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Re: Hello. Im new and need advice

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Dear :

I am sure you are unnerved with all that has happened to you. But I think you

are on the right track flushing rather than having surgery.

If you will look in the curezone gallstones archives you will see some

whopper stones that people have passed very safely.

Also you will read message after message of people who had their gall bladder

removed without any symptom improvement. HOWEVER, there are others who have

had plenty of relief so its a personal decision, but I would suggest you spend

an hour or two reading the archives for this group before you decide for sure.

Its a big step and one that is irreversible.

Good luck,

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, Read Dr. Cabot's book 'The Liver cleansing diet' first. I

personally would not attempt flushing with a dx of a very large stone - I would

undertake a dissolving/softening course first.

BTW It is possible that the very large stone is in fact a bunch of smaller

stones compressed by the movement of the gallbladder to look like one large


There are other books to read after that one (which I'm hoping others will

suggest) but that is where I would start. And as said read, read, read,

the archives here (I hope you have a very comfortable chair ;o))



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Hi ,

1.4 cm is just .55 inch which is not the largest stone reported to have

been passed. The epsom salts should relax the bile duct to allow it to

pass, but there are dissolving products that can be used to reduce the

size of the stone first, if that size is too large. Gold coin grass,

Chang's herbs (chinese herbs), Stone Free (Planetary Formulas),

and malic acid (apple juice), come to mind.

I lost my gall bladder 7 years ago after several attacks. I totally

ignorant of the alternative health world back then and the last attack

was very severe to the point where my doctor had the surgeon called me

up personally to come in and he scheduled emergency surgery that was not

to happen for another 4 months. I was clueless as to what alternatives

there were out there. I have been living in a nightmare ever since.

The diarrhea is non-stop. The pain under my right rib going to my back

and shoulder is relentless. Until I started a liver flush - Master

cleanse routine this past summer. Almost all my symptoms have

disappeared completely. I have also gained many other benefits of the

routine I had followed. If I had the choice today I would never have

let them take it out!!

Check out the curezone websites listed at the bottom of these messages.

A very good place to start for information.

G Murray




>I am a 35 year old male. Over the last several months, Ive had

>multiple " attacks " I tried the Olive Oil flush method and saw good

>results. Unfortunately, about a week later I got the worst attack yet.

>So bad in fact that my finace rushed em to the hospital.


>After an ultrasound, I was found to have just ONE gall stone. It

>appears I flushed the others. Unfortunately, the ONE stone I have left

>is approx 1.4 cm in size ( the size of a marble )


>I have consulted two doctors so far. Both have said my ONLY option is

>gall bladder removal.


>I am opposed to removal of my gall bladder but will relent if no other

>option is available to me. One of the doctors told me that the flush

>was a good thing but doubted a flush would get rid of a stone this

>size without complications ( like it getting stuck and causing more

>problems ) He also said it most likely accounted for the fact only the

>one stone could be seen with the ultra sound.


>My questions are as follows:


>1) Has anyone been able to pass large stones through flush methods?


>2) What is life like AFTER gall bladder removal? What can I expect in

>the long run? Especially dietary expectations?


>I have to decide this week and if I decide on surgery it will take

>place next Wednesday ( most likely )


>Thanks in advance,





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Please please consider postponing possible surgery and doing more

flushes, with herbs as others have mentioned. I have done over 20

flushes and in the scheme of things a 1.4cm stone is quite small. You

should be able to expell it, especially with the assistance of herbs

and apples.

Something else that may help is doing some parasite killing with herbs

and or zapper (all info is on curezone parasite forum etc.). According

to Dr Hulda killing parasites enables more effective liver

flushing, and I have to admit that I have had better flushes when I

have been on the parasite herbs.

I did a flush just last weekend (without parasite herbs) and had about

120 stones come out, at least 30 of these were over 1.4cm in size, but

not calcified.

I have heard too many bad stories about gallbladder surgery, and after

all, if gallbladders weren't necessary for good digestion then we

wouldn't have them!

I wish you the best of luck, and great digestion!!

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, I have to chime in as a fellow traveler in the sometimes scary, oft

rewarding world of " alternatives to surgery " . It's a real journey.

I feel the quickie-cure cholecystectomy is a soon-to-be-obsolete procedure

that will look as ghastly to people as bloodletting and lobotomies do to us

now. For one thing, it fails to get to the true cause of illness, that being a

congested, stagnant liver and then, in turn, all the lifestyle and dietary


that led to that. For another, the steps you take to uncongest your liver and

GB will flush and unravel many other now-latent chronic problems and make

your entire body cleaner and healthier, something for which mere surgery

does nothing. Surgical quick-fix alone leaves you as buzzard-bait for the next

malady down the pike. And, there IS more down the pike.

As others have said here, it will pay you huge dividends to spend several

hours digging into the archives for the tools you will need. It's not ungodly

difficult, anyone can do it, but you will need to work at it. My own technique


to make a WORKING SCRAPBOOK out of hard copies of all the pertinent

techniques and product listings you will find here.

After I had my ER hospitalization and narrowly avoided being railroaded into

surgery (they tried their best to scare the hell out me!), I chose the DISSOLVE

FIRST plan which I did for a year. When I did flush, the stones were more like

fragments so I concluded that a stone that was over 1 " in diameter had been

in " aggregate " form and the dissolving shattered it into hundreds of small

irregular fragments. The passage was easy. The process goes on.

As from Atlanta recently told me (when I had a frustrating relapse), " it

took you decades to build this chronic inflammatory condition, it will take you

YEARS to completely flush it away (as you build your new lifestyle) " .


All the best,

Will in Minneapolis

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