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Re: scarey time BS almost 1600

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Thought I would tell you all how suddenly and unexpectedly our

gallbladders/gallstones can make us sick. I knew I had gallstones--found on

ultrasound for other reasons. I had one possible gallbladder attack lasting

perhaps a minute or two several months back but no other signs. I just had

my annual physical in April. I am 56 year old female. My BS at the time

was 140 along with continuing high cholesterol. I had tried a new

medication for cholesterol and was sick and weak within days of starting

it--only took it for perhaps 5 days. Think I may have asked about it on


I had been feeling very very exhausted for couple of weeks but had

reasons--grandchildren visiting, etc. Got very thirsty and was eating

little but thought was just the heat. A week ago Thursday I passed out.

Luckily my husband was here or I would not be alive. He called 911 and I

was rushed to ER. My Bloodsugar was almost 1600. My doctors have told me I

am very VERY lucky to be alive.

I have possible pancreatitis but still nothing really known even with all

the tests done.

Of course, even while still in ICU one surgeon kept coming in my room asking

when I was going to have gallbladder surgery done. I told him until I felt

better I would not be having any surgery. My personal physician agreed with

me. I will be having second opinion before having anything done.

I am now home learning how to check blood glucose, and do insulin, meals,


Take care. Learn where your personal physician has hospital privileges, etc.

Not even being able to even see my own doctor was very frightening at a time

of confusion. A familiar face would have been reassuring at least.


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Hang in there! There is life AFTER pancreatitis (I know!) and the cause of

your blood sugar crisis may have a natural resolution as well. Type II

diabetes (as long as it's not end-stage) can be " cured " in spite of the fact


doctors are NOT ALLOWED to use the word " cure " in the world of diabetes.

(cure is done at home and isn't a money-maker at all, whereas diabetic

" management " is a huge industry --$98 billion in 1997 in the US, even worse


I consider it a miracle from God that I had pretty bad gallstone-induced

pancreatitis a year ago and not only survived but didn't end up diabetic.

I must have been CHANNELING your pain earlier this morning when I started

talking about DIABETES! I had no idea anyone here was in crisis.

If you indeed did have pancreatitis, the blood tests taken then WILL

DEFINITELY show it. The destruction of pancreatic tissue always releases

tremendous quantities of LIPASE and AMYLASE into the blood stream, other

indices of inflammation will be elevated and your white count could also soar

temporarily. If the immediate post-attack blood tests don't show these

enzyme elevations, you didn't have pancreatic destruction. The liver

enzymes, bilirubin, and other factors will also tell you how impacted your liver

was by the whole deal.

Ask for hard copies of ALL of your diagnostic tests. These blood tests are

very valuable clues to help you reconstruct the events leading up to your

crisis as well as your path out of the mess.

Will in Minneapolis

PS There is a TON of evidence showing that supplementation NOW with high

levels of Vitamins C, E, B-complex as well as nutritive fatty acids and amino

acids are CRUCIAL for healing not only pancreatis and hepatitis, but also the

vascular damage from the sugar poisoning you had. I think this is what saved


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Judith, had you ever tried to do a gallbladder

liver cleanse? Did the doctors suggest that

a stuck stone was causing the pancreatitis?



L. Meydrech, CN



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Thanks for all the info, Will. I actually had actually been eating

healthier, exercising, etc. but still was getting extremely tired the last

few weeks. I have really always been in fairly good health. High cholesterol

and fibromyalgia and all the aches that it entails. I thought perhaps it has

flared up. Strangely it has been absent since I was hospitalized.

Yes, I have been diagnosed with pancreatitis.

you said--I consider it a miracle from God that I had pretty bad


pancreatitis a year ago and not only survived but didn't end up diabetic

This is something that was mentioned to me BUT only if I have my gallbladder

along with stones removed. Did you have any surgery? I am not wanting to.

They seem to think a stone or stones got caught in common bile duct. I do

not remember having any pain. I know they poked my " belly " frequently

checking for pain but there wasn't any. But my lab values are still quite

strange.. High blood glucose but ketones normal, etc. Will go back to doctor

yet again in a few days. Yes, I am keeping copies of all labs--something I

have done for years and years. Any tips, info you can give me will be


I will be getting a second opinion by a specialist -- will be one

recommended by member of extended family who is doctor.

Yes, I am wondering about the familiar face and will look to change doctors

soon. I was getting ready to check out new doctor a friend had told me

about. My timing is not good. ; )


----- Original Message -----

From: " Will Winter " <holistic@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 12:17 PM

Subject: Re: scarey time BS almost 1600

> Judith,

> Hang in there! There is life AFTER pancreatitis (I know!) and the cause of

> your blood sugar crisis may have a natural resolution as well. Type II

> diabetes (as long as it's not end-stage) can be " cured " in spite of the

fact that

> doctors are NOT ALLOWED to use the word " cure " in the world of diabetes.

> (cure is done at home and isn't a money-maker at all, whereas diabetic

> " management " is a huge industry --$98 billion in 1997 in the US, even


> now!!)


> I consider it a miracle from God that I had pretty bad gallstone-induced

> pancreatitis a year ago and not only survived but didn't end up diabetic.


> I must have been CHANNELING your pain earlier this morning when I started

> talking about DIABETES! I had no idea anyone here was in crisis.


> If you indeed did have pancreatitis, the blood tests taken then WILL

> DEFINITELY show it. The destruction of pancreatic tissue always releases

> tremendous quantities of LIPASE and AMYLASE into the blood stream, other

> indices of inflammation will be elevated and your white count could also


> temporarily. If the immediate post-attack blood tests don't show these

> enzyme elevations, you didn't have pancreatic destruction. The liver

> enzymes, bilirubin, and other factors will also tell you how impacted your


> was by the whole deal.


> Ask for hard copies of ALL of your diagnostic tests. These blood tests are

> very valuable clues to help you reconstruct the events leading up to your

> crisis as well as your path out of the mess.


> Will in Minneapolis


> PS There is a TON of evidence showing that supplementation NOW with high

> levels of Vitamins C, E, B-complex as well as nutritive fatty acids and


> acids are CRUCIAL for healing not only pancreatis and hepatitis, but also


> vascular damage from the sugar poisoning you had. I think this is what


> me.





> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112


> Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


> Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73


> Images:

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/intrahepatic_stones/


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gallstones-unsubscribe and then reply to confirmation



> To Post message: gallstones

> Subscribe: gallstones-subscribe


> Web Sites for more information:

> http://CureZone.org

> http://www.liverdoctor.com/

> http://www.sensiblehealth.com/

> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm

> http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

> http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/


> Group page: gallstones


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yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!

> Have a nice day !


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Judith, You get big points from me for OPTIMISM especially given all the trials

and tribulations you've suffered though lately. You must be tough!

I'm not sure where you live but I am hoping you can get yourself to a GOOD

naturopath, holistic chiropractor, acupuncturist or other holistic health care

giver. I think you need FEWER square doctors in your life, not more

(especially the guy who put you on statins) and that going to a conventional

specialist could be stepping DEEPER into the muck that passes for healing

these days.

The most clueless people I dealt with while hospitalized were the specialists.

Absolutely CLUELESS. Mine were so myopic they knew everything about

nothing! I overheard my own gastroenterologist tell the poor bastard in the

next room (who had been diagnosed via colonoscopy earlier in the day as

having TWO far-apart cancerous lesions in his large colon) that they would

have to remove both as well as the several feet of intestine between them.

Then he tells the guy that " FORTUNATELY, the large intestine has NOTHING

TO DO WITH DIGESTION " (emphasis mine, the words a direct quote). This

from a gastroenterologist! I think that was almost criminal. I was too sick in


own bed to yell, scream, move or do anything but hide and pray.

I was only able to get released from the hospital and ICU by LYING and

telling them that I would be back in 6 weeks to get my innards jerked out,

which, of course, I had no intention of doing. I've had no surgery and it will

soon be one year. Even doped up on mega dilaudid and other narcotics I

was reading my own blood tests every day and I knew I was getting better

and that the offending stone had passed the day I was admitted. And yet,

they were insistant that I get the gastroscopic exam to see if it was still

there. I

refused, they tricked me, they lied, they sent in shrinks and all sorts of


to force me to get it and I still refused (In my situation it had a 1:5 chance


perforating they told me). As a result my gastroenterologist DUMPED ME to

one of his flunky junior partners. Other mistakes they made that I didn't catch

in time (i could almost write a book!) almost killed me later. OHhh... I'm still

boiling mad.

If you had pancreatitis your AMYLASE and LIPASE levels will be in the 100's

or even 1000's and other enzymes as well. Almost any medical person would

or should be able to at least help you analyze your blood results. You might

want to pick up a Merck's Manual (any big bookstore) and review the section

on pancreatic blood tests.

I also believe that 99% of the regular docs couldn't cure fibromyalgia if their

life depended on it. It's not what they do and most think the disease consists

of silly women who are hypochondriacs. They would likely give you Prozac

and tell you to " quit imagining you are sick and get back to work " .

I'm predicting that if you can keep your distance from the scapel and pill

wielders, and if you work hard with natural methods, you will FINE!

Will, dodging docs in Minneapolis

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Awesome post Will!

Thanks for the reference on Merck's Manual. It makes my " mandatory check-up "

before 90 days alot less worrisome. I plan on asking in advance if I can get my

lab reports to see how the doc will react. Some, if not all have been pure

indignance when I've asked before.

Also, I have been diagnosed with Epstein Barr then they called it CFS/CFIDS then

they changed the name to Chronic Candidiasis, then changed it to Fibromyalgia.

All the " specialist " did was give me ritalin which made my heart pound. Then

told me to take sublingual nitro but to swallow it, thought I was going to have

a heart attack. He decided I was that hysterical female hypochondriac you

mentioned below and gave me zoloft then paxil before I QUIT doctors!

My urinalysis did say I had level 2 protein. I told the nurse I had recently

been on Atkins diet and she said that could be the cause.

I wonder if there is a particular rememdy for kidneys since that is part of why

I switched HMO's (state) to get the checkup.

shaking head in fla...

----- Original Message -----

From: Will Winter


Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 1:11 AM

Subject: Re: scarey time BS almost 1600

Judith, You get big points from me for OPTIMISM especially given all the trials

and tribulations you've suffered though lately. You must be tough!

I'm not sure where you live but I am hoping you can get yourself to a GOOD

naturopath, holistic chiropractor, acupuncturist or other holistic health care

giver. I think you need FEWER square doctors in your life, not more

(especially the guy who put you on statins) and that going to a conventional

specialist could be stepping DEEPER into the muck that passes for healing

these days.

The most clueless people I dealt with while hospitalized were the specialists.

Absolutely CLUELESS. Mine were so myopic they knew everything about

nothing! I overheard my own gastroenterologist tell the poor bastard in the

next room (who had been diagnosed via colonoscopy earlier in the day as

having TWO far-apart cancerous lesions in his large colon) that they would

have to remove both as well as the several feet of intestine between them.

Then he tells the guy that " FORTUNATELY, the large intestine has NOTHING

TO DO WITH DIGESTION " (emphasis mine, the words a direct quote). This

from a gastroenterologist! I think that was almost criminal. I was too sick in


own bed to yell, scream, move or do anything but hide and pray.

I was only able to get released from the hospital and ICU by LYING and

telling them that I would be back in 6 weeks to get my innards jerked out,

which, of course, I had no intention of doing. I've had no surgery and it will

soon be one year. Even doped up on mega dilaudid and other narcotics I

was reading my own blood tests every day and I knew I was getting better

and that the offending stone had passed the day I was admitted. And yet,

they were insistant that I get the gastroscopic exam to see if it was still

there. I

refused, they tricked me, they lied, they sent in shrinks and all sorts of


to force me to get it and I still refused (In my situation it had a 1:5 chance


perforating they told me). As a result my gastroenterologist DUMPED ME to

one of his flunky junior partners. Other mistakes they made that I didn't catch

in time (i could almost write a book!) almost killed me later. OHhh... I'm still

boiling mad.

If you had pancreatitis your AMYLASE and LIPASE levels will be in the 100's

or even 1000's and other enzymes as well. Almost any medical person would

or should be able to at least help you analyze your blood results. You might

want to pick up a Merck's Manual (any big bookstore) and review the section

on pancreatic blood tests.

I also believe that 99% of the regular docs couldn't cure fibromyalgia if their

life depended on it. It's not what they do and most think the disease consists

of silly women who are hypochondriacs. They would likely give you Prozac

and tell you to " quit imagining you are sick and get back to work " .

I'm predicting that if you can keep your distance from the scapel and pill

wielders, and if you work hard with natural methods, you will FINE!

Will, dodging docs in Minneapolis

Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:





Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/

Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73




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responsible FOR yourself!

Have a nice day !

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Will, I know the feeling of hiding and praying when you hear what comes out

of the mouths of doctors--specialists??? One would come in and tell us (I

had a family member with me all the time)one thing and then another would

come in and give completely conflicting results of tests. I know I was

confused but good grief! I wanted to ask them if they were talking about

someone down the hall and not me. I, like you, promised to get surgery,

etc. just as soon as possible just to get out of there in one piece. I had

the very strong feeling that if I spent even one more night in there I would

surely die. Without the Lord watching over me, my family, and sheer luck I

would not be here. I am a survivor. We have to be, don't we? I even read

the newspaper obits--two much younger women than me died same day (maybe in

same hospital) as I became ill. We are in small town in TN but very close to

VA and NC so I am keeping my options open. Insurance will have to be taken

into consideration, too. I have read that it is difficult to even get

insurance if a person has diabetes.

I appreciate all that you tell me about your experience. I find it

fascinating but if you think it is too much for others on here please email

directly to me.

thank you, thank you, thank you,


---- Original Message -----

From: " Will Winter " <holistic@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 1:11 AM

Subject: Re: scarey time BS almost 1600


> Judith, You get big points from me for OPTIMISM especially given all the


> and tribulations you've suffered though lately. You must be tough!


> I'm not sure where you live but I am hoping you can get yourself to a GOOD

> naturopath, holistic chiropractor, acupuncturist or other holistic health


> giver. I think you need FEWER square doctors in your life, not more

> (especially the guy who put you on statins) and that going to a


> specialist could be stepping DEEPER into the muck that passes for healing

> these days.


> The most clueless people I dealt with while hospitalized were the


> Absolutely CLUELESS. Mine were so myopic they knew everything about

> nothing! I overheard my own gastroenterologist tell the poor bastard in


> next room (who had been diagnosed via colonoscopy earlier in the day as

> having TWO far-apart cancerous lesions in his large colon) that they would

> have to remove both as well as the several feet of intestine between them.

> Then he tells the guy that " FORTUNATELY, the large intestine has NOTHING

> TO DO WITH DIGESTION " (emphasis mine, the words a direct quote). This

> from a gastroenterologist! I think that was almost criminal. I was too

sick in my

> own bed to yell, scream, move or do anything but hide and pray.


> I was only able to get released from the hospital and ICU by LYING and

> telling them that I would be back in 6 weeks to get my innards jerked out,

> which, of course, I had no intention of doing. I've had no surgery and it


> soon be one year. Even doped up on mega dilaudid and other narcotics I

> was reading my own blood tests every day and I knew I was getting better

> and that the offending stone had passed the day I was admitted. And yet,

> they were insistant that I get the gastroscopic exam to see if it was

still there. I

> refused, they tricked me, they lied, they sent in shrinks and all sorts of


> to force me to get it and I still refused (In my situation it had a 1:5

chance of

> perforating they told me). As a result my gastroenterologist DUMPED ME to

> one of his flunky junior partners. Other mistakes they made that I didn't


> in time (i could almost write a book!) almost killed me later. OHhh... I'm


> boiling mad.


> If you had pancreatitis your AMYLASE and LIPASE levels will be in the


> or even 1000's and other enzymes as well. Almost any medical person would

> or should be able to at least help you analyze your blood results. You


> want to pick up a Merck's Manual (any big bookstore) and review the


> on pancreatic blood tests.


> I also believe that 99% of the regular docs couldn't cure fibromyalgia if


> life depended on it. It's not what they do and most think the disease


> of silly women who are hypochondriacs. They would likely give you Prozac

> and tell you to " quit imagining you are sick and get back to work " .


> I'm predicting that if you can keep your distance from the scapel and pill

> wielders, and if you work hard with natural methods, you will FINE!


> Will, dodging docs in Minneapolis







> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=4

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=80

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=100

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?f=112


> Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


> Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73


> Images:

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/cleanse_flush/

> http://CureZone.com/image_gallery/intrahepatic_stones/


> To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to:

gallstones-unsubscribe and then reply to confirmation



> To Post message: gallstones

> Subscribe: gallstones-subscribe


> Web Sites for more information:

> http://CureZone.org

> http://www.liverdoctor.com/

> http://www.sensiblehealth.com/

> http://www.cyberpog.com/health/index.htm

> http://www.relfe.com/gall_stone_cleanse.html

> http://www.cleansingorsurgery.com/


> Group page: gallstones


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yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself!

> Have a nice day !


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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 8/2/2004 1:13:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

holistic@... writes:

> As a result my gastroenterologist DUMPED ME to

> one of his flunky junior partners. Other mistakes they made that I didn't

> catch

> in time (i could almost write a book!) almost killed me later. OHhh... I'm

> still

> boiling mad.


Now Will since you are approaching the 1 year mark on this incident -- have

you considered the option of releasing the anger (liver stimulate) and let it

go (good for LI)? Edgar Cayce would prob endorse it.

Grinning broadly,

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