Guest guest Posted November 26, 2004 Report Share Posted November 26, 2004 HI, go to and click on water cure. Don't wait for pain to start drinking water, you should drink it daily. The best apple juice you can drink is apple juice pressed from organic apples in your own home of course. If you have to, bring your juicer at work and juice your apples fresh. If you have gallstones, water and fresh pressed organic juices should be your only beverages really. It's Christmas people and if you don't have one, it's time to invest in a good juicer!!! Great deals are going on, you can get the juiceman at Macy's or any other juicer. Pasteurized apple juice from the grocery store is a poor substitute for the real thing. Apple juice that has been sitting on the shelf in your grocery store full of pesticides and boiled to destroy enzymes and preserve shelf life can't compare to real Apple juice. This is important, we are not regular people who can get by on bare crap, we have a challenge, GALLSTONES and so we have to travel an extra mile. That means give up the sodas and the fruit juices loaded with refined sugar and artificial colorings etc. The liver has to process all of that crap. Red dyes and blue dyes and all the stuff you can't pronounce in any beverage you drink ends up overworking your liver. Someone with gallstones already has a challenged liver and they don't need the help of beverages loaded with what the body considers to be toxins. Most people are dehydrated and don't even know it. You're supposed to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water daily. Example if you're 120 pounds you should be drinking 60 oz. of water. I weigh 118 and drink 2 liters a day and that has dramatically improved my condition dramatically. If there is one thing you do to alleviate gallstone pain it should be water. Please read water cure on --- O'Leary <paul_oleary@...> wrote: > > The thing with gallstone pain is that it's hard to > tell when you're going to get it next. Sometimes it > can be years before it returns. I've been > dianoised as having gall stones by my doctor, and > they've also shown up twice on xrays. I've had them > for years. > > For me, the pain is caused by eating fatty meals. > When I feel the pain, I'll try to drink about 2-3 > glasses of simple tap water. That will dull the > pain. I'm trying to avoid the surgery too. Besides > that, I don't do anything else(except trying to > loose a few pounds). I haven't had serious pain in > over 3 years, but when I feel the beginning of that > pain these days I just start drinking water. > > Ironically I discovered that water did the trick > when I was given medication to dull that pain. The > medication never really had much effect, but I > discovered when I drank more of the water, the pain > stopped! Simple, but effective! > > Have you tried that? > > > > > kelticvamp <kelticvamp@...> wrote: > > > Hello folks I wanted to introduce myself. I was > referred to this > group after seeing a post at Curezone. I am a 31 > year old female with > problems with my gallbladder. I am avoiding surgery > at all costs and > I am currently taking the herbal route to aid me > with this. I am > taking two seperate pills called Stone Free and > GallstoneX, both I > got from a healthfood store in my home town, in the > States. (I am > currently living in Canada. Here are my questions > to you all and I > appreciate any feed back that you can share. Has > anyone taken any of > these products? Also has anyone heard of or taken > Gold Coin Grass? > My questions on that is does it work? What does it > taste like? > ETC? Every thing I have read on Gold Coin Grass > seems like an > informersial on the product. Its like it's too good > to be true but I > am becoming deseperate in my quest to stay far away > from the doctor > of any kind. > > Thanks for any input you can give me. > > Peace and Blessings > Jen > > > > > > > > > Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver > flush stories: > > > > > > Liver Cleanse Recipe: > > > Liver Flush FAQ: > > > Images: > > > > To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to: > gallstones-unsubscribe and then > reply to confirmation message! > > To Post message: gallstones > Subscribe: gallstones-subscribe > > Web Sites for more information: > > > > > > > > Group page: gallstones > > > To change your subscription to digest send blank > e-mail to: gallstones-digest > To change your subscription to NO-MAIL send blank > e-mail to: gallstones-nomail > To change your subscription to NORMAL send blank > e-mail to: gallstones-normal > You are receiving this email because you elected to > subscribe to the Gallstones group on 's groups. > By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY > responsible FOR yourself! > Have a nice day ! > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 1, 2004 Report Share Posted December 1, 2004 , Thanks for the info. I thought that most people who had gallstones are overweight. At least that's what this article implies( You're definitely the exception if you're only 120 lbs! I've been trying to exercize at least twice a week. I'm thinking maybe that will help. Have you tried that too? denise milfort <mllebondgirl007@...> wrote: HI, go to and click on water cure. Don't wait for pain to start drinking water, you should drink it daily. The best apple juice you can drink is apple juice pressed from organic apples in your own home of course. If you have to, bring your juicer at work and juice your apples fresh. If you have gallstones, water and fresh pressed organic juices should be your only beverages really. It's Christmas people and if you don't have one, it's time to invest in a good juicer!!! Great deals are going on, you can get the juiceman at Macy's or any other juicer. Pasteurized apple juice from the grocery store is a poor substitute for the real thing. Apple juice that has been sitting on the shelf in your grocery store full of pesticides and boiled to destroy enzymes and preserve shelf life can't compare to real Apple juice. This is important, we are not regular people who can get by on bare crap, we have a challenge, GALLSTONES and so we have to travel an extra mile. That means give up the sodas and the fruit juices loaded with refined sugar and artificial colorings etc. The liver has to process all of that crap. Red dyes and blue dyes and all the stuff you can't pronounce in any beverage you drink ends up overworking your liver. Someone with gallstones already has a challenged liver and they don't need the help of beverages loaded with what the body considers to be toxins. Most people are dehydrated and don't even know it. You're supposed to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water daily. Example if you're 120 pounds you should be drinking 60 oz. of water. I weigh 118 and drink 2 liters a day and that has dramatically improved my condition dramatically. If there is one thing you do to alleviate gallstone pain it should be water. Please read water cure on --- O'Leary <paul_oleary@...> wrote: > > The thing with gallstone pain is that it's hard to > tell when you're going to get it next. Sometimes it > can be years before it returns. I've been > dianoised as having gall stones by my doctor, and > they've also shown up twice on xrays. I've had them > for years. > > For me, the pain is caused by eating fatty meals. > When I feel the pain, I'll try to drink about 2-3 > glasses of simple tap water. That will dull the > pain. I'm trying to avoid the surgery too. Besides > that, I don't do anything else(except trying to > loose a few pounds). I haven't had serious pain in > over 3 years, but when I feel the beginning of that > pain these days I just start drinking water. > > Ironically I discovered that water did the trick > when I was given medication to dull that pain. The > medication never really had much effect, but I > discovered when I drank more of the water, the pain > stopped! Simple, but effective! > > Have you tried that? > > > > > kelticvamp <kelticvamp@...> wrote: > > > Hello folks I wanted to introduce myself. I was > referred to this > group after seeing a post at Curezone. I am a 31 > year old female with > problems with my gallbladder. I am avoiding surgery > at all costs and > I am currently taking the herbal route to aid me > with this. I am > taking two seperate pills called Stone Free and > GallstoneX, both I > got from a healthfood store in my home town, in the > States. (I am > currently living in Canada. Here are my questions > to you all and I > appreciate any feed back that you can share. Has > anyone taken any of > these products? Also has anyone heard of or taken > Gold Coin Grass? > My questions on that is does it work? What does it > taste like? > ETC? Every thing I have read on Gold Coin Grass > seems like an > informersial on the product. Its like it's too good > to be true but I > am becoming deseperate in my quest to stay far away > from the doctor > of any kind. > > Thanks for any input you can give me. > > Peace and Blessings > Jen > > > > > > > > > Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver > flush stories: > > > > > > Liver Cleanse Recipe: > > > Liver Flush FAQ: > > > Images: > > > > To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to: > gallstones-unsubscribe and then > reply to confirmation message! > > To Post message: gallstones > Subscribe: gallstones-subscribe > > Web Sites for more information: > > > > > > > > Group page: gallstones > > > To change your subscription to digest send blank > e-mail to: gallstones-digest > To change your subscription to NO-MAIL send blank > e-mail to: gallstones-nomail > To change your subscription to NORMAL send blank > e-mail to: gallstones-normal > You are receiving this email because you elected to > subscribe to the Gallstones group on 's groups. > By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY > responsible FOR yourself! > Have a nice day ! > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 1, 2004 Report Share Posted December 1, 2004 >>>I thought that most people who had gallstones are overweight<<< There is a common misconception that being overweight causes stones. This is incorrect and has come about because usually by the time stones are able to be seen by ultrasound (because they have calcified) the patient *is* overweight. Those who have not studied Liver/gallbladder disease carefully do not realise the being overweight is the *result* of liver dysfunction not the cause of it. Often for the decade or two before diagnosis the patient has felt unwell because the liver is unable to function correctly. In this time sludge and cholesterol stones are present in the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts but they are unable to be seen by ultrasound. >>>I've been trying to exercize at least twice a week. I'm thinking maybe >>>that will help.<<< Exercise will most definitely help to promote bile flow as it stimulates the liver. BUT to help in this process you *must* make lifestyle changes particularly of a dietary nature to thin the bile so that it *can* flow. Please take the time to read the archives , it will be well worth your time. Have you read any of the books recommended? Dr. Cabot's 'The Liver Cleansing Diet' is one I would recommend and there is another that's title escapes me at present... A book by... is it - s Moritz? If not it is something similar to that. Blessings Mama. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 2, 2004 Report Share Posted December 2, 2004 > Thanks for the info. > > Is Dr Cabot an M.D.? Do you know where she practices? M.D. Australia Download and install Firefox from and leave Internet Explorer security problems behind Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 2, 2004 Report Share Posted December 2, 2004 > Thanks for the clarification. Glad to hear she's a real doctor. The link you added even has footnotes for me to research! Very helpful. Which one? > > For the sake of your computer's health, I would suggest you check out the second one too Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 7, 2004 Report Share Posted December 7, 2004 I'm not a heavy meat eater myself, so that's interesting to note that you two aren't either. My pain showed up in my 20's and it's been gone for at least 3 years. Usually it right after having a fatty meal. Drinking water when the pain starts will solve the problem for me, but it's also a warning for me to not try that again! Part of me wonders if the pain caused by eating fatty meals is the body's own regulatory mechanism of telling us to cut back on fatty foods. Maybe the pain is partially by design. I guess with us feeling this pain, we'll never get obese, since our gallbladder will tell to cut back long before that happens! From what I've read about gallstones getting out of the gallbladder and causing pancreatitis, that's something I'd never wish on anyone. It sounds pretty painful. I've been lucky so far! Have any of you ever had kidney stones? denise milfort <mllebondgirl007@...> wrote: Hi , Slush is what I think is Biliary dyskinesia, it's a condition in which all the symptoms of gallbladder disease are present, but there are no stones. I think just because they don't see the stones doesn't always mean they're not there. Slush is thick bile build up that needs to flow out and it causes the same kind of pain as stones. It was really good to hear your story. I attributed my stones to my vegetarian diet for so long and my vegan diet. Our stories are so similar. Yes people's bodies are different, one man's meat is another man's poison. Because of me so many friends and family members became vegan and now I don't preach anymore, I just say to people well this works for me and it may not work for you. As far as food combining goes, I practiced that diligently when I was vegan and I must say since I started eating more fish and dairy, I don't pay attention to it as much. When I was vegan I had to because otherwise, I had indigestion and other problems. For me it's a transition into eating right for my blood type. Some people develop chronic illnesses from eating meat but for me it was a vegan diet that led to my problems. Take care! --- O <beeline@...> wrote: > " I think I have slush and a magnesium deficiency, > thanks to some info by people on here. " > > > > Slush ?...thats a new term on me this a disease > or what. > > Regarding your story ..mine is pretty much > identical...I have been a fitness freak & gym > junkie & concious (or so I thought) since > the age of 19/20 & I have never been even slightly > overweight all my life & never got sick(Im now 44 > yo)...(although I developed chemical sensitivities > in my late 30's due to continued prolonged bouts of > Candidias).. > but like you in my late 20' i began too develop > pain in my lower right side after consuming large > fatty meals you also I was a vegatarian..I > occasionally had dairy (rarely )....that was about > all the animal I had though meat fish eggs. > My study since long ago bought me too the > conclusion that some & /or many people do not do well > on a semi vegatarian & /or vegan diet...add to this > the fact that many of the components that make up > the calories in semi vegan diet are high carb/starch > (ie I include wholegrains in this & potatoes with > skins etc/legumes/nuts..not too mention soy)...which > are being shown increasingly today to not be as > benificial as many believed previously(read > sites/authors like for eg or > or Sally Fallon or Bruce Fife,.. & > many many more respected researchers) who add thier > voice to the weight to the evidence that > vegatarianism just dosent work for many/(possibly > most), nor does a typical vegatarian high > carb-starch /low protien ..I am part proof of > that....before someone jumps in & says they are a > healthy 120 y.o vegatarian /vegan..I have no doubt > that is possible & that they do exist ..but remember > everyone on this planet is different & I do believe > there are some who just do not do well on this type > of diet< which ironically many believe is a healthy > diet...fwiw > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: denise milfort > gallstones > Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 10:22 AM > Subject: Re: Water/Apple juice > > > > > > , > > > > Thanks for the info. I thought that most people > who > > had gallstones are overweight. At least that's > what > > this article > > implies > > Hi there, > As far as the obesity issue goes, believe me I was > asking myself the same question. > After my all night gallstone attack a few months > ago, > I woke up livid. > I mean really I said to myself how could this be > happening to me. > At the time > I was vegan, I do yoga, I do pilates, I go hiking. > I read everything there is to know about health or > nutrition, practically obsessed about it and have > tons > of books on health and diet etc. Pretty muich been > that way since 18 years old > I meditate, > blah blah blah, I eat organic foods more often > than > not, I was 28 blah blah blah. I just didn't get > it. > I certainly looked very healthy. > It didn't help when my doctor kept reassuring me > there's nothing wrong with me yet the pain under > the > right ribs persisted. > How could this be I often thought and asked > myself. > How could this be, and everyone around me was > saying > there's nothing wrong, you just have gas or > indigestion. > I couldn't just let it go, I thought I was dying, > especially when I could feel my liver or > gallbladder > or something moving inside me after the attack > almost > every time I ate. > I just didn't get it and I don't claim I know it > all > now either but I learned a lot and I've done some > drastic things since that attack, like changed my > vegan diet to a more normal diet, I exercise more > than > before to help eliminate this and try not to slack > at > all. More importantly I drink water, take > lecithin, > swithched to a non-GMo brand of vitamin c etc. > etc. > > I thought I had the perfect diet and I read > extensively on health yet I didn't see this thing > coming. > Even though I did a lot to promote good health, I > omitted some key elements for example > I never drank water and I think it's a huge > contributing factor to the pain I experienced. > Duh! > Also my eating habits although vegan were > inconsistent. > Some days I barely ate because my appetite was low > other days I would eat bags of nuts without > discretion > and none for a few more days and then on other > days I > would eat entire bags of vegan cookies and overeat > every single meal. Everytime I went out of town > the > meal of choice would be French fries since it was > the > only vegan good tasting thing on the menu. This > inconsistency I believe strongly affected my > immune > system. > I've always been a sweet junkie, I think too many > sweets contributed to my problem as well. > Normal meals were few and far between, either I > was > gorging myself or barely eating at all. > whether I ate like a pig or didn't eat from day to > day > My weight stayed the same all the time like > everyone > in my family, it seems no matter what our diet is > we > weigh pretty much the same, so I thought I was > healthy. The extremities didn't phase me, I > thought I > was doing what my body wanted, eating everything > in > sight when I was hungry and not eating when I > wasn't. > Then I did cleansing fasts which keeps the > gallbladder > unhealthy. Not eating on time or regularly > contributes to gallstones just as much as obesity > does. > Bile flow should be a regular thing and I believe > through fasting I interrupted the flow one time > too > many. > Another example would be heart disease. They make > people believe that obesity and heart disease go > hand > and hand. > look at Letterman, triple bypass right? > He's not overweight. > Bill Clinton? > I don't know what to make of the generalizations. > In > some parts they help in other parts they don't. > > My aunt had her gallbladder removed, she's always > been > chronically underweight, I think fasting > contributed > to gallbladder disease for her as well, my aunt > does > religious fastings and so does my mother which is > where I learned this behavior but never attempted > it > until all of my books on health. > Yesterday I found out that I cannot get a > cholecystogram because the hospital group I belong > to > (cedar sinai medical group) says it's an outdated > procedure and they don't do it anymore. > My doctor says take dimetap? > TAke Dimetap, I don't take over the counter pain > medicine. > > Don't know what's next. > I guess now maybe I should pretend the gallstone > attack never happened since I don't really have > symptoms anymore except the occasional pain under > the > ribs when I go crazy on the nuts. > I think I have slush and a magnesium deficiency, > thanks to some info by people on here. > === message truncated === __________________________________ Do you ? Read only the mail you want - SpamGuard. http://promotions./new_mail Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories: Liver Cleanse Recipe: Liver Flush FAQ: Images: To unsubscribe, send blank e-mail to: gallstones-unsubscribe and then reply to confirmation message! To Post message: gallstones Subscribe: gallstones-subscribe Web Sites for more information: Group page: gallstones To change your subscription to digest send blank e-mail to: gallstones-digest To change your subscription to NO-MAIL send blank e-mail to: gallstones-nomail To change your subscription to NORMAL send blank e-mail to: gallstones-normal You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the Gallstones group on 's groups. By joining the list you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself! Have a nice day ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 7, 2004 Report Share Posted December 7, 2004 >>>Slush is what I think is Biliary Dyskinesia<<< I'm guessing that you are referring to Sludge. If so, it is slightly different to Biliary Dyskinesia. Sludge is thick or slow moving bile that creates a back up and has symptoms identical to stones but no stones are seen on ultrasound. Either none exist or they are cholesterol stones which cannot be seen by ultrasound. By thinning the bile the symptoms are markedly reduced fairly quickly and completely disappear over time. Biliary dyskinesia is a condition that occurs after a gallbladder removal in which the muscle between the gallbladder and the small intestine does not open properly. This in turn creates a back up causing very similar symptoms to sludge. Unfortunately it may not be so easily treated as it most likely was caused by trauma during the surgery that removed the gallbladder. However if it is caused by a thyroid problem adding a selenium supplement to the diet may improve thyroid function and eliminate the problem (this would also have worked before the surgery. The study linking sphincter of oddi dysfunction and a thyroid problem is in the archives). If the problem is not cleared up by either bile thinning or the selenium further surgery is usually necessary to open the duct. Blessings Mama. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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