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Hi Bee,

Last week I came down with a cold shortly after my husband did. The cold is gone

apart a left over cough from being a smoker.

The last three days, I have been getting dizzy alot, and my legs have been

feeling weak. Im also getting like a funny feeling in the back of my head, like

a not quite right feeling. That seems to be coming and going. I have also

noticed not severe but some pain in my lower left leg when standing. The

weakness and dizzyness is starting to scare me. Any suggestions would be


i've only ever been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1997, as well as Multinodular

Goiter and had Thyroid removed in 2005.

At least til 2009 and then:

I was getting severe chest pain and upper back pain in 2009, but have been to

the doctors more times then anyone needs to go to with so many different answers

from different doctors. I was told Myocarditis, Pangastritis, Fibroids, Anemia,

and even that it was All just in my head. All kinds of things and with being a

family member of a Military Soldier, you basically get the feeling that the

health care that is provided to us, just does not care. Which is why I basically

gave up going to the doctors, and thought that maybe I could fix myself.

I still get the upper back pains and occasional chest pain. The pain in my back

feels like its right under or between the wings on the back, shoulder blades. I

deal with the back pain daily, but this dizzyness is really getting to me. And

so is the weakness in my legs. I get this feeling usually the day before my

period comes on, but I don't have my period right now, so I know its not that.

Trying to cook dinner tonight was a huge task, I bent over to get a pan out of

the cubboard and I nearly fell over because I got so dizzy.

I know your very busy with everyone, but if you can suggest anything or maybe

have a clue as to what is going on with me, let me know.

Thank you so much,


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> Hi Bee,


> Last week I came down with a cold shortly after my husband did. The cold is

gone apart a left over cough from being a smoker.

+++Hi Carol. Colds and the flu are simply the way the body detoxifies itself.

> The last three days, I have been getting dizzy alot, and my legs have been

feeling weak. Im also getting like a funny feeling in the back of my head, like

a not quite right feeling. That seems to be coming and going. I have also

noticed not severe but some pain in my lower left leg when standing. The

weakness and dizzyness is starting to scare me. Any suggestions would be


+++It is normal to get all of those symptoms when your body is healing and

detoxifying itself. Toxins can move around a lot too, and may come and go,

until your body clears them out.

+++There are many toxins you've gotten in the past that can make you weak dizzy,

such as anesthetics during operations, alcohol, neurotoxic substances such as

MSG (affects the brain and nervous system), hair dyes, toxic substances in

shampoo, personal care products, alcohol in perfumes, toxic candles burning,

etc. - the list is endless. You can detoxify things like novacaine (used in

dental procedures) and think you are having a stroke when the side of your face

and half your mouth goes numb.

+++Last year my brother, who is 63, called me and said I think I'm having a

stroke. After he described it, I asked if he'd ever had a hugh dose of

novacaine when his teeth were filled. He said, yes, and that was 30 years ago

(he'd been on my program 30 months at the time so the timing for retracing it

was right on). He said he almost stopped one dentist who kept pumping in more

and more novacaine so my brother's eye wasn't even working right.

> i've only ever been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1997, as well as

Multinodular Goiter and had Thyroid removed in 2005.

+++Fibromyalgia simply means you had muscle fiber pain, and it is also caused by


At least til 2009 and then:


> I was getting severe chest pain and upper back pain in 2009, but have been to

the doctors more times then anyone needs to go to with so many different answers

from different doctors. I was told Myocarditis, Pangastritis, Fibroids, Anemia,

and even that it was All just in my head. All kinds of things and with being a

family member of a Military Soldier, you basically get the feeling that the

health care that is provided to us, just does not care. Which is why I basically

gave up going to the doctors, and thought that maybe I could fix myself.

> I still get the upper back pains and occasional chest pain. The pain in my

back feels like its right under or between the wings on the back, shoulder

blades. I deal with the back pain daily, but this dizzyness is really getting to

me. And so is the weakness in my legs. I get this feeling usually the day before

my period comes on, but I don't have my period right now, so I know its not


+++It takes time and patience to heal naturally, and while you are healing your

body will be " retracing " all past symptoms, illnesses, diseases, organ

malfunctions, injuries, etc., along with any toxins you acquired - read this

article to understand retracing:


+++In that article pay particular attention to the section " Healing Reactions

Versus Disease Reactions. "

As I always write " this too shall pass! so hang in there Carol.

All the best, Bee

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


> HI Bee,

> I apologize if this post is a repeat. I don't know if it went through.


> I have asked these questions before, and don't know if I missed your reply.


> I have been told I have IBS, Leaky Gut, malabsorption, maldigestion, yeast and

bacteria overgrowths etc.

+++Dear Elaine. I have replied to your messages many times, including your

question above that you posted on this group April 2nd - see my message #103122


+++Since you are getting Daily Digests you can search them for your name, or

subject, to keep track of my replies to you. Better yet, you can go directly to

the Group's Website, find your message using your name and scroll down to see

replies to it.


> My symptoms include constipation, low abdominal cramps, painful gas, bloating,

a feeling of rumbling, gurgling, trapped gas, like something is inside poking to

get out. A very difficult feeling to describe. Feeling of a spark being set off

inside. All these are pretty much constant 24/7. I do enema daily and have for

quite sometime and concerned about that. If I don't do them I feel my sx's get

worse, but when I do them I also feel worse, and sx's are not always gone. It is

difficult to evacuate the enema.


> I have been on a diet of no carbs, cut out any nuts and seeds, veggies, that I

am not sensitive to, meats(not red meat)and fish, coconut oil, ghee butter, try

to get fats, for almost a year with NO improvements.I have cheated over time,

but not much compared to how long I have been on a diet like this.


> I get a bit confused with the diet, maybe because nothing is working, and

cannot figure out what to do next.


> The medical profession is no help, and I am at a loss. I am at the end of my

rope with no hope. I read many success stories, but I am not one. It sound

crazy, but canot figure out what works, because nothing seems to.

+++First, you need to read my replies to your previous messages. Also read my

messages on this group which answers many questions. This is a Self-Help Program

so you get the most out of it by reading and learning.

Second you cannot assume any previous dies was like this one.

Third, healing naturally takes time and patience, so it can take years for most

people. The timing depends upon many factors, i.e. how long you've been

unhealthy, age, how well you stick to my program, how debilitated you are, etc.

Even after you are healthy you cannot neglect nutrition and go back to old

eating habits, toxins, damaging foods, etc.

This program works for everyone if they follow it and do it long enough.

All the best, Bee

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