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urinary tract infection

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I'm glad Sloan was ok. I know how those hospital stays

can be. I hope she continues to get better. Hannah was

in the hospital a couple of weeks ago for strep

throat. Had to carry her back to the Dr. yesterday and

she is still trying to get over it.

--- Carolyn Sykes <tcsykes@...> wrote:

> Oh ! Poor little Sloan. What an ordeal you

> have endured! You guys have

> been through the wringer! Hope things continue to

> improve - sounds like

> Sloan is on the road to recovery!


> Carolyn

> Mum to on, , Emma (ds) and Nicki (ds)

> www.geocities.com/nz_mom/sykesfamily.html





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Pam mom to Hannah and ID twins DS age 5,Josh age 19 and Dusty age 13


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Oh gosh - Hannah too Pam?? Sorry to hear that she is having difficulty

recovering from the infection! Our poor kids take bit longer to recover

from these things with their immune systems the way they are. Have we been

lucky or what - Nicki has a chest cold a few weeks ago and we she held her


Fingers crossed that Hannah is OK!

Best wishes


Mum to on, , Emma (ds) and Nicki (ds)


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Oh , that had to be so scary....Im so gald everything is ok. I was

crying reading this just knowing what that sweet baby was going thru. I

hate the hospital deal. I hope someday our kids wont have to go thru

these things. I could never leave the room when asked to either. I'm so

happy they pin pointed what was wrong. I hope all of you have a

wonderful 4th and god bless you. Take care......

Kelli....Mom to: , age 22, Greg, age 18, Twins: Set one- April &

Ash age 15, Set two- (ds) & Tyler, age 4.

I just got home today from a 4 day stay at the hospital with Sloan.

Sloan is home and feeling much better, but had a VERY hard last 4 days.

It all started Monday night with a fever. She had been constipated all

weekend, thinking that was what was causing her fever we tried giving her

Castroia. It didn't help. Tuesday morning she woke up with a 104 temp. I was

at work and then met at the doctor's office. We were sent to the lab

for a blood and urine sample. She was poked twice, they couldn't get a vein

in the bend of her arm and had to take it out of her hand. They put on bag on

her for urine sample, she didn't go before we left, so we went on home. After

her nap she woke with a temp of a 106 and the bag had fallen off with no

sample. I called the doctor and was told to take her to the ER!

They put another bag on her and temp was still at 104 after a dose of Advil

before we left home and Tylenol when we got to the ER. She got an anoima

(sp?) and of course the bad fell off again. They took the urine sample by

cathader (sp)? in and out (not the stay in one) They took blood by the IV

they started after they got the blood she pulled her hand away and blood went

everywhere. They put the IV in her left hand. You can image that she is

screaming her head off by now. The urine results came back with sugar in it

and they suspected diabetes and had the blood tested and that came but with

something wrong with her kidney's. She was admitted to the hospital at 11pm

(we had gotten to the ER at 4pm) Her fever was still spiking at 104 through

the night. She was given Tylenol by suppository.

Wednesday, she had to have a cathader (stay in one) for a dye test of her

kidneys and bladder. That was really hard because she is so small and

cathader was SO big. They wanted me to leave the room, but I held her for

EVERY thing. Even when they wheeled me and her to her test. And also had an

ultra sound of her kidneys and bladder. That night we were told those test

came back negative and would have to have an another urine sample by in and

out cathader Thursday morning. She ran a fever through the night again.

Finally Thursday afternoon we were told she had a urinary tract infection.

(BIG sigh)

They had put her on antibiotic through the IV.

Her IV was starting to get infected and they had to which it to her right

(she is right handed) because of the ER attempt at getting the IV her her

right hand that she pulled out. They put it at an angel near her thumb and

taped her four finger together and put a board on this time. She was a

trooper through all of this!

She was in good spirits Thursday during the day and that night before they

put the 2nd IV in she had freedom from it for a couple of hours and was

walking up and down the hall and even took a bath.

She slept all night Thursday night. She had to have one more dose of

antibiotic by IV at noon on Friday and after that we could go home!

So, here I am...

Vinne even got to come and see us at the hospital. He was playing in the crib

(kinda looked like a cage) with a bubble on top, when we had gotten back from

her tests on Wednesday. When Sloan saw him she stared laughing, first laugh

she had in days. I knew she would NOT sleep in the crib cage. We got a roll

away bed that of course sagged in the middle! She slept in the middle and I

tried to sleep on the edge. Vinnie was really good through all this and was

very gentle with his sister and even did the sympathy cry when she was upset.

I'm really tired and probably rambling now. I will try to get caught up on E

mail and this weekend.

I hope everyone is well and have a great 4th of July.

~,very tired Moma to and Sloan {25 1/2 months}


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Oh ! What a week for you? And Poor Sloan - so

glad to hear your little pumpin is feeling better! I

bet Vinnie was a big help in cheering her up! Hope

you were able to catch up on some sleep and here's to

a nice " quiet " holiday week for you!

Judi-Mom to Sam & , 3 1/2, Identical Twins


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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Donna, Does she use a zapper?

I'm copying some things from my files. Do you have some essential oils? I use

oregano oil for lots of things and carry some great stuff!



Subject: Re: Urinary Infections

Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 10:58:44 -0400 (EDT)

From: xxxxx

Lawless has an entire page devoted to cystitis (bacterial infection of

the bladder) in her book The Complete Illustrated Guide to Aromatherapy.

Here are some of the things she recommends:

1. Drink fennel tea as soon as it starts.

2. Make a solution of 10 - 12 drops tea tree eo in 3 1/2 oz. of cool,


water. Swab the opening of the urethra each time after passing water.

(Shake first)

3. Bathe with antibacterial oils. 8 - 10 drops.

4. Make up a massage oil using 3 - 4 drops ea. of tea tree, sandalwood,

bergamot or lavender in 5 t. of sweet almond or grapeseed oil and rub gently

into lower abdomen and back at least 2x day. Other oils include juniper,

frankincense, parsley seed, celery seed, thyme, and yarrow.

= = = = =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=

and Jerry

Interstitial cystitis is a bacterial infection of the bladder or urethra.

ImmunoGuard will eliminate the bacteria.

Cranberry juice or tabs will restore acid condition required.

The ImmunoGuard can be obtained from www.thyrodine.com

Cranberrey can be had from any health food store.



Interstitial cystitis is one of the maladies that DMSO is approved by the

FDA for. Do a web search for DMSO and you'll find all kinds of marvelous

claims and demonic wails. Or read Dr. Morton 's book by that title

" DMSO. "

It's dimethylsulfoxide. A byproduct of the lumber industry. Has the

toxicity of water. May be the only thing that will help scleroderma. Has

the amazing ability to permeate the skin barrier nearly instantly. This

makes it a good carrier for stuff you want inside. And a scary thing for

sloppy folks who don't read labels--eg. put on hand lotion with all kinds of

unknown chemicals, or soap with known chemicals and apply DMSO and it will

take any residue through the skin with it into the bloodstream.

Double blind studies on it's efficacy on joints (helps--is a precursor of

MSM) have been difficult. In one study they used folks who had joint pain

in the hands and wrists, applying it to only one hand/wrist, leaving the

other alone. Both hand/wrists improved. In less than 30 sec you can taste


I can buy it at my local health food store for around $13/8 oz.

Read the book! From Page 219. " A bacteriostatic agent, DMSO retards the

growth of bacteria. It is suspected of being quite a good bactericidal

agent...It definitely controls fungi as was shown by it's beneficial effect

in eliminating athlete's foot, as described in Chapter 8...The more recently

discovered and unexpected DMSO results against animal parasites are really

exciting to many clinicians. The drug can be administered for various

encysted helminthes (worms). Such hard-to-reach conditions as amebic

abscess of the liver, trichinosis of the striated muscles, schistosomiasis,

and other problems from animal parasites are now treatable by combining DMSO

with antihelmintic compounds. For instance, creeping eruption (cutaneous

larva migrans) has lent itself to experimental therapy with DMSO. "



I've taken Juniper Berry tea for urinary tract infections. It works fairly

well, but I normally use it in conjunction with cranberry capsules.

I have a bad case of laryngitis as a result of allergies and asthma. It's

just not going away despite the meds I've taken. Does anyone have any good

suggestions on how to help knock it?




Urinary Tract infection

Hi all. My mom will be 80 this June and for the first time in her life she

is having urinary tract infections. Two recently. Got any ideas for how to

oust this from her body so they don't keep recurring?

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Dear Donna,

First thing to try is lots of cranberry juice.

Six glasses per day.

If that doesn't work, ozonated water might do it.

If not, ozone bladder insufflation will definitely take care of it.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

Urinary Tract infection

> Hi all. My mom will be 80 this June and for the first time in her life

she is having urinary tract infections. Two recently. Got any ideas for

how to oust this from her body so they don't keep recurring?


> Dr. Donsbach has a UTI formula that is supposed to work very well but it

requires high doses of Vit C which I just don't think she could tolerate.


> Thanks,

> Donna




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In a message dated 05/26/2001 12:52:35 AM Central Daylight Time,

saul@... writes:

> Dear Donna,


> First thing to try is lots of cranberry juice.

> Six glasses per day.


> If that doesn't work, ozonated water might do it.


> If not, ozone bladder insufflation will definitely take care of it.


> Best of Health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH


> __________________________________

Dear Saul,

One of the MANY reasons I purchased your ozone machine was due to

the fact that I was having lots of bladder problems which seemed to be

like an infection but when I would have my urine checked...none

there. I decided it had to be yeast related although I wasn't having

that sort of symptom. Immediately after doing the vaginal insufflations,

it became less and less bothersome until it is now it is gone.

I've only had the machine for a month and a half.


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Hi Sara Lou. I have oregano oil. Is it good for UTI? How much,

Thanks for the other info also.


-----Original Message-----

Donna, Does she use a zapper?

I'm copying some things from my files. Do you have some essential oils? I

use oregano oil for lots of things and carry some great stuff!


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Thanks to Saul and Randy and others who suggested cranberry. I am going to try

that and see if she stays UTI free.

Someone also recommended mannose. Has anyone on this list used it. What is it?


-----Original Message-----

Dear Donna,

First thing to try is lots of cranberry juice.

Six glasses per day.

If that doesn't work, ozonated water might do it.

If not, ozone bladder insufflation will definitely take care of it.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

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Just another suggestion: Try to find a cranberry drink without much

added sugar and a higher percentage of real cranberries. An

alternative is to crush your own from raw berries too.


> Thanks to Saul and Randy and others who suggested cranberry. I am

going to try that and see if she stays UTI free.


> Someone also recommended mannose. Has anyone on this list used

it. What is it?


> Donna

> -----Original Message-----



> Dear Donna,


> First thing to try is lots of cranberry juice.

> Six glasses per day.


> If that doesn't work, ozonated water might do it.


> If not, ozone bladder insufflation will definitely take care of



> Best of Health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH






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I've seen a tea for this and pills also.

kashgar1@... wrote:

> Just another suggestion: Try to find a cranberry drink without much

> added sugar and a higher percentage of real cranberries. An

> alternative is to crush your own from raw berries too.


> Steve



> > Thanks to Saul and Randy and others who suggested cranberry. I am

> going to try that and see if she stays UTI free.

> >

> > Someone also recommended mannose. Has anyone on this list used

> it. What is it?

> >

> > Donna

> > -----Original Message-----

> >

> >

> > Dear Donna,

> >

> > First thing to try is lots of cranberry juice.

> > Six glasses per day.

> >

> > If that doesn't work, ozonated water might do it.

> >

> > If not, ozone bladder insufflation will definitely take care of

> it.

> >

> > Best of Health!

> > Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest


i don't know your age. i'm 66 and have had VERY SEVERE vaginal dryness, since menopause.it feels like a uti, because of burning on urination.medical term is atrophic vaginitis. i've gone to dr many times, to find out it's the dryness. premarin cream helps it.

do they find bacteria on your cultures? your dr is not too bad- because the cultures are done. too many drs order prescriptions over the phone- it's easy to miss the diagnosis.

i hope you feel better soon

margeSee what's free at AOL.com.

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I know to take all the pills. Each time I go in, a culture is done. I think my bladder has fallen, perhaps that has something to do with it. I only know I've had many of them over the past months. Thanks for the advice, tho. Sharon urinary tract infectionsharon, have you had a urine culture done? it would show which bacteria ,in particular, is causing your problem. you may need a different antibiotic. culture will help dr pick the right one. and when you take an antibiotic you must take every last pill, or the bacteria won't be knocked out. they'll come back stronger and resistant to the antibiotic. hth margeSee what's free at AOL.com.

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  • 3 years later...
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I have been searching through old posts to find something about UTI but could

not find it.

I took a test for malaria yesterday again and it came back negative, so thats a

relief. But they also checked my urine, and they told me I have UTI. I must have

had it for weeks, since I have been sick for ages not knowing exactly what was

going on.

I get this pain in top of my belly that comes and goes (under/along the bottom

of my rib case) and now the pain is also moving further down (stomach, I was in

pain after eating today), my belly is also feeling very sensetive (inside) and

am wondering what's going on?

How do I naturally treat UTI? I am eating healthy, meat and vegetables

mainly...and are trying to drink a lot of water..

I went to a homeopath yesterday and he prescribed some electro homeopathy

medecine for the UTI, have anyone heard of electro homeopathy before, is it


also, he reccomended not eating tomatoes because of the acidity, and he thought

that could be the reason my tummy was aching... Some other doctor that does

natural medecine reccomended me not to eat too much food that is acidic like

meat, eggs, tomatoes... I don't understand, Meat in moderation is healthy isn't




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