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What Are Healing Reactions?

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What Are Healing Reactions?

Healing reactions are symptoms related to eliminating toxic substances, healing

chronic (long-term) infections or injuries, repairing the body, and normalizing

all of the body's functions. They are an essential feature of all true healing

methods. They may also be referred to as flare-ups, the healing crises,

retracing reactions, the reversal process, etc.

At times, healing reactions are unpleasant and even frightening. However, they

are welcome signs that healing is taking place. If they did not occur, you would

not know whether the health program was working for you.

Healing reactions are little understood in medicine today, so most people are

unfamiliar with them. Yet it is important to understand what they are, and how

to distinguish them from worsening of a disease condition, and how handle them.

Some healing reactions are mild and pass quickly. Symptoms may include diarrhea,

constipation, aches, pains, muscle cramps, increased mucus, discharges, odors,

rashes and other skin issues, headaches, irritability, fatigue, etc.

In fact all disease processes are exactly the same as healing and detoxifying

processes created by the body itself in an effort to maintain its health, in

spite of poor nutrition, toxins, etc. As Taubes writes in his book Good

Calories, Bad Calories, p. 142:

" . . .the fundamental feature of all living organisms is the interdependence of

the parts of the body to the whole . . . "

" . . .all physiological systems have to work together to assure survival. "

" . . all of the vital mechanisms [processes], however varied they may be, have

only one object, that of preserving constant the conditions of life in the

internal environment. "

However, the medical industry labels every " sign " of poor health as separate

dis-eases, illnesses, symptoms, syndromes, etc. which are actually normal body

reactions and processes. In other words, they are simply " signs " the body is

attempting to restore its own balance.

As Florence Nightengale, the famous nurse, says: " There are no specific

diseases; there are [only] specific disease conditions. "

People on this healthy program are giving their bodies what they need to become

healthy, so they are now able to progress towards health rather than become more

and more unhealthy, or dis-eased.

Think about it: Diseases, symptoms, illnesses, etc. cannot cause themselves,

which is like claiming " firemen caused the fire. " Therefore, doctors are only

treating the " results of poor health " and not the " causes. "

Also emotional reactions occur during healing which include feelings of anxiety,

depression, fear or anger.

Healing Reactions Versus Disease Reactions

At times, reactions are not due to healing and indicate a worsening of a health

condition. This usually occurs when one is not following the diet, lifestyle,

and other aspects of a complete healing program, or because they are under a lot

of stress like the loss of a loved one.

In the chronically (long-term) ill, reactions resolve slower as less energy is

available for healing. However, the healing power of the body is great only when

it is properly nourished and supported.

It is important to know " if " reactions are due to healing or a worsening of a

condition. Answering these four questions can help:

1. Were you following the entire health program including diet, rest,

supplements, etc.? Healing reactions occur most often when the body is given all

of the nutrients it needs. If the complete program is not followed strictly, the

reaction is less likely due to healing. And remember that " more is not better "

so doing too many treatments, taking more supplements, herbs, etc. overwhelms

the body so healing may actually slow down or stop.

2. Were you feeling better before the reaction occurred? Healing reactions

require energy. When your energy level increases and you are feeling good that's

when reactions will occur. That is because your body has become stronger and

more able to heal and detoxify itself.

3. Did the symptom(s) occur in the past? Often, old symptoms or conditions recur

during the healing processes, which is called " retracing. " If a person has

experienced the symptom in even the distant past, it is due to healing. However

new symptoms can also occur.

4. Are the symptoms unusual? Healing reactions often produce odd symptoms and

symptoms a person has not experienced in the past. For example, you might

develop a sore throat or flu without fatigue or other related symptoms. This

happens when you aren't actually ill, even though you may develop some features

of an illness which involve natural healing processes.

Knowledge is power!


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