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Re: sunning with lamps- what kind?

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Hi Corinne,

Using a 500W halogen work light would surely burn you. If you must try this

treatment use an ordinary incandescent light at a good 30 inches distance, to

give a drying effect through *gentle* heating of the area.

This is the way your body has chosen to detoxify. To encourage your body to

detoxify in other ways follow these treatments:

How to Detoxify Effectively


The Epsom salts baths or Sitz baths, will help soothe the general area:

Vaginal Yeast [thrush] Treatments


Dry with a towel washed in washing soda or mild laundry soap, not detergent. Bee

even has her own recipe:

" Some people do become more sensitive to toxins from all kinds of sources while

their body is healing itself, but this too should pass as you continue on the


First, remove all soap residues by washing everything in plain water.

Then make your own laundry soap; there are many recipes on the internet:


1 bar yellow soap like Fels Naptha or Sunlight

1/2 cup Borax

1/2 cup Washing Soda (found in the laundry aisle)

-Grate the bar of soap.

-Add 1/2 cup of borax.

-Add 1/2 cup washing soda (it's in the grocery store with other laundry soaps).

-Mix together and store in air tight container.

-Use 1-2 tablespoons per load. "

Wear only 100% cotton underwear and apply coconut oil to soothe the area:

Nail & Skin Fungal Infections & Treatments


Is what you have anything like Jock Itch? If so maybe some of these treatments

will help.

Jock Itch, Causes & Treatments


To you in health,

Nan B.



> Someone in a post a while back mentioned that she would " sun " her vaginal

region for 10-15 min a day and said it made a huge difference with her vaginal

issues. She mentioned that she used a sperti light. There are 4 different kind,

each for a different purpose: vit-d, SAD, tanning, and psoriasis. Which one

would be best for me to use? I am desperate for relief in this area.

> I think I also remember someone mentioning a halogen light could work as a

cheap alternative. My husband has a 500W halogen work light. Does this work? Or

will I be missing out on the benefits of the other kinds of lights.


> Thanks,

> Corinne


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Dear Corinne & Nan,

Nan gave you some treatments I do not recommend, which includes vaginal

treatments, nail and skin fungal treatments and jock itch. That is because I

removed antifungals from my program, for very good reasons, but I'm still trying

to revise all of my articles.

Cheers, Bee


> Hi Corinne,


> Using a 500W halogen work light would surely burn you. If you must try this

treatment use an ordinary incandescent light at a good 30 inches distance, to

give a drying effect through *gentle* heating of the area.


> This is the way your body has chosen to detoxify. To encourage your body to

detoxify in other ways follow these treatments:


> How to Detoxify Effectively

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/detox.php


> The Epsom salts baths or Sitz baths, will help soothe the general area:

> Vaginal Yeast [thrush] Treatments

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/women6.php


> Dry with a towel washed in washing soda or mild laundry soap, not detergent.

Bee even has her own recipe:


> " Some people do become more sensitive to toxins from all kinds of sources

while their body is healing itself, but this too should pass as you continue on

the program.


> First, remove all soap residues by washing everything in plain water.


> Then make your own laundry soap; there are many recipes on the internet:


> Ingredients:

> 1 bar yellow soap like Fels Naptha or Sunlight

> 1/2 cup Borax

> 1/2 cup Washing Soda (found in the laundry aisle)


> -Grate the bar of soap.

> -Add 1/2 cup of borax.

> -Add 1/2 cup washing soda (it's in the grocery store with other laundry


> -Mix together and store in air tight container.

> -Use 1-2 tablespoons per load. "


> Wear only 100% cotton underwear and apply coconut oil to soothe the area:


> Nail & Skin Fungal Infections & Treatments

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/skin5.php


> Is what you have anything like Jock Itch? If so maybe some of these treatments

will help.


> Jock Itch, Causes & Treatments

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/skin3.php


> To you in health,


> Nan B.

> Moderator


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I have been on this program for 3 years. I've been eating right, getting my

supp. and fat. Taking epsom salt baths, I coat my entire body in coconut oil

after my showers, I make my own detergent and deodorant. But my vaginal area

gets no relief, I am in constant pain.

However, I found in message #23263 Mehner (she had vaginal pain for 8

years) said " I've also discovered is that the sun can be healing to your bottom.

If you can find a private place to sun yourself for even 10–15 minutes a day. I

ordered a sperti-sun lamp and use that when I can't get in the sun. It really

does heal fast, but if I don't keep this up it stays at about 50% better only. "

I thought what do I have to lose. I have done everything else I can possibly do

without creating more damage. I thought that I might try the sun as my last hope

at feeling some temporary relief to that area. It is winter and the sun only

shines a few months out of the year, so i would need a light to do it.

I tried contacting her, but she did not respond. It has been 2 years since her

last post so I " m wondering if her email is changed. So I decided to ask on the

board what kind of light would be best for healing. It is the UV that heals,

right? Or UV that allows you to absorb vit D which heals?


> >

> > Someone in a post a while back mentioned that she would " sun " her vaginal

region for 10-15 min a day and said it made a huge difference with her vaginal

issues. She mentioned that she used a sperti light. There are 4 different kind,

each for a different purpose: vit-d, SAD, tanning, and psoriasis. Which one

would be best for me to use? I am desperate for relief in this area.

> > I think I also remember someone mentioning a halogen light could work as a

cheap alternative. My husband has a 500W halogen work light. Does this work? Or

will I be missing out on the benefits of the other kinds of lights.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Corinne

> >


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> I have been on this program for 3 years. I've been eating right, getting my

supp. and fat. Taking epsom salt baths, I coat my entire body in coconut oil

after my showers, I make my own detergent and deodorant. But my vaginal area

gets no relief, I am in constant pain.


> However, I found in message #23263 Mehner (she had vaginal pain for 8

years) said " I've also discovered is that the sun can be healing to your bottom.

If you can find a private place to sun yourself for even 10–15 minutes a day. I

ordered a sperti-sun lamp and use that when I can't get in the sun. It really

does heal fast, but if I don't keep this up it stays at about 50% better only. "

> I thought what do I have to lose. I have done everything else I can possibly

do without creating more damage. I thought that I might try the sun as my last

hope at feeling some temporary relief to that area. It is winter and the sun

only shines a few months out of the year, so i would need a light to do it.


> I tried contacting her, but she did not respond. It has been 2 years since her

last post so I " m wondering if her email is changed. So I decided to ask on the

board what kind of light would be best for healing. It is the UV that heals,

right? Or UV that allows you to absorb vit D which heals?

+++Hi Corinne,

hasn't been around for so long she may have changed her email address.

Anyway, there are 2 kinds of sun rays. When you're exposed to the sun, the UVB

rays creates vitamin D on your skin [on natural skin oil].

I don't know much about the UVA rays, but I do know they lower vitamin D levels

circulating in the body IF vitamin D levels happen to be too high.


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