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>> Go to another chemist - and keep quiet ;o)> > Luv - Sheila> Hi

Just in case you are wondering as to the reason I said "Go to another chemist - and keep quiet" - quite simply, the answer is that it is absolutely imperative that you treat your candida immediately and with Flucanozole. It appears that the pharmacist is quite unaware of the effect of Candida Albicans on L-thyroxine absorptio, otherwise, he would not have said what he did. I repeat again that if your local pharmacist refuses to sell you Fluxonozole because of your thyroid status, go elsewhere - and you do not have to tell them about being hypothyroid - it is completely irrelevant in this particular case. It matters not that your pharmacist said it would "reduce the efficacy of the L-thyroxine", the effect on that would be absolutely minimal and you should know that suffering with Candida Albicans reduces the effect of your L-thyroxine completely and it simply won't be absorbed by your body at all. This is the same if you have low adrenal reserve or low ferritin and other associated conditions that you will learn about on this particular forum. You will learn the reason why we stress the importance of treating Candida, low adrenal reserve, low ferritin etc first and foremost and how the treatment of these conditions come way in front of thyroid hormone replacement. Once these associated conditions have been treated, you will find your L-thyroxine will work much better. Some people even need to take less than they did before treatment.

A lot to learn, but a little reading reaps wonders as many of our members have proved. Do read the following, just a little of what this horrible Candida Albicans can do to your body.

Luv - Sheila

www.tpa-uk.org.uk - By Dr. Barry Durrant-Peatfield

Are you sick and doctors can't find anything wrong with you? Is everyone saying "it's all in your head"? Candida albicans may be your problem.

It's really only over recent decades that the full significance of Candida albicans , the worst of the varieties, and probably the commonest, has been appreciated. It used to be thought that it was limited to small children whose bottles weren't properly sterilised, to women, or was merely a cause of rashes and nail infections.

But C andida is an endemic, silent destroyer, because wherever the immune system is compromised, Candida will rear its ugly head. Candida is a fungus, which has a relatively innocuous resting state, and a really nasty active state, where it bores its way into and through tissues in order to reproduce its evil self. When it does this, you get all the usual expected symptoms; but if it has taken over the intestines, or indeed other tissues, it can cause all sorts of on-going problems. Boring its way through the lining of the small intestine, it opens channels, causing only partly digested foodstuffs to enter the circulation, which in their partly digested state, stimulate allergic response of the immune system. This is horribly inconvenient, since as time goes on, you become allergic to all sorts of different foods which previously had no effect. Moreover, Candida has another sinister role to play. It is normally kept in check by beneficial bacteria in the small intestine; the good guys. These include Lactose bacillus , bacteroides, and bifido bacteria, which, in addition to keeping our insides healthy, have a part to play in the integrity of our immune systems. The presence of C andida , and the toxins it produces, has the effect of edging out these good guys, and replacing them with the mob. These include klebsiella, pseudomonas, and clostridia; when this happens, it is called dysbiosis.

Dysbiosis is bad news since it inevitably means that intestinal health is damaged and the overall immune system compromised. In addition, this situation promotes "leaky gut". The leaky gut syndrome means (1) antigens passing into the blood stream (2) pathogens also entering the blood stream, (3) toxins similarly and (4) undigested food in the blood.

We are likely, as a result, to suffer from inflammatory autoimmune and allergic diseases. Probably the most common presentation of this is the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in its various guises and it is possible that Crohn's Disease may have its original cause in this process. The entrance of toxins means an over-load situation on a liver already in trouble from low metabolism.

Candida has a lot to answer for and we should do all we can to eliminate it as far as possible; however good the treatment of the thyroid and adrenal problems, C andida will prevent proper response and recovery.

Its treatment falls into four sections. First, you try to starve it out. Candida thrives on sugar - so much so it can actually make you crave sugar and starch. It's impossible to eliminate carbohydrates completely, but you can cut out all refined sugars and starches, and have high fibre fruit and vegetables - the complex carbohydrates. Second, we must try to kill the Candida with fungicide. Nystatin has long been popular; another is Sporonox. I recommend, partly for the sake of simplicity, Fluconazole (without prescription), 1 x 150mg weekly for 2 or 3 weeks, which can be very effective. More so if combined with caprylic acid or grapefruit seed extract, garlic, or horopito. Essential is the provision of the beneficial bacteria to replace the mob; these are the pre-and pro-biotics which contain millions of the beneficial bacteria and the food to feed them. All health food shops and recommend effective recommendations.

You have to go on with the treatment for weeks, or even months; the good news is that as your metabolism comes back to normal, it will control re-infection, an ever-present risk (worsened by antibiotics, the pill, and phyto-oestrogens). You may have several days of feeling really awful when there is a massive C andida die-off. Don't worry; it will pass and proves that the need was great.

To test for Candida , there is the old fashioned test - often used by nutritionists where you have a good spit into a glass of water on waking. If your spit starts to form tails and looks like a small jellyfish, there is a good chance that Candida is present. To confirm this, you can do a salivary antibody test, which is a most reliable way of making a diagnosis. These tests are available from private laboratory at NPTech Services Ltd.

Check out the Candida Questionnaire to see how you score!

Many symptoms can indicate candidiasis, which can include:

Adrenal problemsDiabetesHyperactivityHypothyroidismBurning tongueClogged sinusesChronic fatigueLow energyDecreased libidoThrushBloatingGasIntestinal crampsRectal itchingVaginal yeast infectionBladder infectionPMSDepressionIrritabilityLack of concentrationAllergiesChemical sensitivitiesLow immune functionPsoriasisIrritable bowelCarbohydrate cravingsJock itchAthlete's footRing wormDiaper rashNail fungusArthritis

Many things can be pre-disposing factors to candidiasis. These may include:

Dietary factorsNutrient deficiencyBirth control pillsImpaired liver functionImpaired immunityAntibioticsSynthetic oestrogenAIDS or cancer

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What is written in the website is true - and also, TSH tests are useless in patients undergoing thyroid hormone replacement therapy whether you suffer Hashimoto's or not. See the paper "Are biochemical tests of thyroid function of any value in monitoring patients receiving thyroxine replacement?" by Fraser et al should also be taken into consideration. Doing TSH tests on treated patients is absolutely useless.

Luv - Sheila

I don't know this for fact, .... When I came across this reference to autoantibodies on the below web page, it made me wonder if this *could* possibly be an explanation for your rising TSH whilst on medication. It's just my own interpretation of what I read, but perhaps Sheila or others have a clearer idea on this? http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/hashimotos/WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO KNOW IF I HAVE HASHI'S?? As the attack increases, you will tend to swing between hypo and hyper, making dosing by labs, and especially the TSH, impossible. Your labs will be high one time, and low the next…back and forth. The hyper is caused by the release of thyroid hormones into your blood due to the destruction. The hypo is caused by the lessening function of your thyroid due to the attack. If you do have Hashi's, you may have to insist to your lab-obsessed doctor to let you raise by the elimination of symptoms, not labs, due to this reality.Love, No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.8/1362 - Release Date: 06/04/2008 11:12

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Hi ,

Go to the next chemist?


I did enquire about getting flucanozole. The pharmacist agreed it

sounded like a yeast infection and that there was a link between it and

hypoT but then wouldn't sell me any as I was on thyroxine and he said it

would reduce its efficacy. I guess that you just don't tell them about

the thyroxine!



Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing


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***See the paper " Are biochemical tests of thyroid function of any

value in monitoring patients receiving thyroxine replacement? " by

Fraser et al should also be taken into consideration....

Thank you Sheila :o) - where do I find this paper by Fraxer et al?

Might come in handy after my next blood test, should the figures

go " the wrong way... "


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I will post it in the FILES - because this could be handy for a lot of our members. You will get a notification telling you when I have done this.

luv - Sheila

***See the paper "Are biochemical tests of thyroid function of any value in monitoring patients receiving thyroxine replacement?" by Fraser et al should also be taken into consideration.... Thank you Sheila :o) - where do I find this paper by Fraxer et al? Might come in handy after my next blood test, should the figures go "the wrong way..." Love,

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Went to upload this paper and saw that I had already put it in the Files quite some time ago. Go to the Files and click on "For Debate - TFT for treated patients.doc"

Luv - Sheila

***See the paper "Are biochemical tests of thyroid function of any value in monitoring patients receiving thyroxine replacement?" by Fraser et al should also be taken into consideration.... Thank you Sheila :o) - where do I find this paper by Fraxer et al? Might come in handy after my next blood test, should the figures go "the wrong way..." Love,

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  • 3 months later...
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> I received a message today, with the following information, which I

>am sure you will find useful, especially if you suffer with Systemic


Thanks Sheila

That's very encouraging and just what I needed to hear after recently

starting to take acidophilus to help get rid of candida.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi Sheila

A while ago you were awaiting a response from Dr Simoncini about the

use of Sodium Bi-Carb as a preventative measure and wondered whether he

had got back to you.

How are you getting on with your experiment anyway? and were there any

noticeable effects from taking it?


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No, never heard another word J. He originally sent me an answer about bicarbonate soda and cancer, not realising that my question had been about candida and not cancer. I will send a reminder, though i expect he is getting such messages all the time.

I have stopped for the moment, didn't feel any effects good or bad, though I don't believe I have systemic candidiasis.

Luv - Sheila

Hi SheilaA while ago you were awaiting a response from Dr Simoncini about the use of Sodium Bi-Carb as a preventative measure and wondered whether he had got back to you. How are you getting on with your experiment anyway? and were there any noticeable effects from taking it? J

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  • 7 months later...
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> Marc -- Could that include candida??

Yes, Candida would be one of those things that would be classified as a

chronic low level infection or parasite. Candida gets a lot of

attention, but really there are many things that could be doing

similarly bad things to your body. (Just like mercury gets a lot of

attention, but there are many heavy metals which could be causing



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  • 1 year later...

How can I know that the symptoms I have are from Candida? I have a lot of the

symptoms, but had 2 severe tick bites this past spring and I was thinking I have

Lyme disease. I am due to be re-tested in two weeks. In the mean time what can I

do to treat as if it is Candida? I'm already on a lot of supplements, as well as

Doxycycline. I'm being treated as if it is Lyme. If the next Lyme test is neg. I

am not going to be tested anymore. I will def. feel it's Candida. Anybody have

advice? Thanks so much.

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Hi and Welcome to Candida Support!

What is your name please?

First, I suggest you take this questionnaire to see if you have candida:


If you do have candida read these two articles:\

How to Successfully Overcome Candida:


Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


If you do not have candida read Foods That Damage, Foods That Heal:


When your body becomes unhealthy it is less able to get rid of toxins like it

should, and also toxins cause problems for every cell in the body. That is

because toxins make all of the cell membranes rigid/stiff which cause numerous

health problems - see this article to understand:


There are only Four Causes of all Failing Health (including all diseases,

symptoms, illnesses, organ malfunctions, and even many aches and pains that

won't go away):

1. Lack of proper nutrition and oxygen.

2. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and waste.

3. Lowered vitality due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, relationship

or financial worries and concerns, etc.

4. Nutritional status inherited from parents upon conception.

For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

In Health,

Nan B.



> How can I know that the symptoms I have are from Candida? I have a lot of the

symptoms, but had 2 severe tick bites this past spring and I was thinking I have

Lyme disease. I am due to be re-tested in two weeks. In the mean time what can I

do to treat as if it is Candida? I'm already on a lot of supplements, as well as

Doxycycline. I'm being treated as if it is Lyme. If the next Lyme test is neg. I

am not going to be tested anymore. I will def. feel it's Candida. Anybody have

advice? Thanks so much.


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I was about to write an email to yall called Bee for Dummies, because I kept

getting lost in all the information on the site. I needed the short list of

articles to read first, and just gave it. Thanks Nan!!! :-)

My question was where to start in understanding the steps in the program itself?

(thx for the answers!) Also, is there more than one program here (the 9 day vs

many week program vs ...)?

Btw, I'm here because of non-stop, intense anal itching that started when i got

my first hemmeroid last year. And now won't stop. I have visually diagnosed

Candida infection there by an MD.

My biggest problem is that I dont have the emotional fortitude yet to give up

the breads, cereals and trail mixes. I gave up my daily candy eating (now

cheating only once a week) and that took me 3 years to accomplish just that. I

have started daily CO eating too. The anal pain is gonna go a long way in

motivation though. Its horrible.

Well great meeting everyone!! Congrats on leading the way in health. Y'all say

hi on facebook! Facebook.com/markberry555




On Jan 12, 2011, at 9:11 AM, " Bee " <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:




> >

> > How can I know that the symptoms I have are from Candida? I have a lot of

the symptoms, but had 2 severe tick bites this past spring and I was thinking I

have Lyme disease. I am due to be re-tested in two weeks. In the mean time what

can I do to treat as if it is Candida? I'm already on a lot of supplements, as

well as Doxycycline. I'm being treated as if it is Lyme. If the next Lyme test

is neg. I am not going to be tested anymore. I will def. feel it's Candida.

Anybody have advice? Thanks so much.

> >

> +++Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?


> Even if you do not have candida this program will help you get healthy. That

is because it has proved to be an overall healing program that improves anyone's



> You can't go wrong following Nature's Laws on Health and Healing, so read the

articles Nan referred you to. Reading and learning are the first steps towards



> The best in health, Bee



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