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Re: gallstones and water

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The chlorine in your tap water will definitely exacerbate the formation of

stones, binding to the fats and minerals. Distilled water would be the most

likely to leach the salts out but reversed osmosis is not only the next best

thing but a close second.


> > I have a reverse osmosis system. I wouldn't drink

> > the

> > tap water where I live.

> >

> > Tina


> Me too on the RO water purifier, I have well water,

> but one never knows when impure water may enter as we

> have a lot of houses around us. And re the earlier

> reply about not being able to take soy, Tina, thanks

> for the info and sorry about that. Take care! claudia


> >




















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i did my first gallbladder flush. I saw quite a few stones and fealt great.

The evening following the flush, my stomach gurgled almost all night and i was

gassy (no pain, just a little discomfort). is this normal? The afternoon i

completed the flush for my first meal, i ate cooked pureed

brocolli/spinach/kale/garlic/onion/celery with about a teaspoon each of ghee and

coconut oil and added curry, cumin and cayenne for taste. I also had a salad

with greens and onion with an olive oil, lemon joice, braggs organic cider

vinegar and fresh garlic dressing. Please let me know whether this meal was too

heavy or acidic following the cleanse whether this is what caused the persistent

gurgling. or, what could be the cause?

Also, since i discovered stones and suspect there would be more, when would you

suggest i do the next flush?

thank you all in advance for your valuable input.

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> Mercola's opinion on distilled water




> Tina

Great information, I was going to write a reply

suggesting minerals be supplemented if fasting when

drinking distilled water, and the fact that if

they aren't, body will " pull " minerals needed

from bones, etc., most of which is mentioned in the

article. Consuming enough minerals is

important...even a lot of stress will require more

minerals, calcium/magnesium, or body will pull from

the bones. Exactly how much is hard to determine, but

being away and supplementing at the very least the

minimum requirement is beneficial. I've recently

switched over to liquid form of vitamins, minerals

and antioxidants. Seems to be better absorbed than

pills. I know there are LOTS of approaches to this,

but I'm pleased with how things are going now.


L. Meydrech, CN


" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a


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Hi , would you mind sharing with me what brand names you are using for

the liquid form and where do you buy them from?

Thanks so much,

" Meydrech, CN " <journey2health@...> wrote:

I've recently switched over to liquid form of vitamins, minerals

and antioxidants. Seems to be better absorbed than pills. I know there are

LOTS of approaches to this,

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thank you . Since I saw gallstones, its likely there are more. When do

you advise I do my next flush?

" Meydrech, CN " <journey2health@...> wrote:

> i did my first gallbladder flush. I saw quite a few

> stones and fealt great. The evening following the

> flush, my stomach gurgled almost all night and i was

> gassy (no pain, just a little discomfort). is this

> normal? The afternoon i completed the flush for my

> first meal, i ate cooked pureed

> brocolli/spinach/kale/garlic/onion/celery with about

> a teaspoon each of ghee and coconut oil and added

> curry, cumin and cayenne for taste. ....

Some of the things in your list are gas forming foods,

broccolli, onion...and the oils and spices...that

would be quite stimulating after a flush. If you came

through it causing just a bit more cleansing, and feel

well now, then it is probably all fine, but I tend to

go it a bit easier than that the day after, eating

more bland foods. But for what you ate, yes, the gas

would be normal.


L. Meydrech, CN


" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a


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Ah, the ongoing debate on water. Great article by Dr. Mercola, however a

few points both relative and not to the discussion regards: gallstones.

Plants are designed to pick up " inorganic " (not the chemical definition

of organic. for the purposes of this post, the term organic will refer the

naturally chelated (bonded) form found in human foods) minerals from the

soil, where they are then bonded with amino acids and enzymes. Humans are

designed to eat plants or fauna that feeds upon them, getting their mineral

nutrition in complexed form. Dr. Mercola's statement about the drinking of

mineral rich glacial waters is incorrect, it is the fact that cultures such

as the Hunzacuts grow their food in soils both alluvial and irrigated with

mineral rich waters, that is responsible for the fantastic health benefits

noted. Mineral water is a lousy source of minerals (other benefits) for the

above reasons. In fact drinking mineralized waters in quantity, depending

on the assay, can be quite health defeating.

Distilled water has had the " life " literally boiled out of it. The

" energetics " (Long discussion: enough to say that the ability of water to

hold an energetic template and imprint is unparalleled. E.g.: Holy waters,

Willard water, micro clustered water, homeopathics, flower essences, etc.)

have been destroyed. Making it a lousy (horrible) long term water source.

As well as Batmanghelidg's book try " The Hidden Messages In Water " by Masuru

Emoto for a paradigm shifting read. This acidic (minerals are basic),

leaching quality makes distilled water a therapeutic source for " toxicity "

issues in the body. Chemically water is the universal solvent, distilled

water being the most solvent. As regards gallstones and their breakdown,

distilled water is probably the most destructive to them.

As regards mineral supplementation; the approximation of the " organic "

bonding performed through the metabolic processes of plants is critical.

Our science on this is primitive and crude at best. There is great

variation in quality on the market, and while the pinnacle available is

gross at best, it is light years ahead of the majority of supplements

available. You are going to pay for it and probably foolish not to.

As regards a liquid presentation; the supplement (irregardless of the

quality) is more readily available, bypassing the breakdown through the

digestive process. People with gallbladder problems already have digestive

issues making this a very viable delivery choice. Let us look quickly at

the main choices: Tablets (most) are compressed under hundreds of pounds of

pressure at times, making them potentially hard to break down. Add to the

fact that in the cheap garbage one-a-day type they then bake sugar coating,

food grade shellac, and carnauba wax on them, making them extremely hard to

breakdown (thank God!). Tablets can be crushed, formed under low pressure,

and/or bound with a easily disintegrating binder for efficacy (a typical

disintegration test might be total dissolution in water with no mechanical

action within 10 minutes). Capsules (less) are filled loosely with fine

material making the relatively easy gelatin cap the only issue outside of

absorption. Liquids (least), present the nutrients right there.

To distill this down: Distilled water may be a very good choice for

the dissolution of gallstones. Shop first for quality of materials in a

supplement, then make sure you can break it down to assimilate. Hope this



----- Original Message -----

From: " Meydrech, CN " <journey2health@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 8:02 AM

Subject: Re: gallstones and water



> > Mercola's opinion on distilled water

> >

> http://www.mercola.com/article/water/distilled_water_2.htm

> >

> > Tina


> Great information, I was going to write a reply

> suggesting minerals be supplemented if fasting when

> drinking distilled water, and the fact that if

> they aren't, body will " pull " minerals needed

> from bones, etc., most of which is mentioned in the

> article. Consuming enough minerals is

> important...even a lot of stress will require more

> minerals, calcium/magnesium, or body will pull from

> the bones. Exactly how much is hard to determine, but

> being away and supplementing at the very least the

> minimum requirement is beneficial. I've recently

> switched over to liquid form of vitamins, minerals

> and antioxidants. Seems to be better absorbed than

> pills. I know there are LOTS of approaches to this,

> but I'm pleased with how things are going now.


> =====

> L. Meydrech, CN

> http://nutritionist.bravehost.com



> " A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

















> __________________________________________________


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Great site, Tina! I liked it and added it to the links on the

Gallstones cleanse website. I also added one of my all time

favorite sites on the " Water Cure " .

Thanks, Vince

Distilled water Chet Day & Dr. Mercola

Opinion that long term use of distilled water is NOT good for us.

(Short term use can be good for cleansing/healing)


Water cure (using pure water and minimally processed sea salt)

The Water Cure " to our Creator, with awe, humility and love. " F.

Batmanghelidj, M.D. " All information on this site is based upon the

work of F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. as found in his book, " Your Body's

Many Cries for Water. " See how many ailments can be cured or

alleviated with a simple inexpensive daily attention to " hydration "


> Mercola's opinion on distilled water

> http://www.mercola.com/article/water/distilled_water_2.htm


> Tina

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The mineral needs are possibly too often overlooked, and may be the

missing link in fighting all kinds of health issues. Reading Dr.

Wallach's " Dead Doctors don't Lie " opened my eyes to this. I too

take a liquid mineral and vitamin supplement. I also take extra

magnesium, selenium, C & E in addition to the liquid supplement. I

don't just shoot in the dark any more trying to guess how much

supplementation I need. I do muscle testing with the Bi-digital O

Ring method for which there is a link on our website. I found I had

a rather severe difficiency of magnesium. This, I believe, explains

why no amount of water and fiber ever cleared up years of sluggish

bowels. Now that I am getting enough magnesium especially and the

other minerals I have no problem. The water cure helped me too

because I've always had dry skin. The skin is supposed to be a

window into the unseen parts of our body. Dry skin means other

tissues are not as healthy as they should be either. Now, my skin

is soft and moist because the water with the sea salt minerals (from

the water cure) is absorbed and used more efficiently by all my





> > Mercola's opinion on distilled water

> >

> http://www.mercola.com/article/water/distilled_water_2.htm

> >

> > Tina


> Great information, I was going to write a reply

> suggesting minerals be supplemented if fasting when

> drinking distilled water, and the fact that if

> they aren't, body will " pull " minerals needed

> from bones, etc., most of which is mentioned in the

> article. Consuming enough minerals is

> important...even a lot of stress will require more

> minerals, <a href= " http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?

si=11 & k=calcium%20magnesium "

onmouseover= " window.status='calcium/magnesium'; return true; "

onmouseout= " window.status=''; return true; " >calcium/magnesium</a>,

or body will pull from

> the bones. Exactly how much is hard to determine, but

> being away and supplementing at the very least the

> minimum requirement is beneficial. I've recently

> switched over to liquid form of vitamins, minerals

> and antioxidants. Seems to be better absorbed than

> pills. I know there are LOTS of approaches to this,

> but I'm pleased with how things are going now.


> =====

> L. Meydrech, CN

> http://nutritionist.bravehost.com



> " A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

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My two cents on the water issue.

I have been drinking distilled water exclusively for

about 5 years.

I didn't drink enough water to begin with but when I

did drink it, it was always distilled smart water with


Could that have contributed to my magnesium

defficiency and sludge?

--- Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:

> Ah, the ongoing debate on water. Great article by

> Dr. Mercola, however a

> few points both relative and not to the discussion

> regards: gallstones.

> Plants are designed to pick up " inorganic " (not

> the chemical definition

> of organic. for the purposes of this post, the term

> organic will refer the

> naturally chelated (bonded) form found in human

> foods) minerals from the

> soil, where they are then bonded with amino acids

> and enzymes. Humans are

> designed to eat plants or fauna that feeds upon

> them, getting their mineral

> nutrition in complexed form. Dr. Mercola's

> statement about the drinking of

> mineral rich glacial waters is incorrect, it is the

> fact that cultures such

> as the Hunzacuts grow their food in soils both

> alluvial and irrigated with

> mineral rich waters, that is responsible for the

> fantastic health benefits

> noted. Mineral water is a lousy source of minerals

> (other benefits) for the

> above reasons. In fact drinking mineralized waters

> in quantity, depending

> on the assay, can be quite health defeating.

> Distilled water has had the " life " literally

> boiled out of it. The

> " energetics " (Long discussion: enough to say that

> the ability of water to

> hold an energetic template and imprint is

> unparalleled. E.g.: Holy waters,

> Willard water, micro clustered water, homeopathics,

> flower essences, etc.)

> have been destroyed. Making it a lousy (horrible)

> long term water source.

> As well as Batmanghelidg's book try " The Hidden

> Messages In Water " by Masuru

> Emoto for a paradigm shifting read. This acidic

> (minerals are basic),

> leaching quality makes distilled water a therapeutic

> source for " toxicity "

> issues in the body. Chemically water is the

> universal solvent, distilled

> water being the most solvent. As regards gallstones

> and their breakdown,

> distilled water is probably the most destructive to

> them.

> As regards mineral supplementation; the

> approximation of the " organic "

> bonding performed through the metabolic processes of

> plants is critical.

> Our science on this is primitive and crude at best.

> There is great

> variation in quality on the market, and while the

> pinnacle available is

> gross at best, it is light years ahead of the

> majority of supplements

> available. You are going to pay for it and probably

> foolish not to.

> As regards a liquid presentation; the

> supplement (irregardless of the

> quality) is more readily available, bypassing the

> breakdown through the

> digestive process. People with gallbladder problems

> already have digestive

> issues making this a very viable delivery choice.

> Let us look quickly at

> the main choices: Tablets (most) are compressed

> under hundreds of pounds of

> pressure at times, making them potentially hard to

> break down. Add to the

> fact that in the cheap garbage one-a-day type they

> then bake sugar coating,

> food grade shellac, and carnauba wax on them, making

> them extremely hard to

> breakdown (thank God!). Tablets can be crushed,

> formed under low pressure,

> and/or bound with a easily disintegrating binder for

> efficacy (a typical

> disintegration test might be total dissolution in

> water with no mechanical

> action within 10 minutes). Capsules (less) are

> filled loosely with fine

> material making the relatively easy gelatin cap the

> only issue outside of

> absorption. Liquids (least), present the nutrients

> right there.

> To distill this down: Distilled water may be a

> very good choice for

> the dissolution of gallstones. Shop first for

> quality of materials in a

> supplement, then make sure you can break it down to

> assimilate. Hope this

> helps.





> Dave



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Meydrech, CN "

> <journey2health@...>

> <gallstones >

> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 8:02 AM

> Subject: Re: gallstones and water



> >

> >

> > > Mercola's opinion on distilled water

> > >

> >



> > >

> > > Tina

> >

> > Great information, I was going to write a reply

> > suggesting minerals be supplemented if fasting

> when

> > drinking distilled water, and the fact that if

> > they aren't, body will " pull " minerals needed

> > from bones, etc., most of which is mentioned in

> the

> > article. Consuming enough minerals is

> > important...even a lot of stress will require more

> > minerals, calcium/magnesium, or body will pull

> from

> > the bones. Exactly how much is hard to determine,

> but

> > being away and supplementing at the very least the

> > minimum requirement is beneficial. I've recently

> > switched over to liquid form of vitamins, minerals

> > and antioxidants. Seems to be better absorbed

> than

> > pills. I know there are LOTS of approaches to

> this,

> > but I'm pleased with how things are going now.

> >

> > =====

> > L. Meydrech, CN

> > http://nutritionist.bravehost.com

> >

> >

> > " A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Dan " <dan_sokol@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 12:38 PM

Subject: Re: Re: gallstones and water


> Can anyone tell me what this bitter taste is from?

Many possibilities

Could it be from a thickened gb wall with gallstones? could it be a

recurrence of hep b


, or would my symptoms be worse?


is a thickened gb wall a common occurence concurrent with acute hepatitis?

Can a bout of Hep B cause problems with the GB?



> Any suggestions for a homeopathic remedy to this problem? are there any

> herbs

Try a warming digestive. , ginger, cinnamon. If it gets better,

great; if it gets worse then cooling digestives; gentian (bitters), amla,

bitter orange.

, vitamins, etc.

All the normal liver nutrients; Vitamin A, lecithin (or phosphotadyl

choline), phosphotadyl serine, vit C, etc.



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----- Original Message -----

From: " denise milfort " <mllebondgirl007@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 11:07 AM

Subject: Re: gallstones and water

> My two cents on the water issue.

> I have been drinking distilled water exclusively for

> about 5 years.

> I didn't drink enough water to begin with but when I

> did drink it, it was always distilled smart water with

> electrolytes.

> Could that have contributed to my magnesium

> defficiency

Definitely, however I would expect that magnesium would have been one of the

electrolytes that they would have used (source probbly not so good). The

proper amount of minerals in the body is critical. The chances of getting

enough from our diets is non-existent. since the advent of NPK (nitrogen,

phosphorus, potassium) fertilizers the assay of other minerals in our food

has plummeted. Some would consider the supplementation of such imperative.

Colloidal mineral supplements were the product de jour in the late nineties.

Before spending large quantities on such products look up the chemical

analysis work done by Shauss PHD. They are not what they are

purported to be. Mineral supplementation in a grosser form may be more


and sludge?

Highly doubtful.

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Dan " <dan_sokol@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 11:54 AM

Subject: Re: Re: gallstones and water

why would hep b lead to gb disorders?

The gallbladder is just a receptacle for the material produced by the liver.

If the chemical makeup of such is off from damage done then the gallbladder

receives inferior fluids.

can funny taste (acidy) in mouth be a symptom of gb problems? could the

funny taste could be bile?

Yes and yes. Taste can be effected by contents of the bloodstream. a good

example is when you rub DMSO on the skin you will have taste within 15

seconds. Bile dumps into the digestive tract at the top of the small

intestine leaving it 20 feet of sm. intestine to be re-absorbed if there is

not enough soluble fiber to bind it up. Hence it is possible hat the bitter

taste is bile but not definite.

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Hi ,

Glad you enjoyed the article. I also saw " What the bleep " at an indie theater

here in CT and found it really fascinating. :) IMHO Dr Emoto's studies on

water are pretty phenomenal. Fringe studies such as these are often ignored or

never get carried out due to lack of interest and funding, but doesn't mean

they should be discounted or ignored, either. When we consider that our body is

largely composed of water and that our intentions have the potential for

altering the 'state' of water, it could put a pretty new spin on self-healing


the " water cure " !!!

>>>I've had the severe eye-twitch for a while. Muscle spasms in my sleep and

sharp pain in my heart from time to time. If it wasn't for this group I would

have never known

this. <<<

Just wanted to add a few words of comfort and say you're not alone. I was

getting muscle fasciculations and heart pvcs for a few years and was concerned

about MS, which is in the family. In my case, after I did my first flush and

started supplementing with " natural calm " teas (magnesium citrate), I noticed a

vast improvement, too. Subsequently, I've discovered that, although most

twitches are benign and inexplicable, some women do get them with hormonal

fluctuations. I noticed that my pms went away after my first flush, too, so I am

wondering if this is all just connected to the liver being unable to flush away


excess estrogen during the change, or even during normal cycles. Have you

tried Hawthorne Berry tea for your heart?

At any rate, thanks to all the wise folk here, the liver flushing, increased

water intake, dietary changes, supplementation and exercise in combo has not

only totally eradicated my painful biliary colic, as well as the nagging

mid-back and right rib pain, it's cured a number of other things that I hadn't


imagined it would, so I guess you'd say I'm a firm believer!

Peace, n

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----- Original Message -----

From: " denise milfort " <mllebondgirl007@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 10:57 PM

Subject: Re: gallstones and water

> Hi there,

> Five years ago, I decided to take massage therapy

> classes and one of my classmates gave me a tape

> " Dead Doctors don't lie " .

> I listened to it, A GREAT colloidal minerals argument.

> It was pretty profound and it made a huge impression

> on me.

Excellent tape on the importance of mineral supplementation, Wallich is

120% correct on 80% of what he said. Completely whacko on the rest (e.g.

doctor's dying younger than the populace!). The concept that the cure all

end all is micro mineral nutrient supplementation is absurd and dangerous

(mineral supplementation is extremely important though), the other aspects

such as the elimination of wastes that are left out is one example of what

is missing. Makes great copy for marketing colloidal minerals.

> I bought the colloidal minerals, took them until the

> bottle was finished and just never did it anymore.

> At the time I was 24 and a little more obsessed about

> my health then most people my age.

> Since I just Never got around to another bottle

> anymore after that,

> I guess it's time to do that again.

If you take a look at the independent analysis work that Shauss did on

36 of the colloidal supplements available on the market, I think you will

find them to be poor use of funds. While far from optimum, properly bonded

minerals from a reputable lab will most likely give you the safest and

biggest bang for the buck. The best source of course, and unequaled would

be through vegetable matter.


> I bought a bottle of magnesium today because I'm

> afraid of heart damage etc.

> The infrequent sharp pain in my heart and

> I'm just plain sick of the eyetwitches and the muscles

> twitches.

> I bought malic acid with magnesium following the

> suggestion of the woman at the health food store, I

> haven't noticed much difference so I bought magnesium

> from Carlson Laboratories a great supplement company I


> I was taking coral calcium for a while and I noticed

> there's 30 mg of magnesium to 1200 mg of coral

> calcium.

> Is it possible that this ratio was a contributing

> factor to my magnesium deficiency and if so

> the last thing I want now is a calcium defficiency.

Very possible since they work in a balanced concert within the body.

Largest player will most likely be lack of magnesium though. The ratio of

Calcium to magnesium in the body is approx. 3:1, but most people are

deficient so a higher ratio of magnesium is generally reccomended. I

wouldn't worry about your calcium intake having a negative effect as a

general rule, just make sure you get enough magnesium.

ALL OF THIS CAN AND IS OVER DONE. All supplements are highly

concentrated sources and create a load on the body. The less of these God

awful pills, capsules, teas we can get by with the better. This needs to be

a way back to life, not a way of life. The worst cases I see in my practice

are people who are taking massive amounts of excellent expensive supplements

because they read this is good for that.

> This is starting to feel like rocket science...

> really.

It is not. It is mostly common sense. Know that you are perfect just the

way you are even though you may wish to make some changes.

> Any advice would be appreciated.


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----- Original Message -----

From: " Dan " <dan_sokol@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 4:18 AM

Subject: Re: Re: gallstones and water

> what are some of the " many possibilities "

There are a myriad and not possible to determine from a distance. The

possibility of bile a good one. Other digestive juices (or the lack there

of), improper movement of waste down and out, mineral deficiency (your sense

of taste is dependent on several especially zinc) or toxicities, epidermal

absorption from jewelry are some.


> Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Dan " <dan_sokol@...>

> <gallstones >

> Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 12:38 PM

> Subject: Re: Re: gallstones and water




> >

> > Can anyone tell me what this bitter taste is from?


> Many possibilities



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----- Original Message -----

From: " Dan " <dan_sokol@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 4:19 AM

Subject: Re: Re: gallstones and water

> thanks Dave. What can i do to relieve this symptom?

If it is from bile (a good possibility) treating your liver (probably a

bigger issue than the gallbladder) with the love and kindness it deserves

and now demands after the hep damage. Probably the top herb for the

regenerative effects on the liver is an ayurvedic herb called bhumy amalaki

(phyllanthus niruri). Your liver is the most regenerative organ in the

human body outside of skin, hair, and nails. Other liver detoxifying and

protective herbs and supplements would be a good idea. If bile, the fact

that you taste it means that we need to soak it up and move it through.

Soluble fiber is what bonds to lipids in the digestive tract (we are all

French cooks: we make a roux in the digestive tract). Extra fiber when

doing any liver/gallbladder work is well advised. You may have a spastic

pyloric valve with contents from your small intestine moving up into your

stomach (hope not), if so time to see a professional gastroenterologist (one

that knows what he/she is doing). Making sure you have proper HCL

production and digestive enzyme supplementation also important.




> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Dan " <dan_sokol@...>

> <gallstones >

> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 11:54 AM

> Subject: Re: Re: gallstones and water





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In a message dated 12/20/2004 1:57:46 AM Eastern Standard Time,

mllebondgirl007@... writes:

> was taking coral calcium for a while and I noticed

> there's 30 mg of magnesium to 1200 mg of coral

> calcium.

> Is it possible that this ratio was a contributing

> factor to my magnesium deficiency and if so

> the last thing I want now is a calcium defficien

: The Calcium supplement I take does NOT have the 2:1 calcium to mag

ratio. That idea is unproven and mostly an hypothesis that circulates as gospel.

The calcium supplement I used is formulated by one of the top Canadian

natural health MD's and is available only through a naturopathic or other health

professional. If you have a connection where you can obtain it, let me know and


will give you the name. It also contains Vit D and boron to aid absorption.


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