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Re: Doctor misconduct

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Hey Group,

I've read about how dangerous doctors can be to your health.

Just this week I found that out first hand. The doctor was a specialist


my son........ age 21, I am wondering about patient rights concerning


and in this instance, the doctor threatened to " fire us " as his patients,

because we

dared to not agree with him.

I will be writing the AMA to file a complaint against this doctor but

what other

measures can I take to somehow make it public what this doctor is capable


He was neglectful in the care of my son that being the worst of what he

did but

he also was arrogant, rude and downright insulting.

I would appreciate any suggestions, and also since he placed pins in the


of my son's hand, we will need to find another orthopaedic specialist who


be willing to take over his care.........

I am very distrustful of this doctor and cannot in good conscience take

my son

back to him...........however what does one do in this situation??

thanks, Dee


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Dee, sorry to hear you are having problems with your son's doctor. Other

than the doctor's personality, what what was it exactly that feels sub-standard

in your son's care?

If you truly feel you need to file a complaint, you need to go the the State

Medical Board, not the AMA. All licensing is done by the states and the AMA

is more of a political organization and membership is totally voluntary..

Don't forget that every doctor also has the right to terminate the

doctor-patient relationship if it doesn't feel like it is working. Often the

rift is felt

mutually. When I was in the hospital last year with gallstone-induced

pancreatitis, my gastroenterologist became so peeved with me making my

own medical decisions from the hospital bed that he dumped me as a patient!

I got shifted to a wet-behind-the-ears associate who turned out to be much

more competent plus a whole lot nicer. The only good thing that came of it is

that I never got a bill from the first guy.

Every specialist gets a chance to take on new patients who are switching

doctors. I'd suggest you keep your description of the " bad " doctor brief, just

say " it wasn't working " and stick to the most important thing, finishing the job

at hand. Don't forget to have your son dose up heavily on Vitamin C, Vitamin

E and the full complement of minerals. I've also used herbal bone menders

(comfrey and boneset) successfully in the past to cut healing time in half.

All the best,

Will in MInnesota

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Here's my story, my son broke a bone in his hand near the thumb of his

right hand, (he's right handed)

last Thursday, we went for x-rays and to see our family doctor who told

us it was broken,

that's how we ended up at the orthopaedic doc. This doc said he needed

surgery as soon as possible

to set the bone back in place with pins so it would grow back and he

could keep the use of his thumb.

He saw this specialist on Monday, and he prescribed him 30 Lortabs for

pain, our family doctor had

given him 24 Tylenol 3's for pain as well, My son is a student and works

part time at General Nutrition

Centers ( vitamin/health food store chain), he took 5 of these 30

Lortabs, during the time he had seen

this doctor on Monday, till his surgery on Thursday.......he took the

Lortab at nite to help him with the pain

so he could sleep, and took the tylenol 3 during the day, as he went to

school and worked.

Before the surgery he was sedated with something similiar to Valium but

it's something else.......and he was given a local block on his hand for

his surgery, the surgery was suppposed to take 20 minutes, however it

turned into an hour and he ended up with a long incision in his hand, due

to the doctor having problems getting the bone back in place. When I saw

him in recovery he was conscious but was still sedated, I went to his

recovery room with him and stayed with him, when the feeling started

coming back, he began to complain of the pain and when his doctor came by

to talk to us, he told him he was in pain and the doctor stated that

there would be " No Charge for that " , we just looked at him, like DUH!!

He acted so nonchalant

and uncaring about my sons' pain, like it was a big joke at our expense.

I showed the doctor Shane's bottle of Lortabs that we had with us, to

ask him if he could take it now or what to do for the pain, and he goes

" YOU HAVE PAIN MEDICINE? " , Like we werent' supposed to have anything for

pain, I said, yes, you prescribed this on monday

when my son saw you. This doc then said, to me, I never know who has pain

medicine or who doesn't!

So, I ordered it for him today, but I'll change it so he cannot have

anymore, then he pointedly looked

over the chart at my son, like you are not getting anything by me.......

During this exchange, my son is still sedated and in pain, Shane asked

the doctor

if I run out of pain medicine can I get more......I'm in pain

now........he was still groggy and not

fully himself, the doctor pointed at the bottle of Lortabs, 25 of them

and said what you have there is

valuable................and I won't be giving you anymore pain medicine

you do not need it. I was getting

to be annoyed with this man, and I ignored him and looked at my son to

resssure him, and told him

plainly, we will call our family doctor for pain medicine if you need

it...........I was not rude to this doctor

but I let him know we would not put up with his foolishness, then he

raised his voice and began to

threaten us if we called our family doc he would " FIRE US " , and he began

to repeat again what he would

do, and he really meant it he said.............. He was so angry I

thought he was going to throw something

at me! I looked this doctor in the eye, and told him my son doesn't sell

drugs or want to sell drugs

he needs them for pain. He ignored my son's complaints about pain and

left the room.

He was so intent on worrying that we were trying to get drugs that we

didn't need he never

gave my son anything for pain, the nurses never gave him anything in his

IV or by mouth for pain,

I ended up giving him the Lortabs for pain on the way from the

hospital........I was so humiliated

by the whole episode and angry. My family and I are middle class all

American people.

We do not even look like drug pushers, and to think this doctor would

imply we were there

to just get drugs when my son had just went thru surgery is ridiculous

and insulting.

That's the reason I think the he received sub-standard care from this


Thanks for the recommendations for the vitamins and herbs for quick

healing time,

I'll be sure to pass those along to Shane.



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I was so humiliated

by the whole episode and angry.

Dont get mad. Dont get even. Get one better. Report the a$$hole.

I would! Whether they did anything or not I would certainly advertise to

EVERYONE what he is. I have even seen people take out newspaper ads to tell

folks. LOLOL


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