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Re: breathiness....

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> Bee- First, I just want to say thank you for taking the time to encourage

people and offer insight into their healing. You have answered many of our

prayers, and we're all so thankful for you.


> Now- I am a regular in that I ask a lot of questions:) I feel my breathiness

is not shared with many people, so I get discouraged easily. I am following your

program, and have for three months, and I just don't understand why my

breathiness is no different, in some ways it feels worse. I seem to always

struggle to get a full breath, even more so when I'm stressed. The deep

breathing excersize makes me feel light headed at times. I don't see how it is

helping. Is there anything I can do to get my breath back faster? Why do you say

this will take time? How long should I strugge like this?Feeling discouraged



> Thanks again for your encouragement!

+++Hi Lindsi,

When something like this seems to go on and on it is very discouraging, and it

causes you more stress too, so I do understand.

There are many low-carb high-fat forums that discuss how their body is in

ketosis (running on ketones from fats and protein instead of glucose) and their

are a number of people who report having air hunger like you do.

They report that deep breathing exercises does help them, but it is important to

do them correctly. Getting light-headed indicates they are not done correctly.

Yes, it is much more difficult to do them correctly when you are stressed but

that is when you need them most. The first step is to review this article and

ensure you do them correctly:


Take your time with taking deeper and deeper breaths as instructed too. There

is no race to be able to take in deep breath too soon. The more stressed I am

the longer it takes me to take deep and deeper breaths, and finally I seem to

level out and the deep breaths are easier. That's when I can count higher than 8

when breathing out. Counting up to 16 is even better.

Also air hunger can involve hormones, like the thyroid and adrenals.

I say it takes time because healing naturally takes time and patience in order

for your body to normalize.

Remind me again please:

1) How long have you been on my program?

2) Did you have air hunger before starting on my program?

3) Did you have hormone issues or take any hormones of any kind prior to going

on this program, including taking birth control pills? If so, what kinds and

for how long (years & months)?

4) Are you taking any hormones now?

Maybe you should get a consultation with me - see this page on how to arrange

it: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/consult.php

Healing hugs, Bee

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