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I wish my appetite would decrease. I was put on steroids for asthma a few

weeks ago and I gained weight. And now that I am off the steroids I still

have it and I crave sugar like mad. I had lost almost 20 pounds prior to

diagnosis. Now It is all coming back on. ARGH


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I wish my appetite would decrease. I was put on steroids for asthma a few

weeks ago and I gained weight. And now that I am off the steroids I still

have it and I crave sugar like mad. I had lost almost 20 pounds prior to

diagnosis. Now It is all coming back on. ARGH


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Well, it's like tonight... I've been good for two weeks with eating, but

tonight I'm having some spaghetti and one meatball.... tho, I might not eat the

meatball... :)



Re: Meat

Hmmmm, I can't give up my caffeine or soda,well....... if it starts to give

me problems then I will think about it.[unable to display image]


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Well, it's like tonight... I've been good for two weeks with eating, but

tonight I'm having some spaghetti and one meatball.... tho, I might not eat the

meatball... :)



Re: Meat

Hmmmm, I can't give up my caffeine or soda,well....... if it starts to give

me problems then I will think about it.[unable to display image]


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The weight thing with Hepatitis C is unpredictable it seems... some of us gain,

some of us lose... I'm one of the ones who is not going to lose what I needed

to lose from quitting smoking and gallbladder removal... the doctor said just be

patient and weight until after treatment and then start walking again.



Re: Meat

I wish my appetite would decrease. I was put on steroids for asthma a few

weeks ago and I gained weight. And now that I am off the steroids I still

have it and I crave sugar like mad. I had lost almost 20 pounds prior to

diagnosis. Now It is all coming back on. ARGH


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The weight thing with Hepatitis C is unpredictable it seems... some of us gain,

some of us lose... I'm one of the ones who is not going to lose what I needed

to lose from quitting smoking and gallbladder removal... the doctor said just be

patient and weight until after treatment and then start walking again.



Re: Meat

I wish my appetite would decrease. I was put on steroids for asthma a few

weeks ago and I gained weight. And now that I am off the steroids I still

have it and I crave sugar like mad. I had lost almost 20 pounds prior to

diagnosis. Now It is all coming back on. ARGH


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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Relax and just focus on putting one foot in front of the other ( as the song

says). I'm sorry to tell you pork is an avoid, but the eggs are still good.

I still believe that as you eat the same thing over and over you will

develop a taste for it. Our minds are such odd organs in that they become

so engrained and convinced of things and cling to liking things that have so

little to do with whats right for our bodies and so much to do with the

habits and feelings of people whose paths we've crossed as well as many

temporary (and often negative) situations they create in our body chemistry.

For me there was a little mourning involved. I realized that I didn't like

the place so many of the bad habits took in my life and the big pieces of my

life they stole. I also came much closer face to face with my own mortality

and watched the mortality of others close to me and had to conclude that I

just had to say goodbye forever to the avoids. This didn't happen easily or

quickly, but it did take some jarring experiences to wake me up. I want to

live as long as I can because even taking away all the neat little

conveniences of our computerized automated entertained lives, its an

incredible experience just to live in this world, to have legs that can

carry us where we want to go, to be able to affect others' lives for the

better. And the only way I knew to do that as long as it is my lot to do it

in the most enjoyable way was to do what I knew and had learned was right.

In some of my darkest hours of feeling ill from my years of habits, I

remembered a verse from Genesis. It's the story of Cain and Abel and after

Cain had killed Abel it says something to the effect that God would not

accept his sacrifice and his face was downcast and God spoke and said " If

you do what is right, will not your countenance (facial expression) lift? "

It kept me aware that I knew what was right and just doing those simple

right things, as unnatural as they were lightened the load because they

contributed to my life.


Hi All, Tom you sure are doing a good job on your diet, I like meat but I

don't know if I could eat it 3 times a day. How about pork? I do like pork

and bacon and eggs sound good. I don't like mineral water but it has been

years since I tried it. I live in East Tennessee and since it is the south

we do eat so different from the rest of the country. I went to the library

and the book about eating right for your blood type had been checked out so

I will have to wait until it comes back in.I go to the grocery store

tomorrow so I will try to buy some of the things I need like the greens. I

sure wish I could get the grass fed beef around here but we're lucky to get

any kind of beef around here it is such a small town. Later Suzy

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C - and all other Os who are struggling for what ever reason. Tom

is an example of how Os should eat. Simple yet well balanced. I wish I

was an O. The O diet is so simple.

Grass fed beef? You can order it online. .


Hi All, Tom you sure are doing a good job on your diet, I like meat but

I don't know if I could eat it 3 times a day. How about pork? I do like

pork and bacon and eggs sound good. I don't like mineral water but it

has been years since I tried it. I live in East Tennessee and since it

is the south we do eat so different from the rest of the country. I went

to the library and the book about eating right for your blood type had

been checked out so I will have to wait until it comes back in.I go to

the grocery store tomorrow so I will try to buy some of the things I

need like the greens. I sure wish I could get the grass fed beef around

here but we're lucky to get any kind of beef around here it is such a

small town. Later Suzy

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  • 1 year later...

I think about that too.

An interesting book is by Derrick Jensen, " A Language Older than Words "

He is an ecologist, and he writes about the destruction of the natural

world that has been going on for centuries.... and then he weaves in

his personal life... it's very well written, actually. He raises his

own ducks and chicken for food. Which surprised me, given how strongly

he feels about not killing animals.... I would have guessed vegetarian.

He writes about how the birds seem to offer themselves to be killed...

his dog would kill them... if he caught his dog at it, he's take the

bird away, and the unharmed bird would walk off. But a few days later

the dog would have the SAME bird again.

I read in a couple of different books about prey animals, that they do

not fight back against the lion, that sometimes an animal will seperate

from the herd and make itself more vunerable to the lion.

It's hard to believe, that an animal would be willing to die. But it's

something that people who work with animals have noticed. I'm probably

not explaining it as well as the books I have read.

Of course there are plenty of other times when the animal will fight

for its life.

I wonder what blood type the Dalia Lamma is?

- T

--- wrote:

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 12:32:07 +0200

From: " Opernschule BGZ, Y.Zollikofer " <opernschulebgzb@...>

Subject: meat

well - I still have, after three years of BTD, a bad feeling about

killing animals for me to eat !

and not any well spoken words can hide, that whe shouldn't kill - we

can eat

without meat - anemia is to cure with other things (like iron for


allthough I sometimes do eat meat, because I like it very much, but


Tamara said, I than feel thankful that the animal nourishes me and


" thank you "

a shame that all those peoples that had a so much stronger and


connection to nature got killed !


Re: Cheating every other 2 days?

> Hello Alyona,


> Do you abhor meat because of how it tastes or because you don't like

to kill animals?


> If it's hard for you to kill animals, you might want to look at the

> spirituality of the Native Americans, and other hunting societies,


> would pray thanks to the animals who gave their lives so the tribe

> could survive. Also, I am told that doctors ordered the Dalai Lamma

to eat meat as he became severely anemic as a vegetarian.... Just like

me! ;-)


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Opernschule BGZ, Y.Zollikofer wrote:

> isn't there a little difference ??

Not really. There are live cells in both, and some plants move about and

swim (like Volvox for example) and the only difference that makes us

call them plants is the presence of green pigment that can use the sun

for energy. But there are all kinds of in-betweens, and the

classification is purely arbitrary. There are plants that move and

animals that do not. There are animals with pigment and plants with none

- there is no definite demarcation between them at the microscopic level

and only when they are more specialized and big, do we find it easier to

classify some living things as plants and others as animals.

Genetically we are about 98% the same, and if you look into the cells

of a live plant or animal you will see a great deal of activity going on

- cytoplasm moving about and an unbelievable number of reactions and

changes happening to maintain the life of the plant/animal.

What we should remember is that the entire living system of plants and

animals is intended to be in a circular food chain - it is *designed* to

be that way. If you take out some aspect of the food chain you disturb

the balance of nature. We are *designed* to eat animals, and the way our

design is set up, you can not doubt that.

It would be a denial of the wonderful, intricate and well planned

functioning of every level of our beings to pretend we are not designed

as we are. Would that not be an insult to the design then to eat

inappropriately for the design?

About ten years ago, I spent two weeks in Kruger National Park in South

Africa, camping there and exploring on foot (not something most people

get to do, I was on a research team) to observe the wonderful balance of

nature there and how every creature on the planet is inter-twined in

design so that they all support each other nutritionally and in other

ways. You can see it best in a natural unspoiled place where the animals

are where they were designed to be - not imported from some other

continent and mixed in.

There's a little bush that grows there despite dry conditions -

turns out termites bring up water from 250 foot underground to give the

bush water - and turns out a specific breed of centipede eats the

termites which are poisonous too all creatures except one. That one is a

small creature who in turn is food for a larger one, and so on up the

line to the Giraffe who only eats from the very tops of the trees where

other animals can not reach. Each vegetarian animal eats their own level

of vegetation and if you look carefully you can tell which herd last ate

in the area where you are standing. Nobody goes hungry as each has their

own level of food horizontally.

Weak trees are brought down by elephants, and stripped of bark

that they eat, leaving only the strong ones to produce leaves for the rest.

Yet if you take out just one creature - like the termites that get

water for the plants - the entire system of plants and animals would die.

The water hole activity is also beautifully designed and intertwined,

and the smaller animals get thirsty first - so if you want to see zebra

for example, you go to the water hole about 3pm as that's when they get

thirsty. This way, prey and predator go to the water hole at different

times and can drink safely - it's not meal time, just thirst time, and

animals there who could be prey and predator will often be seen drinking

in peace together.

Man is an important predator at Kruger Park as well. If man did not

cull come animals there would be too many of some species. So man culls

the excess animals and most of it is made into canned meat for the many

families living near the park or working in the park.

There is also a great deal of promotion of the farming of African

buck rather than beef cows there. The reason is that Africa is not

designed for cows (India is designed for them, and they come from

there.) Cows have been brought to AFrica and have destroyed a large part

of Africa as any aerial photography will show. Africa is turning to

desert, and unless they get the cows out of there - it will soon all be

desert which can grow nothing.

The reason is that cows eat grass down so low there is nothing left

but bare earth. then the torrential rain of Africa comes down and washes

off the topsoil leaving barren desert.

African animals of the cattle kind - Afrikaander cattle and African

buck of various kinds like the large Kudu for example) do not do that -

they eat grass till there is a significant stump of grass left then they

quit - enough is left to be viable and have roots that hold the soil

together during the rain - and then sprout again for the next season

after the rain.

Where the designed animals are, Africa is healthy - where the

imported cows are - Africa is dying, all plants and animals can not live

where Africa is dead, barren desert with no topsoil.

The whole world is designed equally intricately and well, and man is

part of that intricate design. In my book " Thou shalt not kill " applies

to the entire design - removing a termite would kill Africa - adding

cows would kill Africa - removing man as a predator would kill Africa.

The design is a big unit - and for me the wonder is that the closer you

look - including down a microscope the more wondrously intertwined you

can see that the design is - how we are not healthy without fish oil -

we are designed to need it and can not make it from linolenic acid for

more than 3 to 5% conversion, no matter how much flax seed we eat. We

are designed to get many different nutrients from animal sources as

there is no other way to get them in the right ratio - and if we did not

use the food chain we are part of, we would destroy it. Africa is no

exception - Kruger PArk was just one spot still as original as it was

designed where you can see that.

Nature even supplies the right medicines in the right places. For

example a terrible animal disease in cows called Foot and Mouth disease

occurs in Africa in beef cows. Why do the African animals not get it?

The Tswana tribe knows why - the African animals eat a specific bush

that grows there which is a herbal cure for Foot and Mouth. Being part

of the design in Africa they *know* to do this and never get sick. The

cows designed for India don't know that in Africa and they get sick and

die and whole herds are often destroyed to stop the spread.

So in order to try to save Africa - those who understand the essential

inter-related design of NAture are trying hard to get farmers to farm

African animals. Sadly the desertification of Africa thanks to imported

cattle is progressing very fast as the new powers in the government

don't give a hoot about tomorrow - so it is an uphill battle. The

natural design is delicate - break the link in the chain and it ALL can

fail. We are also a link in that chain - an important one.

I could write for ever on how intricately our bodies are designed to use

the animal and plant food in the chain where we are a link. We are not

designed to be vegetarian, and anyone who studies botany and zoology

down a microscope and at the cell physiology level could never doubt

that. After seeing Kruger PArk close up even from a distance looking at

the land as a whole I don't doubt the place of every component including

ourselves in the food chain. But the closer you look down to microscopic

level and below, the *more* obvious it is.

Kruger PArk occupies a size about a third the size of one state of

USA, ix exactly as nature designed it originally and is maintaine that

way - so is an excellent living example of how well the plants and

animals are all designed to work together as a living unit and food

chain - every link in the chain is essential, from termite to man. The

chain is only as good as its weakest link - all the links are relevant,

and leaving out only one link can destroy a continent. Literally that is





Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

P.O.Box 4703, Spokane, WA 99220-0703.


Veterinary Homeopath and Feline Information Counsellor.

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In a message dated 9/16/2004 4:32:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

opernschulebgzb@... writes:

isn't there a little difference ??

I guess if we were carrot people we'd be squeamish about killing plants.

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When I was a teenager, I was looking at some nature picture book, and

there were a sereis of photos of the grasslands in Africa somewhere.

In these photos, there was a lion, a zebra, and another horned animal,

I think it was a wildebeest, not sure, some big animal with horns. For

2 or 3 days the animals were near each other with no problem, they

were not afraid of the lion and the lion did not move to hunt them.

Then suddenly the next day the lion attacked the wildebeest. The

researcher taking the photos was astonishd that the horned beast did

nothing to defend itself from the lion. He said it was big and strong

and could easily gore the lion with its horns, but did nothing.

I am remembering this from many years ago, so it's possible that I

have the details wrong, but it made an impression on me.

I'm also remembering reading an account of a man who was attacked by a

lion, and he said at a certain point he went into a joyful euphoria,

and felt no pain.... he was rescued none the less....

I have a theory that hunting by predators is responsibler for the

evolution of love and of intelligence....in the prey animals, the baby

stays very close to mama,there is a very stong bond between them,

because if the baby strays too, it gets eaten. The mama will fiercely

defend the baby and the lions know it. There's a bond between the mama

lion and the babies also, as lion cubs can get eaten, but also hunting

has to be taught. And lions hunt in teams, it takes some intelligence

to stalk prey, you have to watch it carefully, and plan your move to

catch it, and if you are hunting in a team, you have to coordinate

with the others, however simply. While grazing animals, to eat, they

just bend their heads and chew the grass, nothing to think about,

nothing that needs to be learned.

I'm not a animal expert, just my musings...

- T

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Maddviking@... wrote:

> I guess if we were carrot people we'd be squeamish about killing plants.


I love your sense of humour :-)



Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

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In a message dated 9/17/2004 9:31:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

tamaratornado@... writes:

While grazing animals, to eat, they

just bend their heads and chew the grass, nothing to think about,

nothing that needs to be learned.

Kinda like some of the people in this country.

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I'm trying to say that if all the animals were grazing with no danger,

there would be no reason for the baby and the mama to bond, the baby

would be safe wandering away from mama.... and with only grazing

animals, there would be nothing to learn.... So meat eating gave us

love and intelligence... that's my theory... (not scientifically

validated as far as I know)

--- wrote:

I have a theory that hunting by predators is responsible for the

evolution of love and of intelligence....in the prey animals, the baby

stays very close to mama,there is a very stong bond between them,

because if the baby strays too, it gets eaten. The mama will fiercely

defend the baby and the lions know it. There's a bond between the mama

lion and the babies also, as lion cubs can get eaten, but also hunting

has to be taught. And lions hunt in teams, it takes some intelligence

to stalk prey, you have to watch it carefully, and plan your move to

catch it, and if you are hunting in a team, you have to coordinate

with the others, however simply. While grazing animals, to eat, they

just bend their heads and chew the grass, nothing to think about,

nothing that needs to be learned.

I'm not a animal expert, just my musings...

- T


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well,well ..... an animal that has to eat meat because it is made like that

of his creator ... isn't that a big difference to humans that can live very

well without meat and have a concsiousness - that's what makes the

difference .... !

> I'm trying to say that if all the animals were grazing with no danger,

> there would be no reason for the baby and the mama to bond, the baby

> would be safe wandering away from mama.... and with only grazing

> animals, there would be nothing to learn.... So meat eating gave us

> love and intelligence... that's my theory... (not scientifically

> validated as far as I know)


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Opernschule BGZ, Y.Zollikofer wrote:

> well,well ..... an animal that has to eat meat because it is made like that

> of his creator ... isn't that a big difference to humans that can live very

> well without meat

It's not true that humans can live very well without meat.

I also find that most people who deny themselves meat for " ethical "

reasons do not even bother to find out what it takes to get the right

amount of each nutrient daily. If they did they would see just how and

why we are not designed to do that - including the BTD research which

also shows that.

The more researchers find out, the more it is proved how much we

are designed to eat meat and fish etc. The ratios of amino acids are

different for example in animal versus plant protein and the immune

system doesn't like it if we use only plants like soy etc for protein -

it causes the immune system to skew towards overactive antibody and

auto-immune activity.

Nor can we manufacture enough DHA and EPA from plants - we can only

convert 3 to 5% of it - we need it from fish.

The list goes on a long time of how and why we are designed to

consume animal foods - and the more research we do, the more we find out

how important animal foods are to us. It was not long ago we spoke of

" getting oil or fat " - and now we know enough to recognize that we need

not just " omega-3 oils " but specific omega-3 oils like EPA and DHA to

function properly. Those only occur in animal fat, like fish oil.

I've always thought it obvious that we are designed to eat animals

but I had the advantage of several years of study in the right areas of

various biological sciences, to make it obvious.

My good friends who are vegetarian and in poor health as a result

(allergies, fibromyalgia, obesity, painful arthritis, etc)

do not " get it " - they continue to eat " tofurkey " type food instead of

turkey type food - and in my opinion that is the unethical thing to do

as it is a total disrespect to the beautiful design we have, and is

doing intentional damage to it by using inappropriate fuel. It's like

putting sugar in the gas tank of a nice car and saying it is moral to do

so in order to save fossil fuels. The car is not designed for sugar, and

in my view it is not moral to abuse the car or the human body by using

fuel contrary to the design.

> and have a concsiousness - that's what makes the

> difference .... !

We have a consciousness yes - and it should take into account the design

of our wondrously intricate bodies and how they are designed to function

and what is intended by the design as fuel, yes.

It also means we kill to eat, and not for pleasure; that we kill as

nature does - in a humane way and not a cruel way, and that we respect

food animals.

That makes a difference - and respects the design and intention of the

design. We did not get designed this way by accident - it is intentional

and very special and to be respected, it's how we fit in with everything

else on the planet.

Tamara - I like your theory:

>>I'm trying to say that if all the animals were grazing with no danger,

>>there would be no reason for the baby and the mama to bond, the baby

>>would be safe wandering away from mama.... and with only grazing

>>animals, there would be nothing to learn.... So meat eating gave us

>>love and intelligence.

and ability to discern right from wrong I think too.

... that's my theory... (not scientifically

>>validated as far as I know)




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

P.O.Box 4703, Spokane, WA 99220-0703.


Veterinary Homeopath and Feline Information Counsellor.

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hmm - there are theories that say, we are NOT designed to eat meat ...

and ... the baby would stay with mama, because of love, it's not yet aware

of danger ...

and .. I'm reading for information of nutrition for years, so my fealings

are not just because I'm not taking information ...

but anyhow, let's stop this discussion, who will ever know the trueth,

I eat meat (organic, grassfead) from time to time

I just don't like when people that say they have difficulties with

concsiousness killing animals, are getting anwsered like they where some

romantic crazies -

that makes it very easy for the others to cope with their own concsiousness



Re: Re: meat

> Opernschule BGZ, Y.Zollikofer wrote:

> > well,well ..... an animal that has to eat meat because it is made like


> > of his creator ... isn't that a big difference to humans that can live


> > well without meat



> It's not true that humans can live very well without meat.


> I also find that most people who deny themselves meat for " ethical "

> reasons do not even bother to find out what it takes to get the right

> amount of each nutrient daily. If they did they would see just how and

> why we are not designed to do that - including the BTD research which

> also shows that.

> The more researchers find out, the more it is proved how much we

> are designed to eat meat and fish etc. The ratios of amino acids are

> different for example in animal versus plant protein and the immune

> system doesn't like it if we use only plants like soy etc for protein -

> it causes the immune system to skew towards overactive antibody and

> auto-immune activity.

> Nor can we manufacture enough DHA and EPA from plants - we can only

> convert 3 to 5% of it - we need it from fish.

> The list goes on a long time of how and why we are designed to

> consume animal foods - and the more research we do, the more we find out

> how important animal foods are to us. It was not long ago we spoke of

> " getting oil or fat " - and now we know enough to recognize that we need

> not just " omega-3 oils " but specific omega-3 oils like EPA and DHA to

> function properly. Those only occur in animal fat, like fish oil.

> I've always thought it obvious that we are designed to eat animals

> but I had the advantage of several years of study in the right areas of

> various biological sciences, to make it obvious.

> My good friends who are vegetarian and in poor health as a result

> (allergies, fibromyalgia, obesity, painful arthritis, etc)

> do not " get it " - they continue to eat " tofurkey " type food instead of

> turkey type food - and in my opinion that is the unethical thing to do

> as it is a total disrespect to the beautiful design we have, and is

> doing intentional damage to it by using inappropriate fuel. It's like

> putting sugar in the gas tank of a nice car and saying it is moral to do

> so in order to save fossil fuels. The car is not designed for sugar, and

> in my view it is not moral to abuse the car or the human body by using

> fuel contrary to the design.


> > and have a concsiousness - that's what makes the

> > difference .... !


> We have a consciousness yes - and it should take into account the design

> of our wondrously intricate bodies and how they are designed to function

> and what is intended by the design as fuel, yes.

> It also means we kill to eat, and not for pleasure; that we kill as

> nature does - in a humane way and not a cruel way, and that we respect

> food animals.


> That makes a difference - and respects the design and intention of the

> design. We did not get designed this way by accident - it is intentional

> and very special and to be respected, it's how we fit in with everything

> else on the planet.


> Tamara - I like your theory:

> >>I'm trying to say that if all the animals were grazing with no danger,

> >>there would be no reason for the baby and the mama to bond, the baby

> >>would be safe wandering away from mama.... and with only grazing

> >>animals, there would be nothing to learn.... So meat eating gave us

> >>love and intelligence.


> and ability to discern right from wrong I think too.


> . that's my theory... (not scientifically

> >>validated as far as I know)


> Namaste,

> Irene



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