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Vitamin B

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I won't say that is good, but will see you there next time .

I have taken on board the posting some time before christmas about

the vitamin B complex. I have been taking them for over a week every

day and for the first time in about 2 months I don't have that

feeling in my chest that the spasms can come on if I do any little

thing to upset them. I would get them from talking a lot, lifting or

just getting tired. Now my chest is feeling a liitle more on the side

of normal. If this is going to help I am staying on them.

-- In achalasia , david hamilton <davster13@...> wrote:


> Hey, that's exactly what I was doing at 3:30 this

> morning !!

> Dave


> --- ykosworks <ykosworks@...> wrote:


> > -Hello Anne,

> > Living here has it's benefits too. It is a likable

> > place really. I've

> > just had a pretty fullon month and am feeling it a

> > bit.

> > While we were away my husband liked to eat out. The

> > country pubs have

> > good meals at great prices. I was so over it though.

> > Sitting in those

> > chairs uncomfortable, meals always taking so long,

> > leaving me with

> > limited options with the occasion when I had to try

> > steak and often

> > it was not happening (luckily I had my lovely dog

> > with me to give it

> > to her after),and ending up getting to bed far too

> > late. Under normal

> > conditions I would have enjoyed all this. These days

> > it just wears me

> > down.

> > We also took some days off to go to the Barossa

> > Valley for my

> > husbands birthday. This is a famous wine growing

> > area in South

> > Australia with a real german flair. I love it there,

> > but it was a

> > real damper on it when I was not really up to pace

> > with everyone, I

> > could not fully enjoy myself.

> > I was always the energetic one setting the pace and

> > now I can't keep

> > up. It's hard some days to take. I took bicycles

> > expected to start

> > physio and work on getting some energy back and ride

> > a tiny amount

> > with the girls and never touched the bike.

> > Sorry I don't mean to be negative, just sitting up

> > at 3.30am with a

> > sore chest and can't sleep. At least I am now home

> > and can get onto

> > this group again instead of sitting in bed staring

> > at the wall all

> > night.

> > How are you going these days?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -- In achalasia ,

> > " lilac_blossom_lady "

> > <lilac_blossom_lady@y...> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear ,

> > >

> > > I am pleased to hear from you. I have missed you,

> > and am glad you

> > are surviving in the heat. I am not surprised you

> > feel tired in that

> > sort of temperature. You make me feel grateful that

> > I live in green

> > rainy England.

> > >

> > > Carry on taking good care of yourself,

> > >

> > > With love from Ann xxxx

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Hello to everyone - old and new members. I have

> > been away and

> > unable

> > > > to read any messages all month. I will have to

> > read and catch up.

> > > > I am now 3 months post heller myotomy and still

> > eating. It was

> > > > definitely a great decision to do so and I am

> > enjoying the food.

> > I

> > > > have put on 3kg and feeling healthier. I am

> > still really tired

> > and

> > > > don't cope with too much stress or anything

> > involving too much

> > > > energy. I don't know if that is a A thing or

> > not.Still am loosing

> > > > hair and get migraines when I get too tired. As

> > long as I take my

> > > > time eating, chew food up really well and have

> > water handy to

> > wash it

> > > > down most things are going down. Some meals can

> > be pretty

> > > > uncomfortable to get down, stress and tiredness

> > can add to that

> > too.

> > > > We had a break away and had some work to get

> > done while away.

> > > > I was fortunate to find a beautiful great dane

> > pup to bring home

> > too.

> > > > We called her and she is getting along

> > fine with the

> > family

> > > > and our other dog. It must have meant to be when

> > I found her

> > after

> > > > not long loosing our other dog. We were able to

> > take our dogs to

> > the

> > > > beach while we were away and had a great time

> > there with them.

> > Our

> > > > older dog had never been to the beach before,

> > living in the

> > desert. I

> > > > think she slept the whole day after, she was so

> > worn out.

> > > > By now Deborah would have had her surgery. I

> > will read on to

> > catch

> > > > up. I hope you are doing well Deb.

> > > > Congratulations Crystal on your 3 months post op

> > too. How have

> > you

> > > > been going?

> > > > Hello Anne, Notan, Peggy, Sandi, , Kathy

> > and I am really

> > vague

> > > > at this time of night when I am tired so I am

> > sorry if I have

> > missed

> > > > your names. Hope everyone is coping well and

> > 2006 is proving to

> > be a

> > > > much better year for all. I am being positive it

> > will.

> > > >

> > > > Bye for now.

> > > > in Australia ( stinking hot I must say

> > too)

> > > > It is so hot out airconditioner can not cope

> > too. We have had our

> > > > longest number of days over 40degrees celcius in

> > Jan in over 60

> > years

> > > > this month. When we were driving to South

> > Australia, we fueled up

> > at

> > > > one place and it was 51deg celcius. That is

> > pretty bad. Even the

> > dogs

> > > > refused to get out of the bus for a pee.

> > > > How's the snow?

> > > > We could heat it up for you.

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 4 years later...

B vitamins do need to be in balance...especially b6 & b2....they will cause problems if taken separately. Just as Iodine, Selenium ...salt etc.

iodine From: juliemc9@...Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 18:16:01 +1000Subject: Vitamin B

I'm a bit confused about taking the individual B vitamins e.g. B1, B2, B5 etc. rather than taking a good vitamin B that was high in the whole range of Bs. I thought they needed to be taken in certain ratios to each other or taking too much of one or two of them could result in a deficiency of some of the other Bs?Could someone please explain to me if there is a problem with taking some of the Bs without supplementing all of them.Thanks,

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I can't take the B's separately but do fine with a B multi complex.

I'm only taking one at the moment because of some nerve issues but they have

determined that synthetic B's shorten our life. This observation was made by

the mainstream world, something my doctor friend mentioned to me also.



> I'm a bit confused about taking the individual B vitamins e.g. B1, B2, B5

> etc. rather than taking a good vitamin B that was high in the whole range of

> Bs.


> I thought they needed to be taken in certain ratios to each other or taking

> too much of one or two of them could result in a deficiency of some of the

> other Bs?


> Could someone please explain to me if there is a problem with taking some of

> the Bs without supplementing all of them.


> Thanks,



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maybe other people can get away with it but I can't....I get very ill if i take some B's without the other one's in balance. So I take a few B 50's or a few B-100mgs. complex. So apparantly a defeciency happens in my case if I isolate a couple and take separatley.

In a message dated 9/24/2010 4:17:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, juliemc9@... writes:

I'm a bit confused about taking the individual B vitamins e.g. B1, B2, B5 etc. rather than taking a good vitamin B that was high in the whole range of Bs. I thought they needed to be taken in certain ratios to each other or taking too much of one or two of them could result in a deficiency of some of the other Bs?Could someone please explain to me if there is a problem with taking some of the Bs without supplementing all of them.Thanks,

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I'm tryig to suppliment all of them, but have read folic acid, vit 6, and 12 are particularly important to go high on so try to take extras seperately of those.(I have malabsorption issues)


We think that wellbeing abounds and we would like you to just relax and expect it more. We would like you to love yourself and ease yourself and befriend yourself gently into this ESSENCE of wellbeing. Just practice it one thought at a time.~Abraham-Hicks.com, Buffalo, NY, 5.21.02

From: Cochrane <juliemc9@...>Subject: Vitamin Biodine Date: Friday, September 24, 2010, 1:16 AM

I'm a bit confused about taking the individual B vitamins e.g. B1, B2, B5 etc. rather than taking a good vitamin B that was high in the whole range of Bs. I thought they needed to be taken in certain ratios to each other or taking too much of one or two of them could result in a deficiency of some of the other Bs?Could someone please explain to me if there is a problem with taking some of the Bs without supplementing all of them.Thanks,

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I've been taking B complex since age 35....I am 71. All my siblings (I have 6) who go(went) with mainstream docs & took NO VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS 4 who died young from 42 etc ...have you read the latest about B vitamins saving one from mental decline? Unfortunately B complex has to be synthetic unless your food is supremely nutrient rich or you go with brewers yeast.

iodine From: joanlulich@...Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 17:31:05 +0000Subject: Re: Vitamin B

I can't take the B's separately but do fine with a B multi complex.I'm only taking one at the moment because of some nerve issues but they have determined that synthetic B's shorten our life. This observation was made by the mainstream world, something my doctor friend mentioned to me also. Joan>> I'm a bit confused about taking the individual B vitamins e.g. B1, B2, B5> etc. rather than taking a good vitamin B that was high in the whole range of> Bs.> > I thought they needed to be taken in certain ratios to each other or taking> too much of one or two of them could result in a deficiency of some of the> other Bs?> > Could someone please explain to me if there is a problem with taking some of> the Bs without supplementing all of them.> > Thanks,> >

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The fact that the " mainstream world " has determined that " synthetic B's

shorten our life " , as you state, is enough to make me doubt the

results. The mainstream world is extremely hostile to nutritional

supplements and regularly misdesigns studies to ensure poor results. I'm

just not buying it. just saying.


At 12:31 PM 9/24/2010, you wrote:

>I can't take the B's separately but do fine with a B multi complex.


>I'm only taking one at the moment because of some nerve issues but they

>have determined that synthetic B's shorten our life. This observation was

>made by the mainstream world, something my doctor friend mentioned to me




~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

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Have people considered the extraordinary increase of vitamins enzymes which take placewhen one sprouts say beans or grains.If looking towards a reduction in pill popping and getting nutrients as nature intended then this may be of interest. As well as fermented foods like sauerkraut> From: Klasi Lady <ronicamelian@...>Subject: RE: Re: Vitamin Biodine Date: Friday, 24 September, 2010, 19:18

I've been taking B complex since age 35....I am 71. All my siblings (I have 6) who go(went) with mainstream docs & took NO VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS 4 who died young from 42 etc ...have you read the latest about B vitamins saving one from mental decline? Unfortunately B complex has to be synthetic unless your food is supremely nutrient rich or you go with brewers yeast.

iodine From: joanlulich@...Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 17:31:05 +0000Subject: Re: Vitamin B

I can't take the B's separately but do fine with a B multi complex.I'm only taking one at the moment because of some nerve issues but they have determined that synthetic B's shorten our life. This observation was made by the mainstream world, something my doctor friend mentioned to me also. Joan>> I'm a bit confused about taking the individual B vitamins e.g. B1, B2, B5> etc. rather than taking a good vitamin B that was high in the whole range of> Bs.> > I thought they needed to be taken in certain ratios to each other or taking> too much of one or two of them could result in a deficiency of some of the> other Bs?> > Could someone please explain to me if there is a

problem with taking some of> the Bs without supplementing all of them.> > Thanks,> >

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Does anyone take brewers yeast?   I think I remember reading that it was good in Nourishing Traditions but I have been put off because years and years ago I read that it could cause problems, I think maybe candida, but can't remember if that was it.   Does anyone know the fors and againsts using brewers yeast to obtain vitamin B for those of us who feel like we need supplements due to issues with absorbing nutrients?


I've been taking B complex since age 35....I am 71.  All my siblings (I have 6) who go(went) with mainstream docs  & took NO VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS 4 who died young from 42 etc ...have you read the latest about B vitamins saving one from mental decline?   Unfortunately B complex has to be synthetic unless your food is supremely nutrient rich or you go with brewers yeast.

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Hi ,

I think most of the b complex vitamin mixtures are made with the supporting B vitamins in mind.

I use B complex liquid drops and an additional B12 liquid drops on my daughter, under her tongue. In fact I have read that B12 should be taken only sublingually.

B12 needs B6 for uptake, and B6 needs B2. Folic acid taken alone can mask a B12 deficiency. Folic acid is an interesting one anyway. In the past I did some research on it because the government was starting to put more hefty doses of it in food. Red flags for me! (a lot of the food additive vits can cause disease in excess). Folic acid is synthetic, not like folate found in food, and it can feed bacteria. All bacteria need to use it for synthesis ( there are antibacterials that block folic acid.) With that said, I'm sure folate has its place in extreme instances with some people or disease processes but folic acid wouldn't be something I personally would ever take alone in pill form. In addition, studies have shown it is surely needed for the fetus in pregnancy but once the child is already born, excess folic acid can cause lung problems/pneumonia. In adults excess can cause insomnia/IBS/malaise.

Our gut makes some forms of vitamin B- I think biotin is one and B12 the other that I recall. We have bacteria in our gut that produces these vitamins. Anyone who has had several doses of antibiotics, particularly two or three courses a year for a few years running, (like my daughter did) will have a lack of the proper gut flora to make B vits and will also have a Candida overgrowth. (which will further promote inability to absorb the B from foods and pills- hence sublingual).

Cipro is one of those really bad antibiotics which will also foul the thyroid as well. Alcohol and oral contraceptives deplete B vits, and a large host of prescriptions do as well. High sugar consumption and soda also can deplete the B's. And then a disease process can cause a serum vitamin depletion, rather than the other way around. Example, B12 anemia can be associated with large red blood cells , CFS, adrenal fatigue, ect., possibly a result of hormonal imbalance/ fault in an organ, not lack of B12 ingestion, with an absorption problem trailing.

The other thing you could consider is just getting your B vits from food. 60 years ago it was common for people to eat, liver, kidney, and heart organs of calf, regularly and weekly. They are powerhouses of nutrition, very high in B vitamins. No one eats them anymore. God put all the supporting co vitamins and minerals for uptake in perfect balance in all foods. Optimally, it would be the best way to get them.

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Hi ,

I took brewers yeast for years, big mistake. although it is high in B vitamins, it is also high in yeast and therefore makes candida/yeast problems in the body worse. check out www.knowthecause.com for more information on this and other foods that make candida/yeast grow in the body. I now take a yeast free B complex. That’s my 2 cents. Kathleen

Re: Re: Vitamin B

Does anyone take brewers yeast? I think I remember reading that it was good in Nourishing Traditions but I have been put off because years and years ago I read that it could cause problems, I think maybe candida, but can't remember if that was it. Does anyone know the fors and againsts using brewers yeast to obtain vitamin B for those of us who feel like we need supplements due to issues with absorbing nutrients?

I've been taking B complex since age 35....I am 71. All my siblings (I have 6) who go(went) with mainstream docs & took NO VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS 4 who died young from 42 etc ...have you read the latest about B vitamins saving one from mental decline? Unfortunately B complex has to be synthetic unless your food is supremely nutrient rich or you go with brewers yeast.

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I have started (Solgar) B complex this week and immediately felt better.

I have been looking at Dr Myhills site (UK dr in trouble with GMC for no

reason other than being a threat to pharma)and this is what she says.



Interesting as recently I have joined two other forums which are excellent.

Salicylate Sensitivity and Canary Report for people with MCS. I have both MCS

and SS.



> Does anyone take brewers yeast? I think I remember reading that it was

> good in Nourishing Traditions but I have been put off because years and

> years ago I read that it could cause problems, I think maybe candida, but

> can't remember if that was it. Does anyone know the fors and againsts

> using brewers yeast to obtain vitamin B for those of us who feel like we

> need supplements due to issues with absorbing nutrients?




> >

> >

> > I've been taking B complex since age 35....I am 71. All my siblings (I

> > have 6) who go(went) with mainstream docs & took NO VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS 4

> > who died young from 42 etc ...have you read the latest about B vitamins

> > saving one from mental decline? Unfortunately B complex has to be

> > synthetic unless your food is supremely nutrient rich or you go with brewers

> > yeast.

> >

> >


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The B-vitamins are inter-dependend on each other, so it is better to get them in

combination. Taking one particular B, can easily throw your need for other B's

off balance.


It is not so much that brewer's yeast causes yeast infections, but if one is

prone to it, it defenitely is better to stay away from brewer's yeast.

It appears to people who regularly supplement their diets with vitamins and

minerals, enjoy fewer health problems, and live longer.

Here's to my Multi!

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passerina,Mercola has a piece on multivitamins.There are multi's and multi's.Some completely useless some useful.But often the values are very low in some mineralsbecause of size of the pill.It would just be too big to give say high dosecalcium in a multi which anyone could swallow.From: passerina <rubenerna@...>Subject: Re: Vitamin Biodine Date: Saturday, 2 October, 2010, 22:05

The B-vitamins are inter-dependend on each other, so it is better to get them in combination. Taking one particular B, can easily throw your need for other B's off balance.


It is not so much that brewer's yeast causes yeast infections, but if one is prone to it, it defenitely is better to stay away from brewer's yeast.

It appears to people who regularly supplement their diets with vitamins and minerals, enjoy fewer health problems, and live longer.

Here's to my Multi!

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From: david kenna <davidjohnkenna@...>Subject: Re: Re: Vitamin Biodine Date: Sunday, October 3, 2010, 9:45 AM

I know that, . Multies have only about 3 mg of the B's. But this is my base, and whatever I personally need, I will add.

So I add a B50mg complex, a lot of vit.C, calcium, iodine and turmeric.

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  • 4 months later...


> My cea is about 90% gone at this time, but I stink.

> My urine is bright yellow and every pore on my body

> smells terrible. Friends comment and strangers wrinkle

> their noses. If I quit taking the B the terrible smell

> ceases. I've tried taking B at night, but the smell still

> lingers. It even wakes me up at night.

+++Hi Lois,

That's wonderful your rosacea is better. Well done!

It is normal for urine to be bright yellow because some B vitamins are excreted

that way, but it is nothing to be concerned about. It is not the cause of your

body odor.

However, B vitamins do help your body detoxify itself so they are helping you.

and toxins being released do create bad odors. So hang in there since your body

will eventually normalize so you won't have such bad odors.

Since I've gotten healthy I don't have any odors, so I don't use underarm

deodorant. I'm 69 years old, and when I was a kid we got a bath and had our

hair washed once a week. There were so few toxins back then, and we had

healthier foods.

You can take Nutritional Yeast Flakes instead of B Complex capsules - see my

iHerb page:


If you haven't ordered from iHerb before you can get $5.00 off if you give them

my Rewards Number:


All the best, Bee

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Thanks. I shall try the Yeast flakes.

I remember the weekly bath/hair wash. Also the lard container on

the stove that mom used for all of her cooking. I'm older than you

but times changed slowly back then.


> >

> > My cea is about 90% gone at this time, but I stink.

> > My urine is bright yellow and every pore on my body

> > smells terrible. Friends comment and strangers wrinkle

> > their noses. If I quit taking the B the terrible smell

> > ceases. I've tried taking B at night, but the smell still

> > lingers. It even wakes me up at night.


> +++Hi Lois,


> That's wonderful your rosacea is better. Well done!


> It is normal for urine to be bright yellow because some B vitamins are

excreted that way, but it is nothing to be concerned about. It is not the cause

of your body odor.


> However, B vitamins do help your body detoxify itself so they are helping you.

and toxins being released do create bad odors. So hang in there since your body

will eventually normalize so you won't have such bad odors.


> Since I've gotten healthy I don't have any odors, so I don't use underarm

deodorant. I'm 69 years old, and when I was a kid we got a bath and had our

hair washed once a week. There were so few toxins back then, and we had

healthier foods.


> You can take Nutritional Yeast Flakes instead of B Complex capsules - see my

iHerb page:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/resource/iherb.php


> If you haven't ordered from iHerb before you can get $5.00 off if you give

them my Rewards Number:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/resource/iherb.php


> All the best, Bee


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Bee,

I purchased the Natural Factors, Hi potency B complex (90 Capsules) and the

Natural Factors Niacin 100gm (90 Capsules). I am a bit confused as to how to

take the B complex. Should we cut it in half? I know that I need to cut the

Niacin into half so that I am only consuming 50mg, but do I also do the same for

the B complex? On your website under Candida supplements charts it says that we

need to take:

" Balanced 50 mg tablets or capsules, plus Niacin (B3) if the product contains

niacinamide (synthetic form) " . Does the brand that I purchased contain balanced

50mg tablets or do I need to cut it like the Niacin?

Thanks so much for your help,

With kind regards and love


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