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Re: Lecithin is our friend.

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Will wrote >>>You want to get your lecithin from your DIET, and the best

dietary Lecithin is from free-range organic EGGS (never eat factory eggs--bad

lecithin!), grass-fed MEAT, and grass-fed BUTTER.<<<

Does anyone have information on the amount we need to be consuming to get enough


Also, what do our hens need to be eating to be producing egg yolks with good




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, get lecithin from your diet, not from a bottle. A good balanced diet

will do it. Read Nourishing Traditions Cookbook by Sally Fallon if confused

about what people should eat to be healthy and gallstone free. You can't beat

her advice.

I try to eat 2-3 raw eggs a day in my smoothie which also has 2 oz raw cream

and 12 oz of raw milk. I also eat several tablespoons of raw buter a day which

really helps my GB. I eat 2 tbsp of virgin coconut oil a day too. I do take in

less of these foods in the cold Minnesota winter but try to maintain my fat

intake in other ways. A few salads, soups and a bit of meat here and there

and that's your whole diet. Oh, and a glass of wine too!

For the chickens to have healthy eggs and meat, they need to run free to eat

bugs, worms, flies, weeds and other trace nutrients. Same with the cows if

they are to have healthy butterfat. Factory Farm animals not only live in hell

but eating from a factory farm will slowly kill you many ways. Diversity is the

signature of sustainable and organic agriculture.

In the winter cows and chickens can't access good nutrtion and it's fairly

derivative. Farmers make do with augmented grains and hay. Therefore, one

should EAT WITHTHE SEASONS. This isn't the best time to eat fresh eggs,

or fresh dairy (like in the summer anyway). This is the time for aged cheeses,

ghee, lacto-fermented veggies, frozen vegetables, beans, nuts, sprouts, root

vegetables, dried fruits, seeds, cod liver oil, bone stocks in soup and

hundreds of other clever foods. Until the supermarkets and the agri-business

cartels created the illusion of " the endless summer " healthy people had to

learn to eat with the seasons. Now you can get oranges and raspberries in

the winter. Delicious but not necessarily good for your health. In the old days

all the cows were dried off in the winter and the laying hens were eaten. By

spring the cycle begins all over again. Remember the significance of the MAY


Will in Minnesota

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> Also, what do our hens need to be eating to be

> producing egg yolks with good lecithin?

Maybe others are different, but one of the worst

things that you can eat if you are having gallbladder

attacks is eggs, I was told by a GOOD doctor. In my

case it is true! I'm miserable after. To much



L. Meydrech, CN


" A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a


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----- Original Message -----

From: " Meydrech, CN " <journey2health@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 5:27 PM

Subject: Re: Lecithin is our friend.

> Maybe others are different, but one of the worst

> things that you can eat if you are having gallbladder

> attacks is eggs, I was told by a GOOD doctor. In my

> case it is true! I'm miserable after. To much

> cholesterol.

In one study eggs stimulated a gallbladder attack in 95% of the participants

(they all had gallstones and had previous attacks) -Dave



> =====

> L. Meydrech, CN

> http://nutritionist.bravehost.com



> " A cheerful heart is good medicine " Prov. 17:22a

















> __________________________________________________


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There are eggs and then there are eggs. I'm reiterating that when you get

strong enough to eat eggs, you should only use free-range organic eggs,

especially if taken raw. Raw eggs are best taken in with blender drinks or

salad dressings.

Additionally, as Dave reminds us, when you are colicking or still " in the

woods " with your GB/gallstone colic situation you CANNOT try eggs. Too

much of a trigger for most people. You can't be too careful here.

Funny, when I was in the hospital a year ago following 8 days abed with

deadly gallstone-induced pancreatitis I was doing everything in my power to

get well enough to get home. I had to get off dilaudid, and hold down liquids

and solids before the docs would release me. I got off the dilaudid OK, so

then the first beverage they brought me was COFFEE! I kid you not!

(another classic MAJOR attack trigger). I asked for and drank water and fruit

juice. Next day, I had to hold down solid foods, so what did they bring? A big

plate of SCRAMBLED EGGS! Honest to god! Were they trying to kill me? I

don't know. I ate 'em anyway and got out and got home without incident. It

took me a few weeks before I was brave enough to eat another egg. I still

wonder what all those worthless nutritionists and dieticians do in hospitals

other than occupy space. Of course, my hospital (and most others) has a

giant MC DONALDS in the lobby in lieu of a real cafeteria, this a place where

you could find about 20-30 nurses and doctors at any given meal time

(including my gastro-enterologists!) This sounds like a joke but it's true.

Eventually, though, it's pretty clear that taking in good fats, starting very,


gently, preferrably after you are cleansed, healed and flushed, is real

medicine for MOST GB sufferers. It's totally true that some people may never

get to the point of doing well with fat metabolism. But, when you get there at

last, I'm convinced that regular consumption of real foods containing liberal

amounts of good fats and oils is one of the true paths to a gallstone-free


Tom Cowan, MD has published a book wherein he goes on record as saying

that a reduced-cholesterol, or reduced-fat diet is one of the main causes of all

this gallbladder disease that has become a plague these days (5th most

common cause of hospitalization in the US and the 3rd most common

surgery!). I've not heard a better explanation.

1) Statistically speaking, coffee drinkers have far fewer gallstone problems

than non-coffee drinkers (and it's dose related) even though the herb can is a

common trigger substance when you are about to blow.

2) Indigenous Eskimo's who live in the old way ---the highest saturated fat

diet in the world--- have a virtual zero incidence of gallbladder disease. If


eat the modern SAD diet, they have terrible problems with the disease.

3) Americans at the turn of the century had a very high intake of good

saturated fats and there were almost no fake fats then. They had virtually no

cardiovascular disease, far less GB disease and more centenarians than we

have today.

4) Don't forget, the Japanese, in general ---and in the old days-- ate a very

high intake of seafood and sea vegetables, and most of their soy was

fermented. Nowadays, modern urban Japanese love tofu and Western fast

food and have the same bunch of diseases Americans do including

cholecystitis. There are Mcs all over Tokyo.

Will in Minnesota

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Go, Will, go! Perk up your ears and grab your pencils everyone.


----- Original Message -----

From: " Will Winter " <holistic@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 1:59 PM

Subject: Lecithin is our friend.


> Lecithin, rich in the bile, breaks down fat into small droplets and keeps

> all

> cholesterol soluble and mobile. Lecithin prevents and literally dissolves

> gall

> and kidney stones. Important for GB patients? OH, YES.


> Lecithin also keeps cholesterol solvent in the blood vessels, it helps the

> liver

> detoxify poisons and carcinogens, fuels the thymus gland (immune T-killer

> cells), helps make prostaglandins, and supplies choline to the brain and

> other

> organs. It's an edible (all essential fatty acids) detergent that

> emulsifies our

> fat. Few nutrients do more or are more crucial for GB patients to eat in

> their

> diet.


> Lecithin is from the Greek word for Egg Yolk, which is where you should

> get it.

> It's also found in meat and dairy butterfat. Many grains, including the

> soybean have small quantities of it but the grain versions are of lesser

> quality

> and harder to store.


> You want to get your lecithin from your DIET, and the best dietary

> lecithin is

> from free-range organic EGGS (never eat factory eggs--bad lecithin!),

> grass-fed MEAT, and grass-fed BUTTER. These foods contain lecithin in the

> form that is mostly the triple-strength version (phosphotidyl choline) and

> it

> does not easily become rancid like the soy lecithin which has too high a

> ratio

> of linolenic acid to be shelf stable. Anything that goes rancid is toxic.


> In addition to 90% of the US soybean production being GMO now (an

> ecological nightmare),--- you don't want to eat GM organisms--- soybeans

> have other serious anti-health properties, such as all the anti-nutritive,

> anti-digestion factors such as trypsin-inhibitors, soybeans contain major

> thyroid-toxic phytochemicals that kill your thyroid, and soybeans are

> loaded

> with breast-cancer causing, PMS-aggravating phyto-estrogens-isoflavones

> (bad for men too). Fermented soybeans are the only safe and healthy form.

> If

> your babies are on soy-based formula get them off of it.


> Unfortunately, and ironically, soy products are hurting many of those who

> are

> trying to eat healthier, especially vegetarians. If you eat it, get off

> the soy milk,

> tofu soy nuts, soy protein products, as well as the soy lecithin, and get

> yourself onto the grass-fed eggs, butter and meat. Again, NOT

> factory-produced, grocery-store versions, go real. (visit the

> www.westonapricefoundation.com website and read more details in the Soy

> Alert! page).


> Whoa, you pushed my button,


> Will in Minneapolis






> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

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> Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/


> Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73


> Images:

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Will Winter " <holistic@...>

<gallstones >

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 1:59 PM

Subject: Lecithin is our friend.

and soybeans are loaded

> with breast-cancer causing, PMS-aggravating phyto-estrogens-isoflavones

> (bad for men too).

I understand fully and agree with your point to some degree. However, these

isoflavones have many great health benefits. Hormones in the human body are

about balance: Too little- need more, to much- need less. These same phyto

estrogens and isoflavones are abundant through the whole legume family. The

only reason we hear all the hype about soy is that it is an abundant cheap

source. Red clover, alfalfa, and all the beans are also excellent sources

without some of the drawbacks to soy. Lets not forget about heart attack

causing, and allergic reactive too!

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