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Hi Cherie!

I really liked this website. It gave good breakdowns for nutritional value

for different foods. Great if you want to be sure you are getting enough of

different vitamins and minerals in your diet.

How have you been feeling? Do you have another appointment scheduled with

Dr. Leu? I see him tomorrow to go over neuroregulatory hormones. I

received my test results but can't interpret them. :( Whatever it means,

it's a mess! A friend of my husband's is seeing him next week for Mercury

poisoning. This man is a mess and has Parkinson's symptoms as a result. The

MD's just told him that he HAS Parkinson's. He doesn't, he has Parkinson's

symptoms from Mercury poisoning, quite a difference. MD's are so blind



> Hi - I was reading the posts on diet help, and I wanted to share

> this website that I found VERY helpful. It talks about everything

> from healthy food, organic, food allergies/sensitivities - it would

> be helpful for any of your diet questions. I found it to be very

> accurate and have been learning a lot from it. Here's the website,

> please check it out.


> http://www.whfoods.com


> Cherie




>>> Thanks Patty and Lynda,


>>> I spent the day talking to radiologists today . . . I

>>> still have a set of appointments to go, unless I opt

>>> for no treatment, or a six-week course.


>>> NO CHEMO! . . . NO WAY! . . .


>>> Statistics show that, with whole breast radiation, and

>>> follow up medication, the chances of reoccurance is

>>> less than 1%. . . Reoccurance without radiation or

>>> medication is about 40%. It could be years before

>>> reoccurance is obvious. Studies of breasts removed via

>>> radical masectomies showed that as many as 70% of

>>> women had cancer cells that weren't apparent yet -

>>> even in women with small tumors.


>>> I'm torn between counting on NCD to protect me and

>>> going for the safest odds. I had hoped it would have

>>> knocked out the cancer cells. However, the study that

>>> put 78% of Stage IV cancer patients into remission was

>>> done over a one-year period. I know I'll continue NCD

>>> regardless.


>>> I really can't say what I'm going to do yet! I'm sure

>>> that I'll feel better when I make a decision than I do

>>> right now while trying to figure out what I'll do

>>> next.


>>> Hugs,


>>> Rogene









> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed

> health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care

> professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

> Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a

> happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing, two-time

> Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


> See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> http://.shutterfly.com/action/



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thanks for asking - since being off the prednisone, my pain is

gradually coming back - still at a tolerable level - sleeping well -

actually I am more fatigued than I have ever been and feel like

sleeping all the time - very weird for me. I did talk to Dr. Leu

last week and I just received the test kit for leaky gut. After

reading that website, I asked him about it, and also the allergy

avoidance diet. He pretty much said that was going to be my next

step anyway, he was just trying to get the other things better first

(neuroregulatory). So I have been off wheat and dairy for a week

(along with no sugar, preservatives, or anything processed). I

don't feel any better yet, still pain, terrible sinus problems and

fatigue. Maybe herxing. I'll give it another day or two, then I am

going to call Dr. Leu again. The thyroid med and other things are

supposed to make me have more energy, but I feel more tired. Go

figure. The good thing is that I lost six pounds in six days! (I

know that's not recommended, but losing weight is not my focus right

now like it used to be, I'm mainly doing these things to get feeling


Is this your first neuroregulatory panel? How are you feeling? I

know what you mean about MDs, it seems many only want to treat the

symptoms with drugs, which lead to different problems. I really

like finding the cause and go from there.

I have to get to work -



> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Rogene

> >> I don't envy you having to make the decision as to how to

> > proceed.

> >> But I do believe you are right that God will impress upon you

> > which

> >> way to go.

> >> When you said that you had hoped that the NCD would have knocked

> > out

> >> all your cancer cells, I was wondering how you knew that it

> > didn't.

> >> Did they take a biopsy after you had been on the NCD and it


> >> showed cancer cells? I am a little confused on that. What do


> >> think about RM-10 that Jordan Rubin talks about. He shows some

> >> statistics with its use and different diseases in one of his

> > books.

> >> I can't remember if cancer was one of them. I know he feels it

> >> helped his grandma recover from cancer. I am praying for God's

> >> guidance for you.

> >> Hugs, Kathy

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> --- In , Rogene S <saxony01@>


> >>>

> >>> Thanks Patty and Lynda,

> >>>

> >>> I spent the day talking to radiologists today . . . I

> >>> still have a set of appointments to go, unless I opt

> >>> for no treatment, or a six-week course.

> >>>

> >>> NO CHEMO! . . . NO WAY! . . .

> >>>

> >>> Statistics show that, with whole breast radiation, and

> >>> follow up medication, the chances of reoccurance is

> >>> less than 1%. . . Reoccurance without radiation or

> >>> medication is about 40%. It could be years before

> >>> reoccurance is obvious. Studies of breasts removed via

> >>> radical masectomies showed that as many as 70% of

> >>> women had cancer cells that weren't apparent yet -

> >>> even in women with small tumors.

> >>>

> >>> I'm torn between counting on NCD to protect me and

> >>> going for the safest odds. I had hoped it would have

> >>> knocked out the cancer cells. However, the study that

> >>> put 78% of Stage IV cancer patients into remission was

> >>> done over a one-year period. I know I'll continue NCD

> >>> regardless.

> >>>

> >>> I really can't say what I'm going to do yet! I'm sure

> >>> that I'll feel better when I make a decision than I do

> >>> right now while trying to figure out what I'll do

> >>> next.

> >>>

> >>> Hugs,

> >>>

> >>> Rogene

> >>>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice

given by licensed

> > health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

health care

> > professional before commencing any medical treatment.

> >

> > " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

mislead you.

> > Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about

how to live a

> > happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,


> > Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

> >

> > See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

> > http://.shutterfly.com/action/

> >

> >

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