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Re: gallstone cleanse

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Hi ,

The thing that got me to do the cleanse was that I would be going to surgery one

way or the other. If I did nothing I would be having it removed. If I do the

flush, most likely outcome based on others experiences I would be ok. If the

rare chance I got a stone stuck and had to have the surgery then oh well, I

tried to avoid it. LOL

Maybe you could travel to a familiar U.S. location for the flush...in case.

just my thoughts,

----- Original Message -----

From: paulgochenauer


Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 9:30 PM

Subject: gallstone cleanse

I am 66 yr old male, retired in Mexico and have just been diagnosed

with " numerous " 15mm size gallstones (sonogram). I have

hyperlipidimia, have had 5 bypasses, aorta repair and both carotid

arteries " unblocked " the past 10 years. So cholestrol has done its

job on me. I have been taking medication (Zocor) and Niaspan and

have brought everything within normal limits...now the stones. Of

course I do not want surgery if avoidable. I am very curious about

the cleanse, but I am concerned about the olive oil since oil is one

of the things that seem to set off my attacks. Should this be a

concern? I have read of one cleanse which seems to have caused an

attach which required surgery. So, I am just trying to be a bit

cautious since I do not want to have surgery here in Mexico. So, any

in put would be greatly appreciated.

Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:





Liver Cleanse Recipe: http://CureZone.com/cleanse/liver/

Liver Flush FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=73




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Have a nice day !

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, I can't imagine how you found this group, but it could be a miracle that

you did. I think you've got a pretty good shot at total cure and at a long

healthy life if you take some slow, gentle steps with your body. The last thing

I'd do at this moment would be a GB flush. It could work perfectly now, who

knows, but why take chances with your health? You've suffered enough

already for 10 people!

Like myself, you could undertake a stone DISSOLVING plan for the first 6-12

months and then begin some FLUSHING techniques when you are stronger.

If you are diligent and use SEVERAL of the dissolving techniques

simultaneously, you won't have any major attacks and might not even have

any minor ones. By scanning back through our messages over the past 6

months you will find not only the dissolving techniques we use, LINKS for

more information and supplies, as well as the tools we use to safely ABORT


If you enlarge the picture to correct all your cholesterol pathways, you could

even win the " health lottery " and get fully healthy. As you noted, there is a

MAINLINE CONNECTION between your cardiovascular problems and your

liver issues. It's all one big imbalance, the gallstones are certainly no


When you holistically cure one aspect, the others will heal accordingly.

If I could only give you one piece of advice in this entire lifetime, I'd


you immediately pick up the book " 21 DAYS TO A HEALTHY HEART,

Understand, Prevent, and Reverse Diet Related Heart Disease " by Alan

. It's a best-seller and easily ordered from Amazon or any big book

store. It is clearly the place for you to start.

What you will find there will stun you with how easy it is to get your health

back and never see that surgeon again. You can get off the toxic drugs and

live a full life. I'd guess it would take you 1-2 years of diligent work to


the damages. There are hundreds if not thousands of people who have been

standing in your shoes who got their health back with these techniques. Your

GB, being DOWNSTREAM from all the other organs will snap back into focus

and be happy again.

If you do all this, you will be able to write your own book of how these safe

and natural techniques pulled you back from the grasp of the Grim Reaper.

Let us know what you decide,

Will, pulling for you in Minneapolis

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  • 2 years later...

PickPinkFlowers wrote:


> eating a fatty dinner = KFC or steak and baked potato with butter and

> sour cream with fresh berries with cream for dessert


> drinking 1/2 cup olive oil at bedtime and spending the night lying

> only on your

> right side


> taking Epsom salts first thing in the morning when you get up.


Eating that fatty dinner really concerns me. I'll copy below the first

purge that I did that my N.D. told me about. Sorry this is long, but it

might be helpful to someone.

The first purge I did was quite involved but it really started the

process of my passing stones:

Take 3 Lecithin, 3 B-Complex, 3 Hydrangea and 3 BLG-X with each meal.

Available at health food stores.

Take 2-4 Cascara Sagrada at night to keep bowels clean.

Every A.M. and every P.M. take 2 T olive oil mixed with 2 T fresh

squeezed lemon juice.

1 tsp. apple cider vinegar in a glass of water or V-8 juice helps to

soften stones.

Start: Every A.M., noon and P.M. take the above recipe (olive

oil/lemon) for 1 week. Plan the next 2 days to be home. Day 7 start

eating light foods only. e.g. applesauce, figs, pears, drinking apple

and other juices, V-8 (in glass bottles not cans). Keep up the olive

oil and lemon juice. Days 8 and 9 NO FOOD. Juices only. Apple, V-8,

olive and lemon. Drink up to 1 gallon of juices a day.

End of the 9th day about 5:00 p.m. drink 1 cup olive oil mixed with 1

cup fresh lemon juice. Immediately go to bed and lay still, on your

right side and WAIT. Before too many hours, the stones will start to

come out. If you wish to save them, use rubber gloves and place stones

in a strainer, rinse and put in a container and freeze them. (I did not

start passing stones until the following morning.)

This first purge is the most difficult. I did it and it started the

process of my stones coming out and they are still coming out. My first

and only attack was last March 12 and I'm still passing stones. Not

every day now as I did for many months, but about twice a week now.

I take A-F Beta Food from Standard Process available at health food

stores. Dr. Bruce West, whose newsletter I've taken for a decade and a

half, says that a doctor he knows, who used to survive by doing GB

surgeries, has stopped doing 95% of those surgeries after putting his

patients on this A-F Beta Food. I plan to continue taking it.


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I'm trying to find A-F Beta Food from Standard Process. Which health food

stores carry this? Any online stores?


Amber <amber@...> wrote:

PickPinkFlowers wrote:


> eating a fatty dinner = KFC or steak and baked potato with butter and

> sour cream with fresh berries with cream for dessert


> drinking 1/2 cup olive oil at bedtime and spending the night lying

> only on your

> right side


> taking Epsom salts first thing in the morning when you get up.


Eating that fatty dinner really concerns me. I'll copy below the first

purge that I did that my N.D. told me about. Sorry this is long, but it

might be helpful to someone.

The first purge I did was quite involved but it really started the

process of my passing stones:

Take 3 Lecithin, 3 B-Complex, 3 Hydrangea and 3 BLG-X with each meal.

Available at health food stores.

Take 2-4 Cascara Sagrada at night to keep bowels clean.

Every A.M. and every P.M. take 2 T olive oil mixed with 2 T fresh

squeezed lemon juice.

1 tsp. apple cider vinegar in a glass of water or V-8 juice helps to

soften stones.

Start: Every A.M., noon and P.M. take the above recipe (olive

oil/lemon) for 1 week. Plan the next 2 days to be home. Day 7 start

eating light foods only. e.g. applesauce, figs, pears, drinking apple

and other juices, V-8 (in glass bottles not cans). Keep up the olive

oil and lemon juice. Days 8 and 9 NO FOOD. Juices only. Apple, V-8,

olive and lemon. Drink up to 1 gallon of juices a day.

End of the 9th day about 5:00 p.m. drink 1 cup olive oil mixed with 1

cup fresh lemon juice. Immediately go to bed and lay still, on your

right side and WAIT. Before too many hours, the stones will start to

come out. If you wish to save them, use rubber gloves and place stones

in a strainer, rinse and put in a container and freeze them. (I did not

start passing stones until the following morning.)

This first purge is the most difficult. I did it and it started the

process of my stones coming out and they are still coming out. My first

and only attack was last March 12 and I'm still passing stones. Not

every day now as I did for many months, but about twice a week now.

I take A-F Beta Food from Standard Process available at health food

stores. Dr. Bruce West, whose newsletter I've taken for a decade and a

half, says that a doctor he knows, who used to survive by doing GB

surgeries, has stopped doing 95% of those surgeries after putting his

patients on this A-F Beta Food. I plan to continue taking it.


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