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Cod Liver Oil

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In a message dated 5/15/00 5:47:00 AM Central Daylight Time,

egroups writes:

<< is how much can I give him. >>

Hi, Everyone........Loriann.........I give Gareth 2 pills: one in the morning

with his pills and one in the evening with his pills. I use Nature Made

CLO.....Vit. A 1,250 IU and Vit D 130 IU. It says to give 1-3 daily.

Gareth weighs 105 #. Dr. Megson's report doesn't state how much she gave the

kids. Next Monday, we meet with his psych. and I am going to ask him about

this report. Take care everyone. Margaret

PS........Sherry.........glad is home.

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In a message dated 5/15/100 12:54:50 PM EST, mfroof@... writes:

<< In a message dated 5/15/00 5:47:00 AM Central Daylight Time,

egroups writes:

<< is how much can I give him. >>

Hi, Everyone........Loriann.........I give Gareth 2 pills: one in the


with his pills and one in the evening with his pills. I use Nature Made

CLO.....Vit. A 1,250 IU and Vit D 130 IU. It says to give 1-3 daily.

Gareth weighs 105 #. Dr. Megson's report doesn't state how much she gave


kids. Next Monday, we meet with his psych. and I am going to ask him about

this report. Take care everyone. Margaret

PS........Sherry.........glad is home.


Hey Margaret!!!

I see you figured out how to highlight!!! Good for you!!


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I read a study somewhere that autistic kids were low on natural vitamin A, which

is in cod liver, and other organ meats. They said that vitamin A palmitate is

not a replacement for natural vitamin A. It's supposed to help neurons connect

in the brain. I know it seemed to help his speech a little.


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In a message dated 7/18/00 10:06:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

egroups writes:

<< I also give cod liver oil capsules which has helped his communication. >>


Never heard of this. Does it work? Please tell me more?


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  • 2 months later...

I give cod liver capsules (they're like niquill liqucaps). He weighs 69

pounds and he gets one in the morning and one at 3pm.


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 10 years, Down Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD,

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

And , 15 months and Strong Willed

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Cod liver oil (and I assume fish capsules) contain natural vitamin A. I read a

study that said that most autistic children are deficient in natural vitamin A,

not to be confused with vitamin A palmitate, which is what milk and formula are

fortified with. The natural A is only in organ meats and some fish. It helped

to focus better. It's supposed to help the brain better send signals to

the different neurons and connections. I even read somewhere that it helps

neuron endings reconnect and remap to find the way to where they're supposed to

go. doesn't have as many sensory issues with sight (still does with

hearing and smell, though).


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 10 years, Down Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD,

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

And , 15 months and Strong Willed

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That's what I did with . My bottle said the dose was 1-3. was about

53 pounds when we started it.


Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 10 years, Down Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD,

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

And , 15 months and Strong Willed

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okay i feel totatlly stupid....lori, what is the purpose of the cod liver

oil?????behaviors, pooping, attention, teeth grinding, or is that magnesium

and the melatonin for sleeping????? who knows i am so old and forgetful

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Hi Leah,

We actually are using the fish oil (EPA, DHA) capsules for pooping. I think

I read somewhere that it's supposed to enhance brain (circulatory?) function

too. I didn't even realize that you could get cod liver oil caps until

lately and I think when I read the label, it had pretty much the same thing

as fish oil caps. If I have this wrong, somebody let me know.


Mom to (age 13 yrs.)

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Loriann, what are the benefits? (sorry for my ignorance. I'm trying to

learn everything I can)

Re: Cod Liver Oil

> I give cod liver capsules (they're like niquill liqucaps). He

weighs 69 pounds and he gets one in the morning and one at 3pm.



> Loriann

> Wife to Dewight

> Mom to , 10 years, Down Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD,

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

> And , 15 months and Strong Willed




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  • 11 months later...

Fw: cod liver oil

Thought you would like to have this info

cod liver oil

Was interested in your article about Cod Liver oil and the chlorine

chemicals. You will be unhappy to know THIS IS THE MAIN THERAPTUETIC

VEHICLE for many parents of autistic children, said to help turn on G

receptor proteins after a Pertussis vaccine injury (which is highly

suspected in the cause of autism).. Her statement " On cod liver oil, the

only natural source of this natural substance, the children get well. The

parasympathetic nervous system is blocked by the second G protein defect.

These children are unable to relax, focus and digest their food. Instead,

they are in sympathetic overdrive with a constant outpouring of adrenaline

and stress hormones. They are anxious, pace, have dilated pupils, high

blood pressure and heart rate.

Please advise?

I get my product from KIRKMAN LABS, and was wondering if you couldn't

contact them about this?


Dave is the president of the company, and needs to know about this (or

probably is already aware since they have to remove all mercury sources from

the product, but not sure about this one) , since many of the children with

autism have CHLORINE sensitivity...

Mine included (mom of two with autism)




LONDON, 7 June 1995--Cod liver oil and other fish oils sold as health

products contain dangerously high levels of toxic

chlorine chemicals, known as organochlorines, Greenpeace revealed in an

independent research report released today.

This research reveals for the first time one of the major pathways where

pollutants are entering the human food chain. Pollution

of the seas by the chlorine industry is now clearly linked to human health.

Greenpeace scientists have sampled 22 brands of fish oils, such as cod liver

oil, 17 of which are sold in health food shops as

dietary supplements.

64KB GIF or 27KB JPG.Commonly used fish oil products.


Fish oil samples were obtained from Norway, Japan, Spain, UK, Iceland and

Germany. Of the 22 sampled, 21 contained high

levels of hazardous contaminants, namely the organochlorine pesticides DDT

and lindane and polychlorinated byphenyls


Anyone taking the recommended dose of the worst contaminated oil capsules,

obtained from Norwegian salmon, would

receive 128 times the UK estimated daily intake of PCBs (as published by the

World Health Organisation). Anyone taking a

therapeutic dose would reach 80 percent of the US Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) recommended daily maximum

consumption for these pollutants.

These chemicals are entering the sea from rivers and industrial discharges

and run off from contaminated land. The pollutants

are then carried by the atmosphere and oceanic currents to remote areas of

the oceans. The main area where cod liver oil

comes from are the waters of the North Atlantic. Fish pick up the toxic

chemicals through the food chain and their livers

concentrate the residues.

71KB GIF or 22KB JPG.Who takes cod liver oil?. ©Greenpeace/Testa.

A report recently released by Greenpeace documented the potential human

health effects of these chemicals which include

infertility, birth defects and altered levels of sex hormones.

Organochlorine toxins are now known to be accumulating in human

blood, breast milk, muscle and body fat [1].

The Greenpeace research clearly shows a widespread failure by governments to

prevent contamination of the oceans and to

ensure that contaminated fish oils do not reach the market place.

There is little regulatory control for organochlorines in food in many

countries. Yet there is now mounting evidence that even

small intakes of these chemicals by humans can pose a threat to health.

" Cod liver oil has long been regarded as being beneficial to health, " said

Greenpeace Scientist ston. " But our research

clearly shows that there is now serious cause for concern about the

contamination of fish oils with toxic chlorine chemicals.

There is a real danger that people who take these products for medicinal

purposes are contributing substantially to their intake

of toxic chemicals. "

62KB GIF or 19KB JPG.The familiar capsule of cod liver oil.


The widespread use of fish oils used by the food industry in products such

as biscuits and margarine is also another route where

people will take in these chemicals, said Dr ston. Fish oils are widely

used by the European baking industry, accounting for

two percent of the total world fat and food oil production. They are also

used in the manufacture of foods such as margarine

and ice cream.

This week there is a major international conference on the protection of the

North Sea in Esbjerg, Denmark (2). The meeting

will discuss a Dutch government proposal to ban the discharge and production

of all hazardous chemicals within one generation

particularly organochlorines from the sea.

This proposal has currently been opposed by a number of governments

including the UK, France, Belgium, Sweden and the

European Union. Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, the European

Chlorine Industry umbrella group, Eurochlor, denies

that the discharge of toxic chlorine chemicals into the environment are

harmful, and is aggressively lobbying the North Sea

States to block the proposal [3].

Greenpeace supports the Dutch proposal to ban the discharge of and

production of hazardous chemicals and in particular the

organochlorines. Until an agreement is reached on this the seas will

continue to be used as toxic dumps by the chlorine industry

and contamined fish oils will contine to poison people. ends

Contacts: Press, photo, video news release: Greenpeace Communications - +44

171 833 0600 Dr. Santillo, Exeter

University - +44 1392 263917

Editors notes:

[1] " Body of Evidence- the effects of chlorine on human health " a Greenpeace

report, published last week.

[2] The 4th North Sea Conference takes place in Esbjerg, Denmark on 8/9

June, 1995. This meeting will be attended by

Environment Ministers from all the North Sea countries. These are: France,

Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark,

Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and the EC.

(3) EUROCHLOR is an umbrella organisation for the Chlorine Industry in

Europe and includes the following companies: ICI,

Rhone Poulenc, BASF, Solvay, Norsk Hydro, Hoechst, AKZO, Elf Atochem,

Tessenderloo Chemie, Ciba Giegy and Dow


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this is 6 years olds

is there anything more recent?




LONDON, 7 June 1995--Cod liver oil and other fish oils sold as health

products contain dangerously high levels of toxic

chlorine chemicals, known as organochlorines, Greenpeace revealed in an

independent research report released today.

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I'm interested in having updated information on cod liver oil. My homeopath

said to include it in my 2 year old's diet.





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A mainstream study earlier this year found that contamination is not a

problem. I am pretty sure you can find it on Medline (you just have to

register). Also, I think that the producers screen and purify the oil


>From: " Eddie and Cyndy Bunn " <bunnfam@...>


><Vaccinations >

>Subject: Re: FW: cod liver oil

>Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 20:40:35 -0400


>I'm interested in having updated information on cod liver oil. My


>said to include it in my 2 year old's diet.












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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys

Saw/read somewhere that cod liver oil caused a significant rise in

cholesterol--so I quit taking it and changed to EPA instead as it from the

body of the fish, not its liver....don't know if this is true or not...



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If you read enough you will see something good and

something bad about everything. Also there are

individual variables.

I have never seen a case of raised cholesterol from

cod liver oil.


--- Kae Tattersall <ket@...> wrote:

> Hi guys

> Saw/read somewhere that cod liver oil caused a

> significant rise in

> cholesterol--so I quit taking it and changed to EPA

> instead as it from the

> body of the fish, not its liver....don't know if

> this is true or not...

> Kae


> >




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  • 2 months later...

At 02:12 PM 02/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>, what brand do you use? (Homeopath just recommended I give some to my

>sons in the winter...)


> in Va


It is important to get one that is mercury free - from mercury free cod.

I can't remember the name of the company. Can anyone else?


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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I would be prepared to trust Udo. He is well known in the lipids research

circles and highly respected.

His book..Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill is quite technical but worth the read.

You will never be able to look a Big Mac in the face again!

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At 06:10 PM 02/11/2002 EST, you wrote:

>Sheri, on the subject of Cod Liver Oil... I use Udo's Choice Oil instead

>because I don't trust the toxins in any liver.... Any thoughts for me?

>Also, Sheri, I have a listing of media addresses and email addresses. I can

>make this available to you and this list for purposes such as described

>today..... Interested or do you have enough?



Megson, MD found that it had to be actual cod liver oil. Other

sources of Vitamin A didn't act the same.

I can't handle any more regarding media, etc. There aren't very many here

in the UK on this list. Not sure if letters from outside the UK would have

any effect. What do you think.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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health food store


----- Original Message -----

From: Chapman <claire.chapman@...>

> Thanks, Jackie, but I'm afraid I don't know what the HFS is...


> > Look in the HFS, for Dale , Norwegian COL. Twinlab -

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  • 8 months later...

i know that they use it when a child has measles it is really supose to help

I am not sure for all the reasons but I am sure someone on the list is more

familar I have read it 100 times but mind is blank



Chelsea 10

Carrigian 6


Chaela Noelle 20 mo

When you know better. You do better..Maya Angelo


HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " >Did you know</A>


HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >The Haskett

bunch</A> <A HREF= " http://babiesonline.com/babies/c/chaela/ " >Chaela, born


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