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Here Tamra is some green tea info.....

Mr. Itaru's Special Blend Green Tea (Dr D's)

Grown and produced in Japan, we are honored and delighted to offer

this exceptional product, Mr. Itaru's Special Green Tea blend,

" Gen Mai Cha " . The secret to getting great health benefits from green

tea comes down to a single, simple concept...use the highest quality

green tea leaves in order to maximize consumption of health promoting

compounds. The search to provide the finest green tea to our patients at

D'Adamo Naturopathic Associates culminated with our finding this special

green tea. " Gen Mai Cha " literally translates as brown rice tea. It is a

traditional favorite in Japan and combines toasted brown rice with

the finest premium green tea leaves.The history of green tea in Japan

begins with the introduction of tea by Zen Buddhist monks in the 9th

century. Because of its relative scarcity, only monks, members of the

imperial court, and eventually, wealthy landowners were able to enjoy

this prized beverage. The famous Japanese " tea ceremonies " evolved as

a means of sharing this exclusive beverage. In the 18th century, novel

processing and growing methods resulted in the introduction of green

tea and its spread into all corners of Japanese society.

Green tea is actually the same plant as its more well-known cousin black

tea; however, special processing retains a far greater antioxidant

profile in green tea leaves, resulting in a far and away superior

beverage for supporting health.

Numerous scientific studies now document the tremendous benefits of

drinking green tea. Some of the numerous health

benefits of green tea include: provides powerful antioxidant

polyphenols (estimated as 25X the antioxidant activity of

vitamin E and 100X that of vitamin C) It promotes growth of friendly

intestinal bacteria. It decreases toxic bowel metabolites (like

polyamines), promotes cardiovascular health, prevents blood cell

aggregation and improves cholesterol metabolism, inhibits toxin and

carcinogen producing enzymes like ornithine decarboxylase.


evidence suggests regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk

of many cancers.

Mr. Itaru's Blend is mildly caffeinated, but it is important to

realize that many of the anti-cancer properties of green

tea are lost if it is de-caffeinated.


When making green tea it is not necessary or desirable to use boiling

water. Moderately warm to hot water is best. Tea

leaves should be placed in the water for about 30 seconds (45 seconds

at the longest) and removed. Superior quality

green tea should look light green when prepared in this manner.


kathy s

**email me privately for more info on ordering NAP supps....


> What is so good about green tea? What are the benefits to drinking it?



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Steve and Tamara

Actually, it has antioxidants.

> Without looking it up in the live right book, I believe green tea is a

`neutral´,so it probably hasn´t any real benefits,it just doesn`t blow your

head off like `real´ tea and coffee.

> Regards ,.




> What is so good about green tea? What are the benefits to drinking it?

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Part of what you say is true - but I disagree on some of it. Organic green tea

or any of the foods out there that have

naturally occuring flouride is not a problem. It's the added flouride that is

the problem (as you said). And there is a

balance to everything. A person can OD on carrots or celery for instance. Just

because something is listed as beneficial it

doesn't mean that's all a person should eat or drink. Variety of foods is the

key. Too many of us worry about things they

shouldn't. Yes, eat the kelp too - but don't go overboard.

What's the difference if you are using green tea extract in pill form? Or using

it in tea form? Maybe you are referring to

the water? If so, use purified water.

kathy s

**email me privately for more info on ordering Dr D's (NAP) products


> One way to circumvent this dilemma is to take green

> tea extract in pill form. Whenever I have green tea, I

> make sure I have the good stuff, the real green tea, the

> kind that is a whole bunch of rolled up twig-like dried

> up individual leaves, I also make sure to eat

> at least a portion of kelp that exceeds the recommended

> daily intake of iodine by at least 300 percent. Eat your seaweed! Axel


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> Part of what you say is true - but I disagree on some

of it. Organic green tea

> or any of the foods out there that have

> naturally occuring flouride is not a problem. It's the

added flouride that is

> the problem (as you said). And there is a

> balance to everything.

Organic doesn't mean diddly-squat in this case. You

can't isolate living plants (I'm assuming these organic

green tea trees are grown outdoors) from the world's eco-

system. Be sure to take a look at the web sites I have

provided below. Added fluoride? Are you referring to

some of the world's water supply? Or are you saying that

you think some tea producers actually add fluoride? No

one has to add fluoride to the camillia sinensis

(spelling varies) tree. It absorbs the fluoride from the

environment. Read the web sites provided below.

> A person can OD on carrots or celery for instance.


> because something is listed as beneficial it

> doesn't mean that's all a person should eat or drink.

Very true, and a good point to keep in mind. But some of

the studies regarding the health benefits of green tea

suggest that it is desirable to drink 5-9 cups a day.

You have no understanding from what standpoint I am

speaking to the other people of this fine mailing list.

You must do SOME research before you can begin to

criticize me. I know something about what I am talking


>Variety of foods is the

> key. Too many of us worry about things they

> shouldn't. Yes, eat the kelp too - but don't go


Variety, another good point. And for kelp, I have

actually been able to go from hypothyroidism (I had some

classic symptoms) to hyperthyroidism. Now I can get my

system to burn too bright, part of that being

overstimulation of my thyroid gland, and iodine is a

significant part, but let's face it, how many of us

actually manage to meet our RDI of iodine everyday? Kelp

is especially high, but I also mentioned SEAWEED, not

just KELP. The various kinds of sea vegetables: alaria,

wakame, kombu, kelp, sea moss, dulse, nori (laver),

hijiki, etc., these guys have different nutritional

profiles. Anyone can eat plenty of seaweed everyday and

satisfy the point you yourself brought up: VARIETY.

Please, I don't want to have to write an essay on every

little thing for this mailing list, I am contributing

enough as it is, do some research on your own, and feel

free to share that research with the rest of us, as long

as it is reasonably accurate and not from the standpoint

of ignorance (avidya). As for " worrying about things we

shouldn't " , you may not want to worry about absorbing

radioactive iodine-131 into your vital organs, but my

standards are a little higher. I don't want ANY

radioactive elements or heavy metals in my body, I'm

sure I've got more than enough as it is. Attempting to

ingest my personal daily requirement of iodine (which

isn't necessarily the same as the U.S. RDI) is a

preventative measure, if I get enough iodine, my body

won't have to resort to absorbing (or re-absorbing as

this kind of stuff re-circulates through the body)

radioactive iodine-131. Let's deal with the world AS IT

IS (tatha gata). Paranoid? Worrying too much? Before you

start judging me again I HIGHLY suggest you do the

research on your own. This is the internet after all.


> What's the difference if you are using green tea

extract in pill form? Or using

> it in tea form? Maybe you are referring to

> the water? If so, use purified water.


> kathy s

Huh? The water? Purified water? It doesn't matter how

purified the water is (as opposed to fluoridated water).

You're still getting a s___load of fluoride in your

average cup of highly beneficial green tea. Oh, by the

way, speaking of balance, one way of balancing the

excess fluoride (it is a valid TRACE mineral) is to

consume excess iodine... since they are antagonistic to

each other in the human body I'm guessing that this is a

possible safeguard, but I haven't done the research into

this so maybe I'm talking out of the wrong end of my

gastro-intestinal tract if you know what I mean ;)

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this

conjecture. I can't recall clearly if it works this way

anyway, but I'm pretty sure that a few days after some

green tea the thyroid gland will be in a prime state for

some extra yummy kelp. What I CAN recall clearly is that

green tea extract pills have a fraction of the caffeine

and a fraction of the fluoride of brewed tea.

>Variety of foods is the

> key. Too many of us worry about things they

> shouldn't. Yes, eat the kelp too - but don't go


As for worrying, I suggest you don't worry about getting

300% of the RDI of iodine, or over 167% or 200% of the

RDI of chromium if you're like most average Americans

(who I heard consume, on average, over ONE HUNDRED

POUNDS of REFINED SUGAR per year). Why? Do the research

Kathy. I may sound cranky, but I thank you, because I'm

sure there are many others out there who didn't even

bother to write who had the same kinds of doubts. Your

reply has given me reason to clarify a few points. Some

of what you have said makes sense, but not in reference

to my post(s). FYI I had some green tea yesterday, I am

not blindly opposed to it. But I try to be as informed

as possible about what I put into my body. The reason

why I bother to post and reply is that I care about the

other people on this mailing list, and I want THEM to be

aware of what they are putting into their bodies.

I work in a pharmacy. I have worked in several

convenience stores, a Middle-Eastern restaurant, a

bookstore/adult-content/magazine/convenience store, a 24-

hour supermarket, a health food co-operative, and now

finally a pharmacy. I see hundreds of people a day. I am

in a unique position as a witness to what is really

going on in America. I see firsthand how people

unknowingly sabotage themselves, undermining themselves

for exactly the reason they are picking up their

perscription medication. I may sound like an

overconfident jackass, but I have finally relented to

the immense real-world experience I have accumulated

over the years. I have also been an athlete since I can

remember, I've been weight-training since 13. I am the

kind of guy to intentionally overdose on avoids as I

investigate the blood-type diet, to intentionally drive

my body into hyperinsulemia as I investigate the low-

carbohydrate paleoithic diet. I put myself through much

suffering in order to know FIRSTHAND exactly what it is

I am reading/researching about. That's the source of my


Anyone reading this post, please don't judge me or

reject or even accept what I say until you have looked

at these sites, then re-read what I have written if you

don't understand what I've said in this post.





> **email me privately for more info on ordering Dr D's (NAP) products

> kksmith@...


> > One way to circumvent this dilemma is to take green

> > tea extract in pill form. Whenever I have green tea, I

> > make sure I have the good stuff, the real green tea, the

> > kind that is a whole bunch of rolled up twig-like dried

> > up individual leaves, I also make sure to eat

> > at least a portion of kelp that exceeds the recommended

> > daily intake of iodine by at least 300 percent. Eat your seaweed! Axel

> >

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  • 3 years later...

Just recently Dr. R. allowed us to have Green Tea and Green Tea Only. I drink

a cup of it hot about 5 times per week. It's awesome to have something hot to

drink that isn't chocolate.


1/4/05 Joplin




I'm fairly new to this site. I did my dance 7-21-05 and I love

reading all these postings. It really helps me a lot. I was reading

somewhere about us being able to have tea or green tea. Is that

correct? Could someone give me the specifics please? I love tea and

would love to be able to drink some.

Also, is it Ok for us to have the chocolate Citrucel? Thanks for

the info. As to date I've lost 22 lbs. in almost 3 weeks but seem kinda

stuck there. I started exercising yesterday so I hope for the scale to

move some soon.


7/21/05 High Point with Dr. Walsh


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Hi, ,

You can have gree tea, not regular tea. Your weight loss is great! For

goodness sake, don't get discouraged when it slows down. If you kept losing

at that rate, it would be very hard on your body. I " danced " on 3/10/05 also

in High Point and lost 20 the first month, then it has slowed down,

sometimes to a crawl, but I write down my weight each month on the 10th, and

I lose 10 pounds each month, even though it doesn't always seem it. I was

wearing size 22 and 24, and now it is size 16 and those things are baggy

around my belly and hips. You are on target weight loss wise. ow whe the

scale doesn't move, the inches seem to melt off. Weird chemistry sets that

we are, I have no idea why that is. Just enjoy the journey!


>From: " " <icare4u44@...>



>Subject: TEA?

>Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 16:18:42 -0000


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Dr. Rutledge just recently authorized the use of green tea in our daily diet.

The green tea benefits

outweigh the bad effects of the tannic acid in the tea. Studies have found that

the antioxidants and

good stuff in green tea (don't remember exactly what) help protect our tummies

against h. pylori





225/150 help!

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Hi ....sorry but I have no answers on the Tea question. I'm just relearning

all the dos and don'ts myself even though I'm " not " new to the MGB. Anyway, I

just wanted to pipe up and tell you that you're doing just wonderful on your

weight loss as I see things. Don't get discouraged because it will come off more

quickly then you want. Just wait and see.

I remember watching the scale and the numbers and thinking.... " heck, I wish I

were losing more " or I'd think I wished I was losing faster. But then one day I

went to put makeup on (which I never do) and I felt my face. And it seemed like

alls I was feeling was hard bone. Freaked me out let me tell you. And another

thing was buying new jeans then washing them. Even today (3 years later) I

STILL, pull my pants out of the dryer and my brain first thinks, " who's pants

are these " . ROFL So, just sit back, follow the doctors orders, and enjoy the


I have no regrets and I'm sure you won't either!

Peggy in Iowa

<icare4u44@...> wrote:


I'm fairly new to this site. I did my dance 7-21-05 and I love

reading all these postings. It really helps me a lot. I was reading

somewhere about us being able to have tea or green tea. Is that

correct? Could someone give me the specifics please? I love tea and

would love to be able to drink some.

Also, is it Ok for us to have the chocolate Citrucel? Thanks for

the info. As to date I've lost 22 lbs. in almost 3 weeks but seem kinda

stuck there. I started exercising yesterday so I hope for the scale to

move some soon.


7/21/05 High Point with Dr. Walsh


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Dr. Rutledge has approved green tea for our patients. Any flavor of

Citrucel will be fine.


Human Resource Administrator

CELOS-Corporate Office

704-682-0260 (cell)

704-871-0031 (office)




> Hello

> I'm fairly new to this site. I did my dance 7-21-05 and I love

> reading all these postings. It really helps me a lot. I was reading

> somewhere about us being able to have tea or green tea. Is that

> correct? Could someone give me the specifics please? I love tea and

> would love to be able to drink some.

> Also, is it Ok for us to have the chocolate Citrucel? Thanks for

> the info. As to date I've lost 22 lbs. in almost 3 weeks but seem kinda

> stuck there. I started exercising yesterday so I hope for the scale to

> move some soon.


> B.

> 7/21/05 High Point with Dr. Walsh

> 362/340











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Dear , Dr. Rutledge has found that GREEN TEA has properties that

may reduce your chances of getting H Pylori. But GREEN TEA is the only

tea approved, no fruit, or herb teas have the Rutledge seal of approval.

A. LeRoy

CELOS Corporate Offices



704-682-8009 cell

704-871-0148 fax



I'm fairly new to this site. I did my dance 7-21-05 and I love

reading all these postings. It really helps me a lot. I was reading

somewhere about us being able to have tea or green tea. Is that

correct? Could someone give me the specifics please? I love tea and

would love to be able to drink some.

Also, is it Ok for us to have the chocolate Citrucel? Thanks for

the info. As to date I've lost 22 lbs. in almost 3 weeks but seem kinda

stuck there. I started exercising yesterday so I hope for the scale to

move some soon.


7/21/05 High Point with Dr. Walsh


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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest

Do you think I can still heal if I am doing everything right except for having

green tea? I quit coffee a year and a half ago which was so hard for me, and

keep trying to quit tea but have not been successful for more than a few days.



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