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Copper in foods

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Hi Bee,

I am trying to understand content of copper in foods from your article:


Will you clarify what you meant by:

A) Nutrients per calorie ( meaning copper per calorie (kcal) of food , in what

units ?)

B) Mgs per calorie (meaning mg of copper per 1 calorie of food? How is this

different to point A) ?)

C) Food calorie ( what unit of food?)

D) Rank (what rank? )

Thanks a lot!

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Hi Bee,

Thanks for your reply.

Sorry I just couldn't get any sense from this chart.

My health getting worse again.

I did another hair analysis ( My first were done April 2010) and Copper, Silver,

Cadmium are still very high, in fact they haven't changed much.

During my research on copper toxicity I came across articles written by Dr

and I found them very interesting (He often quotes Mr. W. Price).There is

the link if anyone is interested;


ly, I wasn't able to handle own symptoms when too much copper was realised

to my bloodstream (mainly mental symptoms scaring everyone around including

myself), so I introduced EDTA (metal chelator) to my diet. It worked perfectly;

however I didn't want to keep using it as I knew it reacts with other molecules

in my blood, meaning depleting me from some minerals.

Recently I put aside EDTA and increased synthetic Zn uptake (as it meant to be

main Cu antagonist) and... got really ill again so I am searching for answers

again, this take me to the answer for your question.

I am trying to eliminate all food which is high in copper and find a reason

copper is still high in my hair...

Well according to your count of one month of healing for every year of illness I

should be healthy by now..

There is another big question in my mind:

In your opinion our body is creating Candida in order to heal itself from


My question is, why Candida doesn't heal us from these toxins, instead makes us

more sick and releases more toxins??

Sorry for a bit log email.

All the best



> +++Hi Dobrusia,


> I got those charts from another group, so I don't know how to interpret them.

I've considered deleting them, however they are helpful for some important

nutrients, like calcium, potassium, etc.


> Why are you interested in copper content?


> Bee


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> Hi Bee,


> Thanks for your reply. Sorry I just couldn't get any sense from this chart. My

health getting worse again.


> I did another hair analysis ( My first were done April 2010) and Copper,

Silver, Cadmium are still very high, in fact they haven't changed much. During

my research on copper toxicity I came across articles written by Dr and I

found them very interesting (He often quotes Mr. W. Price).There is the link if

anyone is interested;

> http://drlwilson.com/Articles/copper_toxicity_syndrome.htm

+++Dear Dobrusia. Please do not rely on hair analysis for minerals levels.

However, if you did have high copper this program handles it very easily because

you would be taking 4,000 mg of vitamin C per day which automatically lowers

coppers levels and helps balance them out.


> I am trying to eliminate all food which is high in copper and find a reason

copper is still high in my hair...

+++It is not going to help you to do that, since you will be avoiding good foods

that are important for your health because of other nutrients they contain.


> Well according to your count of one month of healing for every year of illness

I should be healthy by now.

+++Questions: How old are you? How many months have you been on my program

completely (diet plus only the supplements recommended)?


> There is another big question in my mind: In your opinion our body is creating

Candida in order to heal itself from toxins. My question is, why Candida doesn't

heal us from these toxins, instead makes us more sick and releases more toxins??

+++I just posted a message on the group that candida does not produce very many

toxins at all, except for some alcohol; instead it produces digestive enzymes

that help break downs toxins so they are less damaging to our health - here's

the message:


The body create candida when it is in poor condition, when they are not as able

to detoxify itself like it should. Therefore candida is only cured by getting

healthy, which is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (Bee's diet plus supplements which provides all

of the nutrients any Human needs in order to be healthy).

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods.

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

When you are healthy enough your body automatically " changes " candida (or any

bug, cancer, etc.) back into the organism it is supposed to be in a healthy


If a person doesn't turn their health around at the candida stage, the next

stage is cancer. Cancer is also a fungus which eventually breaks down our

bodies into dust, i.e. ashes to ashes and dust to dust, just like everything in

Nature. And Nature reacts to the environment. If the environment is unhealthy

and contains garbage Nature automatically breaks it down and recycles it.

All the best, Bee

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Hi Bee,

Thank you so much for your reply and sorry I am answering so late, I had a

restricted access to the internet recently.

I have a few questions to your reply...

You say: Please do not rely on hair analysis for minerals levels.

Is there any reason for that? You mentioned hair analysis in few of your

articles, you recommend hair analysis to test children with autism..why changing


> +++Questions: How old are you? How many months have you been on my program

completely (diet plus only the supplements recommended)?

I am 28 and I have been on the diet since Jan 2011 with a once-twice weekly

cheats. My health failed in June 2010.

I have been having app 30 standard drinks every week for 10 years. My question

is, should I include this to my healing time?

> +++I just posted a message on the group that Candida does not produce very

many toxins at all, except for some alcohol

This is a radical change! From 78 type of toxins to one...

How you can actually measure how many toxins candida produces in our body? what

type of analytical method would give so accurate results??

> ++++If a person doesn't turn their health around at the candida stage, the

next stage is cancer.

I saw you quoting this sentence in many replies. I don't want to argue with this

fact, but I have to say this fact may scare people and turn their diet and

healing process into obsession, a fearful obsession, which could possibly affect

the heeling.

I also think being happy in the life hugely triggers healing process, so maybe I

can't progress because I am constantly upset with my relationship?

Thanks for your time Bee.

Ps. I am so amazed how you answer all this emails every day.you spend so much of

your own time just to help the others. How good is that!

Ps! Maybe it is possible to update a settings so people can write and

answers or replies in different font or colours-this may make reading a bit


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If a person doesn't turn their health around at the candida stage,

the next stage is cancer.

>>>I saw you quoting this sentence in many replies. I don't want to argue with

this fact, but I have to say this fact may scare people and turn their diet and

healing process into obsession, a fearful obsession, which could possibly affect

the heeling. I also think being happy in the life hugely triggers healing

process, so maybe I can't progress because I am constantly upset with my


+++Some people need a wake-up call when they are not taking charge of their

health and curing their candida, and I certainly do not say it unless I feel it

is necessary.

+++Your progress is mainly dependent upon giving your body the nutrients it

needs so it is able to heal itself naturally; of course eliminating toxins and

damaging foods, etc. goes along with that.

Stresses need to be minimized as much as possible, and when you can't you need

to be even more diligent in following the program consistently and accurately,

and also do things that get you away from the situation so you can relax, do

deep breathing exercises, etc.

All the best, Bee

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