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Re: Gaseous Theories

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Hi Will,

It's actually not stress or anxiety or an emotional factor because there

is a very specific trigger - dry skin brushing or massage, and that is

it. It's like clockwork with those 2 things. I just want to

understand why it comes with those 2 things. Thanks for the


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Will Winter [mailto:holistic@...]

> Sent: August 10, 2004 12:05 PM

> gallstones

> Subject: Gaseous Theories


> , the extreme belching is something that I have had and I would

> label it

> part of a GB COLIC episode. There are other causes that contribute


> particularly stress, anxiety, fear, anger, worry, or other excessive

> emotional

> input. The guts are your " SECOND BRAIN " . If the sufferer doesn't

" learn "

> how to open the esophageal passage and eliminate the air, it causes

> paralyzing pain exactly like heart attack pain is described, eg,


> pressure-pain in the center of the chest. It's common for the extreme

> volume

> of air to follow a meal by 1-3 hours.


> To expell the air, walking helps a lot as does making swallowing


> as

> you do on an airplane to open the ears to relieve pressure, it's

> intentional

> burping.


> Possible sources of the gas or air:

> 1) Swallowing too much air when eating, say by eating too fast

> 2) Swallowing air by abnormal breathing on feeling discomfort, bloat


> colic

> 3) Gas-producing bacteria in the digestive tract

> 4) Fermenting food in the stomach and small intestine.

> 5) Foul environment in stomach- inadequate hydrochloric acid


> While you may have a concurrent CANDIDA infection, it's extremely


> and causes hundreds of diseases, Candida albicans yeast organisms, to


> knowledge, are not the yeast bugs that produce gas. HOWEVER, it's


> likely that those of us that get this violent gas production have lost


> " good "

> Acidophilus-type bugs and have an overgrowth of the wrong kind of


> ie,

> the gas producers.


> In my work as a vet, BLOAT kills many cattle, sheep and goats, and


> kills many a horse. These gas explosions come on fast and the animal


> die so fast they literally drop dead right on you, crushing you as you

> listen

> with the stethoscope or take the temperature. Sometimes the only


> salvation is to tap the gas with a pocket knife or huge needle. Shock

> ensues

> rapidly otherwise.


> What I have found that prevents and cures human belching attacks:


> 1) Reduce excess carbs especially cereal grains (remember how beer is

> made?) Most bugs thrive on simple carbohydrates,especially fructose.

> 2) Eat more pure proteins especially pastured eggs every morning for

> breakfast. Also liver (once a week) and grass-fed meat.

> 3) Learn which foods " trigger " your episodes---for me it was


> food

> for others it's cabbage, dairy, pasta, potatoes, beans or processed


> Some foods are impossible for certain people to digest, hence the gas.

> 4) EAT SLOWLY, chew your food well, don't eat when stressed or hurried

> Never eat a huge meal late at night, never overeat.

> 5) Take digestive enzymes 30 min. before eating, including ox bile

> 6) Take probiotics daily, mainly Acidophilus and many other good bugs

> 7) Exercise by walking for 30 minutes after a big meal. Abdominal

> massage.

> 8) FAST on a regular basis to empty the intestines of fermenting


> 9) Read books like " The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet " by Felicia


> these

> people understand fermentation, digestive upsets, colitis and so on.

> 10) Learn to enjoy spices (culinary herbs were originally put there to

> detoxify

> and help digest foods!) Cayenne, oregano, basil, cilantro, garlic,


> etc.

> If you can, try taking herbal bitters 30 minutes before you eat,

> especially

> dinner.


> ***Always apply a CASTOR OIL HOT PACK over your liver that night if


> had an episode.


> ***This is a warning signal that fasting, cleansing, or flushing is

> overdue.





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The only time I get belching like you describe is when I've eaten

something I'm allergic/sensitive to.

Have you shown your doctor/ND the exact movements you make when you

do the dry skin bruching or the massage? If it isn't simply a matter

of relaxing yourself enough via the massage to allow the gas to come

out, then perhaps someone watching you move could come up with a

better reason.


> Hi Will,

> It's actually not stress or anxiety or an emotional factor because


> is a very specific trigger - dry skin brushing or massage, and

that is

> it. It's like clockwork with those 2 things. I just want to

> understand why it comes with those 2 things. Thanks for the

> suggestions.



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