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The art of doctoring in today's world.

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I don't want anyone to think that I am in favor of surgery in all cases. I


that a huge portion (70-80%) of surgeries are medically unnecessary. More

often than not, with excessive cutting, the patient ends up being WORSE off

than not having surgery. The problem is that we never know exactly what is

necessary and what isn't. NO ONE knows for sure in every case. That's why

different doctors have different opinions. It is never black and white and ALL

doctors (even the very best) occasionally error, and may error in both


The problem today is most often a LEGAL one. If the doctor DOES surgery

and it wasn't necessary (eg. benign tumors) the doctor's career will most

likely survive. On the other hand, if the doctor decides (for whatever reason)

to play it conservative, give it the benefit of the doubt, and trys to get away

WITHOUT surgery ---and then things turn bad--- the doctor's entire career

will most likely be wiped out. Which side would you error on if you were a

doctor? Thanks to our over-developed legal system, doctors are in a pickle

that doesn't allow them to practice good medicine anymore. If the patient

takes the responsibility and signs a release, as I've done, then the doctor


quite as liable. In many ways, and in spite of major medical advances, we live

in bad times.

My last 24 months required many surgical decisions:

1) BROKE THUMB--decided to heal it w/o surgery, used vitamins and herbs.

result = good healing, thumb is 75% as strong as original.

2) Dx with MALIGNANT MELANOMA on head--decided to DO surgery, had it

done twice. Result = Good call. they got the entire thing before it spread.

Saved my life.

3) BROKE TWO BONES IN HAND rejected surgery -healed with herbs

and vitamins. Result= healed but hand is slightly crooked.

4) GB DISEASE Rejected both ERCP and cholecystectomy to the major

chagrin of the doctors. Results= I think I've lucked out and will be far better

off using alternative techniques.

5) INJURED KNEE, fracture, torn ligaments. Decided to heal w/o surgery and

used alternative techniques. Result = so far so good but the knee will never

be good again.

With regard to PAIN RX, it's been a long time since I heard a story where

someone couldn't get enough. In my case, they've been over-active with the

pain medicine and tend to give too much. Modulating my pain was about the

only thing they did right during my hospitalization, the new stuff is really


But I know several people with simple pain problems that have gotten scripts

for OXYCONTIN! That's excessive and I think the profession is working on

cutting it down. We haven't heard both sides of the story regarding Dee's

son's care, but it sure sounds like his doctor was being an ass. I hope Dee

can sit down with him and negotiate a truce and perhaps an explanation and

apology. The last thing the world needs now is more hatred and more conflict.


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It is a sad fact in our world today that because of legal ramnifications


must modify their behavior, and yes it does hinder good doctors from

being able to

do their job. Caring and Trustworthy doctors have my sympathies in

regards to this.

I have no ill-will or hatred towards Dr. T; anger yes, resentment

some. My main concern is for any of his future patients who may

experience the verbal abuse

and neglect that my son suffered, at his hands.

It would be nice to get an apology from Dr. T and an explanantion as to


he's a Jackass but I don't see that happening in this world......maybe in

the Millenial Reign?



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