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Re: Gluten Intolerance/ H. Pylori

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> Hey there,


> I am new to the forumn and I had a question about gluten/candida relation. I

basically found out 3 months ago that i was gluten intolerant and had an H.

Pylori infection. I know that gluten intolerance can cause candida overgrowth

and vice versa. I know i am in the right area. I am basically following the

diet and working with other health practicioners. Is there any advice you have

for someone with generally weak health that is trying to heal from gluten

related damage as well as clear out bad bugs such as candida and restore a

healthy digestive and immune function? I also have trouble with my adrenals but

i think that it is secondary to all the stress that is going on in my body at

this time.


+++Hi Joe. Welcome to our group. The fact is that there are only five primary

reasons for ALL failing health:

1) Lack of the correct combination of nutrients that all humans need in order to

be healthy.

2) Lack of oxygen at a cellular level.

3) Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and waste because of an inability of the

body to detoxify like it should.

4) Lowered vitality (energy) due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets,

losses, relationship or financial worries, being unhealthy, etc.

5) Poor " Nutritional Status " acquired from parents upon conception.

So gluten isn't the only issue you need to handle.

This program has proved to be an overall healing program that improves everyones

health, even those that do not have candida - see these 200 wonderful Success

Stories by members of this group:


You need to understand that Candida cannot be cured by " killing it off " or by

" trying to get rid of it. " It just doesn't work that way. Candida can only be

cured by getting healthy, which is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (Bee's diet plus supplements which provides all

of the nutrients any Human needs in order to be healthy).

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, such as gluten, sugars, bad oils and fats, etc.

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

When you are healthy enough your body automatically " changes " candida (or any

bug, cancer, etc.) back into the organism it is supposed to be when the body is


It's like the manure pile and the flies, with the manure pile representing the

poor condition of the body. You cannot get rid of the manure pile by killing

off the flies. You must clean up the manure pile instead, which means getting

healthy according to Nature's Laws on Health.

Many unhealthy people have a lot of health issues, including adrenal

malfunction, digestive issues, etc.

So the place to start is by reading and learning so you understand what you need

to do and why:

How to Successfully Overcome Candida:


Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


After reading get back to us with questions.

The best in health, Bee

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Hi Joe.

I have had Candida for many years and discovered that certain of my health

issues are related to severe gluten intolerance three years ago. I also

suspected that I have/had H Pylori due to stomach issues. Although a test came

back negative that is quite common and doesn't rule it out.

I have been on Bee's diet for a year, and relatively low-carb for three years.

In that time I have seen all my external yeast and fungal issues pretty much

disappear, and I also don't react to gluten anything like I used to - not that I

consume it because no wheat or grains are included in Bee's diet, but there have

been odd occasions when I have been exposed to it without realising.

I realised very soon after picking up on the gluten/Celiac link and subscribing

to a Celiac forum, that although some 'appear' to recover on a gluten-free diet,

many do not.

That is because they actually have issues with ALL starchy carbs. Personally I

put myself on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and got a very long thread on it

running on that forum. Some of those who followed the SCD did improve a bit,

but eventually I came to realise that even some of the carbs on the SCD were too

much for many of us. It did make me realise though that it is ALL about

nutrition and that we need ALL our diet to be highly nutritious. The highly

processed and very carb-heavy Western diet puts us in a paradox of being overfed

but very undernourished. No wonder obesity and diabetes are of epidemic


Anything that isn't just robs the body blind of it's own limited nutrition, and

because each type of food needs it's own individual mix of vitamins, minerals

and trace elements so that it can be processed properly, without those, the body

cannot process it properly and it becomes damaging, and in some cases, like

sugar for instance, downright toxic.

Wheat products are a case in point. Because the industry removes the wheatgerm

- the bit that contains most of the nutritive value (because it makes the bread

go stale quicker and that is not good for financial reasons) we do not get the

full quota of vital elements needed for it's digestion.

Without those nutrients, other elements that cannot be digested or processed

turn into neurotoxins (gluteomorphins) that can affect any part of the body.

Caseomorphins in milk are another issue from milk that has had many of it's

nutritional elements destroyed in the pasteurization process. Can you

understand why Bee does not allow grains and dairy (except butter) on her diet?

Since I graduated to Bee's diet, I am now properly healing. It hasn't always

been a straightforward or easy process but I am now a year into my 4 year

healing journey and am a fair bit better than I was a year ago.

I think it took a bit longer for the healing process to get started in my body

simply because of the gut damage, but it is improving now.

I suspect the healing journey may well be slower for some when they start for

that reason - if the gut is damaged one can't absorb the nutrition quite as well

as those with a healthier gut. It also appears that the further through the

healing process you go the better the body becomes at doing it as it clears the

backlog of toxins and becomes much more efficient at healing.

I think you will find that following Bee's diet may well the the best thing you

could do for your health by a long stretch. I have tried all sorts of remedies

and treatments over the years, but this is the first one that actually makes me

feel that my body is finally responding.



> Hey there,


> I am new to the forumn and I had a question about gluten/candida relation. I

basically found out 3 months ago that i was gluten intolerant and had an H.

Pylori infection. I know that gluten intolerance can cause candida overgrowth

and vice versa. I know i am in the right area. I am basically following the

diet and working with other health practicioners. Is there any advice you have

for someone with generally weak health that is trying to heal from gluten

related damage as well as clear out bad bugs such as candida and restore a

healthy digestive and immune function? I also have trouble with my adrenals but

i think that it is secondary to all the stress that is going on in my body at

this time.


> -Joe


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