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rejuvelac instead of hcl?

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Hi, This is Robin.

I recall reading on this listserv that one can take 1/4 cup rejuvelac instead of

hcl. Do I remember correctly? If so, does 1/4 cup of rejuvelac supply enough hcl

regardless of the number of hcl tablets one is taking with each meal? I take 2

hcl tablets with each meal and have recently begun NOT taking the hcl if I'm

eating rejuvelac with the meal. Is that alright or should I still take hcl? And

if I should still take hcl, would it be the same amount as usual?

Also, does it make a difference how much of the 1/4 cup of rejuvelac is liquid

and how much of it is cabbage?

Thanks for clarifying! I couldn't find the answer on the listserv archives.

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> Hi, This is Robin.

> I recall reading on this listserv that one can take 1/4 cup rejuvelac instead

of hcl. Do I remember correctly? If so, does 1/4 cup of rejuvelac supply enough

hcl regardless of the number of hcl tablets one is taking with each meal? I take

2 hcl tablets with each meal and have recently begun NOT taking the hcl if I'm

eating rejuvelac with the meal. Is that alright or should I still take hcl? And

if I should still take hcl, would it be the same amount as usual?

> Also, does it make a difference how much of the 1/4 cup of rejuvelac is liquid

and how much of it is cabbage?


> Thanks for clarifying! I couldn't find the answer on the listserv archives.

+++Hi Robin,

You could try taking Cabbage Rejuvelac instead of taking HCl, but do not take


Take 1/2 cup per meal, not 1/4 cup, as instructed on my recipe:


Only drink the liquid strained off from the cabbage, and use the cabbage in

other recipes as suggested here:


Do you feel the cabbage rejuvelac has helped, and it would be a good substitute

for HCl?


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Hi Bee,

As always I am grateful for your response.

I will up the rejuvelac to 1/2 cup in place of hcl.

I really don't know if I notice a difference between how I feel with either. The

rejuvelac makes food yummy and interesting but also makes the enamel on my teeth

feel eaten away. I like taking rejuvelac vs the capsules because it is alive, a

food so in that way I connect to it more and can see it might benefit me more.

Regarding only taking the juice. To me it seems that if I'm separating out the

solids and mixing it with meat or making a salsa, etc...isn't it the same in the

end as having the juice along with some solid, as I would eat the solid with my

meat and also have the liquid during the same meal? Uh oh. I just realized a

possible mistake. Am I supposed to take the liquid 45 minutes after a meal like

I do with HCL? I've been taking it WITH my meal. Please clarify for me and

thanks as always, Bee!!! Bless you bless you.

> >

> > Hi, This is Robin.

> > I recall reading on this listserv that one can take 1/4 cup rejuvelac

instead of hcl. Do I remember correctly? If so, does 1/4 cup of rejuvelac supply

enough hcl regardless of the number of hcl tablets one is taking with each meal?

I take 2 hcl tablets with each meal and have recently begun NOT taking the hcl

if I'm eating rejuvelac with the meal. Is that alright or should I still take

hcl? And if I should still take hcl, would it be the same amount as usual?

> > Also, does it make a difference how much of the 1/4 cup of rejuvelac is

liquid and how much of it is cabbage?

> >

> > Thanks for clarifying! I couldn't find the answer on the listserv archives.


> +++Hi Robin,


> You could try taking Cabbage Rejuvelac instead of taking HCl, but do not take



> Take 1/2 cup per meal, not 1/4 cup, as instructed on my recipe:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/pre1.php


> Only drink the liquid strained off from the cabbage, and use the cabbage in

other recipes as suggested here:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/recipes/recipe251.php


> Do you feel the cabbage rejuvelac has helped, and it would be a good

substitute for HCl?


> Bee


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> Hi Bee,

> As always I am grateful for your response. I will up the rejuvelac to 1/2 cup

in place of hcl.

> I really don't know if I notice a difference between how I feel with either.

The rejuvelac makes food yummy and interesting but also makes the enamel on my

teeth feel eaten away.

+++Hi Robin,

Thank you for letting me know that your teeth feel like the enamel has eaten

away. That confirms what I've suspected since researching probiotics.

Cabbage rejuvelac is high in live lactobacillus bacteria which is the same kind

that produces acid that causes cavities and other mouth problems. Dr. Weston A.

Price writes how lactobacillus is low in the saliva of people who are healthy.

That's the major clue that led me to research probiotics and removing them from

my program.

So in that case, I wouldn't recommend taking it.

What kind of digestive problems do you have?


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Hi Bee,

Wow, this is getting very interesting!

I'm glad my comment about my teeth and rejuvelac gave you info about something

and I admire your hunger to keep searching for the highest and best for all of

us. To answer your question about my digestive problems:

Hyper sensitivity to carbohydrates. Fast addiction to fairly low levels of them

which brings a sharp and sudden change in my emotional and mind-state such as

intense fear, anger and self-hatred. Also immediate weakness in my limbs. That

pretty much describes it. Problems began 30 years ago (that I'm aware of).

Please tell me why you asked that question and what my reply informs you about.

Thank you and all the best, Robin


> +++Hi Robin,


> Thank you for letting me know that your teeth feel like the enamel has eaten

away. That confirms what I've suspected since researching probiotics.


> Cabbage rejuvelac is high in live lactobacillus bacteria which is the same

kind that produces acid that causes cavities and other mouth problems. Dr.

Weston A. Price writes how lactobacillus is low in the saliva of people who are

healthy. That's the major clue that led me to research probiotics and removing

them from my program.


> So in that case, I wouldn't recommend taking it.


> What kind of digestive problems do you have?


> Bee


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So am I understanding that if we have tooth sensitivity or enamel wearing away

we should not consume cabbage rejuvelac?

Thank you,


> Hi Bee,

> Wow, this is getting very interesting!

> I'm glad my comment about my teeth and rejuvelac gave you info about something

and I admire your hunger to keep searching for the highest and best for all of

us. To answer your question about my digestive problems:

> Hyper sensitivity to carbohydrates. Fast addiction to fairly low levels of

them which brings a sharp and sudden change in my emotional and mind-state such

as intense fear, anger and self-hatred. Also immediate weakness in my limbs.

That pretty much describes it. Problems began 30 years ago (that I'm aware of).

Please tell me why you asked that question and what my reply informs you about.

Thank you and all the best, Robin


> >

> > +++Hi Robin,

> >

> > Thank you for letting me know that your teeth feel like the enamel has eaten

away. That confirms what I've suspected since researching probiotics.

> >

> > Cabbage rejuvelac is high in live lactobacillus bacteria which is the same

kind that produces acid that causes cavities and other mouth problems. Dr.

Weston A. Price writes how lactobacillus is low in the saliva of people who are

healthy. That's the major clue that led me to research probiotics and removing

them from my program.

> >

> > So in that case, I wouldn't recommend taking it.

> >

> > What kind of digestive problems do you have?

> >

> > Bee

> >


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> Hi Bee,

> Wow, this is getting very interesting!

> I'm glad my comment about my teeth and rejuvelac gave you info about something

and I admire your hunger to keep searching for the highest and best for all of

us. To answer your question about my digestive problems:

> Hyper sensitivity to carbohydrates. Fast addiction to fairly low levels of

them which brings a sharp and sudden change in my emotional and mind-state such

as intense fear, anger and self-hatred. Also immediate weakness in my limbs.

That pretty much describes it. Problems began 30 years ago (that I'm aware of).

Please tell me why you asked that question and what my reply informs you about.

Thank you and all the best,

+++Hi Robin. I asked that because you may not need to take HCl or increase

stomach acid, and I see that I was right to wonder.

You write carbs, as if there is some special category. Remember that carbs are

ALL plant foods, in other words, carbs are all foods not classified as protein

or fat.

Hyper sensitivity to carbs, addiction, weakness in limbs doesn't mean you have

any digestive issues, since it is common for anyone who has candida. ALL carbs

feed candida, however it is impractical and unnecessary to eliminate all plant

foods since you would still get healthy on low-carbs, high fats, and protein in

the ratios according to your calculations, along with the supplements, on this


All the best, Bee

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> So am I understanding that if we have tooth sensitivity or enamel wearing away

we should not consume cabbage rejuvelac?

+++Yes, . That is just what I am discovering. Do not consume cabbage



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Hi Bee,

I have always considered my issues digestive as they have to do with what

happens with when I eat certain things. I understand you to be saying that my

symptoms are not digestive but because of candida. Candida begins in the

intestines, doesn't it? But still even candida is not considered a digestive

issue? (I know it can an does effect much beyond digestive issues.) Now I'm

wondering what would be a digestive issue? That I sometimes have diarrhea? That

if I eat seeds they come out exactly as I chewed them? That if I eat a lot of

fat at once I feel nauseus at night? I tried to figure out the answer to 1. How

to know if you need HCL and 2. what defines a digestive issue on your website

but I am still not very clear.

Based on what I shared you would say that I don't have digestive issues and that

I don't need hcl? Thanks for your time in helping me understand this better.




> +++Hi Robin. I asked that because you may not need to take HCl or increase

stomach acid, and I see that I was right to wonder.


> You write carbs, as if there is some special category. Remember that carbs

are ALL plant foods, in other words, carbs are all foods not classified as

protein or fat.


> Hyper sensitivity to carbs, addiction, weakness in limbs doesn't mean you have

any digestive issues, since it is common for anyone who has candida. ALL carbs

feed candida, however it is impractical and unnecessary to eliminate all plant

foods since you would still get healthy on low-carbs, high fats, and protein in

the ratios according to your calculations, along with the supplements, on this



> All the best, Bee


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> Hi Bee,

> I have always considered my issues digestive as they have to do with what

happens with when I eat certain things. I understand you to be saying that my

symptoms are not digestive but because of candida. Candida begins in the

intestines, doesn't it? But still even candida is not considered a digestive

issue? (I know it can an does effect much beyond digestive issues.) Now I'm

wondering what would be a digestive issue? That I sometimes have diarrhea? That

if I eat seeds they come out exactly as I chewed them? That if I eat a lot of

fat at once I feel nauseus at night? I tried to figure out the answer to 1. How

to know if you need HCL and 2. what defines a digestive issue on your website

but I am still not very clear.

> Based on what I shared you would say that I don't have digestive issues and

that I don't need hcl? Thanks for your time in helping me understand this


+++Hi Robin,

Candida doesn't always begin in the intestines.

Diarrhea, and nausea are detoxifying symptoms. Seeds are very difficult for

anyone to digest even if they are healthy, so that's not a digestive issue.

Fats are healing foods that help your body detoxify better, and detoxification

happens more at night.

There are 2 main digestive issues that indicate you do not have enough stomach

acid (HCl):

1) Feeling like foods are sitting like a heavy lump in your stomach for a long

time (longer than 3-4 hours).

2) Foods on this diet coming out the other end undigested.

Warm regards to you too Robin!


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