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Re: Fecal body odor

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> Hi ,


> I think I have had candida most of my life. My main problem is fecal odor,

which I can't smell. I am thinking maybe it is related to my liver or pancreas.


> All the people here seem to have the general BO but my fecal odor can't be

smelt but me unless I reenter a room or sit in the car with all the windows

wined up.


> I have been on the candida diet for 6 months but I do cheat a lot.

> Does this mean I'll never get better?


+++Hi Weng,

It is common to have bad body odor, and even smell like feces, when you are

unhealthy. It is caused by a number of things, including:

1) poor digestion

2) toxins and the inability of the body to detoxify itself like it should

3) clogged up liver and lymphatic system which are two of the main ways the body

detoxifies itself

Since you are new you are probably on some other candida diet, which I can

assure you won't be successful like this one. That is because they believe you

can cure candida by killing it off, but that isn't at all true.

Candida can only be cured by getting healthy, which is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (Bee's diet plus supplements which provides all

of the nutrients any Human needs in order to be healthy).

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods.

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

When you are healthy enough your body automatically " changes " candida (or any

bug, cancer, etc.) back into the organism it is supposed to be when the body is


It's like the manure pile and the flies, with the manure pile representing the

poor condition of the body. You cannot get rid of the manure pile by killing

off the flies. You must clean up the manure pile instead, which means getting

healthy according to Nature's Laws on Health.

Other candida program also allow many foods that aren't on this program.

Many people who had fecal body odor have overcome it by doing this program, so

you can too.

So please start by reading and learning about this program:

How to Successfully Overcome Candida:


Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group:


After reading please get back to us with any questions.

The best in health, Bee

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Thanks Bee.

Very much appreciated. I have been on a very similar candida program and will

fully switch over to your diet plans and supplements.

I am going to buy some chlorypll and do you recommend the liver detox tablets by


I am also going to have small amounts of white/brown rice throghout the diet. Is

this Ok ?

Did you have bad BO prior to your change? I'm afraid that my BO is not

reversible since my BO is not the general BO and the type of BO that can't be

smelt by myself.

> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > I think I have had candida most of my life. My main problem is fecal odor,

which I can't smell. I am thinking maybe it is related to my liver or pancreas.

> >

> > All the people here seem to have the general BO but my fecal odor can't be

smelt but me unless I reenter a room or sit in the car with all the windows

wined up.

> >

> > I have been on the candida diet for 6 months but I do cheat a lot.

> > Does this mean I'll never get better?

> >

> +++Hi Weng,


> It is common to have bad body odor, and even smell like feces, when you are

unhealthy. It is caused by a number of things, including:


> 1) poor digestion

> 2) toxins and the inability of the body to detoxify itself like it should

> 3) clogged up liver and lymphatic system which are two of the main ways the

body detoxifies itself


> Since you are new you are probably on some other candida diet, which I can

assure you won't be successful like this one. That is because they believe you

can cure candida by killing it off, but that isn't at all true.


> Candida can only be cured by getting healthy, which is done by:

> 1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (Bee's diet plus supplements which provides

all of the nutrients any Human needs in order to be healthy).

> 2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


> 3) Eliminating damaging foods.

> 4) Eliminating toxins in general.


> When you are healthy enough your body automatically " changes " candida (or any

bug, cancer, etc.) back into the organism it is supposed to be when the body is



> It's like the manure pile and the flies, with the manure pile representing the

poor condition of the body. You cannot get rid of the manure pile by killing

off the flies. You must clean up the manure pile instead, which means getting

healthy according to Nature's Laws on Health.


> Other candida program also allow many foods that aren't on this program.


> Many people who had fecal body odor have overcome it by doing this program, so

you can too.


> So please start by reading and learning about this program:


> How to Successfully Overcome Candida:



> Curing Candida, How to Get Started:



> For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by

members of this group:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php


> After reading please get back to us with any questions.


> The best in health, Bee


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> Thanks Bee.


> Very much appreciated. I have been on a very similar candida program and will

fully switch over to your diet plans and supplements.


> I am going to buy some chlorypll and do you recommend the liver detox tablets

by swisse?

+++Hi Weng. No, do not buy chlorophyll nor the liver detox tablets. My program

includes many things that help the liver, and if you have pain in your liver you

should do coffee enemas:



> I am also going to have small amounts of white/brown rice throghout the diet.

Is this Ok ?

+++No, since it is a grain, and there are no grains on my program for reasons

explained in my candida article.


> Did you have bad BO prior to your change? I'm afraid that my BO is not

reversible since my BO is not the general BO and the type of BO that can't be

smelt by myself.

+++Yes, I had bad BO too, and so have many others. Your situation isn't

different, and it is reversible. Several years ago I had a moderator who was a

professional chef, and she had BO like you describe. She was getting married

the 2nd year and prayed it would stop by then, and it did. It took her about

1.5 years on my program. The timing may be different for you since there a many

factors involved. It takes 1 month of natural healing for every year you've

been unhealthy or had a particular health problem; the timing starts once you

are completely on the diet and taking all of the supplements.

All the best, Bee

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Thanks for your reply Bee, it means a lot to me. I have been taking coconut oil

(organic cold pressed) but not up to the recommended of 5.5 teaspoon per day.

However, I realise lately I have been getting gassy/crampy/bloating towards the

lower bowel. I did go through a stage a few months ago without any bloating

after eating.

Is this a detox phase where symptoms worsen. I thought die off symptoms only

meant headache/fatigue/depression...

Will I ever get better if i continue to have rice everyday? I also have a slice

or two of bread every 2 - 3 days. I just can't find anything filling enough to

eat before work.

> >

> >

> > Thanks Bee.

> >

> > Very much appreciated. I have been on a very similar candida program and

will fully switch over to your diet plans and supplements.

> >

> > I am going to buy some chlorypll and do you recommend the liver detox

tablets by swisse?


> +++Hi Weng. No, do not buy chlorophyll nor the liver detox tablets. My

program includes many things that help the liver, and if you have pain in your

liver you should do coffee enemas:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/enema1.php

> >

> > I am also going to have small amounts of white/brown rice throghout the

diet. Is this Ok ?


> +++No, since it is a grain, and there are no grains on my program for reasons

explained in my candida article.

> >

> > Did you have bad BO prior to your change? I'm afraid that my BO is not

reversible since my BO is not the general BO and the type of BO that can't be

smelt by myself.


> +++Yes, I had bad BO too, and so have many others. Your situation isn't

different, and it is reversible. Several years ago I had a moderator who was a

professional chef, and she had BO like you describe. She was getting married

the 2nd year and prayed it would stop by then, and it did. It took her about

1.5 years on my program. The timing may be different for you since there a many

factors involved. It takes 1 month of natural healing for every year you've

been unhealthy or had a particular health problem; the timing starts once you

are completely on the diet and taking all of the supplements.


> All the best, Bee


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> Thanks for your reply Bee, it means a lot to me. I have been taking coconut

oil (organic cold pressed) but not up to the recommended of 5.5 teaspoon per


+++Hi Wen. It isn't 5.5 teaspoons; it is 5.5 tablespoons. Ensure your coconut

oil is not refined, deodorized, hydrogenated, bleached, etc. as explained in

this article:



> However, I realise lately I have been getting gassy/crampy/bloating towards

the lower bowel. I did go through a stage a few months ago without any bloating

after eating.


> Is this a detox phase where symptoms worsen. I thought die off symptoms only

meant headache/fatigue/depression...

+++Those symptoms are caused by healing and detoxification. I don't use the

term " die-off " symptoms any longer because it was a term dreamed up the by

medical industry in order to justify taking antibiotics, so it is totally false

- see this article:


In fact all of the disease processes are exactly the same as the healing and

detoxifying processes created by the body itself in an effort to maintain its

health, in spite of poor nutrition, toxins, etc.

The only difference for people on this healthy program is they are now

progressing towards health rather than becoming more and more unhealthy, or

dis-eased, because they are giving their body what it needs to " be healthy "

according to Nature's Laws on Health.

The medical field labels each and every " sign " of poor health as separate

dis-eases, illnesses, symptoms, etc., however all of them are simply " signs " the

body is working hard to maintain its health, so all of those " signs " are

actually normal body reactions.

In other words, they are just " signs " that the body is successfully attempting

to restore its own balance.

As Florence Nightengale, the famous nurse, says: " There are no specific

diseases; there are [only] specific disease conditions. "

>>>Will I ever get better if i continue to have rice everyday? I also have a

slice or two of bread every 2 - 3 days. I just can't find anything filling

enough to eat before work.

+++I don't believe you can get better if you continue to consume any grains,

like rice or bread for the reasons explained in my main candida article, since

they are just like eating sugar, which feeds candida.

I suggest you have Bee's Egg Drink before going to work, and even take it in a

thermos with you:


However, be cautious since you may need to start with one egg and less butter,

coconut, etc. since you need to gradually increase your fats so your healing and

detoxifying reactions are less severe.

Natural healing takes 1 month for every year you've been unhealthy, and for most

people today that is since before they were born.

The best in health, Bee

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Thank you so much Bee. However, the more I'm onto your diet / supplements such

as taking coconut oil I realise my cramp/bloating has become worse. Do you know

roughly how long it may take for the bloating / BO to go away :?

I feel as though this diet only lessens the symptom and it will be possible to

get rid of candida for good.

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks Bee.

> > >

> > > Very much appreciated. I have been on a very similar candida program and

will fully switch over to your diet plans and supplements.

> > >

> > > I am going to buy some chlorypll and do you recommend the liver detox

tablets by swisse?

> >

> > +++Hi Weng. No, do not buy chlorophyll nor the liver detox tablets. My

program includes many things that help the liver, and if you have pain in your

liver you should do coffee enemas:

> > http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/enema1.php

> > >

> > > I am also going to have small amounts of white/brown rice throghout the

diet. Is this Ok ?

> >

> > +++No, since it is a grain, and there are no grains on my program for

reasons explained in my candida article.

> > >

> > > Did you have bad BO prior to your change? I'm afraid that my BO is not

reversible since my BO is not the general BO and the type of BO that can't be

smelt by myself.

> >

> > +++Yes, I had bad BO too, and so have many others. Your situation isn't

different, and it is reversible. Several years ago I had a moderator who was a

professional chef, and she had BO like you describe. She was getting married

the 2nd year and prayed it would stop by then, and it did. It took her about

1.5 years on my program. The timing may be different for you since there a many

factors involved. It takes 1 month of natural healing for every year you've

been unhealthy or had a particular health problem; the timing starts once you

are completely on the diet and taking all of the supplements.

> >

> > All the best, Bee

> >


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> Thank you so much Bee. However, the more I'm onto your diet / supplements such

as taking coconut oil I realise my cramp/bloating has become worse. Do you know

roughly how long it may take for the bloating / BO to go away :?


> I feel as though this diet only lessens the symptom and it will be possible to

get rid of candida for good.

+++Hi Weng,

If you ever had bloating and cramping in your life before starting on this

program your body will be retracing each and every episode with them as it is

healing itself - see this article about Retracing:


It takes 1 month of natural healing for every year you've been unhealthy, and

for most people today that is since before they were born. That timing of 1

month for every year is also true for each kind of health issue you've had in

the past.

For example, my brother, who is 63 years old, had diarrhea (Crohn's Disease) for

over 20 years before starting on my program, and it took 20 months on my program

for it to finally stop.

Also people who had low thyroid for say 12 years, had their thyroid finally

normalize in about 12 months on the program.

Of course the timing can vary somewhat depending upon how well you stick to the

program (taking all supplements too), stresses, etc.

All the best, Bee

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