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1st Liver Flush - success 30+ soft light green stones.

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Great going for your first flush Tony!!!

I am happy for you.

I would love to get you to go every other weekend if

you can wait that long :) :)...You need to give your

body a bit of time to recover.

As a matter of fact, I think it is mentioned in the

book how long it SHOULD be to rest between flushes.

Happy for you!!!

Just my .5 worth.



I hope this message finds you and yours in the

best of Health and Spirit.

Our Health is Our Responsibility



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Hey Tony that is great news!!! Keep us posted....

I did the liver flush a few months back, I fasted for a few days before, and

I got many stones out also. I had one that was almost the size of a golf

ball!!! I did it two nights in a row and I got much smaller stones out

after the second one!!

Good Luck to you!!!

1st Liver Flush - success 30+ soft light green


1st Liver Flush - success 30+ soft light green stones.

Did 1st Liver Flush as per s book.

Drank Malic Acid and water for 6 days instead of Apple juice.

Tried a water enema after drinking epson salts.

Also tried a coffee enema later on afterwards.

Also used a tip I got from curezone. I applied a heat pad and

electric massager on my liver after drinking the olive

oil/lemon/orange/grapefruit juice.

30+ small soft light green stones between 1/16th inch and 3/16ths of

an inch.

Not bad for the first go.

No pains, after effects, aches etc..

Gonna do one every weekend until thet're all gone!

All the best,


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Congrats!! I tried myself over this past weekend and nothing :(

tgparker_nyc wrote:


> 1st Liver Flush - success 30+ soft light green stones.


> Did 1st Liver Flush as per s book.


> Drank Malic Acid and water for 6 days instead of Apple juice.


> Tried a water enema after drinking epson salts.


> Also tried a coffee enema later on afterwards.


> Also used a tip I got from curezone. I applied a heat pad and

> electric massager on my liver after drinking the olive

> oil/lemon/orange/grapefruit juice.


> 30+ small soft light green stones between 1/16th inch and 3/16ths of

> an inch.


> Not bad for the first go.


> No pains, after effects, aches etc..


> Gonna do one every weekend until thet're all gone!


> All the best,


> Tony








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Great going Tony! Better in than out with that stuff.

It took me 6 months to get up the courage to do my first LF three weeks ago.

I do my second one tonight.

So, I agree with Nieema - although it's tempting to want to do another one

quickly, it's easier for your body if you wait two to three weeks. Anyway,

the theory is, it takes this long for stones in the back of the liver to

come forward. I would say that was about right. I was itchy with hives

before my first liver flush (about 200 stones) and the itch went away

immediately afterward. In the last couple of days, the hives have come

back again. This tells me it took about 3 weeks for the ducts to get

clogged again.

Here's to your good health! - p

1st Liver Flush - success 30+ soft light green




> 1st Liver Flush - success 30+ soft light green stones.


> Did 1st Liver Flush as per s book.


> Drank Malic Acid and water for 6 days instead of Apple juice.


> Tried a water enema after drinking epson salts.


> Also tried a coffee enema later on afterwards.


> Also used a tip I got from curezone. I applied a heat pad and

> electric massager on my liver after drinking the olive

> oil/lemon/orange/grapefruit juice.


> 30+ small soft light green stones between 1/16th inch and 3/16ths of

> an inch.


> Not bad for the first go.


> No pains, after effects, aches etc..


> Gonna do one every weekend until thet're all gone!


> All the best,


> Tony








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I have a question. How do you identify stones?



> 1st Liver Flush - success 30+ soft light green stones.


> Did 1st Liver Flush as per s book.


> Drank Malic Acid and water for 6 days instead of Apple juice.


> Tried a water enema after drinking epson salts.


> Also tried a coffee enema later on afterwards.


> Also used a tip I got from curezone. I applied a heat pad and

> electric massager on my liver after drinking the olive

> oil/lemon/orange/grapefruit juice.


> 30+ small soft light green stones between 1/16th inch and 3/16ths


> an inch.


> Not bad for the first go.


> No pains, after effects, aches etc..


> Gonna do one every weekend until thet're all gone!


> All the best,


> Tony

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No pain whatsoever, the only thing is the olive oil may make you sick to

your stomach a little bit, and I had to go a bunch of times that night so it

did keep me up a bit but other than that no pain from passing the stones....

Re: 1st Liver Flush - success 30+ soft light

green stones.

Is there pain when you pass these stones?

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Thanks for your input. Go onto curezone and you'll read accounts by

some folk doing sucessful flushes every other day, every 3 days, once

a week, once every two weeks, once a month etc...

IMHO it really is up to you what you and your body can handle and

what is most healing and productive for you...

I'm still in the experimental stage, and frankly for the first few

flushes I want to get the stones train rolling... then I'll

experiment with

the intervals...so once a week feels right for me at this moment in


Thanks for the comments,

BTW, how many liver/gall flushes have you completed?

> Greetings


> Great going for your first flush Tony!!!


> I am happy for you.


> I would love to get you to go every other weekend if

> you can wait that long :) :)...You need to give your

> body a bit of time to recover.


> As a matter of fact, I think it is mentioned in the

> book how long it SHOULD be to rest between flushes.


> Happy for you!!!


> Just my .5 worth.


> nieema




> =====

> I hope this message finds you and yours in the

> best of Health and Spirit.


> Our Health is Our Responsibility


> http://www.a-healing-village.com


> nieema

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1st Liver Flush - success 30+ soft light green stones.

Did 1st Liver Flush as per s book.

Drank Malic Acid and water for 6 days instead of Apple juice.

Tried a water enema after drinking epson salts.

Also tried a coffee enema later on afterwards.

Also used a tip I got from curezone. I applied a heat pad and

electric massager on my liver after drinking the olive

oil/lemon/orange/grapefruit juice.

30+ small soft light green stones between 1/16th inch and 3/16ths of

an inch.

Not bad for the first go.

No pains, after effects, aches etc..

Gonna do one every weekend until thet're all gone!

All the best,


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Gall stones are round, and green to tan in color. They can be pea sized or

smaller, or quite a bit larger than that. I actually did my first liver

cleanse according to Dr. 's book 2 weekends ago, and I got around 550!?

stones. I have pictures if you'd like me to email them. Just stones- no poo

(not to be gross or anything, but that's what my hubby thought I had taken

pictures of!! :-) Email me at owensark@... if you would like some



I have a question. How do you identify stones?



> 1st Liver Flush - success 30+ soft light green stones.


> Did 1st Liver Flush as per s book.


> Drank Malic Acid and water for 6 days instead of Apple juice.


> Tried a water enema after drinking epson salts.


> Also tried a coffee enema later on afterwards.


> Also used a tip I got from curezone. I applied a heat pad and

> electric massager on my liver after drinking the olive

> oil/lemon/orange/grapefruit juice.


> 30+ small soft light green stones between 1/16th inch and 3/16ths


> an inch.


> Not bad for the first go.


> No pains, after effects, aches etc..


> Gonna do one every weekend until thet're all gone!


> All the best,


> Tony

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Greetings Tony

Thanks for asking about my flushes. Well to date I have had 9 flushes

or maybe 10. They all went well with no problems at all.

I am aware of all others that do a flush once a week, every three days

and such.

I am also trying to remind you and all people that the book was written

with loads of research and in the book it clearly reminds us that what

we go thru is


surgery with out the things associated with it (stiches..pain..bed rest...).

If we were to have surgery once a week, I feel that our bodies might

have a bit of a problem and once you have gotten in trouble, it might be

hard to get back on track. Your call of course, I will support you what

ever it is...that is what we are here to do.

Oh yes, one thing you might want to think about, if you personally could

be a bit more patience, your body might really like it...just my five

cents :-) :-)


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Did you go through a period when the improvement from the liver flushes seemed

to slow down or even stop? I have done nine. I got no stones on my 7th, a few

hundred on my 8th and back to 1000 on my ninth. Each of my first 6 produced

over 1000 stones each. I lost all symptoms after my third flush, including

carpel tunnel, allergies to environment and food, pain in toe and ibs. My

symptoms are returning. I am having gas and bloating and my toe hurts again.

Also, my lymph nodes in my neck are swollen.

I am hoping that my 10th flush takes these things away. They used to just come

back when I needed to do a flush. Now I have them most of the time.

Debbie (In New York)

<nieema0@...> wrote:

Greetings Tony

Thanks for asking about my flushes. Well to date I have had 9 flushes

or maybe 10. They all went well with no problems at all.

I am aware of all others that do a flush once a week, every three days

and such.

I am also trying to remind you and all people that the book was written

with loads of research and in the book it clearly reminds us that what

we go thru is


surgery with out the things associated with it (stiches..pain..bed rest...).

If we were to have surgery once a week, I feel that our bodies might

have a bit of a problem and once you have gotten in trouble, it might be

hard to get back on track. Your call of course, I will support you what

ever it is...that is what we are here to do.

Oh yes, one thing you might want to think about, if you personally could

be a bit more patience, your body might really like it...just my five

cents :-) :-)


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  • 2 weeks later...


Debbie I do not think I answered your email, I have been doing a bit of

detoxing and it has been a very very rocky ride for a while here.


I am doing a flush this coming week and it will help I am sure.

I am sure that the amount of flushes is important but more important is

the amount of colon and bowel health is going on in the body. For me I

have not been drinking enough water to flush out the things the flushes

are letting go.

I think I forget that the body keeps on working when the flushing is

done. I even had white bread in the form of a hamburger....I can not

believe I did that to my body :-)

But life goes on...I am 56 on the way to 57 and I am still alive and


I am getting the diabetes under control now also...so I have been

working the old body pretty hard.

My lymph nodes in my neck get bad too but I just massage them and I use

my silver when I get into a detoxing time. I have been doing a

combination of using and not using the minerals and I love the way it

works on me. I also use DMSO and silver wow...for me it goes right to

the problem. But, I would not recommend that way to everyone.

I am happy for you being in New York there is so much available

there...that is the only thing I do miss being over here...

Debbie, I hope by the time you get this email you will have been well on

the way having finished your flush finished and gone well!!!

One question are you taking no yeast vit B? I found that to be

important for me.

Ok I am off now!!!


Deborah Higgs wrote:

> Nieema,


> Did you go through a period when the improvement from the liver

> flushes seemed to slow down or even stop? I have done nine. I got no

> stones on my 7th, a few hundred on my 8th and back to 1000 on my

> ninth. Each of my first 6 produced over 1000 stones each. I lost all

> symptoms after my third flush, including carpel tunnel, allergies to

> environment and food, pain in toe and ibs. My symptoms are

> returning. I am having gas and bloating and my toe hurts again.

> Also, my lymph nodes in my neck are swollen.


> I am hoping that my 10th flush takes these things away. They used to

> just come back when I needed to do a flush. Now I have them most of

> the time.


> Debbie (In New York)


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