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Re: ????????????? for Will

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None of us on this site can or should make any diagnoses or treatment plans

other than general recommendations for all that you have going on. There

are several things you say though that are RED FLAGS indicating that you

should RUN not walk to another doctor for a second opinion.

These " diet pills " and the diuretic use are flirting with death in my opinion.

Nothing good can come from this approach and it flies in the face of

everything this website represents. QUACKS get people on these

techniques, never holistic healers. I think this mish-mash approach smacks of

a desparate illogical plan for non-realistic and non-sustainable gain, you are

digging yourself into a hole. A real cure will give you some immediate relief

but true cure will require A YEAR OR MORE to arrive. You need to be

realistic, calm, not panicky or desperate. It will be a fun ride and you can


inspire others.

There are some general recommendations that I think apply to your situation:

1) Go to at least one other doctor, maybe 2-3. Family practictioner MDs are

often fairly gentle, natural and almost holistic and there are tons of holistic

chiropractors. Some basic blood tests may be helpful now but you probably

don't need CT scans or other invasive testing.

2) Try to wean yourself off the diet pills and, hopefully, the diuretics. Stay

away from them in the future.

3) Don't let anyone talk you into taking any other drugs or strong topicals

unless you are facing an emergency situation.

4) Begin a gentle and careful EXERCISE PROGRAM preferrably with a

coach But start now, TODAY. Walking, swimming and bicycling are fantastic.

You should be up to an hour a day before long.

5) Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day

6) Wean yourself off ALL junk food and things you know are bad (all soda

pop, cigarettes, excess coffee,candy, sweets, fried foods, fast food, snacks,

chips, etc). Are their " nutty " or extreme aspects to your current diet?

7) Increase your FIBER intake, eat fruit, vegetables, beans, whole grains and

get some GOOD FATS going, free-range eggs, organic butter, flax seed oil,

cod liver oil, free-range meat, wild ocean fish, organic coconut oil, avocados,


8) Get on a VITAMIN-MINERAL regime. You sound possibly deficient. You

may want to use a good book or coach for getting a good plan.

9) READ, READ, READ, I recommend THE MAKER'S DIET as one of the

best of the new batches of diet books. There are many good ones. Also many

good holistic websites out there.

10) Work on STRESS LEVELS. I'd say yoga, meditation, breathing, dancing.

or long soothing aromatherapy baths. Use Rescue Remedy, St 's wort,

and chamomile tea for panic attacks. Go easier on yourself.

11) Even if you have to call in experts, examine your entire lifestyle, home,

workplace and all else for potential TOXINS or POLLUTANTS in your life and

then eliminate them

Best wishes, I see ABSOLUTELY NO OBSTACLES to a full, complete cure for

you. God is giving you a good slap to wake you up! Say your prayers of

GRATITUDE for this blessing.

Will in Minneapolis

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