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My doctor did not use the CPM either. He said that his research showed that it

can cause a dropped foot, and he doesn't take those chances with his patients.

He said the same things as your doc did about the recovery. dash


I'm having TKR on 9/16. I just found out that my doctor doesn't use the CPM, but

it is available at the hospital. Do I demand it? My doctor is board certified

and actually use to teach at Syracuse medical school. I've heard he does 100s of

these a year. He says that studies show that patients that do/do not use the

machine have the same results in 6 months.

in TX

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Dash, what's a dropped foot?

I read the book that was recommended on this forum, " Total Knee Replacement &

Rehabilitation. "   It was very good. 

in TX

From: dash <dash4@...>

Subject: Re: questions

Joint Replacement

Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 8:06 AM


My doctor did not use the CPM either. He said that his research showed

that it can cause a dropped foot, and he doesn't take those chances with his

patients. He said the same things as your doc did about the recovery. dash


I'm having TKR on 9/16. I just found out that my doctor doesn't use the CPM, but

it is available at the hospital. Do I demand it? My doctor is board certified

and actually use to teach at Syracuse medical school. I've heard he does 100s of

these a year. He says that studies show that patients that do/do not use the

machine have the same results in 6 months.

in TX

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Dash, is this the same thing as a dropped metatarsal (the ball of the foot gets

badly inflamed)?  If so, it happened to me after hip replacement.  I used no

special equipment.  Had the left hip replaced last October, and since then, the

ball of my right foot has been hurting.  The specialist who fits one for shoes

(can't remember the term) told me to wear a better tennis shoe (I wear Drews)

and sold me an OTC orthotic.  I can honestly say after wearing it for 2 hours,

my toes feel like they're being crucified.  So, I guess that means I should

visit a podiatrist and see about a custom fit.



LTHR 26 Oct 09

I think that maybe if women and children were in charge we would get somewhere. 

- Thurber


Visit my art blog:  http://www.adreamseyeview.blogspot.com/

From: dash <dash4@...>

Subject: Re: questions

Joint Replacement

Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 8:06 AM






      My doctor did not use the CPM either.  He said that his research showed

that it can cause a dropped foot, and he doesn't take those chances with his

patients.  He said the same things as your doc did about the recovery. dash


I'm having TKR on 9/16. I just found out that my doctor doesn't use the CPM, but

it is available at the hospital. Do I demand it? My doctor is board certified

and actually use to teach at Syracuse medical school. I've heard he does 100s of

these a year. He says that studies show that patients that do/do not use the

machine have the same results in 6 months.

in TX

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Hi , I had the CPM machine, but did not get to use it that often. I think

I may have used it twice in the four days I was in hospital. I think my results

were not impacted by that small usage. If, however, I were to do it again, I

would try to use it more as I actually loved the machine! Most people hate it,

so if your OS doesn't demand it, it's probably OK.

All the best, Joan


From: kjc <k_j_cotten@...>

TotalJointReplacement <Joint Replacement >

Sent: Mon, September 6, 2010 1:41:14 PM

Subject: questions

I'm having TKR on 9/16. I just found out that my doctor doesn't use the CPM,

but it is available at the hospital. Do I demand it? My doctor is board

certified and actually use to teach at Syracuse medical school. I've heard he

does 100s of these a year. He says that studies show that patients that do/do

not use the machine have the same results in 6 months.

in TX

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I used it maybe for the first day of hospital stay and not at all after. My

doctor preferred bending on my own and my recovery was fine without it. Others

swear by it. I don't think it's a necessity and if your doctor doesn't normally

use it there's no need for demanding it in my opinion.

Good luck with the surgery,



From: kjc <k_j_cotten@...>

TotalJointReplacement <Joint Replacement >

Sent: Mon, September 6, 2010 8:41:14 AM

Subject: questions

I'm having TKR on 9/16.  I just found out that my doctor doesn't use the CPM,

but it is available at the hospital.  Do I demand it?  My doctor is board

certified and actually use to teach at Syracuse medical school.  I've heard he

does 100s of these a year.  He says that studies show that patients that do/do

not use the machine have the same results in 6 months. 

in TX


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I don't think so, but I am not an expert. A gal in my TOPS club had hip surgery

done and he cut through a tendon and she has what is called a dropped foot. She

walks but walks " funny " . The foot doesn't work right. I have not researched

it, only relaying what the doc said.

I also have flat feet and my knee surgery messed with my orthotics and I had to

get new ones. It changes your body alignment. So you probably need to get in

and get new orthotics and get that custom fit based on your new alignment now,

would be my guess.

I also have foot troubles, but they are at a minimum now after my new orthotics

and getting used to them, plus I have lost about 20 pounds....so all that helps

the knees and the feet too. I also had my knee replacement in Oct 09.

They had to do a " release " ....of some sort on me, cut the tendon on the right

side of the right knee. I had forgotten about that but the physical therapist

reminded me of that and that is a possibility of why I still am having some

pain. I am doing well most of the time, but I do think that I do have some

scar tissue to deal with yet and I am aggressively working on that, am going to

the gym now two times a week and stretching and working that knee. dash

Re: questions

Dash, is this the same thing as a dropped metatarsal (the ball of the foot gets

badly inflamed)? If so, it happened to me after hip replacement. I used no

special equipment. Had the left hip replaced last October, and since then, the

ball of my right foot has been hurting. The specialist who fits one for shoes

(can't remember the term) told me to wear a better tennis shoe (I wear Drews)

and sold me an OTC orthotic. I can honestly say after wearing it for 2 hours, my

toes feel like they're being crucified. So, I guess that means I should visit a

podiatrist and see about a custom fit.


LTHR 26 Oct 09

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Hi ,

Since you trust your doc I'd go with what he said. He's not just being

arbitrary but has a reason for not using it. He seems smart for sure.

You'll be fine and no reason to worry yourself about this IMO.

Best wishes for your surgery and rehab! Very exciting to be getting a brand new




Jackie on





On Sep 6, 2010, at 5:41 AM, kjc <k_j_cotten@...> wrote:

> I'm having TKR on 9/16. I just found out that my doctor doesn't use the CPM,

but it is available at the hospital. Do I demand it? My doctor is board

certified and actually use to teach at Syracuse medical school. I've heard he

does 100s of these a year. He says that studies show that patients that do/do

not use the machine have the same results in 6 months.


> in TX



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I'm having my right knee replaced tomorrow and I already have my CPM machine set

up and ready to go as soon as I get home,  I will use it until I can get up and

start walking around by myself, I loved the machine!!!!!  I was on it for 2

hours before pt and I think it helped loosen up the knee for the exercises. 

Good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.  My surgery is at 7:30 in the

morning so I'll be out of commission for a few days maybe weeks, just according

to how everything goes!!!!  I'll be in the hosp Wed thru Sat.  Talk to you all

later.  Banks

From: kjc <k_j_cotten@...>

Subject: questions

" TotalJointReplacement " <Joint Replacement >

Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 7:41 AM


I'm having TKR on 9/16.  I just found out that my doctor doesn't use the CPM,

but it is available at the hospital.  Do I demand it?  My doctor is board

certified and actually use to teach at Syracuse medical school.  I've heard he

does 100s of these a year.  He says that studies show that patients that do/do

not use the machine have the same results in 6 months. 

in TX

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Best of luck with the surgery and hoping for a quick recovery.



From: Banks <lindabandcompany@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 1:26:56 PM

Subject: Re: questions

I'm having my right knee replaced tomorrow and I already have my CPM machine set

up and ready to go as soon as I get home,  I will use it until I can get up and

start walking around by myself, I loved the machine!!!!!  I was on it for 2

hours before pt and I think it helped loosen up the knee for the exercises. 

Good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.  My surgery is at 7:30 in the

morning so I'll be out of commission for a few days maybe weeks, just according

to how everything goes!!!!  I'll be in the hosp Wed thru Sat.  Talk to you all

later.  Banks

From: kjc <k_j_cotten@...>

Subject: questions

" TotalJointReplacement " <Joint Replacement >

Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 7:41 AM


I'm having TKR on 9/16.  I just found out that my doctor doesn't use the CPM,

but it is available at the hospital.  Do I demand it?  My doctor is board

certified and actually use to teach at Syracuse medical school.  I've heard he

does 100s of these a year.  He says that studies show that patients that do/do

not use the machine have the same results in 6 months. 

in TX

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Thanks Jeff, it is appreciated!!!!  Banks

From: kjc <k_j_cotten@...>

Subject: questions

" TotalJointReplacement " <Joint Replacement >

Date: Monday, September 6, 2010, 7:41 AM


I'm having TKR on 9/16.  I just found out that my doctor doesn't use the CPM,

but it is available at the hospital.  Do I demand it?  My doctor is board

certified and actually use to teach at Syracuse medical school.  I've heard he

does 100s of these a year.  He says that studies show that patients that do/do

not use the machine have the same results in 6 months. 

in TX

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  • 3 months later...

nope, some people say it feels good.

any current? micro-current you can't feel it. it's ,

remember? germs feel it. I have already shocked myself many times using other

devices, and came up with this one precisely so you do not have to do that.

when you build it, just follow the steps.

wetting sponges, if they are new, rinse out in warm plain water and squeeze to

remove the store freshness stuff they put into them to keep them from drying out

or smelling bad. Once clean (please don't go nuts cleaning them), wring out as

much water as you can with a good squeeze by hand. They should be moist but not


the last step is connecting wires to battery. but it really does not matter if

it's last or first. It's just that bare wires can touch and spark freaking

people out. It's actually kind of funny and harmless, kids would love it. :)

lighten up.

storing. keep sponges separated. if they touch it will slowly very slowly

drain your precious battery. if you put the whole thing on a small area of a

shelf or table, just put a plastic bag down and place sponges apart on the bag.

Battery can go anywhere.

I will post today about adding a meter to the unit, to make it sweeter and

sexier. It will also serve as an " on/off " switch, so this separation drill

won't be needed. It will work just the same but you will have to turn the meter

on for any current to flow into the sponges. The meter will also give you very

precise control over how much current is used. I THINK this is a great idea,

but of course all our successes so far did not even use a meter, and it worked

like the bomb that it is for germs. Still, it's a nice touch to have a real,

honest to goodness meter in there to show you what's going on exactly.

Another good use of the meter is that, in answer to your first question, " does

it hurt " which is the thing everyone wants to know, especially me since I am

standing here being responsible for it, the most common reaction to this device,

this here " godzilla " , is that they cannot feel anything..they wonder if the

battery was dead and the store sold them one with no life in it.

If you use with tap water in the sponges as the " last rinse " , you will likely

find it very mild, almost imperceptible. Using it for around 20-30 minutes,

reversing positions of the sponges every 5 or so, should be about right for " one

session " then repeat several hours later and you are mostly done. However, for

nastier infections, or quicker application times, you can add a pinch (really

tiny pinch) of baking soda to a cup or so of water, and put sponges (one by one)

into it and wring it out. This you WILL feel in some way. Everyone's body will

carry more or less current, so if you are very conductive you will feel it more,

less conductive, then hardly feel it at all. IF too harsh with pinch of baking

soda, try rinsing in plain water and squeeze out ONCE. Retry, repeat till it's

just perceptible. But... a meter tells you all that right away, plus you get to

sling around the bull about your current numbers for various things you can cure

with it. heh heh.




> Does it hurt to use?


> When you wind the wire around the battery spring posts is there any electrical

current flowing at that time.


> Are rubber gloves good for working on the Godzilla?


> When you store, do you take apart the Godzilla or somehow store intact?


> At what point to you dampen the sponges, etc.? How?


> Thanks again


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nope, some people say it feels good.

any current? micro-current you can't feel it. it's ,

remember? germs feel it. I have already shocked myself many times using other

devices, and came up with this one precisely so you do not have to do that.

when you build it, just follow the steps.

wetting sponges, if they are new, rinse out in warm plain water and squeeze to

remove the store freshness stuff they put into them to keep them from drying out

or smelling bad. Once clean (please don't go nuts cleaning them), wring out as

much water as you can with a good squeeze by hand. They should be moist but not


the last step is connecting wires to battery. but it really does not matter if

it's last or first. It's just that bare wires can touch and spark freaking

people out. It's actually kind of funny and harmless, kids would love it. :)

lighten up.

storing. keep sponges separated. if they touch it will slowly very slowly

drain your precious battery. if you put the whole thing on a small area of a

shelf or table, just put a plastic bag down and place sponges apart on the bag.

Battery can go anywhere.

I will post today about adding a meter to the unit, to make it sweeter and

sexier. It will also serve as an " on/off " switch, so this separation drill

won't be needed. It will work just the same but you will have to turn the meter

on for any current to flow into the sponges. The meter will also give you very

precise control over how much current is used. I THINK this is a great idea,

but of course all our successes so far did not even use a meter, and it worked

like the bomb that it is for germs. Still, it's a nice touch to have a real,

honest to goodness meter in there to show you what's going on exactly.

Another good use of the meter is that, in answer to your first question, " does

it hurt " which is the thing everyone wants to know, especially me since I am

standing here being responsible for it, the most common reaction to this device,

this here " godzilla " , is that they cannot feel anything..they wonder if the

battery was dead and the store sold them one with no life in it.

If you use with tap water in the sponges as the " last rinse " , you will likely

find it very mild, almost imperceptible. Using it for around 20-30 minutes,

reversing positions of the sponges every 5 or so, should be about right for " one

session " then repeat several hours later and you are mostly done. However, for

nastier infections, or quicker application times, you can add a pinch (really

tiny pinch) of baking soda to a cup or so of water, and put sponges (one by one)

into it and wring it out. This you WILL feel in some way. Everyone's body will

carry more or less current, so if you are very conductive you will feel it more,

less conductive, then hardly feel it at all. IF too harsh with pinch of baking

soda, try rinsing in plain water and squeeze out ONCE. Retry, repeat till it's

just perceptible. But... a meter tells you all that right away, plus you get to

sling around the bull about your current numbers for various things you can cure

with it. heh heh.




> Does it hurt to use?


> When you wind the wire around the battery spring posts is there any electrical

current flowing at that time.


> Are rubber gloves good for working on the Godzilla?


> When you store, do you take apart the Godzilla or somehow store intact?


> At what point to you dampen the sponges, etc.? How?


> Thanks again


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We were told to withhold for fever and big infections like the flu. If is

on MTX no MTX until the stomach bug clears.

Sorry to hear she is sick on Christmas and hope she gets over it quickly.

Love and hugs,

Becki and 12 SoJRA


From: " veristroud@... " <veristroud@...>

Sent: Sat, December 25, 2010 3:20:40 PM

Subject: questions

What are the rules for Enbrel when a kiddo is sick? I know that if she is

running a fever I am not to give it to her but are there other things to watch

for. I will call her rheumy on Monday to touch base with them, but thought if

anyone had time this weekend to post it would be appreciated. I think she has

head cold and stomach flu. No fever yet, i am watching for that. Will keep her

hydrated and pray that she does not get too sick. Here we are on Christmas Day

and she was up for just about 2 1/2 hours before going back to bed. I hope

everyone else is well this weekend and painfree. Have a wonderful Merry


Veri & Jaye 16 poly

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Poor baby, sick on Christmas. I just hold the drug until they are better. My

kids never have problems fighting the infection, but tend to pick up every bug

going around. Maybe she'll get over this quickly!


14 poly 07

Peyton 12 poly 08



> What are the rules for Enbrel when a kiddo is sick? I know that if >

> Veri & Jaye 16 poly







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No MTX or Enbrel with fevers...as for other illnesses...our rheumy prefers we

defer the decisions to 's pediatrician. He is currently on antibiotics for

two weeks due to a severe sinus infection...poor kiddo never even told me he had

a headache...and the pediatrician said yes to the MTX and Enbrel.

Our pedi and rheumy work well together so I guess that helps. Hope she's feeling

much, much better by now!

All the best,

& , 7, poly plus a bunch of other 'stuff'

Sent from my iPhone

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Thanks to you all for your notes and your thoughts and prayers for Jaye.

Yesterday she began feeling better. I do not think she had a fever with the yuck

she had. She and I both ended up with the stomach flu for two days, she just

felt miserable. I on the other hand lost all I had taken in and ran a fever. Not

fun. We are doing better now. I did not get a chance to call the rheumy

yesterday but will call today and talk to them. I hope you had a wonderful


Veri & Jaye 16 poly

Re: questions

No MTX or Enbrel with fevers...as for other illnesses...our rheumy prefers we

defer the decisions to 's pediatrician. He is currently on antibiotics for

two weeks due to a severe sinus infection...poor kiddo never even told me he had

a headache...and the pediatrician said yes to the MTX and Enbrel.

Our pedi and rheumy work well together so I guess that helps. Hope she's feeling

much, much better by now!

All the best,

& , 7, poly plus a bunch of other 'stuff'

Sent from my iPhone

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  • 1 month later...

Hello! I use coconut oil on my face along with my face cream. I just use

about the size of a pencil eraser. I put that in the palm of my hand first

as the heat melts the coconut oil. Add the cream and a drop or two of

essential oil, then apply to my face. I also eat it. I mix 3-4 T. coconut

oil, 1 t. cocoa and a healthy sweetener. I never use artificial. I use

stevia or, a new one for me, erythritol. Stevia has a bit of an odd taste.

Erythritol is yummy! I also add a drop of peppermint essential oil.



On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Rhonda Sonby <rsonby@...> wrote:



> Hi All,


> I have been lurking for a while and have a few questions. Does coconut oil

> really help with losing weight? If so how do you use it for that? Also, I

> have extremely dry skin, in fact I am only 51 but my skin especially on my

> legs look like they belong to a 70 year old very wrinkly. So I am wondering

> if coconut oil would help with this and if so whats the best way of using

> it

> for that purpose? I'm already using it as a moisturizer.


> I also think it would be great to hear what changes in your body you have

> noticed using coconut oil and how you use it.


> Thanks,


> Rhonda



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got any more info on the erythritol?

like what it is made      from and what form it is in

and where you get it?...





> Hi All,


> I have been lurking for a while and have a few questions. Does coconut oil

> really help with losing weight? If so how do you use it for that? Also, I

> have extremely dry skin, in fact I am only 51 but my skin especially on my

> legs look like they belong to a 70 year old very wrinkly. So I am wondering

> if coconut oil would help with this and if so whats the best way of using

> it

> for that purpose? I'm already using it as a moisturizer.


> I also think it would be great to hear what changes in your body you have

> noticed using coconut oil and how you use it.


> Thanks,


> Rhonda



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I bought it from Long Life Unlimited.com It's called " Smart Sweet " . I'm

writing from the container: " Erythritol is a naturally occurring sweetener

found in a variety of foods like melons, grapes, pears, mushrooms, wine and

cheese. It is also found in small amounts in the human body. It's 70% as

sweet as sugar with zero calories. Low glycemic index. Does not promote

tooth decay. GMO Free. All natural. "


On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Don <hooty304@...> wrote:



> hello,

> got any more info on the erythritol?

> like what it is made from and what form it is in

> and where you get it?...

> thanks,

> d




> >

> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> > I have been lurking for a while and have a few questions. Does coconut

> oil

> > really help with losing weight? If so how do you use it for that? Also, I

> > have extremely dry skin, in fact I am only 51 but my skin especially on

> my

> > legs look like they belong to a 70 year old very wrinkly. So I am

> wondering

> > if coconut oil would help with this and if so whats the best way of using

> > it

> > for that purpose? I'm already using it as a moisturizer.

> >

> > I also think it would be great to hear what changes in your body you have

> > noticed using coconut oil and how you use it.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Rhonda

> >

> >

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I too have been dealing with some dry skin issues even though I eat coconut oil

every day. I then muscle tested and realized that I was deficient in essential

fatty acids and now take an omega 3 supplement. I muscle tested different

brands to see which my body accepted as some were weak and others strong. My

skin is softer now after taking the omega 3 for several weeks. I have also been

oil pulling, but I am not sure if that has any effect on dry skin or not.



> >

> >

> > Hi All,

> >

> > I have been lurking for a while and have a few questions. Does coconut oil

> > really help with losing weight? If so how do you use it for that? Also, I

> > have extremely dry skin, in fact I am only 51 but my skin especially on my

> > legs look like they belong to a 70 year old very wrinkly. So I am wondering

> > if coconut oil would help with this and if so whats the best way of using

> > it

> > for that purpose? I'm already using it as a moisturizer.

> >

> > I also think it would be great to hear what changes in your body you have

> > noticed using coconut oil and how you use it.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Rhonda

> >

> >

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Hi Lu...I can't answer any of your questions, but I can tell you that I too have a history of BC and liver enzymes can be all over the place for no apparent reason.  Getting over a cold; exercising before the blood test; a hangover; lots of things which have nothing to do with BC can elevate them.  So try not to worry.

Take care,BarbFOn Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Lu Brown <brown6267@...> wrote:


Hi,I am a 4 1/2 year breast cancer survivor.  I have been taking 50 - 100 mg Iodoral/Lugols for 3 1/2 years.  I recently went to a 6-month checkup with my oncologist, and everything is fine except, for the first time, my liver enzymes were medium - high.  In the past, my liver enzymes were in fine shape.  As a result, my oncologist has scheduled me for a CT scan of the abdomen in two weeks.  I have not told my oncologist that I have been taking Iodoral and the companion nutrients for the last several years because he would freak out.  Also, in the last month, I started taking milk thistle since I have read on this forum that it helps clean out the liver.  I have been slowly gaining weight over the last several years (approximately 15 pounds), and I thought the milk thistle would

help the liver since I have been taking Iodoral and Tamoxifen.  I stopped taking Tamoxifen in 10/2010.  I did not tell my oncologist that I started taking milk thistle either.  I am feeling great so the only reason the CT scan is being ordered is because of the higher liver enzyme test.

My questions:Since I take Iodoral, will I have any problems with drinking the chalky radioactive iodine for the CT scan?Will the radioactive iodine cause me to get sick since I am already taking Iodoral?

Should I tell them that I am taking Iodoral?Should I stop taking Iodoral until after the CT scan?Should I tell them that I am taking Milk thistle?  I have stopped taking the milk thistle until all of the tests are complete.  Does that sound OK?

Would taking milk thistle cause the liver enzymes to increase?  Is is

possibly a temporary thing like beginning Iodoral and the TSH increasing?Any comments would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance for your comments/feedback, Lu

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Lu,I had sky high liver enzymes from a blocked common bile duct to my liver and 2 surgeries. I was one number down from needing a transplant on bilirubin. Surgery helped correct the cause but my liver was enlarged and unhappy according to chiropractors, PT and acupuncture and blood tests. Milk thistle never raised my enzyme levels in the next 3 years and when I went off it they would bounce up so silymarin kept them from getting worse for me.

 Dieting and doing the metagenics ultra clear ph shake and advaclear capsules at 5pm and mini fast for 3 weeks, while continuing 50 mg of iodine cut my liver enzymes in half and helped my kidney tests too. 

Iodine, ALA, DIM, DMG, ldn and TMG have helped me fight weight and almost totally normal enzymes finally. I have lost the 45 pounds that came quickly when liver was out of whack and lost 40 more beyond that.

 I keep thinking getting the weight off will help my bones behave-ribs from a drunk driver. I also had 4 breast lumps that thermography and ultrasound think are okay but those supplements were said to help in addition to iodine which the thermography family practice nurse also believes in and passes out information on Dr. Brownstein. She is creating CDs to fight BC for patients but those aren't published yet and I don't know when the MDs will finish their editing for her.

PamOn Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 10:10 AM, Lu Brown <brown6267@...> wrote:


Hi,I am a 4 1/2 year breast cancer survivor.  I have been taking 50 - 100 mg Iodoral/Lugols for 3 1/2 years.  I recently went to a 6-month checkup with my oncologist, and everything is fine except, for the first time, my liver enzymes were medium - high.  In the past, my liver enzymes were in fine shape.  As a result, my oncologist has scheduled me for a CT scan of the abdomen in two weeks.  I have not told my oncologist that I have been taking Iodoral and the companion nutrients for the last several years because he would freak out.  Also, in the last month, I started taking milk thistle since I have read on this forum that it helps clean out the liver.  I have been slowly gaining weight over the last several years (approximately 15 pounds), and I thought the milk thistle would

help the liver since I have been taking Iodoral and Tamoxifen.  I stopped taking Tamoxifen in 10/2010.  I did not tell my oncologist that I started taking milk thistle either.  I am feeling great so the only reason the CT scan is being ordered is because of the higher liver enzyme test.

My questions:Since I take Iodoral, will I have any problems with drinking the chalky radioactive iodine for the CT scan?Will the radioactive iodine cause me to get sick since I am already taking Iodoral?

Should I tell them that I am taking Iodoral?Should I stop taking Iodoral until after the CT scan?Should I tell them that I am taking Milk thistle?  I have stopped taking the milk thistle until all of the tests are complete.  Does that sound OK?

Would taking milk thistle cause the liver enzymes to increase?  Is is

possibly a temporary thing like beginning Iodoral and the TSH increasing?Any comments would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance for your comments/feedback, Lu

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My guess is that it is better to have your body full of GOOD iodine going in, so your organs don't try to hang on to any of the BAD iodine. I would also take EXTRA vitamin C & milk thistle after it is over, to help your body throw off the gunk.Don't know what to say about the milk thistle. It helps your liver to throw off crud, but I don't know what it would do to a liver enzyme test... It MIGHT have elevated your enzymes while trying to help you throw off toxins. Any NEW thing you add to the mix can cause temporary fluctuations in test values, so I would try not to freak out over it. I wouldn't THINK it would affect the scan at all, since the scan is looking for structural problems, but I am hardly an expert on that.I think your enzymes are likely to go up any time your body is trying to deal with toxins. And we are exposed to toxic stuff all the time -- often without even knowing it. If your neighbor sprayed poison in his yard before you were up, you could have breathed it walking to your car. Your liver would automatically kick in to try to get rid of it. One of the biggest weapons doctors have to control patients is FEAR. If you are pregnant & the doc is trying to control you, he will talk about dead babies. If you have cancer & the doc is trying to control you, he will talk about metastasis. They never talk about the worst possible side effects of their actions, only the worst possible result if you don't obey them. They use this because it is so EFFECTIVE, even if you know the game. Fear is your enemy. When the buffalo herd is afraid, it thunders over a cliff. Watch for cliffs.AnneOn Feb 18, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Lu Brown wrote: Hi,I am a 4 1/2 year breast cancer survivor. I have been taking 50 - 100 mg Iodoral/Lugols for 3 1/2 years. I recently went to a 6-month checkup with my oncologist, and everything is fine except, for the first time, my liver enzymes were medium - high. In the past, my liver enzymes were in fine shape. As a result, my oncologist has scheduled me for a CT scan of the abdomen in two weeks. I have not told my oncologist that I have been taking Iodoral and the companion nutrients for the last several years because he would freak out. Also, in the last month, I started taking milk thistle since I have read on this forum that it helps clean out the liver. I have been slowly gaining weight over the last several years (approximately 15 pounds), and I thought the milk thistle would help the liver since I have been taking Iodoral and Tamoxifen. I stopped taking Tamoxifen in 10/2010. I did not tell my oncologist that I started taking milk thistle either. I am feeling great so the only reason the CT scan is being ordered is because of the higher liver enzyme test.My questions:Since I take Iodoral, will I have any problems with drinking the chalky radioactive iodine for the CT scan?Will the radioactive iodine cause me to get sick since I am already taking Iodoral?Should I tell them that I am taking Iodoral?Should I stop taking Iodoral until after the CT scan?Should I tell them that I am taking Milk thistle? I have stopped taking the milk thistle until all of the tests are complete. Does that sound OK?Would taking milk thistle cause the liver enzymes to increase? Is is possibly a temporary thing like beginning Iodoral and the TSH increasing?Any comments would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance for your comments/feedback, Lu

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In answer to a couple of your questions.Elevated liver enzymes indicate that there is inflammation and damage to the liver cells. Liver enzymes are normally contained within the liver cells, and only when the cells are damaged and/or inflamed, do the enzymes leak into the blood stream. This can occur from a number of things: fatty liver, alcohol excess, certain meds such as long term antibiotics, and pain killers, oral synthetic hormone replacement, viral infections of the liver such as hepatitis C & B, auto-immune hepatitis, hemochromatosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, exposure to toxic chemicals such as insecticides, pesticides, organic solvents and unhealthy diet. Liver cells are very resilient and with a very healthy diet and good supplements they will repair and the enzyme levels will slowly come down over time in the case of simple fatty liver. This may take months. It is also not uncommon for the enzyme levels to fluctuate up and down before they decrease. Tamoxifen can cause liver enzymes to be elevated. Not only can it elevate liver enzymes but it can elevate cholesterol and calcium levels. The aching and soreness that some present while on Tamoxifen can actually be caused by the elevated calcium. Once Tamoxifen is discontinued, cholesterol and liver enzymes will usually come down to normal.Milk Thistle usually helps enzyme levels to come down. However, all possibilities should be checked. A good quality milk thistle can make a huge difference.Since you are a cancer survivor, I would also suggest researching the amount of radiation that one receives from a CT scan. Radiation is a known cause of cancer. You may want to ask if an ultrasound can be performed first. They do pick up cysts and tumors and thus will indicate if further testing is needed. If the doctor balks at an ultrasound (many do because a CT scan is much, much more expensive) and you decide that the scan is the route to take, it is always wise to let your doctor know exactly what you are taking (meds and supplements) before any type of procedure.Be WellDr.L From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Lu BrownSent: Friday, February 18, 2011 12:10 PMiodine Subject: Questions Hi,I am a 4 1/2 year breast cancer survivor. I have been taking 50 - 100 mg Iodoral/Lugols for 3 1/2 years. I recently went to a 6-month checkup with my oncologist, and everything is fine except, for the first time, my liver enzymes were medium - high. In the past, my liver enzymes were in fine shape. As a result, my oncologist has scheduled me for a CT scan of the abdomen in two weeks. I have not told my oncologist that I have been taking Iodoral and the companion nutrients for the last several years because he would freak out. Also, in the last month, I started taking milk thistle since I have read on this forum that it helps clean out the liver. I have been slowly gaining weight over the last several years (approximately 15 pounds), and I thought the milk thistle would help the liver since I have been taking Iodoral and Tamoxifen. I stopped taking Tamoxifen in 10/2010. I did not tell my oncologist that I started taking milk thistle either. I am feeling great so the only reason the CT scan is being ordered is because of the higher liver enzyme test.My questions:Since I take Iodoral, will I have any problems with drinking the chalky radioactive iodine for the CT scan?Will the radioactive iodine cause me to get sick since I am already taking Iodoral?Should I tell them that I am taking Iodoral?Should I stop taking Iodoral until after the CT scan?Should I tell them that I am taking Milk thistle? I have stopped taking the milk thistle until all of the tests are complete. Does that sound OK?Would taking milk thistle cause the liver enzymes to increase? Is is possibly a temporary thing like beginning Iodoral and the TSH increasing?Any comments would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance for your comments/feedback, Lu

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