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Here's a really neat and heartening story:

I get to meet nice people while in chelation. Since it takes over 3 hours there

plenty of opportunity for conversation. One lady I have become friends with is

named Suzette, she's 39 years old and has a nice family, husband and two

kids, one 11 and one 7. I'm not sure how long ago but Suzette got breast

cancer. She went through the hell of cut burn and poison, the standard

mainstream medical protocol. Breast removal, chemo, radiation all failed to

contain the cancer and it went into her lungs, liver and bone. She was in bad

shape and basically the oncologists gave up on her.

She got wind of alternative medicine and came to my Dr. She started taking an

IV infusion of high doses of Vitamin C. She has been doing this for several

months now. Since she started this protocol she has stopped coughing, is

feeling much better and yesterday she came dancing in telling us her blood work

was hugely improved back to nearly normal. She sure looks healthy. All her

oncologist had to say was " Keep doing whatever you are doing. " Of course the

oncologist wasn't interested in the alternative protocol.

It's so heartening to see these kinds of improvement in people. This young

family is getting a reprieve from a horrible death of the mother and wife, what

a neat story.

Another neat story is the one about Franz a retired scientist who worked for my

company Battelle. He had Parkinson's so bad that he literally shook all over,

he had lost use of his left hand and was using a cane and had the typical

Parkinson's shuffle. He started taking infusions of phosphatyclecholine a

couple months ago. Now he has days where he doesn't shake at all. He comes

into the Dr's office not using a cane. He says he's to the point now where he

doesn't shake 85% of the time. What a miracle, he's one happy man and I'm so

happy for him. It just thrills me to see him not shaking and smiling.

The later story doesn't relate to your problem but someone might be interested.


There's a dozen other stories about people Dr. is helping. It must be so

satisfying for him to see the improvement in his patients. Not only that he's a

neat guy, I think he's near genius.


As promised, this post is to update everybody on my recent lab results, which

were disappointing as expected. My viral load was up and my T cell count

was down. That's really all I have to say, I'm really confused and not sure


to do next. Remember that I went off the meds for this past four months as an

experiment, thinking that they might be doing me more harm than good, but I

started back on them this morning. I think this explains my recent hair loss,

which I experienced in the past, so I know it will grow back. Right now, I


pretty good, lots of energy, but I do have a funny, " crawling skin " sensation

that has intensified over the past few weeks. I had that before too and it


away about a week after I resumed the chemo therapy. What can I say, except

I'm sad and disappointed. I really wanted to be able to post more positive

results, but since we're doing this in the name of research, we have to remain

objective, right? Am I just doing it wrong? Hard to believe, I feel like an


in the Beck protocol. I don't know. I'm thinking about trying the Vitamin C

therapy next, but probably will regroup for a week or two...

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The main symptoms during electification were improved energy, feeling

good, attitude improvement.

It could be that we needed to get dieoffs seen in another HIV case

where gutzilla pads were used on both the intestinal areas, and the

thymus gland. In that case we got a primary HIV infection dieoff

complete with the classic: fever, headaches, sore throat,

tiredness. These things lasted a long time and we they to interrupt

research to give a rest from it for 8 days. Resumption went ok, not

so severe symptoms anymore.

Killing huge numbers of HIV should result in viral dieoffs.

Stimulation of ATP in blood and other tissues can give a lift to a

person, and this is sometimes seen using electricity. I suspect

there's a flaw in the application.



> As promised, this post is to update everybody on my recent lab

results, which

> were disappointing as expected. My viral load was up and my T cell


> was down. That's really all I have to say, I'm really confused and

not sure what

> to do next. Remember that I went off the meds for this past four

months as an

> experiment, thinking that they might be doing me more harm than

good, but I

> started back on them this morning. I think this explains my recent

hair loss,

> which I experienced in the past, so I know it will grow back. Right

now, I feel

> pretty good, lots of energy, but I do have a funny, " crawling skin "


> that has intensified over the past few weeks. I had that before too

and it went

> away about a week after I resumed the chemo therapy. What can I

say, except

> I'm sad and disappointed. I really wanted to be able to post more


> results, but since we're doing this in the name of research, we

have to remain

> objective, right? Am I just doing it wrong? Hard to believe, I feel

like an expert

> in the Beck protocol. I don't know. I'm thinking about trying the

Vitamin C

> therapy next, but probably will regroup for a week or two...



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On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 00:25:59 -0000, you wrote:


>Killing huge numbers of HIV should result in viral dieoffs.

>Stimulation of ATP in blood and other tissues can give a lift to a

>person, and this is sometimes seen using electricity. I suspect

>there's a flaw in the application.

Here's one possible *hypothesis*:

The current associated with ATP production is very very mild. Results would be

seen from a current in the order of 5-10

microamperes /square inch, IIRC.

According to Lyman's research ( http://www.papimi.gr/safe-hiv/AppendixE.htm ),

the deactivation of HIV seems to be related to the

current. A 10 microamperes current would take much more time than, say, a 500

microamperes current.

So, MAYBE, the small current spread over a large area would be enough to

increase ATP, but not enough to kill the virus. Let alone

in quantities enough to cause dieoffs.

That's why I think a current meter is important.


Gustavo Molina - gustavo@...

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I used both, the DC pads twice daily for at least 30 min., and the Sota Silver

Pulser on the wrist, usually 2 hrs. daily. This for a period of approximately 2

months. This is a general overview, there were days when the applications

exceeded this time frame, others when the time periods were shorter. I also

took whole days off when it felt right to do so, though I don't have an exact

record of any of this. I make my own Colloidal Silver from distilled water,

usually around 7 to 15 PPMs. I always test it to be sure. I also take a handful

of nutritional supplements that are detailed in the files. I go back to the fact

that I've been hiv infected for very nearly twenty years to the day, and I

suspect that what we know about it is based on much shorter infection time

frames. What do you guys think about that? Have you heard any reports of

people surviving this infection for this long a time, most of which was away

from the drugs? I look back and can't believe that I'm actually still alive! I

recently procured all my past lab reports from the hospital, and the numbers

weren't much better fifteen years ago. I don't remember feeling bad then, but I

don't feel all that bad now.

As far as the Beck protocol goes, I'm the first to say that I modified it


and didn't follow all the guidelines exactly, so I would expect to see a


result, but I also thought that I'd see better results than this. I think

though, that

to hope now for an upturn in labs is wishful thinking. That's why I'm back on

the anti-virals again. When I've done this in the past, the drugs have come

through for me, and see no reason not to rely on them again, the ridiculous

prices not withstanding. This all in the name of research.


> This is bad news, I'm sorry. But can you explain again what exactly was your

routine ?


> You were using DC or AC ? Was that a sota device or homemade ? Did you

use a meter ? If so, what was the average reading ? How

> long and how often were the applications ?


> You say about Beck protocol. Were you using Colloidal silver too ? If so,

was that homemade ?


> Please let us know. It's important for us to understand.


> Thanks.


> ---

> Gustavo Molina - gustavo@...


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Thanks, . What sizes were the pads and where were they

placed? This could help a lot to know. For example, if they were

placed in one main spot, then that spot may not be where HIV actually

lives. We are only trying to locate the germ at this point.

Medicine has been of little help but lately they have found it in the

gut linings and that can mean esophagus to anus. Your usage could

point to where it was not, and thus allow further exploration to find

where it really is. It could be in bone marrow and need leg pads,

for example or hip pads, wherever the marrow is. I don't really know

yet, but neither does anyone else in or out of medicine. Their

approach is throw a drug in and hope it reaches wherever the bug is.

We can't have that luxury. We have to know where it is or else the

electricity won't find a path to it. So it's a process of

elimination, the body is only so big and we'll find the germ so long

as people keep reporting the pads, the sizes and locations of the


I'd like to find a way to use this without the drugs, since most of

the world does not have the drugs. Still, the drugs can save a life

while we monkey with the finding the hideout of these germs. So, use

this as an adjunct to your lifeline for the time-being, and don't

give up the search for the trophy. If you find it, you'll be the

first in history to do so, and will literally save a lot of the world

as well as your own neck. We were bowled over when the thymus turned

up as a hideout that shot the fever way up in Robbie's HIV

infection. That's the kind of thing we need to keep at. We now know

to hit the thymus or we won't get that extra punch we got when Robbie

tried it there. This gives us one definite place to include in our

research " oh yes, hit the thymus " .

Beck died before he could find all this out. I've written that up

already no sense sounding like a broken record. The virus simply

lives where we didn't think it did. We need the list of where it

is. We can't get that list without you courageous and tireless HIV

folks doing the experiments needed to find the critters. I can't

believe how extra nice the HIV people have been considering all

they're up against to report and participate like they do. Hats off

to you.



> > This is bad news, I'm sorry. But can you explain again what

exactly was your

> routine ?

> >

> > You were using DC or AC ? Was that a sota device or homemade ?

Did you

> use a meter ? If so, what was the average reading ? How

> > long and how often were the applications ?

> >

> > You say about Beck protocol. Were you using Colloidal silver

too ? If so,

> was that homemade ?

> >

> > Please let us know. It's important for us to understand.

> >

> > Thanks.

> >

> > ---

> > Gustavo Molina - gustavo@

> >


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I made the paddles exactly as described in our newsgroup files. I moved them

around, holding them in place for maybe 30 seconds before moving them

again, up and down, side to side, back again. you get the idea. My brother

even put a switch on them so that I would be able to switch polarity frequently.

I also targeted the thymus area, near and around the solar plexus, with no

hesitation even around the heart. I used them around my face, neck and

armpits too. Only occasionally did I do the extremities, but I did do those from

time to time. All this was just with the paddles. I was also using the Sota


pulser on my wrist for at least 2 hours a day, at LEAST 5 days a week, for most

of the entire 4 month period. I only stopped everything the last 3 weeks or so.

I've given a lot of thought to what I might have been doing wrong, and I must

say, if I were to do it over again, I don't know how I could have been more

thorough. Believe me, nobody on the planet wants to avoid these drugs more

than I do, and it disappoints me greatly to have to go back on them. But if I

proved anything in this experiment, it is that maybe the anti-virals aren't


as hateful as I thought they were. Certainly NOT ot the endosement I wanted

to give, for sure....


> Thanks, . What sizes were the pads and where were they

> placed? This could help a lot to know. For example, if they were

> placed in one main spot, then that spot may not be where HIV actually

> lives. We are only trying to locate the germ at this point.

> Medicine has been of little help but lately they have found it in the

> gut linings and that can mean esophagus to anus. Your usage could

> point to where it was not, and thus allow further exploration to find

> where it really is. It could be in bone marrow and need leg pads,

> for example or hip pads, wherever the marrow is. I don't really know

> yet, but neither does anyone else in or out of medicine. Their

> approach is throw a drug in and hope it reaches wherever the bug is.

> We can't have that luxury. We have to know where it is or else the

> electricity won't find a path to it. So it's a process of

> elimination, the body is only so big and we'll find the germ so long

> as people keep reporting the pads, the sizes and locations of the

> pads.


> I'd like to find a way to use this without the drugs, since most of

> the world does not have the drugs. Still, the drugs can save a life

> while we monkey with the finding the hideout of these germs. So, use

> this as an adjunct to your lifeline for the time-being, and don't

> give up the search for the trophy. If you find it, you'll be the

> first in history to do so, and will literally save a lot of the world

> as well as your own neck. We were bowled over when the thymus turned

> up as a hideout that shot the fever way up in Robbie's HIV

> infection. That's the kind of thing we need to keep at. We now know

> to hit the thymus or we won't get that extra punch we got when Robbie

> tried it there. This gives us one definite place to include in our

> research " oh yes, hit the thymus " .


> Beck died before he could find all this out. I've written that up

> already no sense sounding like a broken record. The virus simply

> lives where we didn't think it did. We need the list of where it

> is. We can't get that list without you courageous and tireless HIV

> folks doing the experiments needed to find the critters. I can't

> believe how extra nice the HIV people have been considering all

> they're up against to report and participate like they do. Hats off

> to you.


> bG

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Ok, so these were not the gutzilla (jumbo) pads they were

the " paintbrush " types about 4 " square or so, and they were used for

an average of 30 seconds per location, and moved around the body to

cover many different areas such as intestinal, thymus, spleen, liver,

etc. Am I duplicating this aright?


> >

> > Thanks, . What sizes were the pads and where were they

> > placed? This could help a lot to know. For example, if they


> > placed in one main spot, then that spot may not be where HIV


> > lives. We are only trying to locate the germ at this point.

> > Medicine has been of little help but lately they have found it in


> > gut linings and that can mean esophagus to anus. Your usage


> > point to where it was not, and thus allow further exploration to


> > where it really is. It could be in bone marrow and need leg


> > for example or hip pads, wherever the marrow is. I don't really


> > yet, but neither does anyone else in or out of medicine. Their

> > approach is throw a drug in and hope it reaches wherever the bug


> > We can't have that luxury. We have to know where it is or else


> > electricity won't find a path to it. So it's a process of

> > elimination, the body is only so big and we'll find the germ so


> > as people keep reporting the pads, the sizes and locations of the

> > pads.

> >

> > I'd like to find a way to use this without the drugs, since most


> > the world does not have the drugs. Still, the drugs can save a


> > while we monkey with the finding the hideout of these germs. So,


> > this as an adjunct to your lifeline for the time-being, and don't

> > give up the search for the trophy. If you find it, you'll be the

> > first in history to do so, and will literally save a lot of the


> > as well as your own neck. We were bowled over when the thymus


> > up as a hideout that shot the fever way up in Robbie's HIV

> > infection. That's the kind of thing we need to keep at. We now


> > to hit the thymus or we won't get that extra punch we got when


> > tried it there. This gives us one definite place to include in


> > research " oh yes, hit the thymus " .

> >

> > Beck died before he could find all this out. I've written that


> > already no sense sounding like a broken record. The virus simply

> > lives where we didn't think it did. We need the list of where it

> > is. We can't get that list without you courageous and tireless


> > folks doing the experiments needed to find the critters. I can't

> > believe how extra nice the HIV people have been considering all

> > they're up against to report and participate like they do. Hats


> > to you.

> >

> > bG


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a thought: possibly the virus moves, senses the vibration, senses danger,

therefore moves. what if the entire electromagnetic filed were hit, can't this

be done by holding the electricity in the aura about 3rd layer? but what will

conduct it to the body OR will it automatically get to the body since the

elctromagnetic filed reaches 3 feet out from the body. how to get the battery

device to discharge the electrons to the elctromagnetic field, about 7 inches

from the body, no jokes, ok? Doesn't the device work when contact is made? so

can it be used without contact? let's get creative and figure a way to emit

electrons without touching the device? thanks for any and all comments. i

think i got it, metal shavings on the body, will attract the flow of electrons.

Am I nuts or is this a damn good idea?

@...: jpjk@...: Thu,

26 Apr 2007 19:41:23 +0000Subject: Re: Update

I made the paddles exactly as described in our newsgroup files. I moved them

around, holding them in place for maybe 30 seconds before moving them again, up

and down, side to side, back again. you get the idea. My brother even put a

switch on them so that I would be able to switch polarity frequently. I also

targeted the thymus area, near and around the solar plexus, with no hesitation

even around the heart. I used them around my face, neck and armpits too. Only

occasionally did I do the extremities, but I did do those from time to time. All

this was just with the paddles. I was also using the Sota Silver pulser on my

wrist for at least 2 hours a day, at LEAST 5 days a week, for most of the entire

4 month period. I only stopped everything the last 3 weeks or so. I've given a

lot of thought to what I might have been doing wrong, and I must say, if I were

to do it over again, I don't know how I could have been more thorough. Believe

me, nobody on the planet wants to avoid these drugs more than I do, and it

disappoints me greatly to have to go back on them. But if I proved anything in

this experiment, it is that maybe the anti-virals aren't quite as hateful as I

thought they were. Certainly NOT ot the endosement I wanted to give, for

sure....>> Thanks, . What sizes were the pads and where were

they > placed? This could help a lot to know. For example, if they were > placed

in one main spot, then that spot may not be where HIV actually > lives. We are

only trying to locate the germ at this point. > Medicine has been of little help

but lately they have found it in the > gut linings and that can mean esophagus

to anus. Your usage could > point to where it was not, and thus allow further

exploration to find > where it really is. It could be in bone marrow and need

leg pads, > for example or hip pads, wherever the marrow is. I don't really know

> yet, but neither does anyone else in or out of medicine. Their > approach is

throw a drug in and hope it reaches wherever the bug is. > We can't have that

luxury. We have to know where it is or else the > electricity won't find a path

to it. So it's a process of > elimination, the body is only so big and we'll

find the germ so long > as people keep reporting the pads, the sizes and

locations of the > pads. > > I'd like to find a way to use this without the

drugs, since most of > the world does not have the drugs. Still, the drugs can

save a life > while we monkey with the finding the hideout of these germs. So,

use > this as an adjunct to your lifeline for the time-being, and don't > give

up the search for the trophy. If you find it, you'll be the > first in history

to do so, and will literally save a lot of the world > as well as your own neck.

We were bowled over when the thymus turned > up as a hideout that shot the fever

way up in Robbie's HIV > infection. That's the kind of thing we need to keep at.

We now know > to hit the thymus or we won't get that extra punch we got when

Robbie > tried it there. This gives us one definite place to include in our >

research " oh yes, hit the thymus " .> > Beck died before he could find all this

out. I've written that up > already no sense sounding like a broken record. The

virus simply > lives where we didn't think it did. We need the list of where it

> is. We can't get that list without you courageous and tireless HIV > folks

doing the experiments needed to find the critters. I can't > believe how extra

nice the HIV people have been considering all > they're up against to report and

participate like they do. Hats off > to you.> > bG


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induced current from magnetic fields won't be practical. the magnets

needed would be much too large to provide these levels of current,

like an MRI. The direct-applied current will work but we need to be

sure it's in place over the right spot.

We think using a 12 x 8 inch pad surface with 6 volts for 20 minutes

over the whole intestinal area 3 times a day would turn on the

required dieoffs and rid the body of HIV from that whole area, which

is a lot of the infection right there.

What was tried by (if I read his note correctly) was 4 x 4

inch electrodes, and they stayed only 30 seconds over each area. He

got a mild stimulus and felt better, so he went on with it that way.

4 x 4 is 16 square inches. 12 x 8 is 96 square inches. That is 6

times larger. And left in place 44 times longer. The dosage was 44

x 6 = 264 times lower than recommended.

Another person used the bigger pads for 20 minutes 3 times a day and

got the viral dieoffs associated with primary HIV infection, so we

know he was killing it. He felt lousy so he stopped using it 8 days,

got some energy back and went on. We are waiting to hear from him on


I would say this is interesting and we probably have learned a lot



>> Thanks, . What sizes were the pads and where were

they > placed? This could help a lot to know. For example, if they

were > placed in one main spot, then that spot may not be where HIV

actually > lives. We are only trying to locate the germ at this

point. > Medicine has been of little help but lately they have found

it in the > gut linings and that can mean esophagus to anus. Your

usage could > point to where it was not, and thus allow further

exploration to find > where it really is. It could be in bone marrow

and need leg pads, > for example or hip pads, wherever the marrow is.

I don't really know > yet, but neither does anyone else in or out of

medicine. Their > approach is throw a drug in and hope it reaches

wherever the bug is. > We can't have that luxury. We have to know

where it is or else the > electricity won't find a path to it. So

it's a process of > elimination, the body is only so big and we'll

find the germ so long > as people keep reporting the pads, the sizes

and locations of the > pads. > > I'd like to find a way to use this

without the drugs, since most of > the world does not have the drugs.

Still, the drugs can save a life > while we monkey with the finding

the hideout of these germs. So, use > this as an adjunct to your

lifeline for the time-being, and don't > give up the search for the

trophy. If you find it, you'll be the > first in history to do so,

and will literally save a lot of the world > as well as your own

neck. We were bowled over when the thymus turned > up as a hideout

that shot the fever way up in Robbie's HIV > infection. That's the

kind of thing we need to keep at. We now know > to hit the thymus or

we won't get that extra punch we got when Robbie > tried it there.

This gives us one definite place to include in our > research " oh

yes, hit the thymus " .> > Beck died before he could find all this out.

I've written that up > already no sense sounding like a broken

record. The virus simply > lives where we didn't think it did. We

need the list of where it > is. We can't get that list without you

courageous and tireless HIV > folks doing the experiments needed to

find the critters. I can't > believe how extra nice the HIV people

have been considering all > they're up against to report and

participate like they do. Hats off > to you.> > bG



> _________________________________________________________________

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sorry, not 44 but 40 x 6 = 240 times less than recommended.


>> Thanks, . What sizes were the pads and where were

> they > placed? This could help a lot to know. For example, if they

> were > placed in one main spot, then that spot may not be where HIV

> actually > lives. We are only trying to locate the germ at this

> point. > Medicine has been of little help but lately they have


> it in the > gut linings and that can mean esophagus to anus. Your

> usage could > point to where it was not, and thus allow further

> exploration to find > where it really is. It could be in bone


> and need leg pads, > for example or hip pads, wherever the marrow


> I don't really know > yet, but neither does anyone else in or out


> medicine. Their > approach is throw a drug in and hope it reaches

> wherever the bug is. > We can't have that luxury. We have to know

> where it is or else the > electricity won't find a path to it. So

> it's a process of > elimination, the body is only so big and we'll

> find the germ so long > as people keep reporting the pads, the


> and locations of the > pads. > > I'd like to find a way to use this

> without the drugs, since most of > the world does not have the


> Still, the drugs can save a life > while we monkey with the finding

> the hideout of these germs. So, use > this as an adjunct to your

> lifeline for the time-being, and don't > give up the search for the

> trophy. If you find it, you'll be the > first in history to do so,

> and will literally save a lot of the world > as well as your own

> neck. We were bowled over when the thymus turned > up as a hideout

> that shot the fever way up in Robbie's HIV > infection. That's the

> kind of thing we need to keep at. We now know > to hit the thymus


> we won't get that extra punch we got when Robbie > tried it there.

> This gives us one definite place to include in our > research " oh

> yes, hit the thymus " .> > Beck died before he could find all this


> I've written that up > already no sense sounding like a broken

> record. The virus simply > lives where we didn't think it did. We

> need the list of where it > is. We can't get that list without you

> courageous and tireless HIV > folks doing the experiments needed to

> find the critters. I can't > believe how extra nice the HIV people

> have been considering all > they're up against to report and

> participate like they do. Hats off > to you.> > bG

> >

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________

> > Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger 

> > http://imagine-msn.com/messenger/launch80/default.aspx?locale=en-

> us & source=wlmailtagline

> >

> >

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Correct. I've been thinking about this and have a few more thoughts to add.

Regarding the hair loss, I remember when my brother broke his leg and spent

a lot of time in the hospital, he was given lots of morphine for the pain. It


weeks, maybe 6 or more, later when he experienced hair loss. We concluded

then that this was a result of the toxicity of the painkillers, and I'm

wondering if

my own hair loss was a direct result of going off the anti-virals after having

been on them for over a year. Any thoughts on this? It took a full 3 months for

my hair to start falling out, and I assure you, it's STILL falling out. The


point I wanted to touch on is the idea that the virus is somehow shattered or

broken up in the electrification process, which causes the appearance of a

higher viral count. These aren't actual virus, but virus particles counted as

single virus. It seems Beck refered to this in his lectures, but gave no time

frame as to when to expect this phenomenon to develop, nor how long to

expect it to last. I did drink a lot of ozonated water in the later stages of my

treatments, and took a lot of vitamin C, Co Q10 and beta glucan as well.

These are all considered free radical scavengers, as I understand it, and are

indicated to ease and expedite a cleansing. Maybe I didn't do enough of that.

I keep going back to this, but it's just possible that after 20 years of


maybe I just had a shit load of virus to discharge. I wouldn't want to hang my

hat on this and call it a victory, but it's certainly something to keep in

mind. In

4 months when I return for follow-up blood work, we might have a better idea

of just what exactly I have accomplished. Maybe it's too soon to draw any

conclusions at this point.


> Ok, so these were not the gutzilla (jumbo) pads they were

> the " paintbrush " types about 4 " square or so, and they were used for

> an average of 30 seconds per location, and moved around the body to

> cover many different areas such as intestinal, thymus, spleen, liver,

> etc. Am I duplicating this aright?


> bG

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> Friends,

> I saw Dr. Speight, in Charlotte, NC for the 3rd time yesterday (over 3

> months). He had the recent round of test results and explained them to

> me to the best of my ability to understand the numbers and words.


> The upshot is my Lipid Panel came back very high in DDE (DDT that has

> broken down) and other pesticides/insecticides (organochlorines like

> HCB hexachlorobenzene, Trans-nonachlor and Oxychlordane)


> I read up a little on these things and it explains why I have felt

> crawling sensations on my face.


> http://www.pesticideinfo.org/Detail_Chemical.jsp?Rec_Id=PC38351

> - Hypersensitive to stimulation, sensation of prickling, tingling or

> creeping on skin.

> - Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incoordination, tremor, mental

> confusion, hyperexcitable state.



> My Bilirubin is still high. My other liver enzymes and results where

> not good. I have had jaundiced (yellowish) eyes for a while.

> Acupuncture and liver cleansing with herbs and flushes have helped

> some.


> My vitamin D was extremely low. The Dr. hopes sunlight, UV light

> treatments and supplementation will help me feel better, help the

> bilirubin level and liver/kidney functions.

> If not, a ultrasound of my bile ducts will see if there is blockage.


> Hepatitis tests are next for liver disease.



> On the Toxic Element test, Bismuth was extremely high and next was

> Gallium, Mercury, Thorium, Lead, Tungsten and Thallium. Fortunately my

> Aluminum and Tin where much lower than the last test.


> There was a profile test on how I detox that revealed a high Catechol

> count (free radical marker) and a genetic test that showed a slight

> decrease in ability to detox but overall, should it work well enough.


> My Omega 3 was too high and Omega 6 not enough. I am upping the red

> meat and Evening Primrose Oil, Coconut Oil, and PhosphaditytlCholiine,

> etc. and laying off the fish and flax oils.


> My Myelination was low showing the pesticides have done there job in

> deteriorating the protective nerve sheaths. Good fats will hopefully

> replace and repair that.



> I have a very long list of supplements like Molybdenum, L-carnitine, 7

> Keto (DHEA), Butyrate, Oral Glutamine, etc. to help rebuild my system.


> I will do aother DMSA or some other chelator later after I have rebuilt

> my system enough to handle another round.

> Then, I think killing the fungus and other bacteria will be easier.


> There is much more and will leave it here.


> In summary, I believe detoxing incorrectly in conjunction with living

> in a bad EMF environment was part of how I got ES. The pesticides being

> released into my system, not having my gut and liver working well,

> allowed the toxins to be circulated back into the body, brain, etc.,

> bacteria/viruses from vaccinations like Epstein Barr (and god knows

> what else) took hold on a broken down immune system...


> Colloidal Silver has given me my life back. Seeing the test results, I

> feel better knowing what I am dealing with and look forward to getting

> my full health and vitality back.


> I hope something from this helps you in your search for happiness.






What kind of a doctor is this Dr. Speight?

What's the name of the test(s) that you took?

For instance how did he test your Myelination?

Where did those pesticides come from? Local

spraying or ingesting food?


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What kind of a doctor is this Dr. Speight?

Here is his website:


> For instance how did he test your Myelination?

There were many panels from these tests:


The Red Cell Lipid Biopsy reveals a number of things including the

Myelin information.

A DetoxiGenomic Profile reveals gene info

Genova Diagnostics did the Toxic Element Clearance Profile,

Body Bio did the blood Fatty Acid and Bio Markers revealing the

bilirubin and liver enzyme issues.

There are more.

> Where did those pesticides come from? Local

> spraying or ingesting food?

The DDT could have come from the spraying on my farm as a child.

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Annie,I'm so sorry you are going through all this!! You will be in my prayers and I hope you get it all figured out and fixed soon. Take care, Cyrena Update

I had lap band placement on 6 Aug at 194lbs. I plateaued at 172 with

no fills in December. I had one fill of .7cc which I think was a bit

aggressive on the part of the local doctor that was following me. I

had a lot more food intolerances, pbing and was unable to really eat

anything after 4pm. By March 1, I was 142 with my goal weight being

135. I had .4cc taken out and all hell broke lose. Couldn't hold down

any solid foods and even fluids. Had IV fluids twice than was finally

admitted to the hospital. The EGD showed a case of gastritis. As a

healthcare provider myself, I kind of expected it was my gallbladder

giving me problems. I had my band completely deflated and am still

battling with night time bilious vomiting and right upper quadrant

pain associated with meals. I am waiting for an appointment with a

surgeon to talk about having it removed. I am 126lbs and way too far

below my goal weight. I've been trying to push the protein shakes but

the nausea is pretty bad. Anyone else have these same issues?

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Wow that is really harsh, I am really sorry. Is this common, I am about to get the bad. Did dr. A do your surgery?annie427 <nayback@...> wrote: I had lap band placement on 6 Aug at 194lbs. I plateaued at 172 with no fills in December. I had one fill of .7cc which I think was a bit aggressive on the part of the local doctor that was following me. I had a lot more food intolerances, pbing and was unable to really eat anything after 4pm. By March 1, I was 142 with my goal weight being 135. I had .4cc

taken out and all hell broke lose. Couldn't hold down any solid foods and even fluids. Had IV fluids twice than was finally admitted to the hospital. The EGD showed a case of gastritis. As a healthcare provider myself, I kind of expected it was my gallbladder giving me problems. I had my band completely deflated and am still battling with night time bilious vomiting and right upper quadrant pain associated with meals. I am waiting for an appointment with a surgeon to talk about having it removed. I am 126lbs and way too far below my goal weight. I've been trying to push the protein shakes but the nausea is pretty bad. Anyone else have these same issues? Holden Slusher

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--- In ,

I am replying to regarding time, From what I read you are

treating the spots with only 30 second intervals. When I treat I

usually do it for 5 minute intervals and treat at each spot at least

2x+ and 2x- so that I spend 20 minutes on each spot. I am seeing

results with this directed to wrists, bladder, bowel, underarms, and

lungs. I think I could spend even more time but 1 hour and 40 minutes

twice a day is all I can spend right now. I may increase it to three

times a day.

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what illness is this for? you can hint, or whatever. If you made

larger pads, like 8 x 12 you could attach both to the same battery and

speed yourself up quite a bit. Use the big ones over the entire gut

area and small ones wherever you want.



> --- In ,

> I am replying to regarding time, From what I read you are

> treating the spots with only 30 second intervals. When I treat I

> usually do it for 5 minute intervals and treat at each spot at least

> 2x+ and 2x- so that I spend 20 minutes on each spot. I am seeing

> results with this directed to wrists, bladder, bowel, underarms, and

> lungs. I think I could spend even more time but 1 hour and 40 minutes

> twice a day is all I can spend right now. I may increase it to three

> times a day.


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I'm open to trying this, time is on my side. I started out cautiously, as these

pads seem to produce a pretty strong current, and I don't want to do more

harm than good. In using them for a 2 or 3 month period, the pads pretty

much laid waste to my intestinal flora as it was. I've taken supplements to

aleve this though, and that seems to be working well. So you think that it's

okay to PAD for 30 min. at a time per spot, but not necessarily 30 min. at

once? I do have a switch installed that makes changing polarity easy.

I " m still perplexed that 2 hrs. a day of silver pulsing didn't stop the growth


the hiv virus. I thought it would do that, no matter what DC technique I also

applied. I'm wondering if this reading is an accurate count of live virus...



> --- In ,

> I am replying to regarding time, From what I read you are

> treating the spots with only 30 second intervals. When I treat I

> usually do it for 5 minute intervals and treat at each spot at least

> 2x+ and 2x- so that I spend 20 minutes on each spot. I am seeing

> results with this directed to wrists, bladder, bowel, underarms, and

> lungs. I think I could spend even more time but 1 hour and 40 minutes

> twice a day is all I can spend right now. I may increase it to three

> times a day.


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Do you think your band has slipped or eroded? Have you had fluro to check the placement?

Jeeze..I hope you don't have to lose your band. I would investigate the gall-bladder possibility a little further...I had mine removed in my 20's and the attacks were bad. I passed my goal with the band as well, had 0.4cc removed & have done ok..still restriction, but not like you have stated. I wish you luck :-) Dana

-------------- Original message -------------- From: "annie427" <nayback@...>

I had lap band placement on 6 Aug at 194lbs. I plateaued at 172 with no fills in December. I had one fill of .7cc which I think was a bit aggressive on the part of the local doctor that was following me. I had a lot more food intolerances, pbing and was unable to really eat anything after 4pm. By March 1, I was 142 with my goal weight being 135. I had .4cc taken out and all hell broke lose. Couldn't hold down any solid foods and even fluids. Had IV fluids twice than was finally admitted to the hospital. The EGD showed a case of gastritis. As a healthcare provider myself, I kind of expected it was my gallbladder giving me problems. I had my band completely deflated and am still battling with night time bilious vomiting and right upper quadrant pain associated with meals. I am waiting for an appointment with a surgeon to talk about having it removed. I am 126lbs and way too far below my goal weight. I've been trying to push the p

rotein shakes but the nausea is pretty bad. Anyone else have these same issues?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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INCRECIBLE!!!! WTG!!! FANTASTIC!!! You must feel absolutely wonderful!! I'm so proud of you and I don't even know you! What a feeling! Just to let you know, I did the Slim in 6 program and it was gruelling exercise for 45 minutes, 6 days a week, as well as a strict diet and after the 6 weeks were over, I'd lost 5 lbs (yep ... count 'em ... FIVE POUNDS!) and 9 inches!!! That s*cked!!!!! Glad you're doing so well. I can't wait to begin Phase 2!!! Debbie travelingiris <RainbowNScooby2@...> wrote: Hi all! I just wanted to give an update since I'm soooo happy and feel like shouting from the rooftop. I completed my 2nd week with fabulous results. So far, I have lost a total of 17.2 lbs and 13.5 inches! I measured my neck, arms, chest, breasts, stomach, hips, thighs and calves. Technically since you can't really include the first 2 days of injections in your weight loss days, that means I've lost all that in 12 days! I was really impressed

with the weight loss, but the inch loss is amazing. I never expected such fast results. I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring since I had my son 20 months ago. I put it on last night. I hope this will encourage everyone to stick with it and keep up their determination. I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend. I know it will be really tough for some of you. Stay strong! Take care.

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Did you do phase 1 and are you following phase 2 to the letter?travelingiris <RainbowNScooby2@...> wrote: Hi all! I just wanted to give an update since I'm soooo happy and feel like shouting from the rooftop. I completed my 2nd week with fabulous results. So far, I have lost a total of 17.2 lbs and 13.5 inches! I measured my neck, arms, chest, breasts, stomach, hips, thighs and calves. Technically since you can't really include the first 2 days of injections in your weight loss days, that means I've lost

all that in 12 days! I was really impressed with the weight loss, but the inch loss is amazing. I never expected such fast results. I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring since I had my son 20 months ago. I put it on last night. I hope this will encourage everyone to stick with it and keep up their determination. I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend. I know it will be really tough for some of you. Stay strong! Take care. Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows. Answers - Check it out.

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I did a 60 day colon cleansing program through drnatura.com

(colonix). I did not eat only organic during the first 30 days, but

I switched over to organic for the last 30 days right before phase

2. I started losing weight as soon as I switched to organic. I

wasn't perfect with it. If I was out and got hungry, I picked up

some fast food. It seemed like the week before I started the hcg, I

cheated more. I guess I wanted one last chance to eat the foods I

would never have again, lol. I didn't lose on the days I cheated

though. I've followed phase 2 perfectly. I've lost 21 lbs as of

today! Have you started yet?

Hi all! I just

wanted to give an update since I'm soooo happy and feel

> like shouting from the rooftop. I completed my 2nd week with


> results. So far, I have lost a total of 17.2 lbs and 13.5 inches! I

> measured my neck, arms, chest, breasts, stomach, hips, thighs and

> calves. Technically since you can't really include the first 2 days


> injections in your weight loss days, that means I've lost all that


> 12 days! I was really impressed with the weight loss, but the inch

> loss is amazing. I never expected such fast results. I haven't been

> able to wear my wedding ring since I had my son 20 months ago. I


> it on last night.


> I hope this will encourage everyone to stick with it and keep up


> determination. I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend. I

> know it will be really tough for some of you. Stay strong! Take








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> Hi everyone. I am from Illinois and have been reading all the the

messages for the last 3 weeks. I finally received my shipment today,

and have had the supplies for a couple of weeks. I plan on starting

June 1. Anyone else planning on starting that day and we can do it



> ---------------------------------

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Hi my name is Sabriya and I am in Raleigh, NC. I am waiting to recive

my pay check in one hour and pay for my HCG!!!!! I am so excited. It

should be here in 3 days. I want to have lost some weight before my B-

day June 8th. I have been reading everyones success for the last 2

months. I can't weight to be successful.

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If FedX is right I should have my supplies tonight and I will start Phase 2 tomorrow too!!!ssharifhanifa <sabriya_2@...> wrote: > > Hi everyone. I am from Illinois and have been reading all the the messages for the last 3 weeks. I finally received my shipment today, and have had the supplies for a couple of weeks. I plan on starting June 1. Anyone

else planning on starting that day and we can do it together? > > --------------------------------- > Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with FareChase. > Hi my name is Sabriya and I am in Raleigh, NC. I am waiting to recive my pay check in one hour and pay for my HCG!!!!! I am so excited. It should be here in 3 days. I want to have lost some weight before my B- day June 8th. I have been reading everyones success for the last 2 months. I can't weight to be successful.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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This is me doing a dance for Sharon!!!!!!!!!! That is so cool. I am so happy for you. Yeeeee Hawwwwwwwww HUGGGGS JeanneSharon T <topkatsharon@...> wrote: Hi Everyone, Despite a slower weightloss this week due to dental problems. I've lost 25lbs since May 20th and 20

inches! Besides the loss on arms, and lower legs lost a total of 6.5 inches off my waist, 4 inches off of each thigh and 3.5 inches off of my hips! I've noticed my skin is great and not dry like it usually is, so theres no need for moisturizer while on hcg. I 'm still pinching myself about how great hcg is to lose weight and inches. I hope everyone has a great week and keeps on losing! Sharon

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