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Re: Pumpkin seeds and liver cleansing

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I would recommend readers think twice about using the strong herbal

wormers (herbal pesticides) such as WORMWOOD and BLACK WALNUT

HULLS. These are two of the most poisonous and toxic herbs in the business.

The liver is just one of the many organs they can destroy, the brain is another

one. Wormwood is the herb used to make absinthe, for example. These are

medicinal, wonderful and very effective herbs for extreme cases, but not

substances I'd recommend for 99% of the patients who suspect parasites, nor

would I recommend using them without a professional herbalist as guide.

First of all, decide if you really need these herbal WMDs. If you do, then read

the texts carefully, know exactly where you get your herbs (herbal quality and

potency is extremely variable and non-standardized), dose with exact

precision and only use what you need and no more.

Alternative types have a tendency to think that all drugs are bad and that all

herbs are safe, gentle and good. Ironically, and given the choice between the

two, some of the modern pharmaceutical wormers may be safer and more

gentle than the traditional herbal purgative wormers. Tapeworm medicines

are the best example of this.

People also tend to have an irrational and disproportional fear of bugs,

worms, and other squiggly things. This fear causes them to ingest, slather

and fill their homes and lives with all sorts of hard-core poisons.

I've found that there are at least a dozen other herbs and techniques that

correct the " terrain " where the parasites reside. Additionally, few parasitic

cases are urgent emergencies. Persistant correction using supportive and

cleansing techniques causes parasites to leave without needing to destroy

them. Garlic is just one of the many relatively safe herbs that can gently evict

unwanted tenants in or on your body. The " search and destroy " mentality,

whether it's anti-life drugs or violent herbs. is more suited to people who have

been led to blindly follow the non-holistic, allopathic, " Zapper " , Pasteurian,

" germ warfare " , medical-military mindset.

Best Wishes,

Will in Minnesota

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Definitely consume pumkin seeds raw, and it would be my preference to

chew them well, rather than mechanically masticate them.

As for black walnut, personally, I have little faith in it as it has

never worked for me in many years of parasite cleansing attempts. If I

were you I would check out some of the posts of 'MH' in curezone.

http://www.curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=566 & t=54164

He has his own forum there now. He addvocated the ia herbs,

wormwood, black walnut, cloves etc, as well as oregano oil and olive

leaf extract, and things like pumkin seeds and figs are an added bonus.

Garlic is great too, as the other poster said!!

Another thing, the expulsion of small stones, while not as exciting as

big ones is not a sign of partial failure. Maybe you don't have huge

stones, or maybe they are further back in liver and will come out in

later flushes. Either way parasite killing is a great idea!

Good luck!

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> Definitely consume pumkin seeds raw, and it would be my preference to

> chew them well, rather than mechanically masticate them.

Any particular reason why?

> Another thing, the expulsion of small stones, while not as exciting as

> big ones is not a sign of partial failure. Maybe you don't have huge

> stones, or maybe they are further back in liver and will come out in

> later flushes. Either way parasite killing is a great idea!

Maybe I have no stones? I am not on the SAD (standard american diet)

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--- In gallstones , " Will Winter " <holistic@v...>



> I would recommend readers think twice about using the strong


> wormers (herbal pesticides) such as WORMWOOD and BLACK WALNUT

> HULLS. These are two of the most poisonous and toxic herbs in the


> The liver is just one of the many organs they can destroy, the

brain is another

> one.

This could be said about so many things that it becomes totally

irrelevant. For instance, if you flushed your liver every day

according to any of the may protocols practiced by list members it

could destroy your liver and other body tissues through loss of

electrolyes etc... So????? Don't flush every day and don't

overdose on any thing that is toxic enough to kill parasitic worms.

If something is mild enough to not be toxic it's mild enough to

leave parasites undisturbed. If it's toxic enough to kill parasites

it's toxic enough to harm our livers in high enough doses. We all

take care each day to not overdo things like heat (a little warms

the heart and a lot burns us up) and other things. The argument too

much is harmful is useful to encourage moderation, but fear

mongering is not warrented. Responsible use is always in order with

anything, and it's no different with parasite herbs.

Wormwood is the herb used to make absinthe, for example. These are

> medicinal, wonderful and very effective herbs for extreme cases,

but not

> substances I'd recommend for 99% of the patients who suspect

parasites, nor

> would I recommend using them without a professional herbalist as



> First of all, decide if you really need these herbal WMDs. If you

do, then read

> the texts carefully, know exactly where you get your herbs (herbal

quality and

> potency is extremely variable and non-standardized), dose with


> precision and only use what you need and no more.


> Alternative types have a tendency to think that all drugs are bad

and that all

> herbs are safe, gentle and good. Ironically, and given the choice

between the

> two, some of the modern pharmaceutical wormers may be safer and


> gentle than the traditional herbal purgative wormers. Tapeworm


> are the best example of this.


> People also tend to have an irrational and disproportional fear

of bugs,

> worms, and other squiggly things. This fear causes them to ingest,


> and fill their homes and lives with all sorts of hard-core



> I've found that there are at least a dozen other herbs and

techniques that

> correct the " terrain " where the parasites reside. Additionally,

few parasitic

> cases are urgent emergencies. Persistant correction using

supportive and

> cleansing techniques causes parasites to leave without needing to


> them. Garlic is just one of the many relatively safe herbs that

can gently evict

> unwanted tenants in or on your body.

I agree that the top priority must be to create a body environment

which discourages worms. When doing a liver flush with a body that

doesn't have that environment a lot of people have found killing the

worms makes for a much better flush :)

The " search and destroy " mentality,

> whether it's anti-life drugs or violent herbs. is more suited to

people who have

> been led to blindly follow the non-holistic, allopathic, " Zapper " ,


> " germ warfare " , medical-military mindset.

Wow, Will :) I don't have any idea what that means, but it sounds

bad... I hope I don't ever meet anyone like that..., I think ???? :)


> Best Wishes,

> Will in Minnesota

Best Wishes,

Vince in Alabama

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MH is an advocate of health through cleaning the body of accumulations

and parasites and eating a non-accumulating (raw) diet to the greatest

extent possible. He has a lot of experience in helping people with

Liver Flushes and parasite eradication etc. You can make up your own

mind what you think of him by reading some of his posts. He is very

helpful, but also encourages people to do their own research.

As for you having no stones, I would think it was very unlikely. The

fact that you got small stones out means you have stones, and probably

more where those ones came from. I have done over 20 flushes and

eating mostly raw and a very clean diet for more than half my life

(I'm 28), and I am still getting stones out. Some flushes reveal lots

of tiny stones and chaff and others expell huge stones and very little

chaff. I have also had a couple of flushes where no stones came out,

but I knew this didn't mean I was clean. Some people are clean after

6-10 flushes, MH says you should be able to clean yourself after about

three flushes.

If I were you I would keep flushing at least 2 or 3 times after you

have no more stones coming out. Every flush makes you feel better so

why not keep doing it!! :)(but don't over-do it!)


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OK, , I will grant you that about Black Walnut Hulls (and the walnut's

cousin Butternut). Just don't take it for long periods of time, and it's not


pregnant women, children, infants or people who have or have hepatitis.

How's that? We also make a tea of the hulls, or better yet, the leaves, and it

makes a great insect repellant. It will stain the skin though, that's the one

detail I haven't gotten worked out.

I LOVE herbs and I sure don't want to dismiss their use in any way, shape or

form. With all the toxic Rx drugs now being unmasked as more dangerous

than previously thought (Vioxx now and many, many more to fall very soon)

we are going to be seeing a tidal wave of people seeking out alternative

medicine. It will still be a while before people become holistic, but allopathic

usage of herbs pleases me more than seeing people popping drugs. It can be

a step in the right direction towards radical lifestyle overhaul.

I've just been studying " THE PARASITE MENACE-A Complete Guide to the

Prevention, Treatment and Elimination of Parasitic Infection " by Skye

Weintraub, ND. I think it's really good and there are dozens of herbs and

homeopathics recommended therein. Lots of good liver cleansing tips as well.

Just don't read about this onslaught of all the new parasitic diseases for too

long a period of time. Not only will you be digging out your Hulda books

for a quick review, it is depressing and frightening beyond any monster

Hollywood could ever produce. And, it's coming to a town near you (if not

there already).

Clean yer liver! Eat yer pumpkin seeds!

Will in Minneapolis

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In a message dated 12/8/2004 12:39:16 AM Eastern Standard Time,

holistic@... writes:

> OK, , I will grant you that about Black Walnut Hulls (and the

> walnut's

> cousin Butternut). Just don't take it for long periods of time, and it's

> not for

> pregnant women, children, infants or people who have or have hepatitis.

> How's that? We also make a tea of the hulls, or better yet, the leaves, and

> it

> makes a great insect repellent. It will stain the skin though, that's the

> one

> detail I haven't gotten worked out.


Hold everything here, Will.

I need some clarification.

If pregnant women, children, etc and PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD OR HAVE HEPATITIS

should NOT take BlackWalnut isn't the INTENT of that admonition that people with

poor livers or past liver disease do not have the residual strength to

process this herb? If that is the case, doesnt that mean US?

I have a sneaking suspicion that many of us have undiagnosed low-grade

hepatitis, which I define as liver inflammation and disease. I know there are


basic mostly viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and E but I have a gut feeling there is

a whole 'nother subclinical class of non-viral hepatitis that is probably much

more prevalent that anyone knows and that most of us have or have had. (No, th

is is NOT SCIENTIFIC, its a gut feeling of a knowledgeable liver owner).

If that is the case, would that not by INTENT really preclude us from Black


Our bodies have to have residual strength to detox (everyday liver cleansing

with or without plan). I know there are some days I am simply too tired for my

body to function beyond just staying alive. Those days I know I do not detox

effectively and I do not take anything to help the process since that is

pointless to stress an already stressed system. Instead I go to bed, sleep and

gather strength.

Having that " personal worldview of body mechanics " I would really question

if, we members of this group, are not liver-challenged enough already to take

the " gently approach " on parasites in general (unless its an extreme emergency)

rather than one of the more caustic herbs...

Just my spin, but Will, you understand biochemistry better than I do, would

you like to comment?

(Atlanta -- its 70 and sunny - heaven on earth)

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