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Re: sickness or healing?

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Hi ,

I've been wondering the same thing lately. I've been on Bee's program for 1 year

and have not had a cold until last month. I had sore throat, cough, runny nose,

and achy muscles. I understand that those are all supposed to be part of the

healing process, but why did at least 20 other people in my life all have those

same symptoms around the same time? None of those people are on Bee's program,

but they all had my symptoms. I was so confident that I would not get sick like

all of my friends and family who eat sugar constantly, but then I got it and I

was sick for 2 weeks.



> I'm on my third " cold " since beginning Bee's pgm one year ago. I don't recall

the details of the first illness, but the last three have been shared with my

14-yo daughter; we have the same symptoms at the same time.


> (and my husband has not been sick once...)


> How do we know this is healing? I mean, it is so odd when I get to church and

find two other people in my classroom (of 8 adults) have the same symptoms as i



> While I feel great following this pgm, things like this make me question and

thus trust the process.


> Can you give me words of encouragement?



> began 03/09/10


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Hi , I started the same month you did. Happy Anniversary! I am just

getting over a massive cold/cough-- oh, my gosh, the stuff that came out... but

I haven't been worried about it being sickness because after a week, I didn't

really feel sick. I just continued to expel mucus (gross, I know!) for 6

weeks! I think mentioned that she too had gone through a detox cold

that lasted a while.

Try not to worry about germ theory- yours is a healing cold :-) in VA


From: kareneats2live <laurvick@...>

Sent: Tue, March 1, 2011 4:02:53 PM

Subject: [ ] sickness or healing?

I'm on my third " cold " since beginning Bee's pgm one year ago. I don't recall

the details of the first illness, but the last three have been shared with my

14-yo daughter; we have the same symptoms at the same time.

(and my husband has not been sick once...)

How do we know this is healing? I mean, it is so odd when I get to church and

find two other people in my classroom (of 8 adults) have the same symptoms as i


While I feel great following this pgm, things like this make me question and

thus trust the process.

Can you give me words of encouragement?

began 03/09/10

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I get where you are coming from on this, , and although I am sure that Bee

is right when she says that germs can be made, I am sure they can also be

'caught' if the body needs them.

My daughter and her two boys have all had a cold, and their colds have been very

similar in progression. So far, I have not 'caught' it although I was sneezing

a few days ago, which is unusual for me to do.

This issue does rear it's head every now and again. Maybe it's just one of

those things that we have to put to one side, and revisit as more

'enlightenment' becomes apparent.

Whilst I am not convinced on everything, I am convinced that the diet is good

and very beneficial, and will not let something neither I, nor many other people

- even those supposed 'experts' really understand, get in the way, or derail me.

Before I ever encountered Bee's Diet, I had already come to the conclusion that

the answer lay in good nutrition and removal of garbage foods, and that much of

what we are told by the 'Establishment' was a load of codswallop, and even

scientists know very little in the grand scheme of things - and who is to say

that what they do know isn't actually wrong? Aren't they constantly moving the

goalposts themselves?

As my Dad used to say - the definition of an 'expert' is someone who learns as

much as he can about as little as possible, until he knows everything about

nothing at all....

There is a plethora of 'experts' out there, all claiming to be right. Sadly,

many of them are doing an awful lot of damage to people, and the World in

general. Is it any wonder that God looks down and considers this World's wisdom

to be mere 'foolishness'.

When we find a little 'treasure', we need to persevere with it. We know the diet

works. Would knowing the answer to this issue make any difference to your

progress on the diet?

Nobody knows everything - even if they think they do, but for me, having tried a

lot of other diets and treatments, I am quite happy to stay where I am, even

though I don't understand or believe everything.




> I'm on my third " cold " since beginning Bee's pgm one year ago. I don't recall

the details of the first illness, but the last three have been shared with my

14-yo daughter; we have the same symptoms at the same time.


> (and my husband has not been sick once...)


> How do we know this is healing? I mean, it is so odd when I get to church and

find two other people in my classroom (of 8 adults) have the same symptoms as i



> While I feel great following this pgm, things like this make me question and

thus trust the process.


> Can you give me words of encouragement?



> began 03/09/10


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> I'm on my third " cold " since beginning Bee's pgm one year ago. I don't recall

the details of the first illness, but the last three have been shared with my

14-yo daughter; we have the same symptoms at the same time.


> (and my husband has not been sick once...)


> How do we know this is healing? I mean, it is so odd when I get to church and

find two other people in my classroom (of 8 adults) have the same symptoms as i



> While I feel great following this pgm, things like this make me question and

thus trust the process.

+++Hi ,

You will understand better if you read Inflammation & Infection are Natural

Healing Processes:



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> Hi ,


> I've been wondering the same thing lately. I've been on Bee's program for 1

year and have not had a cold until last month. I had sore throat, cough, runny

nose, and achy muscles. I understand that those are all supposed to be part of

the healing process, but why did at least 20 other people in my life all have

those same symptoms around the same time? None of those people are on Bee's

program, but they all had my symptoms. I was so confident that I would not get

sick like all of my friends and family who eat sugar constantly, but then I got

it and I was sick for 2 weeks.

+++Hi Josh,

It is more common for people to get colds or the flu during the Winter because

they lack vitamin D from the sun. Also Winter makes people more depressed which

lowers their vitality (energy) so they can also get sick.

There are many other reasons too, but please read Inflammation & Infection are

Natural Healing Processes so you'll understand more:


You can get colds and flu on this program whenever your body needs to detoxify

itself, and for some people it also happens whenever their body becomes more

efficient detoxifying itself.

All the best, Bee

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Hello Josh,

I agree with Bee's response to you with regards to the lack of vitamin D etc.

Add on top of that all of the junk people are eating daily and then the extra

sugar intake during the candy and baked good holidays during the fall and winter

months i.e. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day, St.

s Day, and Easter. One gal I recently spoke to who works at a school

noticed the increase of illness after Valentines Day.

It's also interesting to note how big the candy isles are at grocery stores and

other stores. Even Walgreens, which is our local Pharmacy, verbally offers you

candy that is sitting on top the counter at check out.

I'm around a lot of people and it never fails to hear about the flu and strep

(symptoms) lately. If was detoxing and having those symptoms during this time,

it would be easy to lump myself in with them since it's so prevalent right now.

Just my two cents.

[ ] Re: sickness or healing?

Hi ,

I've been wondering the same thing lately. I've been on Bee's program for 1

year and have not had a cold until last month. I had sore throat, cough, runny

nose, and achy muscles. I understand that those are all supposed to be part of

the healing process, but why did at least 20 other people in my life all have

those same symptoms around the same time? None of those people are on Bee's

program, but they all had my symptoms. I was so confident that I would not get

sick like all of my friends and family who eat sugar constantly, but then I got

it and I was sick for 2 weeks.



> I'm on my third " cold " since beginning Bee's pgm one year ago. I don't

recall the details of the first illness, but the last three have been shared

with my 14-yo daughter; we have the same symptoms at the same time.


> (and my husband has not been sick once...)


> How do we know this is healing? I mean, it is so odd when I get to church

and find two other people in my classroom (of 8 adults) have the same symptoms

as i have...


> While I feel great following this pgm, things like this make me question and

thus trust the process.


> Can you give me words of encouragement?



> began 03/09/10


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So *I'm* sick because I'm getting the proper nutrients and am healing or

detoxing but others are sick (at the same time) because they lack the proper


And this was just not " mucous " , etc. This was headache, body aches, feeling

like crap AND sneezing, nose-blowing. Thankfully very little coughing...

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As far as I can see it , the body is trying to detox all the time, whether

we are eating crap foods or not.

Even though I have been on Bee's diet for 11 months, my body is still detoxing

the fall-out from the last 50-odd years of rubbish. Just because we are eating

good food, doesn't stop that process until all the back-log has cleared, and

even then we are still surrounded by other factors beyond our control, such as

the pollution.

But not everyone gets every cold that is going - if so, we would all have a cold

all the time! The body will only 'make' or 'use' the cold virus if it needs to

detox in that way at that time. I know that Bee feels the body will only make

germs, but personally I feel that it could also be that the body will grab a

passing virus if it needs it at that time. Maybe it does make them and there is

some kind of common element that triggers others into developing one - who

knows? It is interesting that different cold 'bouts' tend to follow a similar

progression, which does raise the possibility of them being passed on. Some

colds will trigger sore throats, others a cough, some headaches, and the

symptoms often repeat across the board.

However, I have friends who never 'catch' cold. I can only assume that either

their body is very efficient at detoxing in other ways, or for some reason, that

detox pathway is blocked.

If they never get colds, then the story that goes around that you don't catch so

many as you get older because you have 'done' them all and built up a

resistance, doesn't hold water, because they haven't 'done' them all at all.

Probably though older people don't 'catch' cold so often because they are so

clogged, the body can't use that detox pathway....

Colds are so prevalent and 'common' - different to other viruses in that

respect, that to me, the idea of them being a detox medium for the body makes an

awful lot of sense. If they are just a detox medium, then it is logical that

the 'commonness' would be driven by the toxic Western diet and lifestyle.

Although I haven't found a source, it would be interesting to know whether those

groups who are not tainted by the Western diet do actually ever 'catch' cold.

It is an interesting subject and one so complex that we might never know the

real answer to. I find it somewhat ironic that both the Pasteur and the Bechamp

ideas of the germ theory both make some sense in their own way, which does make

you wonder if the real truth doesn't actually lie somewhere in the middle.....or

maybe neither of them is actually right and the real answer actually lies in a

direction that no one has yet discovered.....

Regards, Ali.

PS. I also happen to think that the 'genetics' thing is also a bit of a red



> So *I'm* sick because I'm getting the proper nutrients and am healing or

detoxing but others are sick (at the same time) because they lack the proper



> And this was just not " mucous " , etc. This was headache, body aches, feeling

like crap AND sneezing, nose-blowing. Thankfully very little coughing...




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