week between Christmas & New Years, I knew there

wqas a serious problem. I called my GP, who ran a bunch of blood

work and gave me a prescription for percocet to tide me over while

we were figuring out what was going on. (even though the day I saw

him, I was fine) He then sent me to the rheumatologist.

I got in to see the rheumatologist quite quickly, (only a few days)

but by the time I saw her, both shoulders had become extremely

inflamed, and I could hardly move them. The percocet wasn't

touching the pain. She put me on Diclofenac, Nexium to protect my

stomach from the Diclofenac, injected the worse shoulder, gave me a

prescription for Tramadol and sent me off for more blood work, xrays

and a bone scan. These were scheduled only a couple of days later.

The day before the bone scan, my left hand curled into a ball, and

wouldn't open. It was excruciating. She called in a prescription

for prednisone, and arranged to see me right after I had my scan & x-

rays the next day. My hand was still in a ball when I went for the

tests, so they really couldn't see the joints in that hand. When I

got to the rhematologist's office, she injected the tendon that was

locking up my hand. (THAT was painful!!!) We still had to wait for

the blood work and bone scan to come back for a definitive dx, but

she was pretty sure I had RA. She started me on Plaquenil, but I

didn't get past the 3rd day on that one, due to intolerable side


As soon as the blood work & scans came back, and we had a firm dx,

she put me on Mtx, folic acid, Leucovorin, and low dose aspirin

therapy to protect my heart & blood vessels. (she also started me

in OT & PT, and she has injected 3 more joints since then) So you

can see, I'm already W-A-Y down the " drug cocktail " path, even if

you don't count the meds I was already on for other reasons.

At this point, we are still in the process of increasing the Mtx to

the target dose, and slowly weaning me off the prednisone. I'm

still having frequent flares. Every once in a while, I'll have a

day when I really feel good. Most of the time, I have some pain,

and some days it's pretty bad. ...Not as bad as before I was put on

the prednisone, but still bad.

What I want to avoid is masking the pain if the Mtx is NOT working,

as I wean down further off the prednisone. If the Mtx doesn't work

on its own, I want to know ASAP, so that we can pursue other

treatment options, whether it's trying something different, or

adding something else. I KNOW that the prednisone is what really

helped me, but I also know I can't stay on that long term.

> >

> > Hi Dennis,

> >

> > The trouble with that is that I'm not sure I'll know if the Mtx


> > working the way it should be, or whether we should be looking


> > another DMARD. I feel like I need to have that " feedback " , at

> least

> > until we have the other meds where they need to be.

> >

> >

> >


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> > >

> > > Hi Dennis,

> > >

> > > The trouble with that is that I'm not sure I'll know if the


> is

> > > working the way it should be, or whether we should be looking

> for

> > > another DMARD. I feel like I need to have that " feedback " , at

> > least

> > > until we have the other meds where they need to be.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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Hi Donna,

I've only been on prednisone since mid-Jan., and am in the process

of weaning down off it. But I know that people CAN be on it for

much longer than that if medically necessary. Yes, there can be side

effects, but you have to weigh the pros and cons.

The good thing about prednisone is that it made me feel MUCH better

VERY quickly. (within a couple of days)

> > > >

> > > > Hi Dennis,

> > > >

> > > > The trouble with that is that I'm not sure I'll know if the

> Mtx

> > is

> > > > working the way it should be, or whether we should be


> > for

> > > > another DMARD. I feel like I need to have that " feedback " ,


> > > least

> > > > until we have the other meds where they need to be.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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  • 4 years later...

I just applied with Healthwell Foundation tonight. They say that I qualify for

assistance. I hope so. My copay went up to $5900 January 1 because my husband's

job changed to Cigna Plus that requires a large copay. I do not know If they

will pay a copay that large. I do not know whatelse to do. I have applied for

Medicaid but I am not sure they will pay for that either.

Gwendolyn Rafter

From: Becker <lizbien1@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Sadly will have to quit Xolair

Date: Thursday, January 13, 2011, 1:23 AM


Carol, please look into Healthwell Foundation to see if they can help.  


are wonderful and have helped me with my co-pays when I was self employed and

now that I am unemployed. 




From: Carol Corley <floridabouvs@...>

Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 5:30:55 PM

Subject: [ ] Sadly will have to quit Xolair


It looks like I will have to quit Xolair.

It is a Class 4 drug under my health insurance, so if I were to continue, I

would have to pay 33% of the retail cost of the drug, plus the doctor's cost of

having it administered. Definitely out of my price range.

The drug has been a big help to me, but I am neither poor enough to qualify for

subsidy, nor rich enough to afford it. That's life!



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I am crossing my fingers that they will cover you.  They have been wonderful to

me.  Let me know how it goes.  I assume you sent in paperwork already.



From: Gwendolyn Rafter <gwen5052@...>

Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 8:46:21 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Reply to


I just applied with Healthwell Foundation tonight. They say that I qualify for

assistance. I hope so. My copay went up to $5900 January 1 because my husband's

job changed to Cigna Plus that requires a large copay. I do not know If they

will pay a copay that large. I do not know whatelse to do. I have applied for

Medicaid but I am not sure they will pay for that either.

Gwendolyn Rafter

From: Becker <lizbien1@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Sadly will have to quit Xolair

Date: Thursday, January 13, 2011, 1:23 AM


Carol, please look into Healthwell Foundation to see if they can help.   They

are wonderful and have helped me with my co-pays when I was self employed and

now that I am unemployed. 




From: Carol Corley <floridabouvs@...>

Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 5:30:55 PM

Subject: [ ] Sadly will have to quit Xolair


It looks like I will have to quit Xolair.

It is a Class 4 drug under my health insurance, so if I were to continue, I

would have to pay 33% of the retail cost of the drug, plus the doctor's cost of

having it administered. Definitely out of my price range.

The drug has been a big help to me, but I am neither poor enough to qualify for

subsidy, nor rich enough to afford it. That's life!



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