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Results from stool sample

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Hello, I have been working on the diet and building my immune system for 6

months, my doctor had a stool sample done and the results are

" no growth " on the candida section. I have read your advise to stay on the

program for one month for every year, so I plan to stay diligently on the

program for the next 4 1/2 years and probably forever.

?? does the " no growth " mean that the candida has changed back into to is

orginal form??

All my other areas on the test were very good, cholesteral, which was not too

high dropped 35 points, blood sugars are very good, all fats were very good. I

do need to take enzymes ( the stool test required that I not take anything for

3-4 days before the test. I also, do not have enough good probiotics.

??Do you one your have researched?

also, a pre-probiotic

and enzyme?

Thank you, I feel so much better. the 30 years of IBS ended 4 days into the

diet change, I sleep thru the night without needing to urinate, I can go up to

4-5 hours in the day without needing the bathroom, the fungus under my toes is

half healed, I think my near-sightedness is improving.

??any ideas on hemorroids??

thank you. I work at a nutrition center and have been giving you web site to

everyone who might fit the candida symptoms. Anne

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> Hello, I have been working on the diet and building my immune system for 6

months, my doctor had a stool sample done and the results are " no growth " on the

candida section. I have read your advise to stay on the program for one month

for every year, so I plan to stay diligently on the program for the next 4 1/2

years and probably forever. ?? does the " no growth " mean that the candida has

changed back into to is orginal form??

+++Hi Anne. Stool samples aren't reliable, so that's why I recommend people

take the candida questionnaire - see this article on tests:


+++Also candida is the " result " of poor health, and not the cause as claimed,

but I'm still revising my main candida article to reflect this.

+++Therefore, you aren't just doing this program so candida will change back

into the organism it is supposed to be in a healthy body, you are trying to

become healthy overall so all of your past health issues can be resolved and to

ensure future health.


> All my other areas on the test were very good, cholesteral, which was not too

high dropped 35 points, blood sugars are very good, all fats were very good. I

do need to take enzymes ( the stool test required that I not take anything for

3-4 days before the test. I also, do not have enough good probiotics. ??Do you

one your have researched? also, a pre-probiotic and enzyme?

+++Digestive enzymes are a waste of money since they are neutralized, made

inactive, by stomach acid. Digestive enzymes only work in an alkaline

environment, so that's why the pancreas first pours lots of baking soda on the

contents emptying out of the stomach, and then it produces digestive enzymes.

+++Probiotics are also a waste of money, as explained in this article:


+++Prebiotics are sugars so you don't want to take them.


> Thank you, I feel so much better. the 30 years of IBS ended 4 days into the

diet change, I sleep thru the night without needing to urinate, I can go up to

4-5 hours in the day without needing the bathroom, the fungus under my toes is

half healed, I think my near-sightedness is improving.

+++That's fabulous Anne! Well done!


> ??any ideas on hemorroids??

+++They are also evidence the body is working hard to heal the area, from past

injuries, stretching beyond it's normal capabilities, i.e. having constipation,

large bowel movements, child birth, etc., and also by local irritation.


> thank you. I work at a nutrition center and have been giving you web site to

everyone who might fit the candida symptoms.

+++Thank you! But also remember this is an overall healing program that

improves anyone's health.

Luv & Hugs, Bee

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