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Re: Health or Education?

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> Hi everyone,


> I'm new to all this. My name is , I'm 18 and from Ireland and I have

had symptoms of Candida for about five years now.I'm starting college in

September and I am hoping to have gotten to grips with the diet by then.I

haven't started the diet yet as I'm wondering whether I should start the diet

now or wait until my final exams are over at the end of June.Ideally, I would

start now but I have attempted programmes similar to this, had particularly

difficult die off symptoms which in turn affected my capacity to study.My energy

levels are low so I have to make a choice as I'm not able to cope with both

recovery and study simultaneously. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

+++Hi ,

Welcome to our group. Hello to you from Canada!

It is up to you to decide whether you start the program now or wait until the

end of June.

However, you can benefit in the meantime even if you do not get completely on

it, particularly by eliminating junk foods, sugars, etc.

You can make your own plan according to my article

Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


This is very different from any other candida program which is why it is an

overall healing program that improves anyone's health, so it isn't just for

candida. See these 200 wonderful Success Stories by members of this group:


You will understand once you read How to Successfully Overcome Candida:


Getting healthy does produce many healing and detoxifying symptoms and reactions

that are not pleasant, however they are because of how the body heals itself.

That is explained in the article above, and on my website in this section:


The best in health, Bee

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Thanks for your response Bee! I'm taking your advice and just cutting out junk

food for the time being.

I have another small question..are there any supplements I can take to relieve

migraines naturally? I get severe migraines frequently and the only things that

seems to alleviate the pain and pressure is codeine (not good, I know!)

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> Thanks for your response Bee! I'm taking your advice and just cutting out junk

food for the time being.

> I have another small question..are there any supplements I can take to relieve

migraines naturally? I get severe migraines frequently and the only things that

seems to alleviate the pain and pressure is codeine (not good, I know!)

+++Hi there. What is your name please?

That's good you are cutting out junk foods first. Be sure you follow

instructions in this article for slowly getting on this program:

Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


Migraine headaches are caused by toxins, so even before getting completely on my

program you can do things that help your body detoxify such as dry skin

brushing, epsom salt baths and coffee enemas listed towards the end of this



For the pain you can try taking White Willow Bark capsules that are available

online or at the health store. Take them according to instructions on the


Oil of oregano is as powerful a pain killer as morphine, so buy a bottle of it.

Different brands can contain from 50% to 87% carvacol, which is one of the

active substances in it. The more potent the brand the more it will cost but

you'll get more for your money too.

I suggest you get one that is at least 70% carvacol.

You can use oil of oregano two ways:

1) Sniff the bottle as often as you wish in order to get it up into your head to

help with the pain. You can put some on a small cotton cloth and keep sniffing

it too.

2) Use another dropper bottle and mix it 50/50 with extra virgin olive oil. Be

careful when using it to not touch your fingers to your eyes or get it close to

your eyes.

Rub the mixture into your temples and forehead and the back of your neck as

often as you wish.

Here's other ideas:

1) Lay down and apply hot wet cloths to your head which helps relieve pain.

2) Massage your head.

3) This Palming Technique is good for your eyes but it would also help your



4) Do deep breathing exercises which helps any pain:


I hope that helps.

The best in health, Bee

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Thanks Bee! My name is .

> >

> >

> > Thanks for your response Bee! I'm taking your advice and just cutting out

junk food for the time being.


> > I have another small question..are there any supplements I can take to

relieve migraines naturally? I get severe migraines frequently and the only

things that seems to alleviate the pain and pressure is codeine (not good, I



> +++Hi there. What is your name please?


> That's good you are cutting out junk foods first. Be sure you follow

instructions in this article for slowly getting on this program:

> Curing Candida, How to Get Started:



@@ Snip

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