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> I enjoy reading your comments on the longevitiy listserve


> Do you think Niacin has any role in an antiaging program?

> Would taking nacin in the AM minimize GH suppression?

Niacin in large doses can have some beneficial effects on blood lipids. It

can lower cholesterol. It also reduces the amount of free fatty acids (FFA)

in the blood stream, which can help with GH release especially in obese

people who tend to have a lot of free fatty acids floating about in the

blood. I wrote a brief article about this before the subject ever came

up on these mailing lists. It is at www.optexinc.com/niacin.htm Note that

large doses of niacin also present some risks to the liver, especially if

taken in sustained-release form.

I'm more inclined to think large doses of niacin over 1/2 gram or so should

be taken at night rather than in the morning but I have no strong reasons to

think so. From what I understand niacin won't hurt you unless you take

massive quantities in the multiple gram range, so my best advice would be to

experiment to see what makes you feel best. Start small if you're not

already taking niacin, because it can cause a flushing of the skin.

I notice that Greg has been stirring up a lot of controversy lately

on various different mailing lists about niacin, ketosis, FFA and GH. I

don't think so much concern is warranted on these subjects.


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  • 8 months later...

In a message dated 10/23/00 6:43:39 PM Pacific Daylight Time, andrea@...


<< I took every imaginable form of niacin, and none of them got my LDL's

down. But taking a supplement called Red Yeast Rice (Solaray brand)

brought my total cholesterol down from the mid 240's to 170 in under

three months, and the LDLs are in the excellent range as well. I just

used it according to directions (2 caps a day). No side effects that I

recognized. Why put up with the flush when you can take something that

doesn't and works just fine? >>

Well, I would try it but I am scared to death of the name Red YEAST

Rice,,,,,,no way will I take anything with YEAST!

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I took every imaginable form of niacin, and none of them got my LDL's

down. But taking a supplement called Red Yeast Rice (Solaray brand)

brought my total cholesterol down from the mid 240's to 170 in under

three months, and the LDLs are in the excellent range as well. I just

used it according to directions (2 caps a day). No side effects that I

recognized. Why put up with the flush when you can take something that

doesn't and works just fine?


el - andrea@...

(IFF " FNORD " appears - remove it from my email address to reply)

" ...wake now! Discover that you are the song that the morning brings... "

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I remember reading when you or someone else posted this before, and

was very interested in it. I was wondering if you know how it

affected your hdl and triglycerides? My ldl is ok, but I would like

to see the other two improve a little more. Has anyone else taken

this product and can say how it affected their cholesterol stats?


But taking a supplement called Red Yeast Rice (Solaray brand)

> brought my total cholesterol down from the mid 240's to 170 in under

> three months, and the LDLs are in the excellent range as well. I

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  • 1 year later...

> <<Don't leave us in suspense - how much Niacin? What was the dosage?>>

My high school days were some time ago... I recall only taking one capsule

per headache. The problem is I don't remember the strength. Look what the

recommended daily dose is on the Niacin bottle and go from there.

Niacin is good for circulation and some headaches come from restricted

circulation. It may or may not work but certainly is inexpensive enough to

give it a try.


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i have experienced some strange niacin-esque reactions from drinking alcohol.

a few times i have experienced a niacin flush from drinking guinness stout. i

assumed it was from the b vitamins in the guinness. but a few days ago i got

the flush from drinking a shot of black label scotch. does anyone know what

could cause this? afterward i felt very good and clear and slept better than

usual. it seems like some toxins were released from my whole head area.

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Some people lack a certain enzyme to break down

alcohol. The alcohol causes the flush.

I do not remember the name of the enzyme, but you

could do a search.

It is more prevelent in Japanese people and some other

Asian societies.

--- luckower@... wrote:

> i have experienced some strange niacin-esque

> reactions from drinking alcohol.

> a few times i have experienced a niacin flush from

> drinking guinness stout. i

> assumed it was from the b vitamins in the guinness.

> but a few days ago i got

> the flush from drinking a shot of black label

> scotch. does anyone know what

> could cause this? afterward i felt very good and

> clear and slept better than

> usual. it seems like some toxins were released from

> my whole head area.



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Some people lack a certain enzyme to break down

alcohol. The alcohol causes the flush.

I do not remember the name of the enzyme, but you

could do a search.

It is more prevelent in Japanese people and some other

Asian societies.

--- luckower@... wrote:

> i have experienced some strange niacin-esque

> reactions from drinking alcohol.

> a few times i have experienced a niacin flush from

> drinking guinness stout. i

> assumed it was from the b vitamins in the guinness.

> but a few days ago i got

> the flush from drinking a shot of black label

> scotch. does anyone know what

> could cause this? afterward i felt very good and

> clear and slept better than

> usual. it seems like some toxins were released from

> my whole head area.



Gettingwell-Yahoo Groups / Vitamins, Herbs, Aminos, etc.

To subscribe, e-mail to: Gettingwell-subscribe

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't recall. I'd say keep taking it. Are you eating more starches then

you should? Do you think you eat more carbs then protein?


I have been taking flush Niacin for high cholesterol (genetic

predispostion, not a result of diet)with good results. Does anyone

know if Dr. D has anything to say about Niacin?


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No, to both. As I said, it is a genetic thing.



> I can't recall. I'd say keep taking it. Are you eating more

starches then

> you should? Do you think you eat more carbs then protein?

> Niacin



> I have been taking flush Niacin for high cholesterol (genetic

> predispostion, not a result of diet)with good results. Does anyone

> know if Dr. D has anything to say about Niacin?


> S.




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L Ron Hubbard has lots to say about it.


I have been taking flush Niacin for high cholesterol (genetic

predispostion, not a result of diet)with good results. Does anyone

know if Dr. D has anything to say about Niacin?


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Well Niacin is (the real, unaltered) Vitamin B3, so if you do a search on

that, you may find something...



I have been taking flush Niacin for high cholesterol (genetic

predispostion, not a result of diet)with good results. Does anyone

know if Dr. D has anything to say about Niacin?


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  • 4 weeks later...


As I have said here before, the flushing from Niacin is a good thing! It is

a detox and if you look closely you may see you old bather marks! It makes

built up/stored radiation come out of your body!!!

Read the book " Clear Body, Clear Mind " by L Ron Hubbard. And don't be

scared about that Niacin flush!!!


> From: Kristl [mailto:kristl_smith@...]


> thanks Cherie- another question then, I notice sometimes my

> face is overly red. I thought it

> was connected to food but wasn't sure what/how. Does your

> face flush in response to your blood sugar

> level? Or specifically oatmeal? Does anyone else experience this?

I flushed once when I got too much niacin. Flushing is common with

too much niacin, but not a problem. It was kind of a wave that passed

through - flushed - my body. I had retired for the evening so I don't

know if my face was red or not.

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> also I don't see why people can't be more tolerant

> of being red and itching for a half hour. It

> actually become pleasant when you get used to it,

> and I miss it.


Hi Doris,

Some people suffer more with the flushing than just

itching and redness. I took niacin regularly for about

a year and built up the dose gradually, but I still

had problems with it. I have doubled over with

extreme stomach pain, cramps and nausea many times,

and once had such severe pelvic pain (lasted an hour)

that I bled for 3 days 2 weeks before my period was

due. I have avoided using niacin ever since. Friends

using niacin have also reported alarmingly severe

abdominal pain. I was informed by a naturopath that

niacin releases histamine and it is likely that

extreme reactions are due to excess histamine in that

area. I'd recommend, if you are willing to take your

chances with niacin, taking paracetemol before niacin

and on a full stomach for a more comfortable flush.

Build up the dose gradually. A friend of mine who

used to be a heroin addict told me he could get

addicted to the flushing sensation which reminded him

of a hit, but hated the pain so much he stopped using

the niacin.




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Thanks for sharing your experiences. However, I don't think they are typical.

I'm not saying I know how common they are, but Niacin is not a fringe thing that

only a few people take. A lot of people are being prescribed the high doses

for high cholestorol, and there is a lot of literature to support it, and such

side effects appear to be rare from what I have read. Of course if you have

such severe symptoms you wouldn't want to take it.


Re: Re: Niacin

> also I don't see why people can't be more tolerant

> of being red and itching for a half hour. It

> actually become pleasant when you get used to it,

> and I miss it.


Hi Doris,

Some people suffer more with the flushing than just

itching and redness. I took niacin regularly for about

a year and built up the dose gradually, but I still

had problems with it. I have doubled over with

extreme stomach pain, cramps and nausea many times,

and once had such severe pelvic pain (lasted an hour)

that I bled for 3 days 2 weeks before my period was

due. I have avoided using niacin ever since. Friends

using niacin have also reported alarmingly severe

abdominal pain. I was informed by a naturopath that

niacin releases histamine and it is likely that

extreme reactions are due to excess histamine in that

area. I'd recommend, if you are willing to take your

chances with niacin, taking paracetemol before niacin

and on a full stomach for a more comfortable flush.

Build up the dose gradually. A friend of mine who

used to be a heroin addict told me he could get

addicted to the flushing sensation which reminded him

of a hit, but hated the pain so much he stopped using

the niacin.




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I note with interest the observations regarding Niacin and the

distressing flushing sensation that some forms of Niacin can present.

Perhaps it may be helpful to observe that the form of Niacin that presents

the symptom of flushing is Nicotinic Acid, hence its use as a Vasodilator

for those being treated when improved blood flow is desired.

If it becomes desirable to take Niacin, that is Vitamin B3, it can

be obtained as Niacinamide and taken in high doses without the distressing

side effect of being flushed with increased pulse rate, feeling warm, and

itching as can and often dose happen with Niacin when delivered as Nicotinic


I have been using Niacinamide 550mg from Solgar for several months

without any problems of flushing. Please be warned that Vitamin B3 comes in

several different forms where Nicotinic Acid causes flushing. Look at the

container since Solgar warn about flushing when using their Nicotinic Acid

form of Vitamin B3, but their Nicotinamide even at 550mg dose not have this

side effect.

I hope this helps prevent what can be a distressing side effect that

I experienced until I discovered the reason why.


Andy Porter

Re: Re: Niacin



> > also I don't see why people can't be more tolerant

> > of being red and itching for a half hour. It

> > actually become pleasant when you get used to it,

> > and I miss it.

> >

> Hi Doris,


> Some people suffer more with the flushing than just

> itching and redness. I took niacin regularly for about

> a year and built up the dose gradually, but I still

> had problems with it. I have doubled over with

> extreme stomach pain, cramps and nausea many times,

> and once had such severe pelvic pain (lasted an hour)

> that I bled for 3 days 2 weeks before my period was

> due. I have avoided using niacin ever since. Friends

> using niacin have also reported alarmingly severe

> abdominal pain. I was informed by a naturopath that

> niacin releases histamine and it is likely that

> extreme reactions are due to excess histamine in that

> area. I'd recommend, if you are willing to take your

> chances with niacin, taking paracetemol before niacin

> and on a full stomach for a more comfortable flush.

> Build up the dose gradually. A friend of mine who

> used to be a heroin addict told me he could get

> addicted to the flushing sensation which reminded him

> of a hit, but hated the pain so much he stopped using

> the niacin.


> Regards,

> Jan







> __________________________________________________


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The problem is that that kind of Niacin does not help.

According to the literature, it doesn't reduce lp(a)

or cholestorol.


--- Porter <.Porter3@...> wrote:

> I note with interest the observations

> regarding Niacin and the

> distressing flushing sensation that some forms of

> Niacin can present.

> Perhaps it may be helpful to observe that the form

> of Niacin that presents

> the symptom of flushing is Nicotinic Acid, hence its

> use as a Vasodilator

> for those being treated when improved blood flow is

> desired.

> If it becomes desirable to take Niacin, that

> is Vitamin B3, it can

> be obtained as Niacinamide and taken in high doses

> without the distressing

> side effect of being flushed with increased pulse

> rate, feeling warm, and

> itching as can and often dose happen with Niacin

> when delivered as Nicotinic

> Acid.

> I have been using Niacinamide 550mg from

> Solgar for several months

> without any problems of flushing. Please be warned

> that Vitamin B3 comes in

> several different forms where Nicotinic Acid causes

> flushing. Look at the

> container since Solgar warn about flushing when

> using their Nicotinic Acid

> form of Vitamin B3, but their Nicotinamide even at

> 550mg dose not have this

> side effect.

> I hope this helps prevent what can be a

> distressing side effect that

> I experienced until I discovered the reason why.



> Regards,


> Andy

> Porter

> Re: Re: Niacin



> >

> >

> > > also I don't see why people can't be more

> tolerant

> > > of being red and itching for a half hour. It

> > > actually become pleasant when you get used to

> it,

> > > and I miss it.

> > >

> > Hi Doris,

> >

> > Some people suffer more with the flushing than

> just

> > itching and redness. I took niacin regularly for

> about

> > a year and built up the dose gradually, but I

> still

> > had problems with it. I have doubled over with

> > extreme stomach pain, cramps and nausea many

> times,

> > and once had such severe pelvic pain (lasted an

> hour)

> > that I bled for 3 days 2 weeks before my period

> was

> > due. I have avoided using niacin ever since.

> Friends

> > using niacin have also reported alarmingly severe

> > abdominal pain. I was informed by a naturopath

> that

> > niacin releases histamine and it is likely that

> > extreme reactions are due to excess histamine in

> that

> > area. I'd recommend, if you are willing to take

> your

> > chances with niacin, taking paracetemol before

> niacin

> > and on a full stomach for a more comfortable

> flush.

> > Build up the dose gradually. A friend of mine who

> > used to be a heroin addict told me he could get

> > addicted to the flushing sensation which reminded

> him

> > of a hit, but hated the pain so much he stopped

> using

> > the niacin.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Jan

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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I think that taking a general range of vitamins is important while on any

heavy detox.

This is more thoroughly described (the whole " how-to " in " Clear Body, Clear

Mind " book by L Ron Hubbard. I did the program and I couldn't believe how

much faster my thinking became after such a short period of time. Out of

all the health and detox activities I have done, this one caused the most

drastic change in mental clarity. While on the train and looking out the

window, instead of noticing someone mowing a lawn, say, I'd notice FOUR

different people doing four different things. I would be half walking

across the road before everyone else noticed the lights green.

I suggest you just get the book.

- re niacin

Niacin is used in the most effective detox programs in the world for


property. Tampered with Vit B3 is not the same and does not have the


benefits as Niacin

Hi ,

I was interested in your comment re niacin and detoxing. Can niacin

be taken alone for this or should it be combined with other

vitamins? Thanks.....

And a Happy New Year to all!!


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, Would you mind giving me some idea of what the program involves

before i invest in the book? I really have some challenges while trying to

detox. I get terrible headaches and really feel very sick unless the detox is

very slow and supported with " medical foods " that help " phase 2 " detoxification.

Even then it is difficult for me. the only reason I can think of is that i had

terrible migraines for many many years and was given every medication known to

man to either prevent or treat them. I then completely changed my diet 5 years

ago, cut out milk and gluten and have rarely had one since. But trying to detox

by juice fasting for example would certainly trigger one. I am sure i would

benefit from a good detox. Ann

RE: niacin

I think that taking a general range of vitamins is important while on any

heavy detox.

This is more thoroughly described (the whole " how-to " in " Clear Body, Clear

Mind " book by L Ron Hubbard. I did the program and I couldn't believe how

much faster my thinking became after such a short period of time. Out of

all the health and detox activities I have done, this one caused the most

drastic change in mental clarity. While on the train and looking out the

window, instead of noticing someone mowing a lawn, say, I'd notice FOUR

different people doing four different things. I would be half walking

across the road before everyone else noticed the lights green.

I suggest you just get the book.

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Sure, I'll do my best to explain but the book is better. You do not have to

fast at all. In fact you have to eat fully and healthily. You spend long

hours in a sauna and have to take certain supplements. There are people

especially trained to administer and monitor you as you go through certain

stages which should be carefully monitored. You take niacin, go for a run,

and the blood comes close to the surface of the skin, then you sweat out the

toxins in the sauna.

There are specific vitamins you must take and the amounts and levels change

as you go through certain manifestations. For example, for x amount of Vit

c, you have to also take x amount of Vit B and X amount of Vit A etc etc.

You take a certain amount of cal/mag and oil etc etc. It is all VERY

specific and dependant on what stage you go through.

It's been a long time since I did it (years) but want to do another one soon

so that is the best info to my memory. I should note that it is NOT a

weight loss program. Several of my friends have done it more recently.

Hope that helps,

Re: niacin

, Would you mind giving me some idea of what the program involves

before i invest in the book? I really have some challenges while trying to

detox. I get terrible headaches and really feel very sick unless the detox

is very slow and supported with " medical foods " that help " phase 2 "

detoxification. Even then it is difficult for me. the only reason I can

think of is that i had terrible migraines for many many years and was given

every medication known to man to either prevent or treat them. I then

completely changed my diet 5 years ago, cut out milk and gluten and have

rarely had one since. But trying to detox by juice fasting for example would

certainly trigger one. I am sure i would benefit from a good detox. Ann

RE: niacin

I think that taking a general range of vitamins is important while on any

heavy detox.

This is more thoroughly described (the whole " how-to " in " Clear Body,


Mind " book by L Ron Hubbard. I did the program and I couldn't believe how

much faster my thinking became after such a short period of time. Out of

all the health and detox activities I have done, this one caused the most

drastic change in mental clarity. While on the train and looking out the

window, instead of noticing someone mowing a lawn, say, I'd notice FOUR

different people doing four different things. I would be half walking

across the road before everyone else noticed the lights green.

I suggest you just get the book.

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Thanks , i think I'd better stick with my slow and steady with my ND.

In fact he views detox as a continual process and only does a real detox on

occasion because he does not let the toxins build up.

RE: niacin

...and have to take certain supplements. There are people

especially trained to administer and monitor you as you go through certain

stages which should be carefully monitored.

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Ha ha ha. Yeah! I've seen that book many times as I pass by a local store

(full of Hubbard rubbish!). Someone once left a pile of pamphlets about

detoxification and what the heavy-handed use of pharmaceuticals is doing to

the American people at the register in the pharmacy I work in (!), my boss

found them and got really mad, telling the cashiers not to allow that kind

of stuff to be left out in the open... need management's approval for that

you know! I luckily wasn't there when it was left on the counter... I could

very well have been blamed for it... given my feelings on the subject.

What you have described about brain function from detoxification hits home

with me, Mrs. Kalab. I experienced a vast improvement in mental faculties as

a result of the cleansing and detoxification diet (albiet vegetarian) I

first underwent in late '99.

Maybe I'll take a look at it....

Hey Bonny, I've been meaning to ask you if you can contribute anything to

the wide world of detoxification? Please, share with us (or me at least).

- re niacin



> Niacin is used in the most effective detox programs in the world for

> this

> property. Tampered with Vit B3 is not the same and does not have the

> same

> benefits as Niacin




> Hi ,

> I was interested in your comment re niacin and detoxing. Can niacin

> be taken alone for this or should it be combined with other

> vitamins? Thanks.....


> And a Happy New Year to all!!


> Bonny

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Hi all -

Just wanted to add that I take Niasafe, from Thorne,

and have had no reaction such as flushing. It is

designed to lower cholersterol without causing the

side effects described in some of your posts. I do

have to take up to 2 grams per day for it to lower

cholesterol, but I tolerate it just fine.

FWIW - Jennie F.

Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 01:00:11 -0800

From: " Doris Brown " <dorisbrown9@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Niacin

Thanks for sharing your experiences. However, I don't

think they are

typical. I'm not saying I know how common they are,

but Niacin is not a

fringe thing that only a few people take. A lot of

people are being

prescribed the high doses for high cholestorol, and

there is a lot of

literature to support it, and such side effects appear

to be rare from

what I have read. Of course if you have such severe

symptoms you

wouldn't want to take it.



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Did it work? Did you check lp(a) also to see if it came down, or just


According to the published literature the only thing shown to work other than

flushing Niacin is a prescription drug called Niaspan.



re: Niacin

Hi all -

Just wanted to add that I take Niasafe, from Thorne,

and have had no reaction such as flushing. It is

designed to lower cholersterol without causing the

side effects described in some of your posts. I do

have to take up to 2 grams per day for it to lower

cholesterol, but I tolerate it just fine.

FWIW - Jennie F

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  • 2 years later...

I had never heard of Niacin helping with fear? Is it a B vitamin? I

know B vitamins are supposed to be good for depression. But remember

you can overdose on vitamins so it sounds like you might be having a

reaction. It's a sign that you probably shouldn't take so much of

it! Love Charisse

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