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Parasite cleanse

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<< Usually two weeks worth of it does the trick.

Are you sure you have got the right stuff in your bottle?


Saul. I did it for 18 days the first time, than again for 2 weeks, and after

that the 3 week mopup. I got all my products from Dr .

What dosage do you recommend?I have done anything from 4 to 9 a day with 2

Tbsp of BWT.



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Dear Amal,


Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH

Re: parasite cleanse

> Saul,


> How would one take

> >Black walnut hulls,

> >wormwood and cloves. There is no other way.

> >

> I have them all in tincture.. Can I take them all at the same time??


> Thanks

> Amal

> _________________________________________________________________________

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.




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I thank you for your long and informative letter. My diet was not always as

strict as it is now. I only do this because nothing eliminates and at that

point I always go back to juicing.

Before I did eat fish and Buffalo Meat, also yogurt, Kefir, cottage cheese.

All organic of course


you might be weakening your organs by cleansing too fast


I started detoxing a year ago because I was really sick. I followed DR s

protocol and another protocol given to me. I did one cleanse after another,

never to fast. But in the process somehow my digestive system, my elimination

system and my metabolism went to hell. I eat very little and blow up.

Most of the things you suggested I have done. Like Pancreatic enzymes,

pumpkin seeds, pineapple, garlic, papaya. It is in my daily regime. I also

use a lot of olive oil and flaxoil.I also use cayenne and sauerkraut


i wouldn't have been so

focused on the worms specifically. i would rather be more focused on keeping

my immune system strong in all of its many facets. if this is done over a

long period of time, then the worms will go away with more ease. mr

vonderplanitz has a theory that worms are there as part of our natural

eco-system, to chew up waste in our colons when it is impacted.


That was my intent one year ago and I have succeeded in that. Now I am

obsessed with parasites because it seems to be the only thing left. If that

is what I have.I really don't know. I was always under the impression that

one looses weight when a tapeworm is present. That is not the case with me.

Today I ate and there is no noise. He must be happy. I can't agree with this

doctors statement. The thought of having something chew inside of me freaks

me out.


if your muscles are generally weak-- don't expect your colon to

fight off a tapeworm


I assume you are talking about the bowel. And yes, it is not strong and has

not worked right for me in over 10 years. My liver should be in good shape, I

cleaned it 7 times this year and also take Milk thistle.

You said for me to go my merry old way and keep colon cleansing.

I have done that. DR Schulz's cleanse, DR Jensons cleanse, coffee enemas,

wheatgrass, Aloe Vera and Colemas ongoing.

ly I am tired of it. One year is enough. I used to enjoy my glass of

whine or 2. It was hell giving that up.:-((

Sorry for venting on but I thank you for your time.

Love and Light


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I thank you for your long and informative letter. My diet was not always as

strict as it is now. I only do this because nothing eliminates and at that

point I always go back to juicing.

Before I did eat fish and Buffalo Meat, also yogurt, Kefir, cottage cheese.

All organic of course


you might be weakening your organs by cleansing too fast


I started detoxing a year ago because I was really sick. I followed DR s

protocol and another protocol given to me. I did one cleanse after another,

never to fast. But in the process somehow my digestive system, my elimination

system and my metabolism went to hell. I eat very little and blow up.

Most of the things you suggested I have done. Like Pancreatic enzymes,

pumpkin seeds, pineapple, garlic, papaya. It is in my daily regime. I also

use a lot of olive oil and flaxoil.I also use cayenne and sauerkraut


i wouldn't have been so

focused on the worms specifically. i would rather be more focused on keeping

my immune system strong in all of its many facets. if this is done over a

long period of time, then the worms will go away with more ease. mr

vonderplanitz has a theory that worms are there as part of our natural

eco-system, to chew up waste in our colons when it is impacted.


That was my intent one year ago and I have succeeded in that. Now I am

obsessed with parasites because it seems to be the only thing left. If that

is what I have.I really don't know. I was always under the impression that

one looses weight when a tapeworm is present. That is not the case with me.

Today I ate and there is no noise. He must be happy. I can't agree with this

doctors statement. The thought of having something chew inside of me freaks

me out.


if your muscles are generally weak-- don't expect your colon to

fight off a tapeworm


I assume you are talking about the bowel. And yes, it is not strong and has

not worked right for me in over 10 years. My liver should be in good shape, I

cleaned it 7 times this year and also take Milk thistle.

You said for me to go my merry old way and keep colon cleansing.

I have done that. DR Schulz's cleanse, DR Jensons cleanse, coffee enemas,

wheatgrass, Aloe Vera and Colemas ongoing.

ly I am tired of it. One year is enough. I used to enjoy my glass of

whine or 2. It was hell giving that up.:-((

Sorry for venting on but I thank you for your time.

Love and Light


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<< Well, that should certainly have killed the sucker.

Did you pass any worms?

Maybe there is no tapeworm, and you are dealing

with something else. >>

Saul, I passed a lot of worms on those cleanses.

When I started the heavy doses of Homozon is when the corner in my Hepatic

flexure released and I expelled all those chopped up pieces I can't identify.

And now I have had complete shutdown for 2 days. Am going back to the old

colema board. I don't know what I am dealing with either.

The rumbling in the transverse colon and the occasional stings led me to

believe that it might be a tapeworm. The discomfort is always in the same

location. From the middle of my Sternum along to the right about 5 inches.


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<< Well, that should certainly have killed the sucker.

Did you pass any worms?

Maybe there is no tapeworm, and you are dealing

with something else. >>

Saul, I passed a lot of worms on those cleanses.

When I started the heavy doses of Homozon is when the corner in my Hepatic

flexure released and I expelled all those chopped up pieces I can't identify.

And now I have had complete shutdown for 2 days. Am going back to the old

colema board. I don't know what I am dealing with either.

The rumbling in the transverse colon and the occasional stings led me to

believe that it might be a tapeworm. The discomfort is always in the same

location. From the middle of my Sternum along to the right about 5 inches.


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i have been cleansing for 4 years. and i have a long way to go. don't assume

that your liver is strong just because you have done such and such. there is

more to the world than the what i know, what dr. schulze knows, jim and saul,


i wonder if it is a tape worm that you have. and from what you said it sounds

like you are weak from all of your cleansing. you probably are dealing with

more than one issue. i am not a big fan of worms living inside me either--

believe me. but from my experience over the past years i am inclined to side

with vonderplanitz philosophy-- not necessarily his means.

when i get into a bind like you are in i revert to eating whatever it is that

i want to eat. junk food included. sort of a temporary retreat to collect my

thoughts. as you cleanse your chemistry will change drastically, so dietary

changes will be an ongoing process. some foods that you were perhaps allergic

to, you might be able to eat. and some that you are eating might not be right

at the time. sometimes it is a daily process of keeping an open mind to all

information at hand. i went through 3 years of intense parasite cleansing,

then all of a sudden hardly any worms showed up. then i hit a layer in my

colon of black gunk which lasted 1 whole year. i was totally bloated all the

time and still am to some extent. colon cleansing works in layers, and you

never know what is lurking in the shadows. i thought my immune system was

crapping out at one point and then i started drinking goat milk, and boom

everything started working really great. i had consciously avoided all milk

since i assumed i was allergic to it and i had programmed myself into

believing that milk was the enemy. this has forced me to throw away all the

rules in eating. now it is a daily process of meditating on exactly what it

is that i want and need. i avoided raw meat and fish for years because i was

afraid of parasites. now sushi and some raw meat tastes good with no

detrimental effects to my immune system.

the goat milk helped my liver tremendously. a few months ago my adrenal

glands were fried from cleansing, and i started on fresh royal jelly which

did wonders. glutamine might be important for you at some point in repairing

holes in the intestine. and maybe start trusting your appetite-- eat

viscerally not intellectually. this has helped me tremendously as well. then

later you can reverse engineer the scientific reasons for why you are eating

whatever it is. for example. whenever my liver gets weak, sugar starts

looking very good. then i just up my milk thistle, drink more goat milk, and

eat chicken or beef liver. the healing process takes time, and you must

respect it. there is no crime in taking a step backward every now and then as

long as you are moving in the right direction. you can't kill all the

parasites in a few weeks if they have been there for many years. having a

piece of chocolate every once in a while isn't going to kill you. and neither

is a little wine.

from what i have read of dr. schulze, he is the last person i would trust

with this whole business. aajonus's book makes alot of sense and i would

recommend it. not completely, but i think he definitely has a piece of the

puzzle concerning fats.

after years in the trenches with worms, i don't sweat them anymore. they

WILL die no matter what i eat. often the best way to kill them is to not

attack. for example my last g/f and i came up with a little trick to kill

them. whenever we were jonesing for some junk food and we knew it was

parasite related we would indulge in whatever the craving was. and then

follow it up with alot of fresh pineapple juice. this would allow the colon

to relax and the bloating would go away since the worms would stop fighting

since they thought they were going to win out. and then you zing them with

the juice. worked like a charm every time.

dr. newbolds books, and aajonus' book are the best books on cleansing

that i have ever read. and they don't deal directly with colon cleansing.

they deal with finding the correct diet, and allowing nature to take its

course. if a colon is dried and impacted with waste, the right fats are

essential for lubrication and elmination. fats are essential also to protect

the nervous system from damage. when i am faced with a large worm, the first

thing i do is start bulking up on fats, when there is enough my body will go

after the parasite on its own now that it knows the nervous system will be


you say that your clon is still wweak. i would focus on just that, and

try to strenghten it, not worry about the parasites for now. personally i

don't like any of the people you listed for colon cleansing because they

leave people in exactly the state you are in. there is no talk of rebuilding

and strenghening the muscle. and i'm sorry to say but it seems this is

exactly where you are now. leave the worms alone for a while. and do what you

have to do to have good strong bowel movements. this will also allow your

other organs to rest and rebuild. then you will thinking more clearly and

ready to be aggressive once again. check out the authors i mentioned-- you

might be ready for something like this.

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i have been cleansing for 4 years. and i have a long way to go. don't assume

that your liver is strong just because you have done such and such. there is

more to the world than the what i know, what dr. schulze knows, jim and saul,


i wonder if it is a tape worm that you have. and from what you said it sounds

like you are weak from all of your cleansing. you probably are dealing with

more than one issue. i am not a big fan of worms living inside me either--

believe me. but from my experience over the past years i am inclined to side

with vonderplanitz philosophy-- not necessarily his means.

when i get into a bind like you are in i revert to eating whatever it is that

i want to eat. junk food included. sort of a temporary retreat to collect my

thoughts. as you cleanse your chemistry will change drastically, so dietary

changes will be an ongoing process. some foods that you were perhaps allergic

to, you might be able to eat. and some that you are eating might not be right

at the time. sometimes it is a daily process of keeping an open mind to all

information at hand. i went through 3 years of intense parasite cleansing,

then all of a sudden hardly any worms showed up. then i hit a layer in my

colon of black gunk which lasted 1 whole year. i was totally bloated all the

time and still am to some extent. colon cleansing works in layers, and you

never know what is lurking in the shadows. i thought my immune system was

crapping out at one point and then i started drinking goat milk, and boom

everything started working really great. i had consciously avoided all milk

since i assumed i was allergic to it and i had programmed myself into

believing that milk was the enemy. this has forced me to throw away all the

rules in eating. now it is a daily process of meditating on exactly what it

is that i want and need. i avoided raw meat and fish for years because i was

afraid of parasites. now sushi and some raw meat tastes good with no

detrimental effects to my immune system.

the goat milk helped my liver tremendously. a few months ago my adrenal

glands were fried from cleansing, and i started on fresh royal jelly which

did wonders. glutamine might be important for you at some point in repairing

holes in the intestine. and maybe start trusting your appetite-- eat

viscerally not intellectually. this has helped me tremendously as well. then

later you can reverse engineer the scientific reasons for why you are eating

whatever it is. for example. whenever my liver gets weak, sugar starts

looking very good. then i just up my milk thistle, drink more goat milk, and

eat chicken or beef liver. the healing process takes time, and you must

respect it. there is no crime in taking a step backward every now and then as

long as you are moving in the right direction. you can't kill all the

parasites in a few weeks if they have been there for many years. having a

piece of chocolate every once in a while isn't going to kill you. and neither

is a little wine.

from what i have read of dr. schulze, he is the last person i would trust

with this whole business. aajonus's book makes alot of sense and i would

recommend it. not completely, but i think he definitely has a piece of the

puzzle concerning fats.

after years in the trenches with worms, i don't sweat them anymore. they

WILL die no matter what i eat. often the best way to kill them is to not

attack. for example my last g/f and i came up with a little trick to kill

them. whenever we were jonesing for some junk food and we knew it was

parasite related we would indulge in whatever the craving was. and then

follow it up with alot of fresh pineapple juice. this would allow the colon

to relax and the bloating would go away since the worms would stop fighting

since they thought they were going to win out. and then you zing them with

the juice. worked like a charm every time.

dr. newbolds books, and aajonus' book are the best books on cleansing

that i have ever read. and they don't deal directly with colon cleansing.

they deal with finding the correct diet, and allowing nature to take its

course. if a colon is dried and impacted with waste, the right fats are

essential for lubrication and elmination. fats are essential also to protect

the nervous system from damage. when i am faced with a large worm, the first

thing i do is start bulking up on fats, when there is enough my body will go

after the parasite on its own now that it knows the nervous system will be


you say that your clon is still wweak. i would focus on just that, and

try to strenghten it, not worry about the parasites for now. personally i

don't like any of the people you listed for colon cleansing because they

leave people in exactly the state you are in. there is no talk of rebuilding

and strenghening the muscle. and i'm sorry to say but it seems this is

exactly where you are now. leave the worms alone for a while. and do what you

have to do to have good strong bowel movements. this will also allow your

other organs to rest and rebuild. then you will thinking more clearly and

ready to be aggressive once again. check out the authors i mentioned-- you

might be ready for something like this.

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Dear Christel,

Well, that should certainly have killed the sucker.

Did you pass any worms?

Maybe there is no tapeworm, and you are dealing

with something else.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH

Re: parasite cleanse



> << Usually two weeks worth of it does the trick.

> Are you sure you have got the right stuff in your bottle?

> >>

> Saul. I did it for 18 days the first time, than again for 2 weeks, and


> that the 3 week mopup. I got all my products from Dr .

> What dosage do you recommend?I have done anything from 4 to 9 a day with 2

> Tbsp of BWT.

> Thanks

> Christel



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Dear Christel,

Well, that should certainly have killed the sucker.

Did you pass any worms?

Maybe there is no tapeworm, and you are dealing

with something else.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH

Re: parasite cleanse



> << Usually two weeks worth of it does the trick.

> Are you sure you have got the right stuff in your bottle?

> >>

> Saul. I did it for 18 days the first time, than again for 2 weeks, and


> that the 3 week mopup. I got all my products from Dr .

> What dosage do you recommend?I have done anything from 4 to 9 a day with 2

> Tbsp of BWT.

> Thanks

> Christel



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  • 2 months later...


When fasting at a clinic in Ca years ago, there were several patients

there who had colitis and ITB symptoms. After water fasting for 1 - 2

weeks all their symptoms were gone. These people had the shortest times

to full recovery of any of the 14 patients who were there with me at that

time. The GI tract responds very quickly to the healing powers of

fasting. Something to consider.


On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 22:12:36 -0400 " Crook "


> I've had a rough ride since the liver cleanse, with colitis very

> active, i.e., lots of diarrhea.


> I'd like to do a parasite cleanse but am wondering if it is likely

> to trigger more diarrhea. Had anyone with colitis or other IBD done

> a parasite cleanse and had bad reactions. Anyone with clinical

> experience that has seen IBD people do the parasite cleanse?


> Any shared experience greatly appreciated.


> Greg




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When fasting at a clinic in Ca years ago, there were several patients

there who had colitis and ITB symptoms. After water fasting for 1 - 2

weeks all their symptoms were gone. These people had the shortest times

to full recovery of any of the 14 patients who were there with me at that

time. The GI tract responds very quickly to the healing powers of

fasting. Something to consider.


On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 22:12:36 -0400 " Crook "


> I've had a rough ride since the liver cleanse, with colitis very

> active, i.e., lots of diarrhea.


> I'd like to do a parasite cleanse but am wondering if it is likely

> to trigger more diarrhea. Had anyone with colitis or other IBD done

> a parasite cleanse and had bad reactions. Anyone with clinical

> experience that has seen IBD people do the parasite cleanse?


> Any shared experience greatly appreciated.


> Greg




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When fasting at a clinic in Ca years ago, there were several patients

there who had colitis and ITB symptoms. After water fasting for 1 - 2

weeks all their symptoms were gone. These people had the shortest times

to full recovery of any of the 14 patients who were there with me at that

time. The GI tract responds very quickly to the healing powers of

fasting. Something to consider.


On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 22:12:36 -0400 " Crook "


> I've had a rough ride since the liver cleanse, with colitis very

> active, i.e., lots of diarrhea.


> I'd like to do a parasite cleanse but am wondering if it is likely

> to trigger more diarrhea. Had anyone with colitis or other IBD done

> a parasite cleanse and had bad reactions. Anyone with clinical

> experience that has seen IBD people do the parasite cleanse?


> Any shared experience greatly appreciated.


> Greg




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Hi Greg,

Just in case you didn't know...

Most IDBs, and most definitely chronic diarrhea, is simply a symptom of

chronic constipation.

The very first thing I would do is a series of colonics, followed by a

long-term bowel cleanse program (the best, imho, is Dr. Schulzes formulas #1

and #2). Of course, it goes without saying that you also need to correct

the poor eating habits/lifestyle that brought about the condition in the

first place.

Be well,

Parasite cleanse

I've had a rough ride since the liver cleanse, with colitis very active,

i.e., lots of diarrhea.

I'd like to do a parasite cleanse but am wondering if it is likely to

trigger more diarrhea. Had anyone with colitis or other IBD done a parasite

cleanse and had bad reactions. Anyone with clinical experience that has seen

IBD people do the parasite cleanse?

Any shared experience greatly appreciated.


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Hi . I don't have an answer to your question, but I am wondering if you

know about SEACURE. If not, you might want to do a web search on it. Pretty

amazing stuff.


-----Original Message-----

I've had a rough ride since the liver cleanse, with colitis very active,

i.e., lots of diarrhea.

I'd like to do a parasite cleanse but am wondering if it is likely to

trigger more diarrhea. Had anyone with colitis or other IBD done a parasite

cleanse and had bad reactions. Anyone with clinical experience that has seen IBD

people do the parasite cleanse?

Any shared experience greatly appreciated.


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i had a lot of trouble with parasite infections after an amalgam


One thing is for sure: fasting can be dangerous when you have

parasites. You need a lot of food.

I tried some herbs like wormwood and cloves but they are too week.

Best choice are chemical anthelmintica . Very effective is escazole

at low dosage for a long time. You should test it with EAV or


I healed my bowel with these methods of testing the right drug and

taking lot of dmsa, l-cystein, acetylcystein, ozonated olive oil and

msm to remove heavy metals. Some vitamines, minerals, trace elements,

probiotic bacteria and sauna treatments are important, too.

Bad reactions after parasite cleance are common, most time they can

be reduced by removing heavy metals, which are stored in some

parasites and doing colonics.

hope it helps you,


> Greg

> When fasting at a clinic in Ca years ago, there were several


> there who had colitis and ITB symptoms. After water fasting for 1 -


> weeks all their symptoms were gone. These people had the shortest


> to full recovery of any of the 14 patients who were there with me

at that

> time. The GI tract responds very quickly to the healing powers of

> fasting. Something to consider.


> Corny


> On Tue, 18 Sep 2001 22:12:36 -0400 " Crook " <gwc@i...>

> writes:

> > I've had a rough ride since the liver cleanse, with colitis very

> > active, i.e., lots of diarrhea.

> >

> > I'd like to do a parasite cleanse but am wondering if it is


> > to trigger more diarrhea. Had anyone with colitis or other IBD


> > a parasite cleanse and had bad reactions. Anyone with clinical

> > experience that has seen IBD people do the parasite cleanse?

> >

> > Any shared experience greatly appreciated.

> >

> > Greg

> >

> >

> >

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  • 6 years later...


talking about parasite cleanese, my friend who's working in Beijing

said lots of rural people in China suffered from mite problem.

Apparently there's this big shampoo/soap company that produces

this " mite stop " product. I just asked him to ship me a box. I will

tell you once i have tried them on. Maybe we can even get it from

local chinese supermarkets. I think i am seeing some hope.

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Dear all,

If half of Chinese (600,000,000) people are suffering the same thing

as we are suffering, they should have come up with something plus the

scientific facts should be more thorough. I will definitely keep you

posted. If it really works, i promise i'll send each and everyone the


I am not trying to be racist or anything, but with so many Chinese

imports, something like this is bound to happen, and as the medical

board is not catching up with the global knowledge/insect/epedimic, and

leaves us poor people to suffer...

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Bill- AWESOME!!!

I think this could be huge as I believe that there is a good chance that these things came from China originally based on what I've learned in my research. Who would know better than them? Especially if they've been dealing with / studying it for a long time.....

Please please please let us know how this works.

Is there a name for this stuff? Is he going to pick it up there and then ship it to you or is he ordering it from within the US?

Also, if there is a soap there is a good chance that they make other products such as shampoo, lotion too.

Can you find that out as well?


PS- so glad to see you go in to fight mode instead of victim. I felt much better when I made that change in my attitude. More in control.

Great job bro......

Re: parasite cleanse

Hi,talking about parasite cleanese, my friend who's working in Beijing said lots of rural people in China suffered from mite problem. Apparently there's this big shampoo/soap company that produces this "mite stop" product. I just asked him to ship me a box. I will tell you once i have tried them on. Maybe we can even get it from local chinese supermarkets. I think i am seeing some hope.

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Dear SOM,

From the look of it, maybe it is specially designed for demodex

mites, but i don't know what effect it will have on birdmites. I will

keep on my research. There's something called Amitraz(Mitaban Upjohn)

to treat birds and dogs, but i dont' know whether it's been used on

human. Please don't blame me for dumping irrelevant/false info, as I'm

not an expert myself. Keep you updated.


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Bill- thanks for that.

I think the Chinese supermarket idea may be a winner as well.

There could be someone in one of those places who has dealt with this first-hand in China. I realize that's an extreme long shot but possible nonetheless...... Now all I have to do is learn to speak Chinese....

I've often wondered if there isn't some little old lady sitting in some dusty herb shop somewhere in my neighborhood who knows all about this!

OK, back to reality, sorry 'bout that.


Re: parasite cleanse

Dear SOM,From the look of it, maybe it is specially designed for demodex mites, but i don't know what effect it will have on birdmites. I will keep on my research. There's something called Amitraz(Mitaban Upjohn) to treat birds and dogs, but i dont' know whether it's been used on human. Please don't blame me for dumping irrelevant/false info, as I'm not an expert myself. Keep you updated. Bill

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Hi bill,

i would be very interested in that product...i think i

have demodex because i only feel the crawly/itchy on

my face.

could you please report back on that?


--- Sikof Mites <sikofmites@...> wrote:

> Bill- AWESOME!!!

> I think this could be huge as I believe that there

> is a good chance that these things came from China

> originally based on what I've learned in my

> research. Who would know better than them?

> Especially if they've been dealing with / studying

> it for a long time.....

> Please please please let us know how this works.

> Is there a name for this stuff? Is he going to pick

> it up there and then ship it to you or is he

> ordering it from within the US?

> Also, if there is a soap there is a good chance that

> they make other products such as shampoo, lotion

> too.

> Can you find that out as well?




> PS- so glad to see you go in to fight mode instead

> of victim. I felt much better when I made that

> change in my attitude. More in control.

> Great job bro......

> Re: parasite cleanse


> Hi,


> talking about parasite cleanese, my friend who's

> working in Beijing

> said lots of rural people in China suffered from

> mite problem.

> Apparently there's this big shampoo/soap company

> that produces

> this " mite stop " product. I just asked him to ship

> me a box. I will

> tell you once i have tried them on. Maybe we can

> even get it from

> local chinese supermarkets. I think i am seeing some

> hope.










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> Text or chat with friends inside . See

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I've read that if you have demodex mite over population it is because

you have a weak immune system.

How long have you had the crawling and itching on your face? No


Have you tried to wash your face with hydo-peroxide?

Make sure and rinse it off after you wash with it. I made the mistake

of just letting it dry on my arm once and it really burned when it


I think the msm lotion on your face will help even if there is an

issue with your immune system.

You haven't been sick or on any immunosuppressive drugs are you?

I hate that feeling of crawling and wish I could help you.



> > Bill- AWESOME!!!

> > I think this could be huge as I believe that there

> > is a good chance that these things came from China

> > originally based on what I've learned in my

> > research. Who would know better than them?

> > Especially if they've been dealing with / studying

> > it for a long time.....

> > Please please please let us know how this works.

> > Is there a name for this stuff? Is he going to pick

> > it up there and then ship it to you or is he

> > ordering it from within the US?

> > Also, if there is a soap there is a good chance that

> > they make other products such as shampoo, lotion

> > too.

> > Can you find that out as well?

> >

> > SOM

> >

> > PS- so glad to see you go in to fight mode instead

> > of victim. I felt much better when I made that

> > change in my attitude. More in control.

> > Great job bro......

> > Re: parasite cleanse

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > talking about parasite cleanese, my friend who's

> > working in Beijing

> > said lots of rural people in China suffered from

> > mite problem.

> > Apparently there's this big shampoo/soap company

> > that produces

> > this " mite stop " product. I just asked him to ship

> > me a box. I will

> > tell you once i have tried them on. Maybe we can

> > even get it from

> > local chinese supermarkets. I think i am seeing some

> > hope.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




> > Be a better pen pal.

> > Text or chat with friends inside . See

> > how. http://overview.mail./







> Be a better pen pal.

> Text or chat with friends inside . See how.



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Hi Ray,

I have had the crawlys on my face off and on for a

year. I was feeling pin pricks, but that has actually

almost gone away since i started my candida/parasite


i am going to try the listerine 2nite.

are you completely over evrything?

oh yea-- i have a very weak immune system--i am sick

all the time


--- castiar <castiar@...> wrote:

> Crystal,


> I've read that if you have demodex mite over

> population it is because

> you have a weak immune system.


> How long have you had the crawling and itching on

> your face? No

> pinpricks?


> Have you tried to wash your face with hydo-peroxide?


> Make sure and rinse it off after you wash with it. I

> made the mistake

> of just letting it dry on my arm once and it really

> burned when it

> dried.


> I think the msm lotion on your face will help even

> if there is an

> issue with your immune system.


> You haven't been sick or on any immunosuppressive

> drugs are you?


> I hate that feeling of crawling and wish I could

> help you.


> Ray




> >

> > > Bill- AWESOME!!!

> > > I think this could be huge as I believe that

> there

> > > is a good chance that these things came from

> China

> > > originally based on what I've learned in my

> > > research. Who would know better than them?

> > > Especially if they've been dealing with /

> studying

> > > it for a long time.....

> > > Please please please let us know how this works.


> > > Is there a name for this stuff? Is he going to

> pick

> > > it up there and then ship it to you or is he

> > > ordering it from within the US?

> > > Also, if there is a soap there is a good chance

> that

> > > they make other products such as shampoo, lotion


> > > too.

> > > Can you find that out as well?

> > >

> > > SOM

> > >

> > > PS- so glad to see you go in to fight mode

> instead

> > > of victim. I felt much better when I made that

> > > change in my attitude. More in control.

> > > Great job bro......

> > > Re: parasite cleanse

> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > talking about parasite cleanese, my friend who's

> > > working in Beijing

> > > said lots of rural people in China suffered from

> > > mite problem.

> > > Apparently there's this big shampoo/soap company

> > > that produces

> > > this " mite stop " product. I just asked him to

> ship

> > > me a box. I will

> > > tell you once i have tried them on. Maybe we can

> > > even get it from

> > > local chinese supermarkets. I think i am seeing

> some

> > > hope.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >



> ______________

> > > Be a better pen pal.

> > > Text or chat with friends inside .

> See

> > > how. http://overview.mail./

> >

> >

> >

> >



> ______________

> > Be a better pen pal.

> > Text or chat with friends inside . See

> how.

> http://overview.mail./

> >






Be a better pen pal.

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