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Baby Formulas at Weston A. Price Not Recommended

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Re: Baby Formulas at Weston A. Price Not Recommended

I do not recommend any of the baby formulas at the Weston A. Price Foundation

(WAPF) because of these added ingredients:

1. Lactose is the sugar in dairy products, which is not an enzyme. They assume

babies need more than the usual amount of sugar found in whole cow's and goat's

milk. Note: The enzyme that breaks down lactose/sugar is called lactase which

is particularly high in babies. Adding lactose to the liver formula doesn't make

any sense.

2. Bifidobacterium infantis (probiotic). There are no probiotics in breast

milk, so this doesn't make sense either.

3. Acerola powder is from cherries which is high in fructose sugar and babies

definitely shouldn't have any fructose of any kind. Fructose isn't a good sugar

for any humans, except in very small amounts, because of how the body processes


4. Gelatin - there's no gelatin in breast milk so why add it to any baby


If a mother is unable to breastfeed her baby it is simplier and better to give

the baby Goat's Milk as explained in my revised article Candida Treatments for

Babies & Children, along with important supplements (also recommended if a baby

is breastfed):


The best in health, Bee

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Wow! This really is quite shocking to me, as we put our severely 'milk

allergic' baby on the WAPF liver/meat-based formula, per your recommendation and

with your suggested omissions at 5 months old. She is now nearly 17 mos old and

has NEVER been given milk (except for a taste of raw goat's milk a few times

after a year old, w/ no reaction after being on the liver formula for so long -

dairy allergy apparently healed)....

At any rate - she is 17 mos old and I'm wondering if I should give her goat's

milk or no milk and no formula at all?

She gets 3 7-oz bottles per day, and meals (absolutely no cheats) per your diet

recommendations. Her bottles have a homemade bone broth (chix or

goat/lamb/beef) with chix or beef liver, plus the recommended coconut oil, cod

liver oil, some ghee, a little celtic sea salt, and even a tiny bit of vit C

crystals at times. She also gets 1 raw egg yolk each day, and mostly fats and

proteins, a little of the low-carb legal very well cooked veggies, and that's


My concern is that she's been on this program strictly for nearly an entire year

now, began at 5 mos of age, and although her food intolerances seem to be all

gone (no spontaneous allergic episodes ever - aka hives, etc) her eczema has

spread to her entire body just about, and is worse than it ever was even before

beginning the program. I'm very, very frustrated and worried about her, the

same w/ my toddler on your program, and am receiving major flak from our family

who are all but threatening to call DCF (dept children & families) because they

think I'm neglecting my children's medical needs!!!! Obviously I need to see

some improvements, and have no idea why they are still in such poor shape.

I really cannot exclude much more from their already highly limited diets, and

still their eczema and skin persist to worsen.

Sorry for the jumbled message, but I'm very frustrated, tired, and emotional

about the whole thing. It's been a whole year and we all expected to see much

more improvement, especially to the degree I am consistent with this diet and

ensure that they eat 100% organic, and absolutely NO chemicals are used

on/in/around them whatsoever (except for the baby's disposable chlorine-free


Please, if you can tell me, based on your latest research, what you recommend I

do, and help me to figure out why they are doing so poorly despite all my best

efforts, patience, hard work, and consistency!!!

Thank you in advance from an overwhelmed and overworked mommy of 3....

Jenna in Tampa, FL

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.....additionally, since your previous recommendation to me was to not give her

goat's milk (even if well tolerated) due to the lactose in the milk, she only

had 6 weeks of my very poor-quality (high sugar diet) breastmilk, then several

months of a horrible 'hypoallergenic' baby formula (57% corn syrup solids as #1

ingredient), and then now a year of broth/liver formula, and never any healthy

milk.....might her future health be affected by a lack of nutrition early on???

Please forgive my panic, these are my children and this has been a very trying

year, and things are just not going as we had so highly hoped......

Thank you always,


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I'm curious to know what makes you think your breast milk was poor

quality. It would always be better quality than anything you could

make or buy, no matter what, mostly because it's made especially for

your baby and it contains antibodies etc. plus the bonding and

closeness achieved through nursing is especially valuable for your

baby's nervous system and adrenals not to mention the hormones you

release for your own well being. I could go on and on. Don't let

anyone convince you otherwise for future!

(if there were other factors involved in not nursing after 6 weeks,

please forgive the intrusion)

On 22-Feb-11, at 4:10 PM, jennacoleaaa wrote:

> ....additionally, since your previous recommendation to me was to

> not give her goat's milk (even if well tolerated) due to the lactose

> in the milk, she only had 6 weeks of my very poor-quality (high

> sugar diet) breastmilk, then several months of a horrible

> 'hypoallergenic' baby formula (57% corn syrup solids as #1

> ingredient), and then now a year of broth/liver formula, and never

> any healthy milk.....might her future health be affected by a lack

> of nutrition early on???


> Please forgive my panic, these are my children and this has been a

> very trying year, and things are just not going as we had so highly

> hoped......


> Thank you always,


> Jenna




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Hi, !

I, too, am a HUGE nursing advocate. I nursed my first son (now 10 yo) for a

year, then was devastated when my second (now 3) had severe multiple 'food

allergies' and his pediatrician recommended I stop nursing at 6 months, since

his symptoms were still horrible after me being on an extremely exclusive diet

for 2 months (lost major weight, etc) and then my third was also born (now 17

mos) w/ same or worse severe 'food allergies' and at 6 weeks I felt so bad

watching her condition worsen, and not having the strength in me to do another

major diet, stopped breastfeeding her because we reasoned at the time that her

allergies were just too severe. Oh, believe me I cried for weeks before

allowing this to happen, and was severely broken-hearted.....

......then I found all the information regarding Candida around her being 4

months, and was only then beginning to understand the true underlying issues

their food allergies were rooted in, and by that time was dried up completely.

I considered re-lactating and researched it, but was too emotionally and

physically drained to attempt it (2 young ones w/ special health conditions,

plus my severe chronic Candida issues persisting ever so more after the birth of

#3).....and was scared to death that I might make their issues worse by my own

diet, etc...

At any rate, I mention my breastmilk being poor quality solely because of my

diet at the time, before discovering the WAPF website, and Bee's website, Ramiel

Nagel's Healing Our Children, etc.....I craved chocolate, and LOTS of it, bread,

milk by the gallon, etc......all of which were exacerbating my babies' own

candida issues....am I making any sense?

Anyhow, please know I absolutely did not intend to suggest that breastfeeding

was not the best choice.....I just had a lack of information and was eating

everything that was making our candida extremely happy and helping it to

proliferate, etc.....

If my health, and that of my children, improve over the next 3 years, I would

love to have another child so that I may again experience doing things

completely natural, the way God and Mother Nature intended, and be able to

breastfeed (since I feel like I was cheated these last two times, lol) but I

must be healthy first so that my future children don't have to go through what

we are right now....

Hope that answers your question....be well!

Jenna in Tampa

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Hi Jenna, I haven't followed this thread closely enough-- but I applaud you

using the liver/broth formula...I wish I had been so brave. We did goat's milk

until 13 months. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't think you did the absolute

best thing. It takes longer for these babies, doesn't it? Keep up the good

work! You will see results:-) and Cora in VA


From: jennacoleaaa <jennacoleaaa@...>

Sent: Tue, February 22, 2011 4:10:46 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Baby Formulas at Weston A. Price Not Recommended

.....additionally, since your previous recommendation to me was to not give her

goat's milk (even if well tolerated) due to the lactose in the milk, she only

had 6 weeks of my very poor-quality (high sugar diet) breastmilk, then several

months of a horrible 'hypoallergenic' baby formula (57% corn syrup solids as #1

ingredient), and then now a year of broth/liver formula, and never any healthy

milk.....might her future health be affected by a lack of nutrition early on???

Please forgive my panic, these are my children and this has been a very trying

year, and things are just not going as we had so highly hoped......

Thank you always,


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Hi Jenna,

I hope I didn't lay a guilt trip on you. That wasn't my intent. I

just think Dr's are the worst source of info re anything

breastfeeding. (well anything to do with health in my jaded

opinion ) And a baby with health challenges will do best on breast

milk regardless of your condition. Starving woman in Africa still

nurse their babies and produce milk perfect for their babies. I don't

think milk quality changes much if your diet is poor. But what I do

think is that if you aren't taking in good nutritious calories, while

lactating, your own nutrient intake will go entirely to your milk and

leave less for you.

Anyway, enough about that. Just wanted to support you in not

necessarily listening to your doc on the whole BF issue. LaLeche

league would be a better source of info on that.

On 22-Feb-11, at 5:26 PM, jennacoleaaa wrote:

> Hi, !


> I, too, am a HUGE nursing advocate. I nursed my first son (now 10

> yo) for a year, then was devastated when my second (now 3) had

> severe multiple 'food allergies' and his pediatrician recommended I

> stop nursing at 6 months, since his symptoms were still horrible

> after me being on an extremely exclusive diet for 2 months (lost

> major weight, etc) and then my third was also born (now 17 mos) w/

> same or worse severe 'food allergies' and at 6 weeks I felt so bad

> watching her condition worsen, and not having the strength in me to

> do another major diet, stopped breastfeeding her because we reasoned

> at the time that her allergies were just too severe. Oh, believe me

> I cried for weeks before allowing this to happen, and was severely

> broken-hearted.....


> .....then I found all the information regarding Candida around her

> being 4 months, and was only then beginning to understand the true

> underlying issues their food allergies were rooted in, and by that

> time was dried up completely. I considered re-lactating and

> researched it, but was too emotionally and physically drained to

> attempt it (2 young ones w/ special health conditions, plus my

> severe chronic Candida issues persisting ever so more after the

> birth of #3).....and was scared to death that I might make their

> issues worse by my own diet, etc...


> At any rate, I mention my breastmilk being poor quality solely

> because of my diet at the time, before discovering the WAPF website,

> and Bee's website, Ramiel Nagel's Healing Our Children, etc.....I

> craved chocolate, and LOTS of it, bread, milk by the gallon,

> etc......all of which were exacerbating my babies' own candida

> issues....am I making any sense?


> Anyhow, please know I absolutely did not intend to suggest that

> breastfeeding was not the best choice.....I just had a lack of

> information and was eating everything that was making our candida

> extremely happy and helping it to proliferate, etc.....


> If my health, and that of my children, improve over the next 3

> years, I would love to have another child so that I may again

> experience doing things completely natural, the way God and Mother

> Nature intended, and be able to breastfeed (since I feel like I was

> cheated these last two times, lol) but I must be healthy first so

> that my future children don't have to go through what we are right

> now....


> Hope that answers your question....be well!


> Jenna in Tampa




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> Bee,


> Wow! This really is quite shocking to me, as we put our severely 'milk

allergic' baby on the WAPF liver/meat-based formula, per your recommendation and

with your suggested omissions at 5 months old. She is now nearly 17 mos old and

has NEVER been given milk (except for a taste of raw goat's milk a few times

after a year old, w/ no reaction after being on the liver formula for so long -

dairy allergy apparently healed)....


> At any rate - she is 17 mos old and I'm wondering if I should give her goat's

milk or no milk and no formula at all?


> She gets 3 7-oz bottles per day, and meals (absolutely no cheats) per your

diet recommendations. Her bottles have a homemade bone broth (chix or

goat/lamb/beef) with chix or beef liver, plus the recommended coconut oil, cod

liver oil, some ghee, a little celtic sea salt, and even a tiny bit of vit C

crystals at times. She also gets 1 raw egg yolk each day, and mostly fats and

proteins, a little of the low-carb legal very well cooked veggies, and that's


+++Hi Jenna. So you didn't add things I listed in my message that were the

reasons for not recommending WAPF formulas, such as lactose, Bifidobacterium

infantis, and Acerola powder?

+++Can you list the amounts of all of the ingredients in your formula?


> My concern is that she's been on this program strictly for nearly an entire

year now, began at 5 mos of age, and although her food intolerances seem to be

all gone (no spontaneous allergic episodes ever - aka hives, etc) her eczema has

spread to her entire body just about, and is worse than it ever was even before

beginning the program. I'm very, very frustrated and worried about her, the

same w/ my toddler on your program, and am receiving major flak from our family

who are all but threatening to call DCF (dept children & families) because they

think I'm neglecting my children's medical needs!!!! Obviously I need to see

some improvements, and have no idea why they are still in such poor shape.


> I really cannot exclude much more from their already highly limited diets, and

still their eczema and skin persist to worsen.


> Sorry for the jumbled message, but I'm very frustrated, tired, and emotional

about the whole thing. It's been a whole year and we all expected to see much

more improvement, especially to the degree I am consistent with this diet and

ensure that they eat 100% organic, and absolutely NO chemicals are used

on/in/around them whatsoever (except for the baby's disposable chlorine-free



> Please, if you can tell me, based on your latest research, what you recommend

I do, and help me to figure out why they are doing so poorly despite all my best

efforts, patience, hard work, and consistency!!!


> Thank you in advance from an overwhelmed and overworked mommy of 3....

+++After I get answers to my questions above I can reply to your other


Hang in there Mom!


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> +++Hi Jenna. So you didn't add things I listed in my message that were the

reasons for not recommending WAPF formulas, such as lactose, Bifidobacterium

infantis, and Acerola powder?

********Hi, Bee....no, per your original recommendation I made sure to exclude

the lactose, probiotics, acerola powder, etc.

> +++Can you list the amounts of all of the ingredients in your formula?

********In each 7-oz bottle of broth/liver-based formula, I add a very small

amount (less than 1/4 tsp) each of coconut oil and ghee, 1/4 tsp cod liver oil,

a small pinch of coarse ground Celtic brand sea salt, and 1/16 tsp Vit C


> > My concern is that she's been on this program strictly for nearly an entire

year now, began at 5 mos of age, and although her food intolerances seem to be

all gone (no spontaneous allergic episodes ever - aka hives, etc) her eczema has

spread to her entire body just about, and is worse than it ever was even before

beginning the program. I'm very, very frustrated and worried about her, the

same w/ my toddler on your program, and am receiving major flak from our family

who are all but threatening to call DCF (dept children & families) because they

think I'm neglecting my children's medical needs!!!! Obviously I need to see

some improvements, and have no idea why they are still in such poor shape.

> >

> > I really cannot exclude much more from their already highly limited diets,

and still their eczema and skin persist to worsen.

> >

> > Sorry for the jumbled message, but I'm very frustrated, tired, and emotional

about the whole thing. It's been a whole year and we all expected to see much

more improvement, especially to the degree I am consistent with this diet and

ensure that they eat 100% organic, and absolutely NO chemicals are used

on/in/around them whatsoever (except for the baby's disposable chlorine-free


> >

> > Please, if you can tell me, based on your latest research, what you

recommend I do, and help me to figure out why they are doing so poorly despite

all my best efforts, patience, hard work, and consistency!!!

> >

> > Thank you in advance from an overwhelmed and overworked mommy of 3....


> +++After I get answers to my questions above I can reply to your other


I want to add that we used to cook EVERYTHING in lots of coconut oil, and then

thought we were overdoing it and perhaps that was giving them overwhelming

healing reactions, so we cut out the coconut oil and began using ghee for

cooking. But their skin is equally poor, just in different areas and more

wide-spread. My son's ear lobes are completely raw, exposed, oozing & bleeding,

crusty, itchy, etc....and the rest of his face is really blotchy. And both

babies have very red, itchy, open & crusty skin on their wrists, and in the

bends of their arms and legs.

Another change we made recently was to add more BEEF and pork in their diets,

whereas before we stuck mostly to ground turkey, chicken, lamb, and goat,

salmon, tuna, etc....

My head is so tired of spinning from all of this and I can't bear another month

watching my children endure such discomfort, and I am so weary from the looks we

and comments we receive - people think I'm neglecting his needs when we spend

more time preparing/cooking and researching their diets than anyone we

know....our time is 100% absorbed by this healing process which has all but

become our new religion.....please help us and our children, Bee! Something's

just not right!

> Hang in there Mom!......****Thank you, I'm desperately trying....Jenna in


> Bee


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> > +++Hi Jenna. So you didn't add things I listed in my message that were the

reasons for not recommending WAPF formulas, such as lactose, Bifidobacterium

infantis, and Acerola powder?


> ********Hi, Bee....no, per your original recommendation I made sure to exclude

the lactose, probiotics, acerola powder, etc.

@@@@Hi Jenna. That's good!


> > +++Can you list the amounts of all of the ingredients in your formula?


> ********In each 7-oz bottle of broth/liver-based formula, I add a very small

amount (less than 1/4 tsp) each of coconut oil and ghee, 1/4 tsp cod liver oil,

a small pinch of coarse ground Celtic brand sea salt, and 1/16 tsp Vit C


@@@You give her three 7-oz. bottles now, but was she always having that amount,

or was there a time when she had more bottles with the same measurements? And

how long was that? When did she start having only 3 bottles? (in months



> > > My concern is that she's been on this program strictly for nearly an

entire year now, began at 5 mos of age, and although her food intolerances seem

to be all gone (no spontaneous allergic episodes ever - aka hives, etc) her

eczema has spread to her entire body just about, and is worse than it ever was

even before beginning the program. I'm very, very frustrated and worried about

her, the same w/ my toddler on your program, and am receiving major flak from

our family who are all but threatening to call DCF (dept children & families)

because they think I'm neglecting my children's medical needs!!!! Obviously I

need to see some improvements, and have no idea why they are still in such poor


> > >

> > > I really cannot exclude much more from their already highly limited diets,

and still their eczema and skin persist to worsen.

@@@I think your children could benefit by taking Evening Primrose Oil, since it

is possible they don't get enough omega 6. I suggest one 500 mg cold-pressed or

expeller-pressed softgel per day, or if you get all an liquid form give them 1/4

tsp per day. Here's some good ones:



>>> Another change we made recently was to add more BEEF and pork in their

diets, whereas before we stuck mostly to ground turkey, chicken, lamb, and goat,

salmon, tuna, etc....

@@@If they didn't get enough red meats they may not have been getting enough

omega 6 and other important nutrients.

Let me know if that helps.

Luv & Hugs, Bee

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********In each 7-oz bottle of broth/liver-based formula, I add a very small

amount (less than 1/4 tsp) each of coconut oil and ghee, 1/4 tsp cod liver oil,

a small pinch of coarse ground Celtic brand sea salt, and 1/16 tsp Vit C


@@@You give her three 7-oz. bottles now, but was she always having that amount,

or was there a time when she had more bottles with the same measurements? And

how long was that? When did she start having only 3 bottles? (in months


& & & & & & We used to give her 5 bottles/day w/ 1 raw egg yolk daily, from about 5

mos to about 8 mos of age, when she began eating more foods (blended soups,

meats, fats, etc) and we switched to 4 bottles. Then as she began chewing more

and wanting more of our meals w/ us, we went down to the 3, 7-oz bottles per day

at about a year of age, so for about 5 months now she's been eating 3 meals/day

w/ us, plus her 3 bottles/day. I thought we were doing well to be at 3 and look

towards weaning her at around 2 yrs old, since I thought she would be getting

all her nutrition from her foods, etc. I believe your original post said that

was possible at 6 mos of age! I'm sorry, I'm just a bit confused now...

@@@I think your children could benefit by taking Evening Primrose Oil, since it

is possible they don't get enough omega 6. I suggest one 500 mg cold-pressed or

expeller-pressed softgel per day, or if you get all an liquid form give them 1/4

tsp per day.

& & & & & & & I will certainly give this a shot, and thank you for the


@@@If they didn't get enough red meats they may not have been getting enough

omega 6 and other important nutrients.

& & & & & & & They weren't consuming nearly as much beef as this several months ago,

but they've always eaten lamb, and then about 8 months ago we added goat (aren't

both of those considered red meat as well?)....I realize, and have been told as

well, that beef may be much more 'healing' than lamb/goat....but in order to

regulate/moderate their reactions I think I included too much beef too soon, and

the switch from coconut oil for cooking to ghee, it was probably too many

changes in a short period of time, and so it's so hard to distinguish what to

attribute the worsening skin condition to, etc. For now, we are eliminating the

beef and especially the pork (severe diarrhea plus the skin reactions), but I

don't know what to use to cook in now??? I think I need to remove everything

and slowly reintroduce, but I cannot go back to cooking in so much coconut oil,

because that was really keeping them itchy and having uncomfortable nights,

especially! I'm scared to use lard because of our pork experience.....but will

try again....please see my other post I am about to write regarding eating


Thank you so much for your input and thoughts on this.....I know it must be

difficult to assess something like this from afar, but it's so very



Jenna in Tampa

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> ********In each 7-oz bottle of broth/liver-based formula, I add a very small

amount (less than 1/4 tsp) each of coconut oil and ghee, 1/4 tsp cod liver oil,

a small pinch of coarse ground Celtic brand sea salt, and 1/16 tsp Vit C



> @@@You give her three 7-oz. bottles now, but was she always having that

amount, or was there a time when she had more bottles with the same

measurements? And how long was that? When did she start having only 3 bottles?

(in months please)


> & & & & & & We used to give her 5 bottles/day w/ 1 raw egg yolk daily, from about 5

mos to about 8 mos of age, when she began eating more foods (blended soups,

meats, fats, etc) and we switched to 4 bottles. Then as she began chewing more

and wanting more of our meals w/ us, we went down to the 3, 7-oz bottles per day

at about a year of age, so for about 5 months now she's been eating 3 meals/day

w/ us, plus her 3 bottles/day. I thought we were doing well to be at 3 and look

towards weaning her at around 2 yrs old, since I thought she would be getting

all her nutrition from her foods, etc. I believe your original post said that

was possible at 6 mos of age! I'm sorry, I'm just a bit confused now...


> @@@I think your children could benefit by taking Evening Primrose Oil, since

it is possible they don't get enough omega 6. I suggest one 500 mg cold-pressed

or expeller-pressed softgel per day, or if you get all an liquid form give them

1/4 tsp per day.


> & & & & & & & I will certainly give this a shot, and thank you for the



> @@@If they didn't get enough red meats they may not have been getting enough

omega 6 and other important nutrients.


> & & & & & & & They weren't consuming nearly as much beef as this several months ago,

but they've always eaten lamb, and then about 8 months ago we added goat (aren't

both of those considered red meat as well?)....I realize, and have been told as

well, that beef may be much more 'healing' than lamb/goat....but in order to

regulate/moderate their reactions I think I included too much beef too soon, and

the switch from coconut oil for cooking to ghee, it was probably too many

changes in a short period of time, and so it's so hard to distinguish what to

attribute the worsening skin condition to, etc. For now, we are eliminating the

beef and especially the pork (severe diarrhea plus the skin reactions), but I

don't know what to use to cook in now??? I think I need to remove everything

and slowly reintroduce, but I cannot go back to cooking in so much coconut oil,

because that was really keeping them itchy and having uncomfortable nights,

especially! I'm scared to use lard because of our pork experience.....but will

try again....please see my other post I am about to write regarding eating


>>>>Dear Jenna,

You say your children have eczema. Have you had it diagnosed and it is more of

a rash or actually oozing sores?


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> >>>>Dear Jenna,


> You say your children have eczema. Have you had it diagnosed and it is more

of a rash or actually oozing sores?


> Bee


They were diagnosed as having eczema about a year ago before we were given the

boot at our Ped's office because we chose to stop all vaccinations (though it

was to a much lesser degree than what they now have, and in many, many more

places than before starting the diet). In some areas it is very dry, scaly, and

with small raised hives which they scratch until they bleed, then they quickly

heal over w/ scabs. Their other areas there are no hives (Ashton's ear lobes,

for example)....they just become red and itchy, and then begin oozing a clear

liquid material, and blood, and then they scab over as well, until next round of


We did go to the health food store here and we bought the NOW Evening Primrose

Oil per your suggestion. It's only been a day and there was no immediate

improvement, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Is there anything else I can put directly on the skin to help their discomfort?

The coconut oil (we've been using for so many months) still only makes their

skin itchier and redder, and the baking soda water made things worse as well.

Nothing I've tried seems to ease their itching.....on the contrary, even

sovereign silver seemed to make them more red/itchier - they are just so

hyper-sensitive to everything now.

Thank you so much for your help in figuring this out....

Jenna in Tampa, FL

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> > >>>>Dear Jenna,

> >

> > You say your children have eczema. Have you had it diagnosed and it is more

of a rash or actually oozing sores?

> >

> > Bee

> >


> They were diagnosed as having eczema about a year ago before we were given the

boot at our Ped's office because we chose to stop all vaccinations (though it

was to a much lesser degree than what they now have, and in many, many more

places than before starting the diet). In some areas it is very dry, scaly, and

with small raised hives which they scratch until they bleed, then they quickly

heal over w/ scabs. Their other areas there are no hives (Ashton's ear lobes,

for example)....they just become red and itchy, and then begin oozing a clear

liquid material, and blood, and then they scab over as well, until next round of



> We did go to the health food store here and we bought the NOW Evening Primrose

Oil per your suggestion. It's only been a day and there was no immediate

improvement, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.


> Is there anything else I can put directly on the skin to help their

discomfort? The coconut oil (we've been using for so many months) still only

makes their skin itchier and redder, and the baking soda water made things worse

as well. Nothing I've tried seems to ease their itching.....on the contrary,

even sovereign silver seemed to make them more red/itchier - they are just so

hyper-sensitive to everything now.

+++Hi Jenna. First, do not ever use silver as a treatment for anything!

It takes time for Evening Primrose Oil to help, and again it won't be a quick

fix anyway, since healing has to come from inside.

I suggest you look for any sources of toxins your children may be getting,

including laundry soap, fabric softener sheets, synthetic clothing and bedding,

outgassing of carpets, linoleum or other synthetics, molds, air fresheners or

candles that are toxic, cleaning products, sprays of any kind, shampoo or bar

soap, etc., etc. - here's some areas you can check out for possible sources:


The best, Bee

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