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On 7/3/09, sherryskapik <sherryskapik@...> wrote:


> Okay, I have a (maybe two) question for the experts in the

> group....Does anyone know some natural remedies for heartburn?

I used to have GERD pretty bad. The doctor put me through two separate

courses of ulcer treatments and a daily dose of prilosec but none of

that fixed it - still raged every day and I couldn't lay down to


It went away completely when I went raw.


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Thanks Sparrow....Going completely raw for me probably isn't going to happen.  I

do as much as I can, but since I have to cook for the family.........



> Okay, I have a (maybe two) question for the experts in the

> group....Does anyone know some natural remedies for heartburn?

I used to have GERD pretty bad. The doctor put me through two separate

courses of ulcer treatments and a daily dose of prilosec but none of

that fixed it - still raged every day and I couldn't lay down to


It went away completely when I went raw.


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On 7/3/09, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...> wrote:


> Thanks Sparrow....Going completely raw for me probably isn't

> going to happen.  I do as much as I can, but since I have to

> cook for the family.........

I hear you. I cook for the husband so I make two separate meals every

time. It's not as big of a pain as it sounds, though, because my stuff

is so quick and easy that I can put it together in the five minutes

I'm waiting for something of his to heat up or fry or whatever. It's

so worth it to me, though, because I feel so awesome. I was walking

someplace earlier today and the thought popped into my head: " it feels

so good to be young! " That's a pretty cool random thought to have at

age 42, if you ask me. :-)

Going vegan didn't make a dent in the GERD, by the way. I was still

constantly feeling like I had a fiery lump in my throat. I don't know

any other natural remedies for heartburn . . . I really do think it

comes down to the fundamentals of diet. Try eliminating things from

your diet until you hit on whatever it is that isn't agreeing with

your system. Keep a journal if you have to. Every time you have

heartburn, add what you ate to the list and stop eating it. When the

heartburn finally goes away, try adding those things back to your

diet, one at a time, and see how it affects you. Eventually you'll hit

on the thing or things that you just can't eat any more. Best wishes!


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I have no idea if it works, but recently read that chia gel gets rid of it!

If you have some chia, why not give it a go? Let us know!



On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...>wrote:



> Thanks Sparrow....Going completely raw for me probably isn't going to

> happen. I do as much as I can, but since I have to cook for the

> family.........

> Sherry



> >

> > Okay, I have a (maybe two) question for the experts in the

> > group....Does anyone know some natural remedies for heartburn?













Quick & Easy " Raw " Recipes



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I went looking for that page where I read it a few days ago-- but found this

one instead. It mentions it briefly.




On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Thia (aka: pixx) <pixxley@...> wrote:

> I have no idea if it works, but recently read that chia gel gets rid of

> it! If you have some chia, why not give it a go? Let us know!


> :~)

> Thia



> On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...>wrote:




>> Thanks Sparrow....Going completely raw for me probably isn't going to

>> happen. I do as much as I can, but since I have to cook for the

>> family.........

>> Sherry



>> >

>> > Okay, I have a (maybe two) question for the experts in the

>> > group....Does anyone know some natural remedies for heartburn?













> --

> º¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤º


> Quick & Easy " Raw " Recipes

> http://easyraw.blogspot.com/


> º¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤º




Quick & Easy " Raw " Recipes



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I am not an expert but here is my 2 cents worth...

Don't know if I was having heart burn or not, but I purchased some Beano and

it has really helped my gastric issues. I have to take it if eating

broccolli or radish sprouts certain beans, if I eat out because of no

telling what is in their food. It is apparently derived from natural

sources. I just have not purchased from the local health food store yet.

Also, sometimes peppermint tea can ease a stomach.


On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 2:27 PM, sherryskapik <sherryskapik@...> wrote:



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GERD is NOT just simple 'heart burn' -- it's best to be thought of as

" pre-cancerous warnings' -- Now 'heart burn' as a GENERAL symptom can

be a gabillion things from brain tumors and heart attacks, to liver or

pancreatic cancers.  So it's not 'just nothing' -- and I can't make

this statement more clear than IT IS PRECANCEROUS.

Generally, here is how the 'GENERAL' way works.  Your stomach pumps out

lots of different acids and enzymes and stuff like that.  As you get

older the 'valve' at the top of your stomach gets 'lose' and some of

the acids and things leak through to your lower esophagus.  Now we have

two kinds of things going on: 1) the enzymes, amino acids, acids, and

stuff - called 'digestive juices' from here on leak into the lower esophagus,

and start digesting it -- one of a couple of things begin to

happen at this point -- you begin to grow 'stomach' tissue into your esophagus,

and sometimes you begin to grow intestine like tissue in

your esophagus  (your 'food pipe') OR you grow a stomach-LIKE or

Intestine-LIKE tissue in your food pipe.  These tissues don't belong

there and your body knows it. 

(See the article in Wikipedia:

http://tinyurl.com/m27qbq  )

When your grow them they weaken the 'valve (a type of muscle called a

'sphincter' [and more technically a 'stricture' but let's keep this

simple] -- the most common one you are probably familiar with is your

butt -- when it loosens up, you sometimes 'leak' bowel contents onto

your clothes).  When the valve at the top of your stomach gets lose,

you leak stomach contents into your throat.  Some of the tissue that

grows is either just plain stomach tissue and is sort-of-OK like

smoking or drinking is kind of ok.  When it is the stomach like tissue,

it is anywhere from VERY EXTREMELY pre-cancerous to sourta precancerous

-- like smoking and drinking.  A common type of this kind of tissue is

called " Baretts Syndrome " or " Barretts Esophogus'.  And it can turn

into cancer.

If it is of long standing, it is now becoming to be recognized as a

major cause of laryngeal cancers, and is suspected to be a cause of

cancers of the lower tounge. 

There are many things you can do once it starts -- but the FIRST think

you REALLY need to do is to go see your doctor and ask about being

'scoped' -- that is, having a invasive exam of your throat where a GI

specialist will look at your throat and at the tissue right around the

'valve' -- you are generally on a very nice 'cocktail' of drugs that

puts you out completely -- so you simply pretty much 'go to sleep' and

wake up -- wait until you can stand up and not fall over -- and have

someone drive you home --

When you wake up the doctor will tell you one of 3 things: A) you are

OK, 2) you have an ulcer, 3) he has taken a biopsy and will send it

away for a pathologist to look at.  This means one of two things: A) if

it is in your throat, you probably have some kind of tissue change and

it's probably OK, or B) if it is in your stomach you have some kind of

tissue change and he'll call you with the results.  A VERY reaching

thing to hear him say is that you need more tests -- and that can mean

a lot of different things.  The main thing to remember is that today is

not five years ago and five years ago is not ten years ago and ten

years ago is not fifteen years ago. 

The reason I say that is that today MOST CANCERS ARE CURABLE.  Let me


SEVERAL HUNDRED PERCENT -- the longer you wait because you might be

scared, the less likely you are to survive even simple cancers like

laryngeal cancers -- even early stage lung cancers that are caught



This goes for GERD too -- it's not 'just heart burn' -=- it is your

body telling you that something is wrong, and what might be wrong can

be SIMPLE GERD -- or it can be Stomach Cancer. 


Your body also has things called 'referred' pain -- that is pain that

you feel in one place -- like a back ache --- and you are having a

heart attack.  OR you feel a sharp needle like pain in your big toe --

and it means you are having a certain kind of stroke (bleading) in your

brain -- So just because you feel 'heart burn' it is actually one of

the more common kinds of pain you feel like the classic 'pain in the

left arm' -- 'heart burn' is ONE of the CLASSIC symptoms of a heart

attack - and 'heart attacks' come in many different flavors just like

most things.

I don't know what you mean by 'natural cure' -- that can be ANYTHING

from 1) don't drink or eat ANYTHING within two to three hours of going

to bed -- even if that means that you will spend two hours on a pillow

watching TV before you go to bed.  Just shut up and follow that rule:


liberal doctor will say 1 to 1 1/2  hours, a conservative doctor will

tell you 3 hours which is the general maximum time it takes to empty

your stomach, TWO HOURS is a good number that EVERYONE seems to make

concessions to arrive at -- the liberal will add an hour, and the conservative

will give up an hour -- and so they meet in the middle at

two hours.

2) drink LOTS of water during the day -- if you have 'hard' water --

don't do this - but don't buy bottled water for many reasons, one of

which we all now know is that it puts out a chemical into the water

that causes stomach cancer among other thing.  So NO BOTTLED WATER --

buy a water filter from Britta or other company that filters out the

chemicals suspended in your water and keep the filter changed as per

the instructions -- while they are obviously on the conservative side,

that is, they say to change it more often than you need, they take into

account how people procrastinate -- it's all a sub-specialty within

the food industry - so by the time you get around to changing it, it

REALLY needs it.  So you can go from several gallons to several tens of

gallons depending on the type of water filter you have -- even hundreds

of gallons if it's a whole-house filter -- but DO try to follow the

direction - and if they say to 'back flush' -- do it -- just like you

do your hot water tank every year -- you DO do that, don't you? ---

see?  you don't. woops.  So look upon it as a medical device and treat

it like one.

3) how 'natural' do you want -- baking soad -- sodium bicarbonate is a

naturally occuring mineral -- it's like taking sulfur, calcium, potassium, zinc,

etc -- it's simply a naturally occurring mineral that

reacts with the acid and turns it 'neutral'.  When you take it it will

produce a gas -- well several different gases, but the biggest part is

CO2 -- and you will feel bloated -- so drink it slowly -- take a couple

of sips and then burp -- take a few more and burp -- you can then find

the exact amount for that attack.  And you can use it as a preventative. 

However -- in some people this will produce kidney

stones which I am told are REALLY not fun to 'pass'.  One way around

this is to use vinegar -- good vinegar - not just acetic acid

diluted.  And some studies seem to support this others don't --

4) use activated charcoal -- it will absorb a lot fo stuff -- and acids are one

of them. 

5) you may have an infection -- H. _pylori_ is a bacteria that has been

associated with certain types of gastric ulcers -- and can be treated

by many kinds of antibiotics -- and should be.

6) DO KEEP A JOURNAL OF THE FOOD YOU EAT - and what seems to be the

problem -- but remember that damage can be going on and you just don't

feel it-- the stomach is a place that doesn't have a lot of neve

endings in it that transmit pain -- So -- even if the symptoms go away

-- you need to see a doctor and get scoped --

7) SO -- See a doctor and get scoped -- you will be REALLY pissed at

yourself - -and a lot fo the world in general -- and you'll be really

REALLY scared when the doctor says those three very scary words: you

have cancer. 

Medicine is about ruling things OUT - when you rule something OUT it

leaves a smaller and smaller sub-group.  Until all that is left is one

thing.  With cancer being mostly curable or VERY treatable -- you sure

would not only look like a dope, you would BE a dope if YOU let

yourself get to a point where the 'cure' is MASSIVE surgery, chemo +

XRT -(x-ray- therapy) and that only gives you an extra year or two --

and trust me -- a LOT of people grab at those one or two years. 

Suddenly they realize that what everyone has told them since about the

time they were between 8 and 10 years old is true: you ARE a mortal

body.  Your body WILL die.  (honest, it really will).

So -- don't be a dope -- go see a doc -- GERD is known within the

medical community to not be 'just gerd' but a semi-very serious disease

-- that can (honest) kill you.  So don't F around -- go get scoped. 

The little know fact outside the medical community is that most cancers

are asymptomatic - that means - that they really don't have any symptoms

until it's too late -- by the time you have symptoms, you are probably

pretty far along that marble lined road -- the most successful cancers

are found during annual physical OR during a look for SOMETHING ELSE --

so you go in because you have a pain in your ankle -- and yikes -- you

have bone cancer!!!! -- Or - like my father --  you go in for a check

up on heart disease and they find cancer growing up and around his

aorta and it's lung cancer -- and yep -- he was cured completely by

chemo and radiation - no surgical intervention was necessary at all. 

So -- GERD is not 'just gerd' -- I do a lot of counseling of Viet Vets

-- and hear a lot fo things -- perhaps the saddest thing is " I though

it was just...... " a sore muscle (liver failure/cancer) " , " a sore

throat (laryngeal cancer) " , " I wasn't chewing my food enough I was

just gulping it too much (stomach cancer) " , " a bad back from when I had

an accident (fell off a ladder, rolled a car, had a chopper go out from

under him, or a conclusion from a mine or mortar, when he tripped and

fell a few stairs) - (bone cancer), " I just felt tired a lot -- (lung

cancer), " I thought I just had the flu -- (metastatic blood cancer) ==


The one thing they ALL had in common was that they had a fool for a

patient and well meaning friends -- none of whom said GO SEE A F-ING

DOCTOR!!!!! G-D IT!!!!!

So, I'm going to be your best friend and tell you: GO SEE A F-ING SPECIALIST G-D


It could save your life -- and IF it is GERD -- IF -- REMEMBER THE

WORD: IF --- IF it is GERD, THEN seek treatment for it - just don't go

thinking it's 'normal' (though it's far more common in European descended people

than not) and don't go thinking 'it's just GERD' --





The prevalence of GERD with other cancers is statically significant --

but a 'link' has not been found -- meaning 'proven' -- **I** suspect

the link is real -- (operative word: 'suspect') but don't know. 

Medical literature leans that way -- but it's not proven. 

Check PubMed to check me.


ppi -=- PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS reduce the amount of 'acids' produced --

and they are NOT a part of the digestive system as much as they are a

part of the IMMUNE SYSTEM -- so use of ppi's -- MAY -- (operative word)

increase gastric infections of certain types -- however - 1) keeping

your bacteria up by probiotic therapies and 2) using radical

scavengers and Immune system ass-kickers will do you a lot of good --

and here I recommend above all Aloe Vera as the top of the line Immune

system Ass Kicker - it and green tea produce massive amounts of Tumor

Necrosis factor -- a chemical that kills tumors before they get going

anywhere -- and one full strength aspirin for other GI related cancers -

liver, pancreatic, stomach, anal, etc -- the full route. 


KEEP A JOURNAL -- but SEE A DOCTOR -- a lot of damage can continue

even if you don't 'feel it' - generally you 'feel' an ulcer that is

treated by antibiotics, and if it is advanced it can save your life as

'herbals' may work, and be very powerful, but they take time --

something you don't know if you have -- You may also have esophageal

cell changes - that can lead to all kinds of cancers -- even if you

stop right now -- in fact, you might be feeling a small tumor as we

speak, as it burrows it's way slowly through your esophageal tissue --




and let me say that again - GERD DOES NOT GO AWAY WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL IT.

The lasting legacy can be cancer down the line -- from months to years

-- and you don't even feel it until it's too late (meaning MAJOR

surgeries like cutting out the cancer, sewing your stomach up just

under your vocal chords -- and so if you drink a glass of water -- if

you bend over, your stomach of water and food and acid runs out your

nose (really) --

So Please -- do deal with it - and don't let a lot of s like you

or me diagnosis you, and PLEASE don't let people who don't know what's

wrong with you suggest treatments for you - when they might be for

something entirely different than what you have.

Just trust me -- not only have I counseled a lot of folks who had

cancer and died and didn't need to -- I also have done spiritual

counseling of the dieing and that is where I hear the most heart

wrenching stories! -- darlings and children left behind -- because they

'thought' they knew what was wrong -- and sadder -- when they though

their doctor was full of S.  That's when I hear -- " I should have seen

another doctor to make sure'.

Dang! -- so may folks dieing in their mid 40's through early 60's who

didn't need to die then -- some had important work they were doing with

others -- a few were ready to die and looked forward -- some were

bitter as hell and kicking and screaming and pointing fingers at

everyone but themselves -- because THEY were stupid -- but each feels a

loss -- especially  when they learn that they could have had another

20-30 years of having fun in this body -- and not being a burden to

their loved ones and family -- the saddest, of course, are the ones

where the family gets to where they can't cope - and the person ends up

dieing alone -- and for those in their 40's -- I've even seen divorce

twice -- some cancers are hard to live with.

So -- you won't live forever -- but you don't even know that your HAVE

GERD-- or if there is damage -- at least I didn't see that you'd seen

a doctor and gotten a positive visual confirmation -- remember even

with PPI's -- the damage can continue.

Good luck!

-- paul --


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.....it's about learning to swear

like a firefighter. And just geten 'er done.

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GERD is NOT just simple 'heart burn' -- it's best to be thought of as

" pre-cancerous warnings' -- Now 'heart burn' as a GENERAL symptom can

be a gabillion things from brain tumors and heart attacks, to liver or

pancreatic cancers.  So it's not 'just nothing' -- and I can't make

this statement more clear than IT IS PRECANCEROUS.

Generally, here is how the 'GENERAL' way works.  Your stomach pumps out

lots of different acids and enzymes and stuff like that.  As you get

older the 'valve' at the top of your stomach gets 'lose' and some of

the acids and things leak through to your lower esophagus.  Now we have

two kinds of things going on: 1) the enzymes, amino acids, acids, and

stuff - called 'digestive juices' from here on leak into the lower esophagus,

and start digesting it -- one of a couple of things begin to

happen at this point -- you begin to grow 'stomach' tissue into your esophagus,

and sometimes you begin to grow intestine like tissue in

your esophagus  (your 'food pipe') OR you grow a stomach-LIKE or

Intestine-LIKE tissue in your food pipe.  These tissues don't belong

there and your body knows it. 

(See the article in Wikipedia:

http://tinyurl.com/m27qbq  )

When your grow them they weaken the 'valve (a type of muscle called a

'sphincter' [and more technically a 'stricture' but let's keep this

simple] -- the most common one you are probably familiar with is your

butt -- when it loosens up, you sometimes 'leak' bowel contents onto

your clothes).  When the valve at the top of your stomach gets lose,

you leak stomach contents into your throat.  Some of the tissue that

grows is either just plain stomach tissue and is sort-of-OK like

smoking or drinking is kind of ok.  When it is the stomach like tissue,

it is anywhere from VERY EXTREMELY pre-cancerous to sourta precancerous

-- like smoking and drinking.  A common type of this kind of tissue is

called " Baretts Syndrome " or " Barretts Esophogus'.  And it can turn

into cancer.

If it is of long standing, it is now becoming to be recognized as a

major cause of laryngeal cancers, and is suspected to be a cause of

cancers of the lower tounge. 

There are many things you can do once it starts -- but the FIRST think

you REALLY need to do is to go see your doctor and ask about being

'scoped' -- that is, having a invasive exam of your throat where a GI

specialist will look at your throat and at the tissue right around the

'valve' -- you are generally on a very nice 'cocktail' of drugs that

puts you out completely -- so you simply pretty much 'go to sleep' and

wake up -- wait until you can stand up and not fall over -- and have

someone drive you home --

When you wake up the doctor will tell you one of 3 things: A) you are

OK, 2) you have an ulcer, 3) he has taken a biopsy and will send it

away for a pathologist to look at.  This means one of two things: A) if

it is in your throat, you probably have some kind of tissue change and

it's probably OK, or B) if it is in your stomach you have some kind of

tissue change and he'll call you with the results.  A VERY reaching

thing to hear him say is that you need more tests -- and that can mean

a lot of different things.  The main thing to remember is that today is

not five years ago and five years ago is not ten years ago and ten

years ago is not fifteen years ago. 

The reason I say that is that today MOST CANCERS ARE CURABLE.  Let me


SEVERAL HUNDRED PERCENT -- the longer you wait because you might be

scared, the less likely you are to survive even simple cancers like

laryngeal cancers -- even early stage lung cancers that are caught



This goes for GERD too -- it's not 'just heart burn' -=- it is your

body telling you that something is wrong, and what might be wrong can

be SIMPLE GERD -- or it can be Stomach Cancer. 


Your body also has things called 'referred' pain -- that is pain that

you feel in one place -- like a back ache --- and you are having a

heart attack.  OR you feel a sharp needle like pain in your big toe --

and it means you are having a certain kind of stroke (bleading) in your

brain -- So just because you feel 'heart burn' it is actually one of

the more common kinds of pain you feel like the classic 'pain in the

left arm' -- 'heart burn' is ONE of the CLASSIC symptoms of a heart

attack - and 'heart attacks' come in many different flavors just like

most things.

I don't know what you mean by 'natural cure' -- that can be ANYTHING

from 1) don't drink or eat ANYTHING within two to three hours of going

to bed -- even if that means that you will spend two hours on a pillow

watching TV before you go to bed.  Just shut up and follow that rule:


liberal doctor will say 1 to 1 1/2  hours, a conservative doctor will

tell you 3 hours which is the general maximum time it takes to empty

your stomach, TWO HOURS is a good number that EVERYONE seems to make

concessions to arrive at -- the liberal will add an hour, and the conservative

will give up an hour -- and so they meet in the middle at

two hours.

2) drink LOTS of water during the day -- if you have 'hard' water --

don't do this - but don't buy bottled water for many reasons, one of

which we all now know is that it puts out a chemical into the water

that causes stomach cancer among other thing.  So NO BOTTLED WATER --

buy a water filter from Britta or other company that filters out the

chemicals suspended in your water and keep the filter changed as per

the instructions -- while they are obviously on the conservative side,

that is, they say to change it more often than you need, they take into

account how people procrastinate -- it's all a sub-specialty within

the food industry - so by the time you get around to changing it, it

REALLY needs it.  So you can go from several gallons to several tens of

gallons depending on the type of water filter you have -- even hundreds

of gallons if it's a whole-house filter -- but DO try to follow the

direction - and if they say to 'back flush' -- do it -- just like you

do your hot water tank every year -- you DO do that, don't you? ---

see?  you don't. woops.  So look upon it as a medical device and treat

it like one.

3) how 'natural' do you want -- baking soad -- sodium bicarbonate is a

naturally occuring mineral -- it's like taking sulfur, calcium, potassium, zinc,

etc -- it's simply a naturally occurring mineral that

reacts with the acid and turns it 'neutral'.  When you take it it will

produce a gas -- well several different gases, but the biggest part is

CO2 -- and you will feel bloated -- so drink it slowly -- take a couple

of sips and then burp -- take a few more and burp -- you can then find

the exact amount for that attack.  And you can use it as a preventative. 

However -- in some people this will produce kidney

stones which I am told are REALLY not fun to 'pass'.  One way around

this is to use vinegar -- good vinegar - not just acetic acid

diluted.  And some studies seem to support this others don't --

4) use activated charcoal -- it will absorb a lot fo stuff -- and acids are one

of them. 

5) you may have an infection -- H. _pylori_ is a bacteria that has been

associated with certain types of gastric ulcers -- and can be treated

by many kinds of antibiotics -- and should be.

6) DO KEEP A JOURNAL OF THE FOOD YOU EAT - and what seems to be the

problem -- but remember that damage can be going on and you just don't

feel it-- the stomach is a place that doesn't have a lot of neve

endings in it that transmit pain -- So -- even if the symptoms go away

-- you need to see a doctor and get scoped --

7) SO -- See a doctor and get scoped -- you will be REALLY pissed at

yourself - -and a lot fo the world in general -- and you'll be really

REALLY scared when the doctor says those three very scary words: you

have cancer. 

Medicine is about ruling things OUT - when you rule something OUT it

leaves a smaller and smaller sub-group.  Until all that is left is one

thing.  With cancer being mostly curable or VERY treatable -- you sure

would not only look like a dope, you would BE a dope if YOU let

yourself get to a point where the 'cure' is MASSIVE surgery, chemo +

XRT -(x-ray- therapy) and that only gives you an extra year or two --

and trust me -- a LOT of people grab at those one or two years. 

Suddenly they realize that what everyone has told them since about the

time they were between 8 and 10 years old is true: you ARE a mortal

body.  Your body WILL die.  (honest, it really will).

So -- don't be a dope -- go see a doc -- GERD is known within the

medical community to not be 'just gerd' but a semi-very serious disease

-- that can (honest) kill you.  So don't F around -- go get scoped. 

The little know fact outside the medical community is that most cancers

are asymptomatic - that means - that they really don't have any symptoms

until it's too late -- by the time you have symptoms, you are probably

pretty far along that marble lined road -- the most successful cancers

are found during annual physical OR during a look for SOMETHING ELSE --

so you go in because you have a pain in your ankle -- and yikes -- you

have bone cancer!!!! -- Or - like my father --  you go in for a check

up on heart disease and they find cancer growing up and around his

aorta and it's lung cancer -- and yep -- he was cured completely by

chemo and radiation - no surgical intervention was necessary at all. 

So -- GERD is not 'just gerd' -- I do a lot of counseling of Viet Vets

-- and hear a lot fo things -- perhaps the saddest thing is " I though

it was just...... " a sore muscle (liver failure/cancer) " , " a sore

throat (laryngeal cancer) " , " I wasn't chewing my food enough I was

just gulping it too much (stomach cancer) " , " a bad back from when I had

an accident (fell off a ladder, rolled a car, had a chopper go out from

under him, or a conclusion from a mine or mortar, when he tripped and

fell a few stairs) - (bone cancer), " I just felt tired a lot -- (lung

cancer), " I thought I just had the flu -- (metastatic blood cancer) ==


The one thing they ALL had in common was that they had a fool for a

patient and well meaning friends -- none of whom said GO SEE A F-ING

DOCTOR!!!!! G-D IT!!!!!

So, I'm going to be your best friend and tell you: GO SEE A F-ING SPECIALIST G-D


It could save your life -- and IF it is GERD -- IF -- REMEMBER THE

WORD: IF --- IF it is GERD, THEN seek treatment for it - just don't go

thinking it's 'normal' (though it's far more common in European descended people

than not) and don't go thinking 'it's just GERD' --





The prevalence of GERD with other cancers is statically significant --

but a 'link' has not been found -- meaning 'proven' -- **I** suspect

the link is real -- (operative word: 'suspect') but don't know. 

Medical literature leans that way -- but it's not proven. 

Check PubMed to check me.


ppi -=- PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS reduce the amount of 'acids' produced --

and they are NOT a part of the digestive system as much as they are a

part of the IMMUNE SYSTEM -- so use of ppi's -- MAY -- (operative word)

increase gastric infections of certain types -- however - 1) keeping

your bacteria up by probiotic therapies and 2) using radical

scavengers and Immune system ass-kickers will do you a lot of good --

and here I recommend above all Aloe Vera as the top of the line Immune

system Ass Kicker - it and green tea produce massive amounts of Tumor

Necrosis factor -- a chemical that kills tumors before they get going

anywhere -- and one full strength aspirin for other GI related cancers -

liver, pancreatic, stomach, anal, etc -- the full route. 


KEEP A JOURNAL -- but SEE A DOCTOR -- a lot of damage can continue

even if you don't 'feel it' - generally you 'feel' an ulcer that is

treated by antibiotics, and if it is advanced it can save your life as

'herbals' may work, and be very powerful, but they take time --

something you don't know if you have -- You may also have esophageal

cell changes - that can lead to all kinds of cancers -- even if you

stop right now -- in fact, you might be feeling a small tumor as we

speak, as it burrows it's way slowly through your esophageal tissue --




and let me say that again - GERD DOES NOT GO AWAY WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL IT.

The lasting legacy can be cancer down the line -- from months to years

-- and you don't even feel it until it's too late (meaning MAJOR

surgeries like cutting out the cancer, sewing your stomach up just

under your vocal chords -- and so if you drink a glass of water -- if

you bend over, your stomach of water and food and acid runs out your

nose (really) --

So Please -- do deal with it - and don't let a lot of s like you

or me diagnosis you, and PLEASE don't let people who don't know what's

wrong with you suggest treatments for you - when they might be for

something entirely different than what you have.

Just trust me -- not only have I counseled a lot of folks who had

cancer and died and didn't need to -- I also have done spiritual

counseling of the dieing and that is where I hear the most heart

wrenching stories! -- darlings and children left behind -- because they

'thought' they knew what was wrong -- and sadder -- when they though

their doctor was full of S.  That's when I hear -- " I should have seen

another doctor to make sure'.

Dang! -- so may folks dieing in their mid 40's through early 60's who

didn't need to die then -- some had important work they were doing with

others -- a few were ready to die and looked forward -- some were

bitter as hell and kicking and screaming and pointing fingers at

everyone but themselves -- because THEY were stupid -- but each feels a

loss -- especially  when they learn that they could have had another

20-30 years of having fun in this body -- and not being a burden to

their loved ones and family -- the saddest, of course, are the ones

where the family gets to where they can't cope - and the person ends up

dieing alone -- and for those in their 40's -- I've even seen divorce

twice -- some cancers are hard to live with.

So -- you won't live forever -- but you don't even know that your HAVE

GERD-- or if there is damage -- at least I didn't see that you'd seen

a doctor and gotten a positive visual confirmation -- remember even

with PPI's -- the damage can continue.

Good luck!

-- paul --


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.....it's about learning to swear

like a firefighter. And just geten 'er done.

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- unless there's a reason you can't use milk products -- look at what's in

Beno -- then look at what's in Yogurt - what you are looking for is the l.

bacillus or Lacto bacillus _specific species_.  I was in our local IGA grocery

store and noticed that they now carry a 12 culture (species) l-b cultured yogurt

which should about cover everything. 

it helps in beans by breaking down ogglio-saccarides, which are generally what

give you 'farts' -- it's a very large sugar chain and the l-b 'eats' it and then

poops out sugars and cool things that are good for your body in a form that your

body can use them --

certai long and short chain sugars can cause people to feel 'bloated' in their

insestines, sometimes even pain -- though if the pain is 'sharp' and localized,

and is generally in the same area each time you should see a doctor --

intestines do a lot of moving around - and you really REALLY don't want one to

get a 'kink' in it -- because it's a very VERY painful way to die.  One way to

keep track, is to use an indellible marker and mark where the pain is -- and if

the skin gets 'stained' black (or red or blue) then you need to see a doctor,

now the surgery is done laproscoptically - meaning they can fix it through a

couple of very small holes, if it gets really bad, then they have to cut you WAY

open and fix it and then you are really in a world of hurt for a long time and

could STILL die from 'complications'.  So make sure that the 'pain' or

'discomfort' " moves around " and is not localized - that is the first sign of an

intestine that is getting a

'kink' in it.

Take care -- and do mark your intestine -- and think about the price difference

between a table spoon or two of yougurt every day and beno -- and look for an

'organic' yougurt that has a LOT of kinds of  Lacto baccillis in it --all have

one - some have two, many have 3 or 4.  and summer time is a good time to start

-- because yogurt goes well with many things -- AND it breaks down sugars and

poops out things that your immune system likes a lot.

really.  but check the price -- and then decide --- my bet is that the yougurt

is better because once the collonies of bacteria form and start growing in your

intestines, then you don't need to keep doing it - beno is designed almost

likeit was made by Monsanto -- so you have to keep takeing it --

Add ginger to the peppermint and it works even better.

-- paul --


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.....it's about learning to swear

like a firefighter. And just geten 'er done.



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Wow I didn't know Chia seeds did so much!  They are one of the few seeds I don't

have.  I'll try to get some though.  For Chia gel, do you think you just soak

the seeds for a while then use the soak water?

Thanks Thia,


>> >

>> > Okay, I have a (maybe two) question for the experts in the

>> > group....Does anyone know some natural remedies for heartburn?













> --

> º¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤º


> Quick & Easy " Raw " Recipes

> http://easyraw. blogspot. com/


> º¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸,ø¤º




Quick & Easy " Raw " Recipes

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Yes, eliminating foods is probably the way to find out.  I can't help thinking

it's because of my thyroid issues and the stress that's going on in my body. 

All of my lab levels were twice as high as they should be...so they said to stop

the synthetic hormone all together.  I often wonder if doctors know what they're




> Thanks Sparrow....Going completely raw for me probably isn't

> going to happen.  I do as much as I can, but since I have to

> cook for the family...... ...

I hear you. I cook for the husband so I make two separate meals every

time. It's not as big of a pain as it sounds, though, because my stuff

is so quick and easy that I can put it together in the five minutes

I'm waiting for something of his to heat up or fry or whatever. It's

so worth it to me, though, because I feel so awesome. I was walking

someplace earlier today and the thought popped into my head: " it feels

so good to be young! " That's a pretty cool random thought to have at

age 42, if you ask me. :-)

Going vegan didn't make a dent in the GERD, by the way. I was still

constantly feeling like I had a fiery lump in my throat. I don't know

any other natural remedies for heartburn . . . I really do think it

comes down to the fundamentals of diet. Try eliminating things from

your diet until you hit on whatever it is that isn't agreeing with

your system. Keep a journal if you have to. Every time you have

heartburn, add what you ate to the list and stop eating it. When the

heartburn finally goes away, try adding those things back to your

diet, one at a time, and see how it affects you. Eventually you'll hit

on the thing or things that you just can't eat any more. Best wishes!


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I do eat Organic Yougrat and drink buttermilk and eat cottage cheese. When

it comes to milk I drink Goats milk on occasion. Regular cows milk gives me

lots of gas and bloating. So I stay away from that. I guess it is the

cultures in the cultured milk products that changes things to where I can

tolerate them. I am not taking nearly as much Beano as I once was.

However, When eating out or somewhere other than home. I will take it if I

think the meal will cause me much pain. Either certain foods, or additives

had begun to cause me extremely painful gas, it was not always in the same

area, sortof all over and thru the gut untill things passed. I discovered

that some of it was certain types of beans and I stay away from them now.

And since Ihave added the yougart etc. I can tell that my " gut " is much


Thanks for the info.


On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 6:25 PM, Galioni <pgalioni@...> wrote:



> - unless there's a reason you can't use milk products -- look at

> what's in Beno -- then look at what's in Yogurt - what you are looking for

> is the l. bacillus or Lacto bacillus _specific species_. I was in our local

> IGA grocery store and noticed that they now carry a 12 culture (species) l-b

> cultured yogurt which should about cover everything.

> .



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I recently learned that having Blood type A I produce less of the digestive

enzyems that is what prompted me to starting eating so much yougart etc.


On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 7:28 PM, O' Conchubair <RNMSW@...> wrote:


> As one reaches the 40's, hydrochloric acid in the stomach is reduced.

> Instead of taking medication to decrease the acid even further, taking

> enzymes is of benefit.

> Probiotics, of course, are to keep beneficial bacteria in the intestines

> which helps prevent leaky gut syndrome. The probiotics should be of

> several different strains and in the Billions.



> .




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On 7/3/09, Galioni <pgalioni@...> wrote:


> 'scoped' -- that is, having a invasive exam of your throat where a GI

> specialist will look at your throat and at the tissue right around the

> 'valve' -- you are generally on a very nice 'cocktail' of drugs that

> puts you out completely -- so you simply pretty much 'go to sleep' and

> wake up -- wait until you can stand up and not fall over -- and have

> someone drive you home --

Unless you have my constitution. I was completely awake (but unable to

respond) when I was on " twilight sleep " for scopings (throat a couple

of times, lung once.) I had no pain, but the experience was still

unpleasant as I could feel all the tubes going in, the choking, etc.

The first time, the doctor said I had dreamed it until I repeated back

several things he and the staff had said while I was allegedly

" under. " After that, they were careful to keep talking to me during

the procedure to help keep me calm, once they knew that I was still

" there " throughout it.

> buy a water filter from Britta or other company that filters out the

> chemicals suspended in your water and keep the filter changed as per

Much preferred for those who can afford it is a reverse osmosis

filter. Britta leaves a lot of undesirable crap in the water and also

leaves an icky taste, in my experience (when I lived in Chicago, half

the year the city sends treated river water to houses and I could

hardly bear to turn on the tap because the SMELL was just hideous,

never mind the TASTE! Without reverse osmosis filtered water, I would

have died of dehydration living there!)

(If Britta sells a reverse osmosis filtration system, it's a new thing

to me and just cancel what I said in the above paragraph. When I

looked at them back when I lived in Chicago, they were doing charcoal


> Suddenly they realize that what everyone has told them since about the

> time they were between 8 and 10 years old is true: you ARE a mortal

> body.  Your body WILL die.  (honest, it really will).

I got that message a lot earlier but I might be an exception since my

brother was diagnosed with cancer when I was three years old and died

two months before I turned seven. (As a matter of fact, today is his

birthday. When he was small, he thought the fireworks were for him.) I

can't remember a time in my life when I didn't know that death comes

to all of us and is a permanent thing.


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On 7/3/09, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...> wrote:


> For Chia gel, do you think you just soak the seeds for a

> while then use the soak water?

I follow the directions from TheRawFoodWorld.com where I buy my chia seeds:

I put 1/3 cup of chia seeds in 2 cups of reverse osmosis filtered

water. I use a wire whisk to separate the seeds so they don't clump. I

let it sit on the counter for about 15 minutes, then I take the whisk

to it again. Then I cover it and put it in the refrigerator. I put

about 3 tablespoons of chia gel in my green smoothies. Matt (owner of

therawfoodworld) says to take 3 tablespoons of gel three times a day

for maximum benefit but I tend to only use it once in my morning

smoothie and then only if I didn't forget or wasn't too lazy to make

more gel when I ran out. heh.

It's good stuff, but a little off-putting just trying to eat by

itself. If you have to take spoonfuls of it by itself to help your

heartburn, try mixing a little stevia in first and think of it as

tapioca pudding. It has very little flavor otherwise and, while you

might enjoy the texture, I found the texture kind of gag-i-fying to

eat by the spoon. (As always in matters of taste, your mileage may



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On 7/3/09, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...> wrote:


> I often wonder if doctors know what they're doing.

Some of them must. . .

I am currently at a low point in my trust of them, however, since

every ailment of my body that has been healed or mitigated in the last

several years was accomplished by doing the opposite of what the

doctors told me to do.


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I think that page had some info on how to make it(?). I have only done it

once, a few days ago. But I did it to simulate tapioca pudding. I used 1/2

cup of nutmylk, a touch of maple syrup, and added 2 Tbs of chia. I stirred

several times over a ten minute period. I found it to be somewhat

different, but a satisfactory substitute.



On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 9:37 PM, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...>wrote:



> Wow I didn't know Chia seeds did so much! They are one of the few seeds I

> don't have. I'll try to get some though. For Chia gel, do you think you

> just soak the seeds for a while then use the soak water?

> Thanks Thia,

> Sherry






> I went looking for that page where I read it a few days ago-- but found

> this

> one instead. It mentions it briefly.


> http://www.tarryall.net/NutriChia.html


> :~)

> Thia


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Yes I can relate to that Sparrow.  I'm in a thyroid support group and a lot of

these women self-treat after years of listening to docs, and getting even




> I often wonder if doctors know what they're doing.

Some of them must. . .

I am currently at a low point in my trust of them, however, since

every ailment of my body that has been healed or mitigated in the last

several years was accomplished by doing the opposite of what the

doctors told me to do.


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Well that sounds easy.  Do you consume the gel for the nutrients?



> For Chia gel, do you think you just soak the seeds for a

> while then use the soak water?

I follow the directions from TheRawFoodWorld. com where I buy my chia seeds:

I put 1/3 cup of chia seeds in 2 cups of reverse osmosis filtered

water. I use a wire whisk to separate the seeds so they don't clump. I

let it sit on the counter for about 15 minutes, then I take the whisk

to it again. Then I cover it and put it in the refrigerator. I put

about 3 tablespoons of chia gel in my green smoothies. Matt (owner of

therawfoodworld) says to take 3 tablespoons of gel three times a day

for maximum benefit but I tend to only use it once in my morning

smoothie and then only if I didn't forget or wasn't too lazy to make

more gel when I ran out. heh.

It's good stuff, but a little off-putting just trying to eat by

itself. If you have to take spoonfuls of it by itself to help your

heartburn, try mixing a little stevia in first and think of it as

tapioca pudding. It has very little flavor otherwise and, while you

might enjoy the texture, I found the texture kind of gag-i-fying to

eat by the spoon. (As always in matters of taste, your mileage may



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I'm A-, so that might be a factor.  Do you follow the Blood type diet?  I've

read up on it and believe there's a lot to it.  My son swears by it..  He has RA

and another auto immune arthritis and it helps him to stop the flare ups.


I do eat yogurt daily....make my own.  I had a yogurt maker, but it quit about a

month ago.  Thought I'd try making it my dehydrator, and it works great!  I can

make twice as much in it as before.



> As one reaches the 40's, hydrochloric acid in the stomach is reduced.

> Instead of taking medication to decrease the acid even further, taking

> enzymes is of benefit.

> Probiotics, of course, are to keep beneficial bacteria in the intestines

> which helps prevent leaky gut syndrome. The probiotics should be of

> several different strains and in the Billions.



> .




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My husband suffered from heart burn, acid reflux and then GERD. He had

one incident where the ER doctors thought he was having a heart attack

or pericardium something or other.

In reality, it turned out to be GERD. He started taking aloe vera juice,

whole leaf, organic, no preservatives by Lily of the Desert. One ounce

in the morning and evening. He has none of these symptoms now. He was

given many samples of acidifex, but discontinued them when the free

supply ran out. That is when he found out about aloe vera juice and it's


I should add he retired from a high stress job which I believe was the

original cause of all of it.

In his case, his diet has not changed, he still eats fast food often.

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On 7/4/09, Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...> wrote:


> Well that sounds easy.  Do you consume the gel for the nutrients?

I consume it because it's one of the very few so-called " superfoods "

that I can detect a strongly significant difference after eating. Be

it psychosomatic or be it real, I feel MUCH more energy on days that I

put it in my morning smoothie. I ought to do it every day but, being

human, I'm often lazy and lacking in perfect discipline. :-)


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You are quite welcome! Hope it helps.



Sherry Skapik <sherryskapik@...> wrote:


> Thanks Thia




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two things can happen -- 1) I have what is called a 'paradoxical reaction' to

the drugs they give me when I am scoped -- they switched to Demerol and


and I take about 190 mg of diazepam before I BEGIN to show reaction -- so you

might want to talk to your doc about A) switching drugs which is unlikely

because they all have their favorites, or B) increasing the amount of diazepam

-- good nurses can manipulate you pretty well -- and an IV push of diazepam

will keep you under -- the problem can come from some of the other narcotics

which are available for use -- some increase blood pressure or heart rates --

so your heart may be the limiting factor there -- and most anesthesia is NOT

done by an MD, it's done by a nurse certified in the used of anesthesia, so her

'line' if far more conservative than a full blown MD anesthetist who can take

'risks' that a nurse not only can't, but good ones won't.  They are called

in California CNA's -- which is confusing since that is Certified Nurse


-- and it is ALSO Certified Nursing Assistant.


So – next time talk to your doc

and ask him if he’d up the diazepam (valium) – it’s a pretty darned safe

drug with

bad things starting about 10000 mg FAR more than ANY doc would give you.  (that

number looks high but I’m pretty sure

it’s about right) – you’d sure sleep well though – the point being that

it’s a

safe drug.




As far as filters go – I have

little expriance – I live in a city that generally places in the top twenty


tasting waters’ when it was a big thing and the chamber thought it was worth

the bucks to join the contest and another that has never entered the contest –

though it’s water supply comes solely from springs in the hills which surround

the Valley – farther out, they use shallow well water and while most

wells are certified safe – because of the cattle grazing, most houses sooner


later install purification systems of one kind or another --  in the desert I

carry most of my water since not

all springs that are bad have dean animals around them – though taste will

often tell you if they are too alkali or mineralized – It’s really hared to


of thirst in the deserts of Northern or Central Nevada if you have your USGS


with you – though I’ HAVE gotten low on potable water in some areas and had


REALLY crank on my MSR pump to fill the packs – made me wish for one of those


‘expidition’ foot powered pumps that put out a gallon a minute!!!


 Though when I was in grad school at

and lived in Sacramento we did buy

our water to drink and make coffee with – and often to cook with. It was much

as you describe Chicago water,

though when I was at NIU in DeKalb, the water there was fine – what a

difference just a few miles and a few million people make! (smile).


-- paul --


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.....it's about learning to swear

like a firefighter. And just geten 'er done.


> 'scoped' -- that is, having a invasive exam of your throat where a GI

> specialist will look at your throat and at the tissue right around the

> 'valve' -- you are generally on a very nice 'cocktail' of drugs that

> puts you out completely -- so you simply pretty much 'go to sleep' and

> wake up -- wait until you can stand up and not fall over -- and have

> someone drive you home --

Unless you have my constitution. I was completely awake (but unable to

respond) when I was on " twilight sleep " for scopings (throat a couple

of times, lung once.) I had no pain, but the experience was still

unpleasant as I could feel all the tubes going in, the choking, etc.

The first time, the doctor said I had dreamed it until I repeated back

several things he and the staff had said while I was allegedly

" under. " After that, they were careful to keep talking to me during

the procedure to help keep me calm, once they knew that I was still

" there " throughout it.

> buy a water filter from Britta or other company that filters out the

> chemicals suspended in your water and keep the filter changed as per

Much preferred for those who can afford it is a reverse osmosis

filter. Britta leaves a lot of undesirable crap in the water and also

leaves an icky taste, in my experience (when I lived in Chicago, half

the year the city sends treated river water to houses and I could

hardly bear to turn on the tap because the SMELL was just hideous,

never mind the TASTE! Without reverse osmosis filtered water, I would

have died of dehydration living there!)

(If Britta sells a reverse osmosis filtration system, it's a new thing

to me and just cancel what I said in the above paragraph. When I

looked at them back when I lived in Chicago, they were doing charcoal


> Suddenly they realize that what everyone has told them since about the

> time they were between 8 and 10 years old is true: you ARE a mortal

> body.  Your body WILL die.  (honest, it really will).

I got that message a lot earlier but I might be an exception since my

brother was diagnosed with cancer when I was three years old and died

two months before I turned seven. (As a matter of fact, today is his

birthday. When he was small, he thought the fireworks were for him.) I

can't remember a time in my life when I didn't know that death comes

to all of us and is a permanent thing.


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