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Re: liver flushing issues (new member)

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After the liver flushes and Epsom salts, do you crash after eating , or

just crash whether or not you eat ? I will crash after I eat fat after

a liver flush or after doing the oxypowder cleanse. Bile salts took

care of that so I think what is happening there is the flushes are

wiping out the bile salts which are normally reabsorbed and are needed

to break down fat.

Regarding the ozone how were you taking it ? The oxypowder I take

breaks down to magnesium hydroxide and 2 O molecules. Each O molecule

has an oxidizing effect. I take the oxypowder until I feel my gut is

cleaned out and then stop because once my gut is cleaned out it will

start oxidizing my tissues. If the ozone breaks down to O molecules

you would only want to take while there is debris to clean up, otherwise

I think it would contribute to oxidative stress which would probably

cause more fatigue as the body tries to fix that.

Finally, have you done a colonic before your liver flush ?

I have CFS too and am having to work through similar problems as you as

I do the cleanses.

Have you check out s Moritz forum ? He may be able to help you

troubleshoot too.

-----Original Message-----

From: brian [mailto:fade_216@...]

Sent: June 8, 2004 7:38 PM


Subject: liver flushing issues (new member)

hello all,

I'm new to the group, and pretty new to liver flushing, I've been

having lots of issues since starting the flushes hopefully someone

has some idea what's going on:

I'm a longtime sufferer of CFS, possibly caused by mercury toxicity.

After lots of seaching, things were definitely looking up

a year ago when I discovered ozone - these treatments gave me so

much energy, focus, coordination, etc.

I had been doing ozone treatments for about 1 year at which

point they stopped producing positive effects and started causing

complete energy crashes that would last about 10 hours. Liver

cleansing was suggested, so I started flushing ... the results

have been, unfortunately, pretty bad :-/ Of the 4 full liver flushes

I did the last one I did produced the green stones. All 4 caused a

devasting energy crash (I could not get out of bed, was totally

disoriented etc). I did a flush with just 1/2 TBS of olive oil + 1/2

TBS grapefruit juice (no MgSO4) one evening, the next day I crashed

(although possibly coincidental). I tried another with the MgSO4 + 1

TBS of oo + juice, and crashed hard again. Throughout this I was

developing what appeared to be mild jaundice on the days of the

crashes - bright yellow fingernails, the first flush produced yellow

eyes and slightly yellow skin in addition. I thought maybe the

intestinal tract had to be detoxed first, so I did a salt water flush

about 2 weeks ago and, again, there was a terrible crash. I tried

doing some very short ozone saunas (7 minutes) and am still having

the crash from it. So I'm not sure what is going on at this point -

it seems clear that some system in the body is really not

functioning, but I don't know if it's the liver, or what to do about

it. I have been off the ozone for maybe 4 months now, and have been

hoping that whatever is " off " in my body will correct itself

naturally if I stop poking at it for a bit, but so far this hasn't


So now the situation seems much worse than when I started the liver

flushes. I get that yellowing of the fingernails and start feeling

terrible off and on ... my body is aching so badly, I keep getting

headaches, my body starts smelling terrible, etc eventhough I am not

doing the liver flushes (It has been 6 weeks since the last one).

Since starting the flushes my health has been many times worse than

it had ever been before, I may be forced to quit working altogether.

I've heard that others have similar issues with the flushes, so I'm

hoping someone has some advice or experiences to share.

thanks much


Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:





Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/

Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73




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Hi ,

> ,

> After the liver flushes and Epsom salts, do you crash after

eating , or

> just crash whether or not you eat ? I will crash after I eat fat


If I take oil/grapefruit juice on a friday, then saturday (spent near

the bathroom due to the MgSO4) is not so bad, it is sunday that there

is a total crash. This is after I have started eating again, but I'm

not sure if there's a connection. (I have noticed many times in the

past that treatments that stir up toxins seem to cause a crash 24

hours later).

> a liver flush or after doing the oxypowder cleanse. Bile salts


> care of that so I think what is happening there is the flushes are

> wiping out the bile salts which are normally reabsorbed and are


> to break down fat.


My next " experiment " is to try homozon (which sounds like it's very

similar to the oxypowder you're describing) to clean out the gut. If

the homozon is fine by itself, I will try using it as the final step

in the liver flush. I have not heard about bile salts, I will look

into them.

> Regarding the ozone how were you taking it ? The oxypowder I take

I was doing ozone saunas. I have tried some other ways of using

ozone, but none produced the effects of the sauna.

> breaks down to magnesium hydroxide and 2 O molecules. Each O


> has an oxidizing effect. I take the oxypowder until I feel my gut


> cleaned out and then stop because once my gut is cleaned out it will

> start oxidizing my tissues. If the ozone breaks down to O


> you would only want to take while there is debris to clean up,


> I think it would contribute to oxidative stress which would probably

> cause more fatigue as the body tries to fix that.


> Finally, have you done a colonic before your liver flush ?



> I have CFS too and am having to work through similar problems as

you as

> I do the cleanses.


> Have you check out s Moritz forum ? He may be able to help


> troubleshoot too.







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Hello, ,

Though there are a lot of helpful folks on here,

you sound like a person who may benefit from

going to a naturopath, natural health professional

of some kind. It sounds like you are dealing with

a few issues, and need someone to evaluate you rather

than trying various things. Just MHO. Yes,

yellowed fingernails, eyes, etc., indicate

jaundice...the feeling of being wiped out could

mean you are very toxic...if you aren't using

epsoms or doing enemas after the flush, those

toxins are not exiting your system quickly enough.

Do you have trouble with low blood sugar? There

are a number of thoughts going through my mind,

but bottom line, seems like you need someone to

guide you through an good cleansing program

based upon what issues you, personally, are dealing

with, we are all different.



L. Meydrech, CN



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Hi ,

I agree with that the best thing you could do is find a good

alternative health practicioner and let them try and put you on the

path toward better health.

If I put myself in your place and couldn't for some reason get a

good practicioner to help, I'd concentrate on nourishing my liver

and keeping my bowels moving in a gentle natural way. Your symptoms

seem to me to point to a liver that's not functioning properly and

while you're getting your liver working again, you need to keep the

toxins moving out. Flushes are not recommended (although some do

them anyway and get good results) when you are sick or drained of

energy. You need to go slow and get stronger to expect good flush


Your strong body odor means the toxins can't get out the normal way

and have to resort to exiting your skin. Good fiber, raw foods,

keeping the bowels moving with flax seed or something else will help

with this. Enemas or colonics could be invaluable to get you

through this period of healing.

Parasites can live in the liver and cause the liver malfunctions and

dissapointing flush results that you describe. It wouldn't hurt to

do a complete parasite cleanse and it could help tremendously.

Raw foods from a good unpolluted source would be of great help to

you. They have the complete energy and enzymes intact to help you

with the healing, detox, and energy level issues you have. They

have the antioxidents intact to help with the toxic load that you

have. They have the most vitamins and minerals that you need right

now more than ever.

Please let us know how you progress with these issues. We sure want

you to feel better and be healthier soon.


> hello all,


> I'm new to the group, and pretty new to liver flushing, I've been

> having lots of issues since starting the flushes hopefully someone

> has some idea what's going on:


> I'm a longtime sufferer of CFS, possibly caused by mercury


> After lots of seaching, things were definitely looking up

> a year ago when I discovered ozone - these treatments gave me so

> much energy, focus, coordination, etc.


> I had been doing ozone treatments for about 1 year at which

> point they stopped producing positive effects and started causing

> complete energy crashes that would last about 10 hours. Liver

> cleansing was suggested, so I started flushing ... the results

> have been, unfortunately, pretty bad :-/ Of the 4 full liver


> I did the last one I did produced the green stones. All 4 caused a

> devasting energy crash (I could not get out of bed, was totally

> disoriented etc). I did a flush with just 1/2 TBS of olive oil +


> TBS grapefruit juice (no MgSO4) one evening, the next day I crashed

> (although possibly coincidental). I tried another with the MgSO4 +


> TBS of oo + juice, and crashed hard again. Throughout this I was

> developing what appeared to be mild jaundice on the days of the

> crashes - bright yellow fingernails, the first flush produced


> eyes and slightly yellow skin in addition. I thought maybe the

> intestinal tract had to be detoxed first, so I did a salt water


> about 2 weeks ago and, again, there was a terrible crash. I tried

> doing some very short ozone saunas (7 minutes) and am still having

> the crash from it. So I'm not sure what is going on at this point -

> it seems clear that some system in the body is really not

> functioning, but I don't know if it's the liver, or what to do


> it. I have been off the ozone for maybe 4 months now, and have been

> hoping that whatever is " off " in my body will correct itself

> naturally if I stop poking at it for a bit, but so far this hasn't

> happened.


> So now the situation seems much worse than when I started the


> flushes. I get that yellowing of the fingernails and start


> terrible off and on ... my body is aching so badly, I keep getting

> headaches, my body starts smelling terrible, etc eventhough I am


> doing the liver flushes (It has been 6 weeks since the last one).

> Since starting the flushes my health has been many times worse


> it had ever been before, I may be forced to quit working



> I've heard that others have similar issues with the flushes, so


> hoping someone has some advice or experiences to share.


> thanks much

> brian

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Hi Vince,

I'm still not 100% sure that the problems I've noticed since I

started the liver cleanses is caused by the liver, but I think it is

the most likely source so I'm staying away from those and doing some

of what you mention below (detoxing the gut with high fiber,

activated charcoal, ozonated water). Also doing a parasite cleanse

(using ia), although I suspect that's not an issue. My diet was

high in raw fruits in vegetables, but it seems that my body works

better if I focus more of meats and proteins, so I'm going with that

strategy for now.


> > hello all,

> >

> > I'm new to the group, and pretty new to liver flushing, I've been

> > having lots of issues since starting the flushes hopefully


> > has some idea what's going on:

> >

> > I'm a longtime sufferer of CFS, possibly caused by mercury

> toxicity.

> > After lots of seaching, things were definitely looking up

> > a year ago when I discovered ozone - these treatments gave me so

> > much energy, focus, coordination, etc.

> >

> > I had been doing ozone treatments for about 1 year at which

> > point they stopped producing positive effects and started causing

> > complete energy crashes that would last about 10 hours. Liver

> > cleansing was suggested, so I started flushing ... the results

> > have been, unfortunately, pretty bad :-/ Of the 4 full liver

> flushes

> > I did the last one I did produced the green stones. All 4 caused a

> > devasting energy crash (I could not get out of bed, was totally

> > disoriented etc). I did a flush with just 1/2 TBS of olive oil +

> 1/2

> > TBS grapefruit juice (no MgSO4) one evening, the next day I


> > (although possibly coincidental). I tried another with the MgSO4


> 1

> > TBS of oo + juice, and crashed hard again. Throughout this I was

> > developing what appeared to be mild jaundice on the days of the

> > crashes - bright yellow fingernails, the first flush produced

> yellow

> > eyes and slightly yellow skin in addition. I thought maybe the

> > intestinal tract had to be detoxed first, so I did a salt water

> flush

> > about 2 weeks ago and, again, there was a terrible crash. I tried

> > doing some very short ozone saunas (7 minutes) and am still having

> > the crash from it. So I'm not sure what is going on at this

point -

> > it seems clear that some system in the body is really not

> > functioning, but I don't know if it's the liver, or what to do

> about

> > it. I have been off the ozone for maybe 4 months now, and have


> > hoping that whatever is " off " in my body will correct itself

> > naturally if I stop poking at it for a bit, but so far this hasn't

> > happened.

> >

> > So now the situation seems much worse than when I started the

> liver

> > flushes. I get that yellowing of the fingernails and start

> feeling

> > terrible off and on ... my body is aching so badly, I keep


> > headaches, my body starts smelling terrible, etc eventhough I am

> not

> > doing the liver flushes (It has been 6 weeks since the last


> > Since starting the flushes my health has been many times worse

> than

> > it had ever been before, I may be forced to quit working

> altogether.

> >

> > I've heard that others have similar issues with the flushes, so

> I'm

> > hoping someone has some advice or experiences to share.

> >

> > thanks much

> > brian

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