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Heavy metals

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Can this sodium depletion therefore cause excessive thirst?





From: Ole Alstrup <alstrup@...>

Subject: Re: heavy metals

Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 2:19 PM


Weak adrenals=often low aldosterone production=sodium depletion via kidneys

____________ _________ _________ __

From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

groups (DOT) com

Sent: Mon, 16 November, 2009 17:50:23

Subject: Re: heavy metals

> Doesn't salt stress the adrenals rather than support them? Loni

Not that I've heard... salt cravings should be heeded if you have

weak adrenals!


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Hi Diane,

I've been thinking about what you wrote about you taking molybdenum to leach the

heavy metals out into your bloodstream.

I'm taking Mo too. (I have high copper levels in my body due to some kind of

metabolic 'defect'. Cu is antagonistic to Mo.)

Could I ask you a couple of questions?

Does molybdenum have some kind of special ability to transfer heavy metals from

the organs and into the blood stream, or do you think any mineral supplement

would do this?

If it is something special about molybdenum, can you explain what it is?

How much Mo did you take to replenish body stores? For how long did you take it?

Also: What kind of heavy metal chelation regieme do you use?





> From: Ian Kemp <ianandsue.kemp@...>

> Subject: RE: heavy metals


> Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 8:08 PM







> Hi Amy,


> I'd strongly support what Marc says about being careful with chelation.

> Often, heavy metals have become a problem and caused the symptoms because

> the body has already been badly weakened, particularly the liver. Adrenal

> fatigue is often linked to this. Often ES comes along with MCS, ME, chronic

> fatigue, gut disorders and other similar problems. The snag is that if you

> try to chelate while the body is still very weak, the liver in particular

> may be unable to handle the heavy metals released by chelation and it can

> even make things worse. Often chelation is done as part of more extensive

> protocols adding other things like intravenous vitamin C or activated

> charcoal to try to mop up the " nasties " which are released.


> But as Marc says, it's often best to try to strengthen your system first, so

> that you can cope better with chelation if it's necessary. The snag is that

> the underlying causes are often different for different people, and so what

> helps one person may not help another. In previous messages various people

> have reported their experiences, e.g. different liver metabolic pathways not

> working so that the body can't process certain chemicals. There's even an

> (expensive) genetic test now which can identify missing liver function genes

> (but also argument on whether anyone yet really knows how to interpret the

> test). Certainly my wife Sue, who is ES, has been hugely helped by

> glutathione, whereas it has negative effects on Marc; but there are other

> supplements that they both benefit from. " Try it and see " seems the best

> way with most of these things at the moment. So far I don't think anyone in

> the world has 100% understanding of all the medical issues and how they

> interact, although some doctors, people and groups are certainly a lot

> further along than others.


> Ian


> _____


> From: groups (DOT) com [mailto:groups (DOT) com] On Behalf Of Marc


> Sent: 15 November 2009 00:38

> groups (DOT) com

> Subject: Re: heavy metals


> > Marc - What do you do to support your adrenals, kidneys and liver?


> There are a variety of supplements (and foods) which will help various

> organs. The specifics may vary by person depending on what they

> tolerate / do well on / are willing to do / can afford. Also, different

> doctors tend to prefer different brands of supplements, and also there

> are things available at health food stores or online that are different

> than what doctors tend to use.


> Over the years, I've noticed that I've done well with a doctors brand

> called " Standard Process " , and they make a variety of supplements which

> support a variety of organs. For example:


> Adrenals: Adrenal Desicated, Drenamin, Drenatrophin PMG

> Kidneys: Arginex, Renatrophin PMG, Renafood, Albaplex

> Liver: Livaplex, Hepatrophin PMG, Spanish Black Radish, AF Betafood,

> Betacol, Cruciferous Complete, Garlic


> Also, to support liver detox via foods, you can try eating various

> foods which support detox (depending on what you are willing to eat and

> can tolerate): broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts, garlic, eggs,

> kale, beets.


> And to support the adrenals via food, make sure you are getting enough

> salt (probably unrefined sea salt is best).


> As for kidneys, drink a lot of water (preferably unchlorinated) .


> > My doctor wants to do a 6 hr urine provocation heavy metal test and

> > then IV chelation if I need it. I know, from testing as well as

> > symptoms, that I have adrenal fatigue. I'm so fatigued and weak, I

> > can't imagine getting hit with IV drugs like that. Are those tests

> > safe? Are there other (less scary) things I could do instead?


> There are certainly some who would say that provocation tests and IV

> chelation are not safe. I personally would not do them. If your body

> cannot deal with the amount of metals that are unleashed into your

> system during such a test or IV, it may end up making you worse, and it

> may be difficult to get back to where you are now. There are alternate

> tests which don't require provocation -- hair mineral tests and urine

> porphyrin tests are the most commonly used. Also, one simple test for

> heavy metals is to try a small amount of a known heavy metal chelator and

> see how you feel. If have an adverse reaction, that it pretty much an

> indicator of toxicity.


> The busiest heavy metal chelation group on that I know about is

> called " adult-metal- chelation " . I view this group with a bit of

> skepticism, as most of the people all chelate using one specific way,

> and they tend to badmouth other methods which seem just as good to me.

> They mostly use " frequent dose chelation " , which involves using a few

> known heavy metal chelators (DMSA, DMPS, or Alpha Lipoic Acid) in small

> amounts and at frequent intervals (every 3, 4, or 8 hours in 3-day

> rounds with 2 week breaks). However, some people even have bad

> reactions to this method, and may be better off trying some of the

> alternatives (liquid zeolite, powdered zeolite, chlorella, cilantro,

> NDF, OSR), or simply focusing on rebuilding their detox organs and

> letting their body eliminate the metals at its own rate (in such

> a case, you might want to add some relatively harmless things

> which will bind to toxins in your intestines -- activated charcoal

> or bentonite)


> Marc



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In a message dated 18/11/2009 17:08:30 GMT Standard Time,

mariaaengland@... writes:

especially in the morning. I generally felt better when I was away from


when I lived near the tower. I am wondering if living near a main street


be stressing my adrenals. I knew it may not have been the best choice to

move to where I have moved but there were very few affordable homes on the

market and I figured anything would be better than being near that power

tower. My body has cooled down somewhat, as I was hot all the time before.


think my problem may no longer be as much EMF caused as adrenal. What is

your opinion on this?

Much appreciated.



PUK replies - take heart Cheryl you have similar symptoms to me when I

allow myself to get irradiated in my own home by a plasma tv some 50 m away on

other side of my road. I can easily demonstrate the incoming emf using an

AM radio, with plasma tv on there is a hellish fax like tone coming off all

conductive materials in and outside the home and also neighbours homes, I

am in a 3 bed semi so its a double whammy. I get so hot that I could walk

out naked in zero degress and stay warm for ages...metabolic effect....

get yourself an AM radio and check out your home at periodic intervals

during the day and night, the low frequency harmonics off many of these

domestic devices will travel through,over,under practically everything.

PUK - will demonstrate this on you tube sometime

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Being near other electrosmog may be just as bad.  Cell phones, plasma tvs,

microwave ovens, satellite tv and other appliances your neighbors may be

using.  These waves travel to neighboring houses.




> From: Ian Kemp <ianandsue.kemp@ <mailto:ianandsue.

> kemp%40ukgateway .net>


> ukgateway.net>


> Subject: RE: heavy metals


> groups (DOT) <mailto:% 40groups.

> com> com


> Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 5:08 PM




> Hi Amy,




> I'd strongly support what Marc says about being careful

> with chelation.


> Often, heavy metals have become a problem and caused the

> symptoms because


> the body has already been badly weakened, particularly the

> liver. Adrenal


> fatigue is often linked to this. Often ES comes along with

> MCS, ME, chronic


> fatigue, gut disorders and other similar problems. The snag

> is that if you


> try to chelate while the body is still very weak, the liver

> in particular


> may be unable to handle the heavy metals released by

> chelation and it can


> even make things worse. Often chelation is done as part of

> more extensive


> protocols adding other things like intravenous vitamin C or

> activated


> charcoal to try to mop up the " nasties " which are

> released.




> But as Marc says, it's often best to try to strengthen

> your system first, so


> that you can cope better with chelation if it's

> necessary. The snag is that


> the underlying causes are often different for different

> people, and so what


> helps one person may not help another. In previous messages

> various people


> have reported their experiences, e.g. different liver

> metabolic pathways not


> working so that the body can't process certain

> chemicals. There's even an


> (expensive) genetic test now which can identify missing

> liver function genes


> (but also argument on whether anyone yet really knows how

> to interpret the


> test). Certainly my wife Sue, who is ES, has been hugely

> helped by


> glutathione, whereas it has negative effects on Marc; but

> there are other


> supplements that they both benefit from. " Try it and

> see " seems the best


> way with most of these things at the moment. So far I

> don't think anyone in


> the world has 100% understanding of all the medical issues

> and how they


> interact, although some doctors, people and groups are

> certainly a lot


> further along than others.




> Ian




> _____




> From: groups (DOT) com [mailto:@ groups.

> com] On Behalf Of


> Marc




> Sent: 15 November 2009 00:38


> groups (DOT) com


> Subject: Re: heavy metals




> > Marc - What do you do to support your adrenals,

> kidneys and liver?




> There are a variety of supplements (and foods) which will

> help various


> organs. The specifics may vary by person depending on what

> they


> tolerate / do well on / are willing to do / can afford.

> Also, different


> doctors tend to prefer different brands of supplements, and

> also there


> are things available at health food stores or online that

> are different


> than what doctors tend to use.




> Over the years, I've noticed that I've done well

> with a doctors brand


> called " Standard Process " , and they make a

> variety of supplements which


> support a variety of organs. For example:




> Adrenals: Adrenal Desicated, Drenamin, Drenatrophin PMG


> Kidneys: Arginex, Renatrophin PMG, Renafood, Albaplex


> Liver: Livaplex, Hepatrophin PMG, Spanish Black Radish, AF

> Betafood,


> Betacol, Cruciferous Complete, Garlic




> Also, to support liver detox via foods, you can try eating

> various


> foods which support detox (depending on what you are

> willing to eat and


> can tolerate): broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts,

> garlic, eggs,


> kale, beets.




> And to support the adrenals via food, make sure you are

> getting enough


> salt (probably unrefined sea salt is best).




> As for kidneys, drink a lot of water (preferably

> unchlorinated) .




> > My doctor wants to do a 6 hr urine provocation heavy

> metal test and


> > then IV chelation if I need it. I know, from testing

> as well as


> > symptoms, that I have adrenal fatigue. I'm so

> fatigued and weak, I


> > can't imagine getting hit with IV drugs like that.

> Are those tests


> > safe? Are there other (less scary) things I could do

> instead?




> There are certainly some who would say that provocation

> tests and IV


> chelation are not safe. I personally would not do them. If

> your body


> cannot deal with the amount of metals that are unleashed

> into your


> system during such a test or IV, it may end up making you

> worse, and it


> may be difficult to get back to where you are now. There

> are alternate


> tests which don't require provocation -- hair mineral

> tests and urine


> porphyrin tests are the most commonly used. Also, one

> simple test for


> heavy metals is to try a small amount of a known heavy

> metal chelator and


> see how you feel. If have an adverse reaction, that it

> pretty much an


> indicator of toxicity.




> The busiest heavy metal chelation group on that I

> know about is


> called " adult-metal- chelation " . I view this

> group with a bit of


> skepticism, as most of the people all chelate using one

> specific way,


> and they tend to badmouth other methods which seem just as

> good to me.


> They mostly use " frequent dose chelation " , which

> involves using a few


> known heavy metal chelators (DMSA, DMPS, or Alpha Lipoic

> Acid) in small


> amounts and at frequent intervals (every 3, 4, or 8 hours

> in 3-day


> rounds with 2 week breaks). However, some people even have

> bad


> reactions to this method, and may be better off trying some

> of the


> alternatives (liquid zeolite, powdered zeolite, chlorella,

> cilantro,


> NDF, OSR), or simply focusing on rebuilding their detox

> organs and


> letting their body eliminate the metals at its own rate (in

> such


> a case, you might want to add some relatively harmless

> things


> which will bind to toxins in your intestines -- activated

> charcoal


> or bentonite)




> Marc





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, how would a big screen tv affect someone when it is off, but plugged

in? And when you say plasma, is that just any big screen t.v.?


A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough

to take everything you have.


{{In a message dated 11/18/2009 2:15:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

paulpjc@... writes:

other side of my road. I can easily demonstrate the incoming emf using an

AM radio, with plasma tv on there is a hellish fax like tone coming off


conductive materials in and outside the home and also neighbours homes, I

am in a 3 bed semi so its a double whammy. I get so hot that I could walk

out naked in zero degress and stay warm for ages...metabolic effect....

get yourself an AM radio and check out your home at periodic intervals

during the day and night, the low frequency harmonics off many of these

domestic devices will travel through,over,domestic devices will travel


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It could, try drinking a single glass of salted water on an empty stomach (1/2

teaspoon dissolved in 6-8oz.) and see what it does to your thirst and wellbeing

in comparion to a plain glass of water.


From: Cheryl g <cheryl_griffing@...>

Sent: Wed, 18 November, 2009 7:34:01

Subject: Re: heavy metals

Can this sodium depletion therefore cause excessive thirst?



From: Ole Alstrup <alstrup (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: heavy metals

groups (DOT) com

Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 2:19 PM

Weak adrenals=often low aldosterone production=sodium depletion via kidneys

____________ _________ _________ __

From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

groups (DOT) com

Sent: Mon, 16 November, 2009 17:50:23

Subject: Re: heavy metals

> Doesn't salt stress the adrenals rather than support them? Loni

Not that I've heard... salt cravings should be heeded if you have

weak adrenals!


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> And when you say plasma, is that just any big screen t.v.?

In my experience, which is merely shopping around for TVs

in the electronics stores, the plasma TVs are the worst

from an ES standpoint. I purchased an LCD TV

which I don't think is bad at all.


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In a message dated 19/11/2009 02:40:20 GMT Standard Time,

marc@... writes:

And when you say plasma, is that just any big screen t.v.?

In my experience, which is merely shopping around for TVs

in the electronics stores, the plasma TVs are the worst

from an ES standpoint. I purchased an LCD TV

which I don't think is bad at all.


PUK replies= I initially traced the problem to my local telecom pole not

far from my house the noise that was on my phone wire was easy to trace to

the pole using an AM radio. I spoke to a telecoms engineer and he told me it

was probably a digital Sky box emitting electrical impulse noise. So it

did a check of approx 30 telecoms poles in the area and found only on one of

them the same agressive fax type tone, which again I traced back to what

can be seen from the window of the house a very large TV, Basically it would

seem that the large plasma TVs say 40inch+ with thier high power demand

are the culprits for this one not the sky boxes in this case.. I would

hazzard a guess that TV s concerened may have had cheap power supply unit

installed as a repair, certainly the Pioneer units seem to be a problem, the

one t

hat is litterally poisoning me rather like a verve agent,, is a Pioneer,

but sadly I do not know the exact model. I think that the problem in this

case is not common to all Plasma TVs but they will certainly turn your

wiring into an RF emitter locally, but in my case the offending Plasma gives


signals both airborne and conducted up to 50m radius. It really is worthy

of media attention. I have a Samsung 24inch LCD tv and find this pretty

much ok observing all the usual ES parameters it does not seem to pollute my

mains wiring eiether according to the AM radio.


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In a message dated 19/11/2009 01:09:07 GMT Standard Time, javamdnss@...


, how would a big screen tv affect someone when it is off, but plugged

in? And when you say plasma, is that just any big screen t.v.?


PUK replies - if it is a heavy RF emitter then I suppose evan when its on

standby it will send out a signal, it depends on so many permutations, not

least of all the electronic design of the appliance.

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In a message dated 19/11/2009 11:58:57 GMT Standard Time,

furstc0404@... writes:

This is way above my head here.

About the AM radio, does this means, that by switching it on, if there are

lots of interferences, it means what ?????

I am still using the old fashion tube TV, but soon, will have no choice

but to go digital. I tried using a converter, in order to have more channels

by using a device. This made me very very ill, it was returned to the shop.

Is this a strong " signal " that I should avoid Satellite or Cable??

Analog signals will change to digital in the UK soon, and we will have no

choice concerning digital radio or TV. I am worried, and not sure what this

means in terms of affects??



PUK replies - A simple battery powered AM radio (note not all as good as

eachother) tuned out to white noise say end of dial at 1600khz will pick up

periodic RF interference such as lights switches, washing machines etc but

if like me you get a constant loaud agressive sound picked up on the radio

from practically everything in the house that will conduct the signal then

this is worth worrying about, in my case as you may have gleaned it comes

from a 42inch plasma tv some 50m away in a house across the road.

As for your set top converter box, I am not surprised that this made you

ill, I have gone through many myself and using the AM radio you can see how

RF noisy these units can be they also will send the rf signal into your

mains wiring locally so it will get you around the house when you are close to

wires/outlets etc,, note that there are some really bad set top boxes out

there but equally so there are some fairly quiet ones. I now have a LCD TV

with built in digital tuner (Samsung) and find this ok, but hhad to test a

few before I stumbled onto this one, sadly that seems to be what you have

to do, trial and error, try before you buy. Also when you first buy a

product such as a TV you need to give it a fair crack of the whip, from

personal experience you will no doubt be excited, anxious, adrenalsied and thus


a heightened state of awareness when you first try the product over and

above your initial response you might like to wlka away from the unit and

come back to it later or gradually expose yourself to the new feeling it will

give you, thus adapting to its unique energy profile that you will

hopefully be able to accept as reasonably benign.

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This is way above my head here.

About the AM radio, does this means, that by switching it on, if there are lots

of interferences, it means what ?????

I am still using the old fashion tube TV, but soon, will have no choice but to

go digital. I tried using a converter, in order to have more channels by using a

device. This made me very very ill, it was returned to the shop.

Is this a strong " signal " that I should avoid Satellite or Cable??

Analog signals will change to digital in the UK soon, and we will have no choice

concerning digital radio or TV. I am worried, and not sure what this means in

terms of affects??





> In a message dated 19/11/2009 02:40:20 GMT Standard Time,

> marc@... writes:


> And when you say plasma, is that just any big screen t.v.?


> In my experience, which is merely shopping around for TVs

> in the electronics stores, the plasma TVs are the worst

> from an ES standpoint. I purchased an LCD TV

> which I don't think is bad at all.


> Marc



> PUK replies= I initially traced the problem to my local telecom pole not

> far from my house the noise that was on my phone wire was easy to trace to

> the pole using an AM radio. I spoke to a telecoms engineer and he told me it

> was probably a digital Sky box emitting electrical impulse noise. So it

> did a check of approx 30 telecoms poles in the area and found only on one of

> them the same agressive fax type tone, which again I traced back to what

> can be seen from the window of the house a very large TV, Basically it would

> seem that the large plasma TVs say 40inch+ with thier high power demand

> are the culprits for this one not the sky boxes in this case.. I would

> hazzard a guess that TV s concerened may have had cheap power supply unit

> installed as a repair, certainly the Pioneer units seem to be a problem, the

one t

> hat is litterally poisoning me rather like a verve agent,, is a Pioneer,

> but sadly I do not know the exact model. I think that the problem in this

> case is not common to all Plasma TVs but they will certainly turn your

> wiring into an RF emitter locally, but in my case the offending Plasma gives


> signals both airborne and conducted up to 50m radius. It really is worthy

> of media attention. I have a Samsung 24inch LCD tv and find this pretty

> much ok observing all the usual ES parameters it does not seem to pollute my

> mains wiring eiether according to the AM radio.


> p




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> I am still using the old fashion tube TV, but soon, will have no choice

> but to go digital. I tried using a converter, in order to have more

> channels by using a device. This made me very very ill, it was returned

> to the shop.


> Is this a strong " signal " that I should avoid Satellite or Cable??

Not necessarily. There is a lot of difference between specific pieces

of electronics, and you may have simply gotten something that was

difficult to tolerate when you bought the digital converter box.

Just make sure to check for a good return policy when buying

a new TV!


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Yes, I have done this as advised for adrenal fatigue. It has helped me a lot at

times. I was drinking 5 gallons of water per day years ago and could never

figure out for sure why I was so very thirty and totally dehydrated. This may

finally explain it. I use a lot of salt now and my thirst is much less due to







> From: Ole Alstrup <alstrup (DOT) com>


> Subject: Re: heavy metals


> groups (DOT) com


> Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 2:19 PM




> Weak adrenals=often low aldosterone production=sodium

> depletion via kidneys




> ____________ _________ _________ __


> From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>


> groups (DOT) com


> Sent: Mon, 16 November, 2009 17:50:23


> Subject: Re: heavy metals




> > Doesn't salt stress the adrenals rather than

> support them? Loni




> Not that I've heard... salt cravings should be heeded

> if you have


> weak adrenals!




> Marc





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5 gallons per day???? That is dangerous. Using extra salt will not cure you, it

will reduce symptoms. Get your adrenal/thyroid hormones tested and if it shows

adrenal fatigue, rebuild using treatment protocol by Dr



From: Cheryl g <cheryl_griffing@...>

Sent: Sat, 21 November, 2009 7:27:03

Subject: Re: heavy metals

Yes, I have done this as advised for adrenal fatigue. It has helped me a lot at

times. I was drinking 5 gallons of water per day years ago and could never

figure out for sure why I was so very thirty and totally dehydrated. This may

finally explain it. I use a lot of salt now and my thirst is much less due to







> From: Ole Alstrup <alstrup (DOT) com>


> Subject: Re: heavy metals


> groups (DOT) com


> Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 2:19 PM




> Weak adrenals=often low aldosterone production=sodium

> depletion via kidneys




> ____________ _________ _________ __


> From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>


> groups (DOT) com


> Sent: Mon, 16 November, 2009 17:50:23


> Subject: Re: heavy metals




> > Doesn't salt stress the adrenals rather than

> support them? Loni




> Not that I've heard... salt cravings should be heeded

> if you have


> weak adrenals!




> Marc





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Gee, sure wish I had health insurance so I could get those tests done. However,

I am so sure just by my symptoms alone that I will study that website that you

mentioned. I just saved it under " favorites " and subscribed to the newsletter. I

had read his book years ago. Great book! I will go back to read more on the

website when I have more time later.








> From: Ole Alstrup <alstrup (DOT) com>


> Subject: Re: heavy metals


> groups (DOT) com


> Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 2:19 PM




> Weak adrenals=often low aldosterone production=sodium

> depletion via kidneys




> ____________ _________ _________ __


> From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>


> groups (DOT) com


> Sent: Mon, 16 November, 2009 17:50:23


> Subject: Re: heavy metals




> > Doesn't salt stress the adrenals rather than

> support them? Loni




> Not that I've heard... salt cravings should be heeded

> if you have


> weak adrenals!




> Marc





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Hi, ,


Sorry I am so late in responding. I have not been home for the past week.

I can't explain how molybdenum works technically, (I would think that it's

unique elemental structure is what makes it work) but the molybdenum does have

special properties other minerals do not have concerning leaching heavy metals

out of organs.  And it works in combo with other nutrients in the liver for a

number of detox functions, not just detoxifying sulfites.  I have read that it

does have a special affinity for detoxing particular metals (I am fairly sure

one is mercury, but I do not know about copper).

As to amount, I originally got a tablet form from Carlson Labs which I cut into

eighths, forths, and then halves and took daily. Unfortunately I don't remember

the amount--it was high (maybe 400mcgs?) I took as little as I could at first

because it knocked me out mentally and physically. I now take 1 drop in a

bottle of spring water every other day (I am no longer using it to detox, but as

an actual nutritional supplement.) I am now using " Nutricology Liquid

Molybdenum " which has 25mcg of molybdenum/drop. But when this is used, I will

try to find another brand because this brand has benzyl alcohol in it. I do like

using it in liquid form, but benzyl alcohol might be the downside if you want to

use that form.

I am currently not using any heavy metal chelation regime. I take long breaks

from detoxing. (I am right now detoxing bad gut flora, due to anti-biotic use

during my hand accident in the spring, however.) I have used various methods,

tho. Homeopathy was the latest thing I tried. I believe it worked, as I

noticed great improvements afterwards, tho at the time it hit me like a

sledge-hammer. I don't necessarily recommend going this route, btw. I used

only one drop/once under my tongue to detox my bone marrow and I was very ill

for 6 weeks. (Under a homeopath's direction.) If you should ever try this

method, it is best to be in a very low emf environment, be at the top of your

game lymphatically and nutritionally, be sugarfree and otherwise stressfree. I

don't recommend it otherwise. Also do not try to detox anything but thing and

one organ at a time.

I mentioned already using Chelation IV--that was many years ago. Worked well at

the time and was certainly the easiest and most pleasant regime I have tried.

(Also probably the most dangerous.)

I have used various supplements--molybdenum, L acetyl carnitine, selenium....

At the same time, I was using upper limits of all of the nutrients I mentioned

in a former email on liver supplement support and mega supplementation in

general. That regime was exceedingly expensive--and I also did hydrogen

supplementation during this time which I nearly forgot to mention. I had the

help of a nutritionist from another State who I had phone appts with every month

or two during that period, but alot of the program was my own design, based on

reading I had done on the subject. It was helpful having a nutritionist to

call, however, and I recommend that if you cannot get a local doctor or

nutritionist. I asked him for his input and got his advise when things got out

of control, which happened 4 times during that period. I was able to manage

this financially for only a little over a year and a half (due to cost of the

supplements--the nutritionist was very

reasonable), but I saw very great improvements body-wide from that. Gut flora

improved and digestion, my liver, kidneys, adrenals, lymphatic, thyroid, ability

to think more clearly, overall energy..... all improved greatly.

I tried primrose oil and ALA early on during my " supplement intense " regime, but

didn't tolerate them. (The ALA I ended up quiting rather quickly, but it might

have worked well if I had had more info at the time. I didn't know at the time

I tried it that I could repack the capsules to make smaller doses.) I couldn't

tolerate the primrose oil at all, tho.

I hope this helps you toward deciding what will work best for you. If I

neglected to mention something, just ask.

May you have successful and easy detoxing, ;)


From: johnottawa80 <johnottawa80@...>

Subject: Re: heavy metals

Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 9:01 AM


Hi Diane,

I've been thinking about what you wrote about you taking molybdenum to leach the

heavy metals out into your bloodstream.

I'm taking Mo too. (I have high copper levels in my body due to some kind of

metabolic 'defect'. Cu is antagonistic to Mo.)

Could I ask you a couple of questions?

Does molybdenum have some kind of special ability to transfer heavy metals from

the organs and into the blood stream, or do you think any mineral supplement

would do this?

If it is something special about molybdenum, can you explain what it is?

How much Mo did you take to replenish body stores? For how long did you take it?

Also: What kind of heavy metal chelation regieme do you use?





> From: Ian Kemp <ianandsue.kemp@ ...>

> Subject: RE: heavy metals

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 8:08 PM







> Hi Amy,


> I'd strongly support what Marc says about being careful with chelation.

> Often, heavy metals have become a problem and caused the symptoms because

> the body has already been badly weakened, particularly the liver. Adrenal

> fatigue is often linked to this. Often ES comes along with MCS, ME, chronic

> fatigue, gut disorders and other similar problems. The snag is that if you

> try to chelate while the body is

still very weak, the liver in particular

> may be unable to handle the heavy metals released by chelation and it can

> even make things worse. Often chelation is done as part of more extensive

> protocols adding other things like intravenous vitamin C or activated

> charcoal to try to mop up the " nasties " which are released.


> But as Marc says, it's often best to try to strengthen your system first, so

> that you can cope better with chelation if it's necessary. The snag is that

> the underlying causes are often different for different people, and so what

> helps one person may not help another. In previous messages various people

> have reported their experiences, e.g. different liver metabolic pathways not

> working so that the body can't process certain chemicals. There's even an

> (expensive) genetic test now which can identify missing liver function genes

> (but also

argument on whether anyone yet really knows how to interpret the

> test). Certainly my wife Sue, who is ES, has been hugely helped by

> glutathione, whereas it has negative effects on Marc; but there are other

> supplements that they both benefit from. " Try it and see " seems the best

> way with most of these things at the moment. So far I don't think anyone in

> the world has 100% understanding of all the medical issues and how they

> interact, although some doctors, people and groups are certainly a lot

> further along than others.


> Ian


> _____


> From: groups (DOT) com [mailto:] On Behalf Of



> Sent: 15 November 2009 00:38

> groups (DOT) com

> Subject: Re: heavy metals


> > Marc - What do you do to support your adrenals, kidneys and liver?


> There are

a variety of supplements (and foods) which will help various

> organs. The specifics may vary by person depending on what they

> tolerate / do well on / are willing to do / can afford. Also, different

> doctors tend to prefer different brands of supplements, and also there

> are things available at health food stores or online that are different

> than what doctors tend to use.


> Over the years, I've noticed that I've done well with a doctors brand

> called " Standard Process " , and they make a variety of supplements which

> support a variety of organs. For example:


> Adrenals: Adrenal Desicated, Drenamin, Drenatrophin PMG

> Kidneys: Arginex, Renatrophin PMG, Renafood, Albaplex

> Liver: Livaplex, Hepatrophin PMG, Spanish Black Radish, AF Betafood,

> Betacol, Cruciferous Complete, Garlic


> Also, to support liver detox via foods, you can try eating


> foods which support detox (depending on what you are willing to eat and

> can tolerate): broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts, garlic, eggs,

> kale, beets.


> And to support the adrenals via food, make sure you are getting enough

> salt (probably unrefined sea salt is best).


> As for kidneys, drink a lot of water (preferably unchlorinated) .


> > My doctor wants to do a 6 hr urine provocation heavy metal test and

> > then IV chelation if I need it. I know, from testing as well as

> > symptoms, that I have adrenal fatigue. I'm so fatigued and weak, I

> > can't imagine getting hit with IV drugs like that. Are those tests

> > safe? Are there other (less scary) things I could do instead?


> There are certainly some who would say that provocation tests and IV

> chelation are not safe. I personally would not do them. If your


> cannot deal with the amount of metals that are unleashed into your

> system during such a test or IV, it may end up making you worse, and it

> may be difficult to get back to where you are now. There are alternate

> tests which don't require provocation -- hair mineral tests and urine

> porphyrin tests are the most commonly used. Also, one simple test for

> heavy metals is to try a small amount of a known heavy metal chelator and

> see how you feel. If have an adverse reaction, that it pretty much an

> indicator of toxicity.


> The busiest heavy metal chelation group on that I know about is

> called " adult-metal- chelation " . I view this group with a bit of

> skepticism, as most of the people all chelate using one specific way,

> and they tend to badmouth other methods which seem just as good to me.

> They mostly use " frequent dose chelation " , which

involves using a few

> known heavy metal chelators (DMSA, DMPS, or Alpha Lipoic Acid) in small

> amounts and at frequent intervals (every 3, 4, or 8 hours in 3-day

> rounds with 2 week breaks). However, some people even have bad

> reactions to this method, and may be better off trying some of the

> alternatives (liquid zeolite, powdered zeolite, chlorella, cilantro,

> NDF, OSR), or simply focusing on rebuilding their detox organs and

> letting their body eliminate the metals at its own rate (in such

> a case, you might want to add some relatively harmless things

> which will bind to toxins in your intestines -- activated charcoal

> or bentonite)


> Marc



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Hi Diane,

thank you very much for your thorough answer.

Just out of curiousity, can you tell me what kind of homeopathic remedy you took

to detox your bone marrow?

Perhaps you have an online link to the remedy or the practitioner?



---------Diane wrote:----------------------------


Homeopathy was the latest thing I tried. I believe it worked, as I noticed

great improvements afterwards, tho at the time it hit me like a sledge-hammer.

I don't necessarily recommend going this route, btw. I used only one drop/once

under my tongue to detox my bone marrow and I was very ill for 6 weeks. (Under

a homeopath's direction.) If you should ever try this method, it is best to be

in a very low emf environment, be at the top of your game lymphatically and

nutritionally, be sugarfree and otherwise stressfree. I don't recommend it

otherwise. Also do not try to detox anything but thing and one organ at a time.


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Hi, ,


Sorry I am just getting to this post, .  I have not been home again for the

past week.


You wrote:

Just out of curiousity, can you tell me what kind of homeopathic remedy you took

to detox your bone marrow?


My answer:

Yes, it was called “BML  10MMâ€.  The “BM†obviously stands for “bone

marrowâ€, but I forget what the “L†means.  As to the potency, I perhaps

would need more potency than you due to the length of time the homeopath figured

I had been storing metals/toxins.  Also there is a difference in the strength

of remedies based on how they are prepared (how many times percussed and whether

or not they are water based.)


You wrote:

Perhaps you have an online link to the remedy or the practitioner?

My answer:

Yes, I do.  His name is Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.  He was originally an M.D. who

became a homeopath.  I believe he has written several books.  I own one called

“Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear Warfare--Protecting Yourself and Your Loved

Ones:  The Power of Digital Medicineâ€.  (It has a forward written by the

famed Professor Emeritus of Materials Science, A Tiller, of Stanford U,

which impressed me.)  The book does deal with protecting yourself from these

onslaughts, however, it also follows case studies for curing everything from

heart disease to sarcoidosis thru homeopathy.  Dr. Yurkovsky’s office is in

Chappaqua, NY. 


Did I like him?  Yes, but I felt he was a bit remiss in that he did not give me

lead time to prepare for his remedies by getting my health in tip-top shape

before he gave me the remedies.  This was the first and only time I saw him and

since I had never had homeopathy before, I did not know exactly what to

expect.  In his book he states what one should do to prepare for heavy metal

homeopathy, however, I did not have the book to read until after taking the

remedies.  He told me in detail what to do, but huge diet changes and lifestyle

changes do take a little time to get into place!  He expressed that he wanted

me to begin the remedies the very next day, and not knowing what to

expect—getting terribly ill—I followed his wishes.  Had I known what to

expect, I would have prepared more ahead of time.  Other than that, tho, I

liked him.  (I think, however, I got a lot sicker than I would have had I had

more time to prepare myself.)  I hope

to write a post sometime this week, if possible, to the forum regarding

preparations one should make before detoxing heavy metals.  These preparations

should be done for any type of metal detox, not just homeopathy.  Also, if you

decide to go this route for chelation of metals and see another homeopath, you

should expect him/her to supply remedies to support your organs which aid in

detoxing—the lymphs, kidneys, liver, lungs…..  Particularly, I took herbs

and a remedy for my kidneys (I took remedies for the other organs, but was told

my kidneys were not up to the task and needed extra help.)


This is Dr. Yurkovsky’s website.  It deals with a particular therapy he is

known for, not the homeopathy which I saw him for.  Web address:




Wishing you the best with whatever form of chelation you finally choose,


------ --------- --------- ----


Homeopathy was the latest thing I tried. I believe it worked, as I noticed great

improvements afterwards, tho at the time it hit me like a sledge-hammer. I don't

necessarily recommend going this route, btw. I used only one drop/once under my

tongue to detox my bone marrow and I was very ill for 6 weeks. (Under a

homeopath's direction.) If you should ever try this method, it is best to be in

a very low emf environment, be at the top of your game lymphatically and

nutritionally, be sugarfree and otherwise stressfree. I don't recommend it

otherwise. Also do not try to detox anything but thing and one organ at a time.


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Hi Evie and


I read something interesting about detoxing heavy metals recently which I have

been meaning to post. I read a report [not a study] by Carlo working with

someone else in NY whose name escapes me. They were working with a cohort of

about 90 autistic children and looking at EMF and heavy metal detox. The problem

with the kids was they didn't detoc HM in their stools even with chelation. They

did a protocol with them where they removed them from EMF [as far as possible]

and found that they then began to discharge HM in their stools even without

chelation. Their conclusion was that people with problems with the methylation

cyckle can't clear HM efficiently and exposure to wireless radiation makes it

worse by closing the cell membranes further trapping metals and disrupting

intracellular communication. So permanent cell damage could explain why

chelation fails to work. In such cases chelation can make things worse as the

metals rip through the cell

membrane. Perhaps [and just perhaps] this is why so many people with ES report

such awful symptoms and health during attempts at chelation and HM detox because

in effect the efforts to get the HM out of the cells are actually damaging the

cells themselves???? Wish I could find the place on the net where I read this.








------ --------- --------- ----


Homeopathy was the latest thing I tried. I believe it worked, as I noticed great

improvements afterwards, tho at the time it hit me like a sledge-hammer. I don't

necessarily recommend going this route, btw. I used only one drop/once under my

tongue to detox my bone marrow and I was very ill for 6 weeks. (Under a

homeopath's direction.) If you should ever try this method, it is best to be in

a very low emf environment, be at the top of your game lymphatically and

nutritionally, be sugarfree and otherwise stressfree. I don't recommend it

otherwise. Also do not try to detox anything but thing and one organ at a time.


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Thank you very much for your answer Diane!

And if you would like to, please write about how to prepare for heavy metal




------ --------- --------- ----

> [...]

> Homeopathy was the latest thing I tried. I believe it worked, as I noticed

great improvements afterwards, tho at the time it hit me like a sledge-hammer. I

don't necessarily recommend going this route, btw. I used only one drop/once

under my tongue to detox my bone marrow and I was very ill for 6 weeks. (Under a

homeopath's direction.) If you should ever try this method, it is best to be in

a very low emf environment, be at the top of your game lymphatically and

nutritionally, be sugarfree and otherwise stressfree. I don't recommend it

otherwise. Also do not try to detox anything but thing and one organ at a time.

> [...]













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That's interesting Steph. Sounds like me. Does anyone know if Charcoal & Clay

which are toxic binders absorb heavy metals. That's what I am doing for detox.


------ --------- --------- ----


Homeopathy was the latest thing I tried. I believe it worked, as I noticed great

improvements afterwards, tho at the time it hit me like a sledge-hammer. I don't

necessarily recommend going this route, btw. I used only one drop/once under my

tongue to detox my bone marrow and I was very ill for 6 weeks. (Under a

homeopath's direction.) If you should ever try this method, it is best to be in

a very low emf environment, be at the top of your game lymphatically and

nutritionally, be sugarfree and otherwise stressfree. I don't recommend it

otherwise. Also do not try to detox anything but thing and one organ at a time.


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Gee ,


Were you able to read my email to you with all the extra characters in it???? 

I wrote it in Word and pasted it, but it looks unreadable! 


You are welcome, .  I will try to post the info on how to prepare for metal

detox later in the week.  (Hint--Steph mentioned part of it--get into as low an

emf environment as you can.  ;)  )


Be well,


From: johnottawa80 <johnottawa80@...>

Subject: Re: heavy metals

Date: Monday, November 30, 2009, 9:57 AM


Thank you very much for your answer Diane!

And if you would like to, please write about how to prepare for heavy metal




------ --------- --------- ----

> [...]

> Homeopathy was the latest thing I tried. I believe it worked, as I noticed

great improvements afterwards, tho at the time it hit me like a sledge-hammer. I

don't necessarily recommend going this route, btw. I used only one drop/once

under my tongue to detox my bone marrow and I was very ill for 6 weeks. (Under a

homeopath's direction.) If you should ever try this method, it is best to be in

a very low emf environment, be at the top of your game lymphatically and

nutritionally, be sugarfree and otherwise stressfree. I don't recommend it

otherwise. Also do not try to detox anything but thing and one organ at a time.

> [...]













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Hi again, Loni,


Yes, clay and charcoal CAN help, but you don't want to use charcoal--it

eliminates everything in your digestive tract, including all of your

nutrients.  I always shutter when I hear someone saying they are using charcoal

long term.  I use charcoal for some things--food poisoning, a gluten crumb I

have accidently ingested, getting off of the drug theophyline when it was

causing me congestive heart failure.....  One should not use charcoal for more

than a day unless it is absolutely necessary to eliminate something eminently

life threatening.


My 2 cents,


------ --------- --------- ----


Homeopathy was the latest thing I tried. I believe it worked, as I noticed great

improvements afterwards, tho at the time it hit me like a sledge-hammer. I don't

necessarily recommend going this route, btw. I used only one drop/once under my

tongue to detox my bone marrow and I was very ill for 6 weeks. (Under a

homeopath's direction.) If you should ever try this method, it is best to be in

a very low emf environment, be at the top of your game lymphatically and

nutritionally, be sugarfree and otherwise stressfree. I don't recommend it

otherwise. Also do not try to detox anything but thing and one organ at a time.


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Hi Loni


I really know very little about detoxing heavy metals and all I was able to do

in my last post was report interesting research I had come across - I'd say

Diane or Marc would be  your best bet for information on that.





------ --------- --------- ----


Homeopathy was the latest thing I tried. I believe it worked, as I noticed great

improvements afterwards, tho at the time it hit me like a sledge-hammer. I don't

necessarily recommend going this route, btw. I used only one drop/once under my

tongue to detox my bone marrow and I was very ill for 6 weeks. (Under a

homeopath's direction.) If you should ever try this method, it is best to be in

a very low emf environment, be at the top of your game lymphatically and

nutritionally, be sugarfree and otherwise stressfree. I don't recommend it

otherwise. Also do not try to detox anything but thing and one organ at a time.


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I've found that helpful in keeping hydrated, adding a pinch of salt, or

sometimes baking soda to water. In the past it didn't matter how much I drank,

my skin still was dehydrated. I've read that people with CFS can use a saline IV

the day before they have a big day coming up to help them get through easier.

So.. I do it with baking soda, 1/2t. to a cup of water. Raises the blood

pressure a bit, and seems to warm me up.

Plus, I found studies showing the baking soda helps with preventing or advancing

renal failure. Makes ya wonder about salt restricted diets for kidney problems,

but then most salts are high temp. kiln dried, and no longer natural salt.

Anyway, here's an electrolyte recipe I've been using for a couple years, mix it

up by the pitcher, and use as I feel it's needed:

Rehydration Recipe:

Recipe for an oral rehydration drink that approximates

most store-bought solutions can be prepared

inexpensively at home:

To one liter of water add:

8 teaspoons of sugar,

1/2 teaspoon of solar dried sea salt,

1/4 tsp. cream of tartar and

1/2 teaspoon baking soda.

The cream of tartar provides the necessary potassium to balance it. I like to


some powdered calcium, and sometimes magnesium as well. (I use Sucanat,

which is organic, dried cane sugar juice and has trace minerals in it and tastes


than white sugar.) The sugar is necessary to make the cells keep the fluids.

~ Snoshoe

> >

> >

> >

> > From: Ole Alstrup <alstrup (DOT) com>

> >

> > Subject: Re: heavy metals

> >

> > groups (DOT) com

> >

> > Date: Monday, November 16, 2009, 2:19 PM

> >

> >

> >

> > Weak adrenals=often low aldosterone production=sodium

> > depletion via kidneys

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> >

> > From: Marc <marcufoseries (DOT) com>

> >

> > groups (DOT) com

> >

> > Sent: Mon, 16 November, 2009 17:50:23

> >

> > Subject: Re: heavy metals

> >

> >

> >

> > > Doesn't salt stress the adrenals rather than

> > support them? Loni

> >

> >

> >

> > Not that I've heard... salt cravings should be heeded

> > if you have

> >

> > weak adrenals!

> >

> >

> >

> > Marc

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