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Anyone nearing the end of their journey

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Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say, you had

30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??

Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when you

cheated in month 12 or so)??

How do you feel?

Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going backwards??

Really am needing some inspiration today. Thanks


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> Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say, you

had 30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??


> Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when you

cheated in month 12 or so)??


> How do you feel?


> Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going backwards??

+++Hi Sherry,

Sorry you didn't get any responses. I found that as I got healthier cheats

didn't affect me as much as when I was horribly sick and unhealthy. For

example, when I was very sick I became debilitated and couldn't function for 24

hours (like I was totally drugged) by just licking the knife used to make my

daughter's peanut butter sandwich. However a year later I felt bad for awhile

but it passed more quickly.

If I had a crumb of wheat on my tongue back then I'd get an almost instant

migraine headache that put me in bed for hours, but a year later I got a slight

headache that wasn't debilitating.


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Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say, you

had 30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??

Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when you

cheated in month 12 or so)??

How do you feel?

Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going backwards??

Hi Sherry

I should've responded sooner after being on Bee's program for almost 4 years.

First let me say I never imagined I'd still be eating this way for 4 years. I

don't think any of us know how long we've really been sick.

My last cheat was 2 years ago when a GI doc told me to try ice cream. It

caused instant diarrhea.

The good news...most of my original symptoms are gone...the bloat, terrible

headaches, bad skin, indigestion, hair loss, etc. I'll never add wheat or sugar

back into my diet but hope for dairy some day. I don't even think about cheating

or trying preserved foods because I now know how harmful they are. Best to

you, Susie

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Unfortunately I have to say that is not very encouraging to hear...... ;(


> Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say, you

had 30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??

> Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when you

cheated in month 12 or so)??

> How do you feel?

> Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going



> Hi Sherry

> I should've responded sooner after being on Bee's program for almost 4 years.

First let me say I never imagined I'd still be eating this way for 4 years. I

don't think any of us know how long we've really been sick.

> My last cheat was 2 years ago when a GI doc told me to try ice cream. It

caused instant diarrhea.

> The good news...most of my original symptoms are gone...the bloat, terrible

headaches, bad skin, indigestion, hair loss, etc. I'll never add wheat or sugar

back into my diet but hope for dairy some day. I don't even think about cheating

or trying preserved foods because I now know how harmful they are. Best to

you, Susie


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Sherry, I'm sorry all my progress didn't encourage you. I forgot the best

part. I haven't been sick in 4 years, while all around me my family, friends &

strangers are coughing, going to doctors, getting allergy shots, taking

antibiotics & are sick all the time. Think it over. I'll never go back to

eating the way I used to. Susie

> >

> > Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say,

you had 30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??

> > Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when you

cheated in month 12 or so)??

> > How do you feel?

> > Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going


> >

> > Hi Sherry

> > I should've responded sooner after being on Bee's program for almost 4

years. First let me say I never imagined I'd still be eating this way for 4

years. I don't think any of us know how long we've really been sick.

> > My last cheat was 2 years ago when a GI doc told me to try ice cream. It

caused instant diarrhea.

> > The good news...most of my original symptoms are gone...the bloat,

terrible headaches, bad skin, indigestion, hair loss, etc. I'll never add wheat

or sugar back into my diet but hope for dairy some day. I don't even think about

cheating or trying preserved foods because I now know how harmful they are.

Best to you, Susie

> >


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Thanks for being the only one to respond though Susie. And I do know i will

never go back to eating the way I once did but it is so discouraging after so

many years on this strict diet that you still get sick after a small cheat.

> > >

> > > Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say,

you had 30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??

> > > Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when

you cheated in month 12 or so)??

> > > How do you feel?

> > > Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going


> > >

> > > Hi Sherry

> > > I should've responded sooner after being on Bee's program for almost 4

years. First let me say I never imagined I'd still be eating this way for 4

years. I don't think any of us know how long we've really been sick.

> > > My last cheat was 2 years ago when a GI doc told me to try ice cream. It

caused instant diarrhea.

> > > The good news...most of my original symptoms are gone...the bloat,

terrible headaches, bad skin, indigestion, hair loss, etc. I'll never add wheat

or sugar back into my diet but hope for dairy some day. I don't even think about

cheating or trying preserved foods because I now know how harmful they are.

Best to you, Susie

> > >

> >


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Thank you for responding. Besides Susie, it was discouraging to not hear from

others on this board. I figured there were alot of people nearing the end of

their time.


> >

> > Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say, you

had 30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??

> >

> > Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when you

cheated in month 12 or so)??

> >

> > How do you feel?

> >

> > Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going



> +++Hi Sherry,


> Sorry you didn't get any responses. I found that as I got healthier cheats

didn't affect me as much as when I was horribly sick and unhealthy. For

example, when I was very sick I became debilitated and couldn't function for 24

hours (like I was totally drugged) by just licking the knife used to make my

daughter's peanut butter sandwich. However a year later I felt bad for awhile

but it passed more quickly.


> If I had a crumb of wheat on my tongue back then I'd get an almost instant

migraine headache that put me in bed for hours, but a year later I got a slight

headache that wasn't debilitating.


> Bee


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Sherry, I didn't say I still get sick after a small cheat. I DON'T cheat &

haven't since 2 years ago. I don't know what a cheat would do to me after 4

years & don't want to find out, lol. Susie

> >

> > Sherry, I'm sorry all my progress didn't encourage you. I forgot the best

part. I haven't been sick in 4 years, while all around me my family, friends &

strangers are coughing, going to doctors, getting allergy shots, taking

antibiotics & are sick all the time. Think it over. I'll never go back to

eating the way I used to. Susie

> >


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Hi Sherry,

I've had a very busy day today, so I haven't had a chance to respond to your

post until now. June of this year will mark my 36 months on the diet and I was

36 when I started.

I don't yet feel ready to add much back into my diet, but I kind of don't want

to because I like eating this way. I also think it can be a slippery slope if

one adds too much back into their diet before they are ready. I can have higher

carb veggies (like turnip) without a reaction and a bit of cream without only a

slight reaction. I don't think I'm ready to add anything on an ongoing basis.

If I have a cheat, I do get symptoms, but the reactions aren't always the same.

Some are worse and some are better than others. For example, I will sometimes

get the instant diarrhea that Susie describes, but other times I just get a

runny nose or congestion in my nose. Early on I cheated once with Thai food and

the next day I had a very stiff neck (I couldn't turn it) and a sore throat and

I was so wiped out I couldn't get off the couch.

To me, it's kind of encouraging to get an instant reaction after a cheat,

because I know that my body is finally strong enough to work so quickly at

getting rid of the offending item.

Don't be too discouraged that you didn't many responses. I think maybe the

reason you didn't get so many responses is because once people get the hang of

Bee's program and/or are nearing the end of their healing, they don't tend to

hang around on this forum as much anymore. Over the years, I've seen many

people come and go, which I'm sure Bee can attest to. It seems the ones who are

here now are newbies who need more guidance or those who have specific questions

about their current situation. The longer people are on the program, the less

they need to ask questions because it becomes second nature to them and likely

don't bother reading what's going on here as much. I imagine they are making up

for lost time from when they were sick, out enjoying life. :o)

Take heart. Things do get better!

Group Moderator


> Thank you for responding. Besides Susie, it was discouraging to not hear from

others on this board. I figured there were alot of people nearing the end of

their time.

> sherry


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> >

> > Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say,

you had 30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??

> > Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when you

cheated in month 12 or so)??

> > How do you feel?

> > Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going


> >

> > Hi Sherry

> > I should've responded sooner after being on Bee's program for almost 4

years. First let me say I never imagined I'd still be eating this way for 4

years. I don't think any of us know how long we've really been sick.

> > My last cheat was 2 years ago when a GI doc told me to try ice cream. It

caused instant diarrhea.

> > The good news...most of my original symptoms are gone...the bloat,

terrible headaches, bad skin, indigestion, hair loss, etc. I'll never add wheat

or sugar back into my diet but hope for dairy some day. I don't even think about

cheating or trying preserved foods because I now know how harmful they are.

Best to you, Susie

> >


Hey sherry, thought is put my two cents in, it might help.

Even though ive only been on the program for 4 months alot of my symptoms have

cleared, or are a lot lot less than they were, anxiety, depression, nausea after

eating anything, strange muscle burning sensations, always tired ect. Healing

reactions have been a bit nasty, especially the emotional side of it

I think mine was caused by alchohol abuse, and im only 27 :(.

When i was sick i couldnt even have a beer withought feeling sick, and if i

drank alot the next 2-3 days were like torture,

However now i can get a bit tiddled and just have the normal hangover the next

day, also if i just have a couple i am fine,

Bees diet is curing me faster than i could have possibly hoped for,

it has also taught me how good it feels to be normal and i dont binge drink

anymore, but as i am getting better now i can still drink on special occasion

weddings birthdays ect, and i dont have to lie in bed for 3 dyas after feeling

like i am being tortuered :)

Hope this helps

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Hi Sherry.

Personally for me, having been on the diet for the last 10 months - and having

the occasional 'cheat', I have recognized that what I am 'cheating' with is not

food that would do me very much good anyway.

Think about it. If you lived on a tropical island somewhere and had never seen

or eaten things like ice cream, fries, bagels, chocolate or cookies, you

wouldn't miss them or desire them. You would happily eat your fish, breadfruit

and coconut, because that would be all you know. You only have a hankering for

these foods because you are surrounded by them and it seems that EVERYONE ELSE

can eat them except you. The stuff is figuratively rammed down your throat

every time you go to the store and it is hard to resist. But that stuff has an

agenda - to do you, and everyone else who eats it, damage.

I spent years in denial, knowing I couldn't cope with the stuff but eating it

anyway. Feeling sorry for myself - why me, poor me, why do I have to deny myself

this yummy food - you know the stuff...

The biggest impact on my appreciation for the natural foods and the benefit of

them has been the realisation that the processed high-carb, high-sugar, highly

chemicalized foods are damaging everyone to a greater or lesser degree. Sooner

or later that damage will start to manifest. I see evidence of that all around

me - and the amount of very sick people on here and the plethora of other health

boards is testament to that. When you realize that, it puts it in a whole new

ball game.

Okay, I will admit it is a bit frustrating at times, when my daughter has made

yet another delicious gluten-free cake for my husband and I can't have any (my

body just can't cope if I do), but I am grateful for what I can eat, and if I am

able to add back in some other natural foods at a later stage, then that will be

a bonus. Right now, what I am eating is keeping me alive - I have been very,

very sick over the last few years, and all I want is to be well.

Following Bee's diet is the best way I can see to achieve it. I have tried a lot

of diets and treatments over the years, but finally feel as though I am getting

somewhere. There is an endless supply of advice out there, but little of it is

actually beneficial - which is why people are constantly searching for help.

There is an awful lot of 'blind leading the blind' out there. I am just

extremely glad I found a good source of help here.

If you keep thinking about what you may be able to eat in the future, you may be

in for disappointment, because that is an unknown entity. Even if others did

respond, everyone is different, and what one person can cope with is not

necessarily the same as another. The other issue is that once we feel we could

reintroduce some foods, if we are not careful, before we know where we are,

we've gone right back into eating that damaging Western diet again. It's worth

remembering that the only groups who are still relatively healthy in this World

now, are those who have never been exposed to the Western Diet.

Far better to focus on the present, relax into the diet and enjoy it. As Kerri

said in a recent post, because she feels so good after 28 months on the diet,

she has absolutely no desire to reintroduce the foods that damaged her in the

first place. Why go backwards, when you can keep moving forwards???

I really hope you continue to progress - we all do that at different speeds too

depending on our age and the damage we have incurred. I have the best part of

another 4 years ahead of me - but at least I know I am progressing towards

health and not towards sickness, even though at times the healing process feels

as though I am going backwards! The awesome reactions I have had lately though

has spurred me on to stick with it and keep on going...

Regards, Ali.

> Thank you for responding. Besides Susie, it was discouraging to not hear from

others on this board. I figured there were alot of people nearing the end of

their time.

> sherry

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Thank you ;)

> > >

> > > Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say,

you had 30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??

> > > Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when

you cheated in month 12 or so)??

> > > How do you feel?

> > > Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going


> > >

> > > Hi Sherry

> > > I should've responded sooner after being on Bee's program for almost 4

years. First let me say I never imagined I'd still be eating this way for 4

years. I don't think any of us know how long we've really been sick.

> > > My last cheat was 2 years ago when a GI doc told me to try ice cream. It

caused instant diarrhea.

> > > The good news...most of my original symptoms are gone...the bloat,

terrible headaches, bad skin, indigestion, hair loss, etc. I'll never add wheat

or sugar back into my diet but hope for dairy some day. I don't even think about

cheating or trying preserved foods because I now know how harmful they are.

Best to you, Susie

> > >

> >


> Hey sherry, thought is put my two cents in, it might help.

> Even though ive only been on the program for 4 months alot of my symptoms have

cleared, or are a lot lot less than they were, anxiety, depression, nausea after

eating anything, strange muscle burning sensations, always tired ect. Healing

reactions have been a bit nasty, especially the emotional side of it

> I think mine was caused by alchohol abuse, and im only 27 :(.

> When i was sick i couldnt even have a beer withought feeling sick, and if i

drank alot the next 2-3 days were like torture,

> However now i can get a bit tiddled and just have the normal hangover the next

day, also if i just have a couple i am fine,

> Bees diet is curing me faster than i could have possibly hoped for,

> it has also taught me how good it feels to be normal and i dont binge drink

anymore, but as i am getting better now i can still drink on special occasion

weddings birthdays ect, and i dont have to lie in bed for 3 dyas after feeling

like i am being tortuered :)

> Hope this helps


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> Thank you for responding. Besides Susie, it was discouraging to not hear from

others on this board. I figured there were alot of people nearing the end of

their time.

+++Hi sherry,

There may not be many people who are nearing the end of their journey towards

health still on this group, since it takes 1 month for every year, which for

most people is the number of months they are in age, i.e. if you are 40 years

old, that's 40 months (3.3 years).

Many people have learned enough and are doing great so they don't necessarily

stick around.

All the best, Bee

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Thanks Alison


> Hi Sherry.


> Personally for me, having been on the diet for the last 10 months - and having

the occasional 'cheat', I have recognized that what I am 'cheating' with is not

food that would do me very much good anyway.


> Think about it. If you lived on a tropical island somewhere and had never

seen or eaten things like ice cream, fries, bagels, chocolate or cookies, you

wouldn't miss them or desire them. You would happily eat your fish, breadfruit

and coconut, because that would be all you know. You only have a hankering for

these foods because you are surrounded by them and it seems that EVERYONE ELSE

can eat them except you. The stuff is figuratively rammed down your throat

every time you go to the store and it is hard to resist. But that stuff has an

agenda - to do you, and everyone else who eats it, damage.


> I spent years in denial, knowing I couldn't cope with the stuff but eating it

anyway. Feeling sorry for myself - why me, poor me, why do I have to deny myself

this yummy food - you know the stuff...


> The biggest impact on my appreciation for the natural foods and the benefit of

them has been the realisation that the processed high-carb, high-sugar, highly

chemicalized foods are damaging everyone to a greater or lesser degree. Sooner

or later that damage will start to manifest. I see evidence of that all around

me - and the amount of very sick people on here and the plethora of other health

boards is testament to that. When you realize that, it puts it in a whole new

ball game.


> Okay, I will admit it is a bit frustrating at times, when my daughter has made

yet another delicious gluten-free cake for my husband and I can't have any (my

body just can't cope if I do), but I am grateful for what I can eat, and if I am

able to add back in some other natural foods at a later stage, then that will be

a bonus. Right now, what I am eating is keeping me alive - I have been very,

very sick over the last few years, and all I want is to be well.


> Following Bee's diet is the best way I can see to achieve it. I have tried a

lot of diets and treatments over the years, but finally feel as though I am

getting somewhere. There is an endless supply of advice out there, but little of

it is actually beneficial - which is why people are constantly searching for

help. There is an awful lot of 'blind leading the blind' out there. I am just

extremely glad I found a good source of help here.


> If you keep thinking about what you may be able to eat in the future, you may

be in for disappointment, because that is an unknown entity. Even if others did

respond, everyone is different, and what one person can cope with is not

necessarily the same as another. The other issue is that once we feel we could

reintroduce some foods, if we are not careful, before we know where we are,

we've gone right back into eating that damaging Western diet again. It's worth

remembering that the only groups who are still relatively healthy in this World

now, are those who have never been exposed to the Western Diet.


> Far better to focus on the present, relax into the diet and enjoy it. As

Kerri said in a recent post, because she feels so good after 28 months on the

diet, she has absolutely no desire to reintroduce the foods that damaged her in

the first place. Why go backwards, when you can keep moving forwards???


> I really hope you continue to progress - we all do that at different speeds

too depending on our age and the damage we have incurred. I have the best part

of another 4 years ahead of me - but at least I know I am progressing towards

health and not towards sickness, even though at times the healing process feels

as though I am going backwards! The awesome reactions I have had lately though

has spurred me on to stick with it and keep on going...


> Regards, Ali.





> > Thank you for responding. Besides Susie, it was discouraging to not hear

from others on this board. I figured there were alot of people nearing the end

of their time.

> > sherry


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Hey Sherry,

I'm almost at the end of the trip, if you count in months... one more to go, to

cover my " in utero " life, and then I'm tagging on a few weeks just in case.

It's been more than 2 years. As Bee and pointed out, most of us spend

less time on the forum as we get more well. I remember my early days on the

list, and the frustration that I occasionally felt because these people were

" absent " . However, I now understand it better. The diet really takes care of

itself, after a while. As the mind and body function better, our focus moves to

other aspects of our lives - at least this is what has happened for me.

As for cheating - I just don't. I have no desire to. It might seem like an

incomprehensible frame of mind if you are early in the diet - I know I used to

count weeks and months since I started, and to think about all the things I

wished I was eating. I almost never eat out - finding food which is truly

on-diet and not affected by unmentioned ingredients can be tricky, which is only

one reason - but I get an immediate reaction if the food isn't " kosher. " I feel

great that my body clears it out immediately, but you know what? If I can

predict diarrhea and headache from looking at a plate of food, I really don't

want to eat that plate of food anymore.

I had a long list of dis-ease when I first started on this diet, and it is ALL

gone. Things I never associated with dis-ease have improved and disappeared

also. There are other members of the group who started off in worse shape than

I did, but I was miserable, and my quality of life was poor. I never, ever want

to go back there. So wheat is never coming back into my diet.

I am looking forward to adding in CHEESE! and milk (both unpasteurized, of

course) this spring. I actually fantasize about the cheese, LOL.

I hope this inspires you... as your body becomes healthy, your mind changes,

too. It's a really awe-inspiring thing. You will love it! Keep up the fight.




> Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say, you

had 30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??


> Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when you

cheated in month 12 or so)??


> How do you feel?


> Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going backwards??


> Really am needing some inspiration today. Thanks


> Sherry


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Thank you.

> >

> > Is there anyone out there nearing the end of their healing journey? Say, you

had 30 months and now you are on month 25, 27??

> >

> > Do you get over your cheats easier? ( are you not as sick as say when you

cheated in month 12 or so)??

> >

> > How do you feel?

> >

> > Do you feel your body is ready to add in some things without going


> >

> > Really am needing some inspiration today. Thanks

> >

> > Sherry

> >


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Guest guest

Hi andra,

It is great when you post on the group since you have so much experience, and I

can never thank you enough for being a moderator too!

May I please post this message as a Success Story, since it will help a lot of

people understand so many things!

Thanks in advance.

Lotsa Luv & Hugs, Bee


> Hey Sherry,


> I'm almost at the end of the trip, if you count in months... one more to go,

to cover my " in utero " life, and then I'm tagging on a few weeks just in case.

It's been more than 2 years. As Bee and pointed out, most of us spend

less time on the forum as we get more well. I remember my early days on the

list, and the frustration that I occasionally felt because these people were

" absent " . However, I now understand it better. The diet really takes care of

itself, after a while. As the mind and body function better, our focus moves to

other aspects of our lives - at least this is what has happened for me.


> As for cheating - I just don't. I have no desire to. It might seem like an

incomprehensible frame of mind if you are early in the diet - I know I used to

count weeks and months since I started, and to think about all the things I

wished I was eating. I almost never eat out - finding food which is truly

on-diet and not affected by unmentioned ingredients can be tricky, which is only

one reason - but I get an immediate reaction if the food isn't " kosher. " I feel

great that my body clears it out immediately, but you know what? If I can

predict diarrhea and headache from looking at a plate of food, I really don't

want to eat that plate of food anymore.


> I had a long list of dis-ease when I first started on this diet, and it is ALL

gone. Things I never associated with dis-ease have improved and disappeared

also. There are other members of the group who started off in worse shape than

I did, but I was miserable, and my quality of life was poor. I never, ever want

to go back there. So wheat is never coming back into my diet.


> I am looking forward to adding in CHEESE! and milk (both unpasteurized, of

course) this spring. I actually fantasize about the cheese, LOL.


> I hope this inspires you... as your body becomes healthy, your mind changes,

too. It's a really awe-inspiring thing. You will love it! Keep up the fight.


> Best,

> andra


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