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Candida Does Not Produce Over 79 Kinds of Toxins

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Candida Does Not Produce Over 79 Kinds of Toxins

The medical industry claims that candida produces over 79 different kinds of

toxins. " They claim " this happens when candida or any bacteria are killed off,

which creates die-off symptoms, However, that is totally false.

They made this claim in order to justify the use of antibiotics and antifungal

drugs which they say kills off bacteria or candida/fungus – for more information

on why the medical field fabricated these explanations see Die-Off & Herxheimer

Reactions: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/heal2.php

In other words, the medical industry is lying to everyone, in order to make more

money by poisoning people with drugs. When you take drugs you are actually

paying doctors, the medical industry and drug companies to poison you!

Candida, like all yeast, produces alcohol when it breaks down of sugars,

starches, etc. in the intestines, just like yeast does in making beer or wine.

Alcohol is mycotoxin, which means it is a fungal-type toxin. There are many

mycotoxins produced by many different kinds of funguses. Antibiotics and

antifungal drugs are made from funguses, so they are mycotoxic too.

Funguses actually produce many substances that digest or break down materials

just like they do everywhere in Nature, i.e. a compost heap of decomposing

vegetable matter is changed by bacteria and funguses into nutrient-rich dark


In our bodies fungus/candida changes toxins and other materials like

undigestible sugars, fibers, toxins, heavy metals (mercury), etc. into

substances that are less damaging to health, so that is why they are created.

Of course they would be created in reaction to poisons like antifungal drugs and

antibiotics too. So our bodies react like they do to any poisons, which creates

healing and detoxifying symptoms that it has no choice to create in order to

protect itself.

Different kinds of fungi can become specialized for the digestion of almost any

organic substance you can think of. There are fungi specializing in the

digestion of fingernails, crude petroleum, dead insects, marine driftwood, and

all other pieces of the living world. Evidence for the digestion of such

substances is readily seen in Nature.

Therefore candida/yeast/funguses and also bacteria can digest substances and

change them, and/or produce digestive enzymes that are released outside of

themselves to break down substances.

That is why candida/yeast cannot be cured by " killing it off " or by " trying to

get rid of it " with antifungals of any kind. Candida can only be cured by

getting healthy, which is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (Bee's diet plus supplements which provides all

of the nutrients any Human needs in order to be healthy).

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods.

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

When you are healthy enough your body automatically " changes " candida (or any

bug, cancer, etc.) back into the organism it is supposed to be when the body is


It's like the manure pile and the flies, with the manure pile representing the

poor condition of the body. You cannot get rid of the manure pile by killing

off the flies. You must clean up the manure pile instead, which means getting

healthy according to Nature's Laws on Health.

The best in health, Bee

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