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Mona, my good woman,

ALL these are symptoms of BPPV. It's caused when the crystals in your

ears move from where they are supposed to be to where they aren't

supposed to be. Rolling over from side to side, turning your head, going

from lying down to sitting up -- ANY of these can cause dizziness. And

dizziness can cause nausea. Take it from a dizzy blonde.

By all means see the balance specialist, but hopefully don't wait

until your Medicaid gets renewed, because you will be miserable for

months without needing to be.

The getting dizzy from lying down to sitting up can also be caused by

low blood pressure, so make sure they check that. I don't think you're

on blood pressure meds, but some of the other things you are taking could

cause low BP. Make sure you take a list of ALL the medications, doseage

and strength with you to see the dizzy doc.

Good luck. I've been there, and it's NO fun.

Meclizine is used for dizziness, so is clonapin (which I know you

mentioned you're on). One of the things they'll have you do is stand

with your feet together and cross your arms across your chest. Make sure

you're standing near something you can grab onto if you start to fall.

Once you've mastered that, then you get to put one foot in front of the

other, cross arms and try it again. Generally do this between parallel

bars at the physical therapist. And she is standing right there to catch

you. I've NEVER been able to do the one foot in front of the other, arms

crossed and eyes closed. But you have no choice. There are several

exercises that can be done to strengthen your neck, which often helps

with dizziness.

Hope the Easter bunny finds you and leaves you lots of chocolate, and

mochas and stuff.


I've never mentioned this before, but I also feel dizzy and nauseous

whenever I turn from one side to the other in bed or move from a lying

position to an upright position.



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Next time you see the Dr. - balance specialist or whoever prescribes

the meds, see if the low BP can be causing dizziness. Never hurts to

check all the possible causes. I know low BP can make you light headed.

Which to many of us is the same as dizziness.

Ask everyone.


I have very low blood pressure. However, I don't know if it's due to my




Aching back? Sore neck? Cick to learn how to manage your pain.



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  • 2 months later...


Just wanted to check in:

Went to Mexico Friday. Pick up a lot of medicine. Stocking up because I will no

longer have any health insurance as of February. In addition to Hep-C, I also

have hypertension. It really got bad after I stopped Combo treatment in 2000. I

did some research and now my blood pressure is back to normal. I'm taking 3

kinds of medcine plus vitamins. My MD is was very happy when I went to see her

in Huntington Beach on Saturday and my pressure there was 130/80.

While in Mexico I got some " Colchichine " . Some early trials are showing

that this med can clean up my liver. It's approved by FDA for gout. It was very

cheap. They sell it in 1mg tablets. I just split them in half and started

taking .05mg. I showed it to my MD and she agreed it might help. It does reduce

inflamation. She told me that they would do CBC blood test for $30.00 without

insurance and charge me $50.00 for each visit. What I need to watch is my WBC &

platelet count. Will also look into getting a ultra sound in six months. Not to

sure what that will cost yet. This will atleast show if I still have any

inflamation. Plus can check the sizes of my Fibrosis lines.

The Memorial Day Weekend Hep-C conference is now set-up. I do need some

volenteer help as well as some Speakers. This conference is just for us. There

will be open discussions, A sngles party and the last night a

group party. Please e:mail me if you want more information. I'm grateful

to Bill Remak. He has been a big help in getting the word out and suggestion on

what to do.

Take Care


Lake Isabella California


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the update, Cara! Always good to hear what's working

and what's not.

One thing you might want to try (if you already haven't) is

experimenting with essential fatty acids. I find that Evening

Primrose Oil capsules help my tolerance, and I've also been

using a skin lotion with Borage oil for the past month that

seems to do the same. The only problem I've found with

these is that I think they throw off my omega-6/omega-3

balance off, because I become more prone to allergies.

So I have to add a flax oil capsule to keep the allergies

in check, and this doesn't appear to make my ES any worse.

Also, what is your husband doing for antioxidants? I'm

getting good results from some grape seed extract supplements,

but have also done well with Megahydrin and Amrit.

Also, what about minerals? Has your husband tried experimenting

with foods high in potassium or magnesium? This may be the

reason why the Sea Energy is helping, or it could be something

else (e.g., zinc, iodine)

Also, on the subject of green food supplements, I recently

bought a bottle of " Perfect Food " capsules, which is from

the same company as " Primal Defense " . These seem pretty

good, but beware that they contain spirulina and chlorella.

They also contain chia seeds, which for some reaction I

have a very strong reaction to -- so I'll have to see

if I can tolerate whatever amount is in these capsules.

The recommended dosage is 5 capsules per day, but right

now I'm only taking 1.

Also, with the Quantum power strips, note that 2 strips

are stronger than 1, and also experimenting with the

position of the strip or the outlet it's plugged into

can make a significant difference. The Home unit too,

and might be an interesting option if you're trying

to neutralize TV/radio/cell tower signals entering

your house.

As for the Springlife OM pendant not doing the trick

for the computer, I would recommend adding a Quantum

power strip to the mix instead of getting a larger

Springlife model -- I find that the stronger products

from both companies evoke more of a detox than I can

handle. Or try the free download of the Quantum

Byte software (or perhaps you've already tried this?)


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Glad to hear it! Steady progress.

On Feb 1, 2005, at 10:39 AM, Cara wrote:



> It's been a 3 weeks since we started adopting a few suggestions from

> this list, so here is my update:


> 1. Springlife Polarizer OM pendant - uncertain benefit. Initially

> observed increased tolerance for EMF in stores (fluorescent lights)

> but now no noticeable benefit, esp. at home. Will keep testing in

> retail settings.

> 2. Supplements - Sea Energy and Milk Thistle have been great. No GI

> flareups since we started (this had been a recurring problem). Green

> Magma troublesome - can't seem to find a small enough initial dose

> that doesn't disrupt sleep. Will try again in a week or so. Primal

> Defense too early to evaluate, but muscle tests positive.

> 3. Quantum Power strip - I use this at work to reduce *my* " toxic

> energy " level when I get home to my ES husband, and so far it seems

> to be helping. Managing my stress level helps too; if I'm emotionally

> stressed out, I trigger my husband's ES symptoms.

> 4. Get rid of high EMF appliances, esp. wireless - a definite must.

> The more of these we eliminate, the lower my husband's pain level,

> period. (Plus - fewer high tech toys mean we're rediscovering the joy

> of books! And conversation! A nice side benefit.)

> 5. Grounding electrical outlets - very helpful. My husband's

> tolerance to his computer workstation is much higher, although we're

> finding that this is not a complete solution. Looking for more

> protection here, possibly from one of the Quantum Products since the

> Springlife isn't quite doing the trick.


> I wouldn't say things have been consistently great since we started

> trying these approaches, but they do help, and I'm looking forward to

> gradually incorporating more things into the program. (We're taking

> this slow so we can see clearly which things work.) To those on this

> list who are just starting to find solutions, please take heart. My

> husband has been very ill for 6 years now, but this past weekend he

> felt well enough to go on a long drive with me to the Pacific Ocean.

> Then we went on a walk on the beach and flew a kite for about half an

> hour. And then we had a nice dinner at a restaurant on the drive

> back. It could not have been a nicer day for us, and I know it was

> possible because of the new approaches we have been learning from the

> wonderful people on this list and elsewhere.


> Cara











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1. Essential fatty acids: I have some flax seed oil waiting in the

wings but have not introduced it yet. It contains ALA and I read

somewhere that this can be tricky...? Is Primrose Oil a better bet?

(Clueless about this.)

2. Antioxidants - the Primal Defense already contains antioxidants,

or am I wrong about this? Should I add Megahydrin too? (Just don't

want to overload my husband with capsules to take- it gets to be a


3. Minerals - We tried Magnesium and my husband rejected it

intuitively (body felt sick). Haven't tried potassium. Specific food


4. Quantum Byte - stupidly hadn't gotten around to this before. Just

did now, at work. Will download/install this at home tonight. (I

think I can tell a difference already, at the highest setting...but I

wonder if this is placebo.)

5. Quantum Home - am seriously considering this now. (If only $$ were

no object, I'd get every EMF protection device and low-EMF appliance

on the market.)


> Thanks for the update, Cara! Always good to hear what's working

> and what's not.


> One thing you might want to try (if you already haven't) is

> experimenting with essential fatty acids. I find that Evening

> Primrose Oil capsules help my tolerance, and I've also been

> using a skin lotion with Borage oil for the past month that

> seems to do the same. The only problem I've found with

> these is that I think they throw off my omega-6/omega-3

> balance off, because I become more prone to allergies.

> So I have to add a flax oil capsule to keep the allergies

> in check, and this doesn't appear to make my ES any worse.


> Also, what is your husband doing for antioxidants? I'm

> getting good results from some grape seed extract supplements,

> but have also done well with Megahydrin and Amrit.


> Also, what about minerals? Has your husband tried experimenting

> with foods high in potassium or magnesium? This may be the

> reason why the Sea Energy is helping, or it could be something

> else (e.g., zinc, iodine)


> Also, on the subject of green food supplements, I recently

> bought a bottle of " Perfect Food " capsules, which is from

> the same company as " Primal Defense " . These seem pretty

> good, but beware that they contain spirulina and chlorella.

> They also contain chia seeds, which for some reaction I

> have a very strong reaction to -- so I'll have to see

> if I can tolerate whatever amount is in these capsules.

> The recommended dosage is 5 capsules per day, but right

> now I'm only taking 1.


> Also, with the Quantum power strips, note that 2 strips

> are stronger than 1, and also experimenting with the

> position of the strip or the outlet it's plugged into

> can make a significant difference. The Home unit too,

> and might be an interesting option if you're trying

> to neutralize TV/radio/cell tower signals entering

> your house.


> As for the Springlife OM pendant not doing the trick

> for the computer, I would recommend adding a Quantum

> power strip to the mix instead of getting a larger

> Springlife model -- I find that the stronger products

> from both companies evoke more of a detox than I can

> handle. Or try the free download of the Quantum

> Byte software (or perhaps you've already tried this?)


> Marc

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> 1. Essential fatty acids: I have some flax seed oil waiting in the

> wings but have not introduced it yet. It contains ALA and I read

> somewhere that this can be tricky...? Is Primrose Oil a better bet?

Years ago, I went through lots of flax seed oil, and found that it

had no benefit to my for ES symptoms, however, it did help my

seasonal allergies. Essential Primrose oil and Borage oil are

high in something called GLA, and I've found this to be very

helpful for my ES (although it appears to negatively affect

my allergies)

> 2. Antioxidants - the Primal Defense already contains antioxidants,

> or am I wrong about this? Should I add Megahydrin too? (Just don't

> want to overload my husband with capsules to take- it gets to be a

> lot.)

I don't count Primal Defense as being an anti-oxidant -- just a

probiotic. An antioxidant would be something like Vitamin A,

Vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta carotene, grape seed extract, etc. I think

antioxidants are important to take, although I tend to avoid

the artificial kinds (I don't get any benefit from the chemical

forms of Vitamin C and E). You could certainly add Megahydrin

or any other antioxidant to what he's taking -- it's not going

to overlap with or counteract anything. I've also had good

results with the grape-derived JuicePlus Vineyard capsules,

and making my own carrot juice from organic carrots.

> 3. Minerals - We tried Magnesium and my husband rejected it

> intuitively (body felt sick). Haven't tried potassium. Specific food

> suggestions?

Potassium would be bananas.

As for Magnesium, I also had a bad reaction from one form of

magnesium supplementation, but oddly enough had a good reaction

from a different form (Magnesium Citrate in " Natural Calm " ).

Also, " Cellfood " has ionic magnesium, calcium, and 80 trace

minerals, and I've had a good health benefits from it.

As for magnesium in food, I think it's supposed to be in

anything green. I also buy " raw chocolate " from rawfood.com,

as this is high in sulfer and magnesium (I can only take a

little of this per day, though).

> 4. Quantum Byte - stupidly hadn't gotten around to this before. Just

> did now, at work. Will download/install this at home tonight. (I

> think I can tell a difference already, at the highest setting...but I

> wonder if this is placebo.)

Yes, this seems to be the common reaction to the Quantum Byte --

is it working, or am I imagining it? I know of a couple people

who went into huge " healing crises " the day after using it, but

I think they are the only ones I know who are truly convinced

that it helps.

> 5. Quantum Home - am seriously considering this now. (If only $$ were

> no object, I'd get every EMF protection device and low-EMF appliance

> on the market.)

At least Quantum is supposed to have a good return policy. And no

need to buy *every* EMF protection device... I'd limit yourself

to the ones recommended here to start with! :-)


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> > 2. Antioxidants - the Primal Defense already contains antioxidants,

> > or am I wrong about this? Should I add Megahydrin too? (Just don't

> > want to overload my husband with capsules to take- it gets to be a

> > lot.)

Note that if you're concerned about taking too many supplements,

I believe that Cellfood counts as being an antioxidant, a mineral

supplement, an enzyme supplement, and an amino acid supplement:


It's definitely different than Sea Energy/Seasilver, although

from reading about it you may think it is similar. Even though

the recommended dosage is 24 drops per day in water, I actually

do quite fine with 1 to 3 drops per day in water (and 24 is

actually too much for me). At that level of usage, a $25 bottle

lasts a long time. This stuff is sold in my area in all the

health food stores.


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May I ask how old your son is? Thank you.


chadnmom <chadnmom@...> wrote:

Hi, every one, just a updte on our sons hip relacement sone at St.

Cloud Hospital, St. Cloud Mn. by Dr Joe Nessler on Nov. 30th, 2004

All went well after many long months of planing and waiting for the

FDA to approve his hip parts from Japan to be used in the United


He was in the hospital for 1 week, had alot of pain until the correct

med was found, then every thing went much better. He ran a temp for a

couple of days, as his lungs were filling up antibiotics took care of

that quickly, and things started going smoothly, started his walking

the next day.

We just finished pt. and ot. , he is walking without pain for the

first time in 5 years, most of the time with no assistantce, started

this past week getting into the tub for a bath and not a shower any

more, going shopping and pushing the cart no cane or walker.We feal

as thou the surgery was a sucess, and now looking foward to have the

other hip done next year.

The only problem he had was lots of swelling in the thigh, calf and

ankle area for about 2 weeks after surgery, did not need blood

thiners more than 1 week or narcotic pain relivers, just tyenol or

motrin. Thanks for all your prayers and conserns. Marsha Mom of Chad


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This is my humble opinion. At this early stage of the game for you – you

should go thru the T’s and C’s with each mapping. You are going to have to

self advocate and I’d keep that appointment for the 15th, especially if it’s

with the audiologist who activated your implant. It can always be cancelled

if the new map works.

Always remember – This is your hearing you are working toward and the

audiologist works for you.



I just called my CI center to find out if I could be seen before next

Tuesday. They will see me tomorrow at 1 p.m. and have cancelled my

appointment on the 15th.

I'm looking forward to finding out what kind of changes this new map will

bring. Hopefully speech understanding won't be too far off! In the meantime,

I will take things one day at a time. <smile>


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I think the audi I see tomorrow will be doing the same -- which is fine as

long as she can improve the sound quality of what I'm hearing right now.

<grin> The last time we met she only adjusted volume but that was fine since

I wasn't uncomfortable with what I was hearing. I was able to understand

some speech within a few days of that adjustment. Perhaps I may have to go

to my old map and work my way from there.

Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05


BTE hearing aid user 20 years

Severe-profound hearing loss 10 years

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That's what I thought (i.e. T and C levels should be set at each

appointment). My T and C levels weren't set 2 weeks ago. The audi only made

adjustments to volume and nothing else. Fortunately that wasn't a problem

because I could hear and tolerate the map well. If the only adjustments

being made tomorrow are volume, I won't be any better off than I am today.

When my CI center told me they were going to cancel my appointment on the

15th, I was surprised. Part of me feels like I'm being penalized because I

need a new map. I don't even know how much time I will have with the audi

tomorrow...If I have 2-3 hours, that's one thing. But if I only have 15

minutes to an hour, it won't equate to the time I'd have available on the


I will discuss all of this with the audi I see tomorrow as well as my own.

I'm also going to insist that my appointment next week be kept.

If I have to, I'll skip tomorrow's appointment and wait it out until next


Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05


BTE hearing aid user 20 years

Severe-profound hearing loss 10 years

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Gimlet and I will come along tomorrow to help you get what you need.


The T and C levels eventually will plateau. But right now, you are

probably going to keep widening your dynamic range.

The 15th is just 5 days after tomorrow. Think you should keep that and

skip tomorrow? You should stay home on the 14th. LOL

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

& Gimlet (Guide Dawggie)

Portland, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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I just finished typing an entire e-mail to you when my computer had a hissy

fit and wouldn't let me send it. LOL!

Let me try again... I e-mailed the receptionist and my audi to keep my

original appointment on the 15th. After giving it more thought, I think it

might be best to wait until next week especially since I don't know how much

time I'll have with the audi tomorrow.

In the meantime my CI remains in its splashcase. At least I'm saving on

battery power. :)

As for the 14th...I was planning to spend the day at my university to visit

and show off my CI, but those plans may have to wait.

Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05


BTE hearing aid user 20 years

Severe-profound hearing loss 10 years

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Ut oh your computer doesnt like mine...or something like that.

Ooooooops. Bad computer! LOL Maybe it was trying to tell you something.

I hope not!

I hope yoiu dont mind waitiing, Save on batteries...and save your

sanity. Ooooooops.

The 14th will be a good day to stay home. Just relax. Think about

kife. How good it is.... And all that rot. LOL

*---* *---* *---* *---* *---*

My wife and I divorced over religious differences. She thought she was God

and I didn't!

& Gimlet (Guide Dawggie)

Portland, Oregon

N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup



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In the beginning you C & T levels will need to be changed since your

nerves are getting use to the stimulation. The C & T levels have a

huge impact on how your CI sounds. The T levels are due to be

checked but they don't change as much as the C levels.

> I just called my CI center to find out if I could be seen before


> Tuesday. They will see me tomorrow at 1 p.m. and have cancelled my

> appointment on the 15th.


> I will be seeing the same audi who worked with me 2 weeks ago. At

our last

> appointment together she did not adjust my T or C levels (She only


> adjustments to volume). Is it necessary for T and C levels to be

set at each

> mapping appointment? Since this isn't an " official " appointment

(with a 2-3

> hour time slot), time may be limited.


> I wrote down a journal of my listening experiences for the past 7

days, so

> hopefully this will help result in a map that is more comfortable

for me. I

> also plan to ask for my old map so that I have at least one

program I can

> use.


> I'm looking forward to finding out what kind of changes this new

map will

> bring. Hopefully speech understanding won't be too far off! In the


> I will take things one day at a time. <smile>



> Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05

> Deafblind/Postlingual

> BTE hearing aid user 20 years

> Severe-profound hearing loss 10 years

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Just my two cents..

I am really glad to hear you are getting a second opinion!!!! The practice of

medicine is an art and not an exact science. And, the doctor is YOUR employee.

I do not think that you should just 'shop around' until you find someone to tell

you what you want, but you should find a physician who is willing to listen to

your concerns and address them in a way that you are not feeling doubtful about

the decision the two of you make. I will pray!

~a from Georgia

Dr. Walsh, High Point

Aug. 31, 2004 344-267-1??

-------------- Original message --------------

Hey gang,

I wrote an e-mail a while ago in response to a question on periods,

so now that I know what is going on I can let everyone know. I have

been having irregular periods for over a year now. My OB put me on

birth control pills to regulate my hormones ( I had my tubes tied so

no worries about getting pregnant ). I started having irregular

periods again, so he decided to check the lining of my uterus to be

sure it was not unusally thick, which would explain the frequency of

my periods. I had a pelvic ultrasound on Monday, it consisted of

internal and external imaging. I have 3 cysts, one on one ovary,

and two on the other. He said the biggest one was 2 cm and they do

not even mess with them unless they become 5 cm or more. I also

have fluid accumilation in a tube. Needless to say I am very

worried and upset. He did not even want to redo an ultrasound until

a month before ny annual exam. THAT IS TEN (10) MONTHS AWAY!!!The

doctor also took me OFF the birth control pills, and gave me a

perscription for provera in case I do not cycle it will jump start

me and cause me to have a period. I expressed to him again that I

would just be happier if he gave me a hysterectomy. He is adamant

about NOT doing it. All I know is that I did not have any problems

like this before I had my tubes tied. After lomg thought and

consideration, I have decided to get a second opinion. I also would

appreciate all comments and suggestions from anyone willing to give

it. Keep me in your prayers!!!

Lara A.

-250 pounds an going uop and down like a yo - yo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Lara,

I just read your message and thought I might offer a possible

answer. A friend's sister-in-law was having very heavy periods.

Since she didn't want to lose her uterus, she opted for a procedure

called ablation. In simple terms, a deflated balloon is inserted

into the uterus, expanded with water then heated high enough to

destroy the uterine lining. The result is no more periods--of course

no more children also--but you indicated your tubes were tied

anyway. A second opinion never hurts--or even a third or fourth.

Keep searching until you find a solution you can live with--its your

body! You might try some research on the web about ablation. It

probably has a more descriptive medical name but I don't know it.

Hope this helps and I'm not too late to help.


Barbara in Lake Wales



> Hey gang,

> I wrote an e-mail a while ago in response to a question on periods,

> so now that I know what is going on I can let everyone know. I


> been having irregular periods for over a year now. My OB put me on

> birth control pills to regulate my hormones ( I had my tubes tied


> no worries about getting pregnant ). I started having irregular

> periods again, so he decided to check the lining of my uterus to be

> sure it was not unusally thick, which would explain the frequency


> my periods. I had a pelvic ultrasound on Monday, it consisted of

> internal and external imaging. I have 3 cysts, one on one ovary,

> and two on the other. He said the biggest one was 2 cm and they do

> not even mess with them unless they become 5 cm or more. I also

> have fluid accumilation in a tube. Needless to say I am very

> worried and upset. He did not even want to redo an ultrasound


> a month before ny annual exam. THAT IS TEN (10) MONTHS AWAY!!!The

> doctor also took me OFF the birth control pills, and gave me a

> perscription for provera in case I do not cycle it will jump start

> me and cause me to have a period. I expressed to him again that I

> would just be happier if he gave me a hysterectomy. He is adamant

> about NOT doing it. All I know is that I did not have any problems

> like this before I had my tubes tied. After lomg thought and

> consideration, I have decided to get a second opinion. I also


> appreciate all comments and suggestions from anyone willing to give

> it. Keep me in your prayers!!!

> Lara A.

> -250 pounds an going uop and down like a yo - yo

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Good luck with your fill Belinda. Let us know how it goes and how much

you get. Ar eyou going to Dr. Dobson in the Forthworth area?

did you tell them you are only 5 weeks out? Many doctors' won't do it

until after the 6 th week, that is starting the 7th. I don't think you

would like to drive all the way htere for nothing. I am SURE kenvin

would give youa hard time, maybe even make you walk back :) Just

kidding, do make sure they will give you your fill.



> Hey Nina & Dr Aceves and everyone I just wanted to let everyone know

> that I'm doing great and I finally got on the scales last night and

> I've lost 21 pounds. I'm going for my first fill on thursday this

> week I've also started walking last week (yes i made walk with

> me)I think I'm going to get me a treadmill in the next month or so.

> Well I will let you know how the fill goes I'm going to Dallas tx for

> a 3:30 appt. Thanks Dr Aceves for my gift!! Love Belinda

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Nina I told them that my surgery date was March 7 and the Dr was ok with that the problem is he is booked up with surgery's so this was the only day he could get me in this month. Belinda

From: Nina

Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2005 1:43 PM

Subject: Re: update

Good luck with your fill Belinda. Let us know how it goes and how much you get. Ar eyou going to Dr. Dobson in the Forthworth area? did you tell them you are only 5 weeks out? Many doctors' won't do it until after the 6 th week, that is starting the 7th. I don't think you would like to drive all the way htere for nothing. I am SURE kenvin would give youa hard time, maybe even make you walk back :) Just kidding, do make sure they will give you your fill. Nina> > Hey Nina & Dr Aceves and everyone I just wanted to let everyone know > that I'm doing great and I finally got on the scales last night and > I've lost 21 pounds. I'm going for my first fill on thursday this > week I've also started walking last week (yes i made walk with > me)I think I'm going to get me a treadmill in the next month or so. > Well I will let you know how the fill goes I'm going to Dallas tx for > a 3:30 appt. Thanks Dr Aceves for my gift!! Love Belinda

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Were your problems related in any way to your MGB?

Just curious.

cathy s in va



> Hey Ya'll,

> I just wanted to give a quick update. I decided to get a second

> opinion on the cysts that were found on my ovaries. They also found

> fluid in my tubes that is causing me ALOT of pain. April 28, 2005 at

> 1pm I am having surgery to remove my tubes ( I had my tubes tied when

> I had my daughter 2 years ago )drain and remove the cysts, and look


> my ovaries and see how they are. I am asking for prayers to help me

> get to surgery date without worrying too much and of course thoughts

> and prayers for my surgery. I am sooooo glad I decided to get a

> second opinion. I will update again soon

> Lara Akin

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  • 1 month later...
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LOL you are funnny writing! You are doing great you should be thrilled. I am so impressed with the exercise!

Ninastephanie wilks <skwilks100@...> wrote:

Who I am:Banded 3/9/05, with Dr. Aceves.Starting stats: 270 lbs, I'm about 5' 7.5"fills: two, plus a "tweak" for a total of ?? either 2.2 or 2.4 in my band, I don't remember which.Well folks, I'm a little over 2.5 months into my "weight loss journey," as so many call it. I have lost (drumroll please. . . . . . . . . . . .) a whopping 35 (Yes thirty-five!!!) pounds!! I know some have lost more in the same time (and I imagine some have lost less), however I am THRILLED.I exercise a lot. I know I say this all the time, but I say it so that I have to DO it--if I tell everyone I'm doing it, I have to do it or I'd be a total lame-o, you know? If I don't tell anyone, it would be okay for me to skip it on the days I "don't feel like it." My best weeks, I do weights three

days a week, cardio five days a week. My average is somewhat less--two days weights and four cardio, I'd say.I show more weight lost than my poundage would indicate, since I'm losing fat and gaining muscle.I am now !!! TEN pounds less than I was, when I first got pregnant with my first child. That is an amazing thing, indeed.Due to my body structure (honestly? I have an enormous a** and hips to go with it, and my breasts even me out up top--I have the natural hourglass), I'm still in a ?? size 20 or maybe even a 22. I started at a 24? or so, I'm not super sure. However, I was swimsuit shopping, and the one that I found that I liked they only had in a (gasp) 1x (16/18). I bought it, and it FITS! (You know how swimsuits are stretchy and forgiving. . . Also, because of the material it's made from, it actually makes me look GREAT--it sucks my tummy in for me, and it has a

skirt that goes over my hips.)Now, 2.5 months ago, I don't think I could have wedged myself into this suit, so even though it's a tad small (the booty rides up if I'm overly active), I'll take it!!--

Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr Aceves1 866- 338-0801 , 619-962-8142nina_eguia@...


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Nina, I lost 31 lbs since my banding on 4/18/2002. It's great as I can function a lot better. I'd like to come down for a fill the last week of June,(next month). How do I go about making an appointment? Donna

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Donna, Wonderful, you must be happy!

The doctor is available all that week so just tel me what day you wan to be here so we can schedule you, any day you can be here around noon.


Ninafrog2449@... wrote:

Nina, I lost 31 lbs since my banding on 4/18/2002. It's great as I can function a lot better. I'd like to come down for a fill the last week of June,(next month). How do I go about making an appointment? Donna

Nina Eguia Patient Coordinator, Dr Aceves1 866- 338-0801 , 619-962-8142nina_eguia@...


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I read in the other emails that fills are on Saturdays only. Is this true? If I can come on a week day, let's say Tuesday It would be great, because I'll be driving. Donna

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