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Re: vaccinations squabbles

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> From: joanie46115 <bjwilson@...>

> Subject: [ ] vaccinations squabbles


> Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 5:38 PM

> I missed a few days here and wow, what a storm blew up.

> Pepper, this

> site is all about alternative stuff and the homepage

> includes

> vaccinations - so we should be open to the idea that they

> may be

> harmful.

I have never said that vaccines are 100% safe. Don't know of anybody that makes

that claim. I am only saying that, overall, they do more good than harm.

The theory that the companies that make them know they are useless and harmful,

but are just motivated by profit is illogical, as they would just make useless

yet harmless vaccines.

> At one time medical science

> thought

> bloodletting was great.

That wasn't medical science, they didn't have clinical trials, use the

scientific method, etc.


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Our daughter is NOT on medication and has NOT been vaccinated since she was one

year old. She is now 12. She went back to Congress in March on behalf of all

those living with epilepsy and is fighting against the drugs being the

mainstream because of the harmful toxicity and I am lobbying against vaccines.

They are harmful and do more harm than good. Research all the billions of

dollars our very own government has paid out in lawsuits to multiple families

for these harmful vaccines causing epilepsy, autism, any many other disorders.

Do you really truly believe that children just are born with or develop these

disorders without the toxins being administered into their bodies or the

mothers' body while pregnant? That is what wouldn't make sense.

I think Jennie put it very well in her email that you are a very angry, bitter

and unhappy person. I also pray for you that you will get educated on this

topic because it is quite clear that you are not at all yet. If you had a child

afflicted with this disorder you would begin to understand why the many people

in this group are so passionate. I feel sorry for the many children that their

parents don't know any better than to just trust the doctors and the system. If

you think for one decond that these pharmaceutical companies aren't in this for

the money and only the money you are clearly incorrect and I believe don't know

any better. I also feel sorry for you, Pepper.

I truly pray that you will see the light some day.

Rae Lynne

[ ] vaccinations squabbles


> Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 5:38 PM

> I missed a few days here and wow, what a storm blew up.

> Pepper, this

> site is all about alternative stuff and the homepage

> includes

> vaccinations - so we should be open to the idea that they

> may be

> harmful.

I have never said that vaccines are 100% safe. Don't know of anybody that makes

that claim. I am only saying that, overall, they do more good than harm.

The theory that the companies that make them know they are useless and harmful,

but are just motivated by profit is illogical, as they would just make useless

yet harmless vaccines.

> At one time medical science

> thought

> bloodletting was great.

That wasn't medical science, they didn't have clinical trials, use the

scientific method, etc.


[The entire original message is not included]

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> From: Rae Lynne <raelynnestewart@...>

> Subject: RE: [ ] vaccinations squabbles


> Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 9:16 PM

> They are harmful and do more harm than

> good.

Not true. For a balanced view, people can look at this site.


> Do you really truly believe that children

> just are born with or develop these disorders without the

> toxins being administered into their bodies or the

> mothers' body while pregnant? That is what wouldn't

> make sense.

The disorders existed before vaccines, so there must be other causes.

> I think Jennie put it very well in her email that you are a

> very angry, bitter and unhappy person.


> If you think for one decond that these

> pharmaceutical companies aren't in this for the money

> and only the money you are clearly incorrect and I believe

> don't know any better.

Jennie says they aren't. Ask her, she'll start to babble about the world



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Hi everyone,

I just joined this group recently and have been a silient reader as lot of stuff

is going in my life at personal front. I have a  six years old daughter who has


Her epilepsy was not by birth but right after she was give her six month

vaccinations. after that my life has compleletly changed and I support Jeannie

as I have myself experienced the effect of Vaccination. My daughter was

completely healthy baby till the shots were given. My husband has MS so first

thought was maybe it was genetic. But after lot of research and everything it

was clear that it was the vaccination that caused it. Even the doctors believed

that it was the vaccination. Hopethis will change your opinion Pepper.


[ ] vaccinations squabbles

I missed a few days here and wow, what a storm blew up. Pepper, this

site is all about alternative stuff and the homepage includes

vaccinations - so we should be open to the idea that they may be

harmful. Just because someone has not proven it yet in a way you feel

is meaningful or valid, doesn't mean that it may not be a factor in

some cases of epilepsy - maybe some day someone will come up with the

proof that convinces you. At one time medical science thought

bloodletting was great. At one time germs were not understood and

dr's killed many people by not washing their hands in between

operations. We need to have an open mind and all of us admit we don't

know it all. I hate to see people getting angry and hostile.


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Ray Lynne! Thank you!! Tell your daughter we are proud of her and thank you Ray

Lynne for lobbying/fighting for our children/vaccines and being there voice!

Pepper is gonna be ok and so am I!! As far as the population issues/problem she

has towards me, yes, I do tend to lean extremist sometimes(conspiracy-this too

as extreme as it is Pepper is also open topic in our group, look at the group

heading/description). That is scary/crazy to some, but I do try to stick to the

middle ground usually and try to focus on just the vaccine/toxin/chemical issues

and the healing from them. Money is the drive for most of this. The sicker we

are, the fatter there wallets are!!  March was the turning point month for our

family and all these issues with vaccines, medical, pharma, etc. I usually dread

that month(memories of/vaccines put my son in the hospital that month)! Tell

your daughter she took a sad month for us and brought good/joy/hope to it! Now

when that month

comes around again it wont be sad for us anymore, Ill remember you/your

daughter and what you both did!! Tell her thank you for the hope! Im proud she

is our future! Jennie<><

> From: joanie46115 <bjwilsonspitfire (DOT) net>

> Subject: [ ] vaccinations squabbles


> Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 5:38 PM

> I missed a few days here and wow, what a storm blew up.

> Pepper, this

> site is all about alternative stuff and the homepage

> includes

> vaccinations - so we should be open to the idea that they

> may be

> harmful.

I have never said that vaccines are 100% safe. Don't know of anybody that makes

that claim. I am only saying that, overall, they do more good than harm.

The theory that the companies that make them know they are useless and harmful,

but are just motivated by profit is illogical, as they would just make useless

yet harmless vaccines.

> At one time medical science

> thought

> bloodletting was great.

That wasn't medical science, they didn't have clinical trials, use the

scientific method, etc.


[The entire original message is not included]

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When Pepper gets involved in a conversation, there is much anger and hostility.

After a few posts back and forth, it is best just to ignore her.


---- joanie46115 <bjwilson@...> wrote:

> I missed a few days here and wow, what a storm blew up. Pepper, this

> site is all about alternative stuff and the homepage includes

> vaccinations - so we should be open to the idea that they may be

> harmful. Just because someone has not proven it yet in a way you feel

> is meaningful or valid, doesn't mean that it may not be a factor in

> some cases of epilepsy - maybe some day someone will come up with the

> proof that convinces you. At one time medical science thought

> bloodletting was great. At one time germs were not understood and

> dr's killed many people by not washing their hands in between

> operations. We need to have an open mind and all of us admit we don't

> know it all. I hate to see people getting angry and hostile.

> joanie



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Hi Everyone.I just watched an old E.R. show the other night.A child died because

he was not vaccinated.His parents were very educated and declined shots for all

their children .The docs were mad at them over the situation and one doctor told

them that immunizations STRENGTHEN the immune system and that there was NO

connection between autism and getting shots.Just some info I thought I'd pass

along.Until I find out for sure that vaccines are the worst things for my

child,mine will continue to get them.If children do not have immunizations,we

could have polio and measles again .Measles are very contagious and deadly.Best

wishes with your children ,no matter what your decision is.



> I missed a few days here and wow, what a storm blew up. Pepper, this

> site is all about alternative stuff and the homepage includes

> vaccinations - so we should be open to the idea that they may be

> harmful. Just because someone has not proven it yet in a way you feel

> is meaningful or valid, doesn't mean that it may not be a factor in

> some cases of epilepsy - maybe some day someone will come up with the

> proof that convinces you. At one time medical science thought

> bloodletting was great. At one time germs were not understood and

> dr's killed many people by not washing their hands in between

> operations. We need to have an open mind and all of us admit we don't

> know it all. I hate to see people getting angry and hostile.

> joanie



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AMEN to THAT M' Sistah...AMEN to THAT!

" When Life Gives Ya Lemons...Make lemonade "

and if a friend has Vodka...

Have a Party!


When Pepper gets involved in a conversation, there is much anger and hostility.

After a few posts back and forth, it is best just to ignore her.


---- joanie46115 <bjwilsonspitfire (DOT) net> wrote:

> I missed a few days here and wow, what a storm blew up. Pepper, this

> site is all about alternative stuff and the homepage includes

> vaccinations - so we should be open to the idea that they may be

> harmful. Just because someone has not proven it yet in a way you feel

> is meaningful or valid, doesn't mean that it may not be a factor in

> some cases of epilepsy - maybe some day someone will come up with the

> proof that convinces you. At one time medical science thought

> bloodletting was great. At one time germs were not understood and

> dr's killed many people by not washing their hands in between

> operations. We need to have an open mind and all of us admit we don't

> know it all. I hate to see people getting angry and hostile.

> joanie



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I just wanted to say that due to this back and forth arguing between

listmates I have decided to end my subscription that I had hoped to gain


to help my son through a very difficult and new diagnosis. Actually, both

sides are just as bad and not being very nice to each other. The people that

feel vaccines do damage to their children are just as rude. Good grief


**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel

deal here.


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> Joanie:


> When Pepper gets involved in a conversation, there is much

> anger and hostility. After a few posts back and forth, it is

> best just to ignore her.


> Coterillo

IOW, you can't contradict the facts I present, so you get mad, and tell people

to ignore me.


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What about the facts all of us have presented to you? First and foremost, we

have vaccine injured children. Secondly, you have been presented many websites,

professionals, etc. and you choose to ignore them and get mad/attack us/call us


Basically, all you do is stir up trouble and angst. We are all frustrated

parents who end up throwing our hands up with you after we have given you the

same " proof " you spout off to us.

I stand by just ignoring you, as these " debates " back and forth with you go

nowhere. Why don't you finally tell us exactly why you are a part of this

group, as you certainly don't offer any support or understanding (which I

thought was the purpose).


---- Pepper <hey_pep@...> wrote:

> > Joanie:

> >

> > When Pepper gets involved in a conversation, there is much

> > anger and hostility. After a few posts back and forth, it is

> > best just to ignore her.

> >

> > Coterillo



> IOW, you can't contradict the facts I present, so you get mad, and tell people

to ignore me.


> Pepper







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Hello! I am normally more of a reader than a poster. I do have a

child with epilepsy and I'm a single parent. Dealing with it alone

is very very scary...however, I look to posts and other groups (such

as Cafemom) to read about how others deal and hopefully gain new

insights, ideas or natural therapies.

That being said, I'm not here to perpetuate anything. My first

thought a week ago with all these back and forth posts was to think

that Pepper was being indignant and purposely trying to annoy

people. However, I've seen other posts by her as well where it was

nothing like that - instead, it was a good exchange of information.

We all know where she stands on the vaccination issue - and each of

you know where you stand. I personally am not going to vaccinate

any further but I have also had this almost argument with people

over it and its not worth it. I'm vegetarian. I've gotten a lot of

flack for that over the last 16 years as well and unless I wanted to

keep a debate on life support, I had to know when to just say It's

fine - that's you, this is me, can we just agree to disagree? I

think I've seen this on this whole vaccination debate as well, which

is commendable.

But I do want to say that as far as I can see, unless I missed some

posts (and I may have) it seems to be over. I don't think it should

be kept alive by referring back to it any further. I know last week

was kind of dramatic but we're all better than that - everyone -

including Pepper. So can we all just go forward now and contribute

where we can? And hopefully everyone understands that you can

disagree and present facts but still - its only our duty to present

them - we can't make someone own them.

None of this is meant to be offensive so accept my apologies if it

seems that way. I just really get uncomfortable when people are

giving each other bad vibes.

> > > Joanie:

> > >

> > > When Pepper gets involved in a conversation, there is much

> > > anger and hostility. After a few posts back and forth, it is

> > > best just to ignore her.

> > >

> > > Coterillo

> >

> >

> > IOW, you can't contradict the facts I present, so you get mad,

and tell people to ignore me.

> >

> > Pepper

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> --


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WHAT is going on here??


" We " are not all here for the same reasons.  Some of us have epilepsy...some of

us have family members with epilepsy.   Epilepsy is not the same in each

individual - is it?  It shares some of the same characterstics....but is not the



Some feel they are " cured " .

Others don't feel that way - but have learned to function with limitations..... 




Some of us are gentle....some are more blunt.  Such is life.....


Think about this, please - and stop this group from turning into a finger

pointing bunch of bitterness.......


> > Joanie:

> >

> > When Pepper gets involved in a conversation, there is much

> > anger and hostility. After a few posts back and forth, it is

> > best just to ignore her.

> >

> > Coterillo



> IOW, you can't contradict the facts I present, so you get mad, and tell people

to ignore me.


> Pepper







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I agree with Judles...and honestly tend to delete any posts/e-mails that I get

from Pepper. I don't have to read what someone I don't agree with writes. It's

my choice to step into the fray or not.

Have a great day everyone!


" Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize

there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. "

-Lao Tzu

" Each indecision brings with it it's own delays...What you can do or think you

can do, begin it.

For boldness has Magic, Power, and Genius in it. "

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Re: [ ] vaccinations squabbles


WHAT is going on here??

" We " are not all here for the same reasons. Some of us have epilepsy...some of

us have family members with epilepsy. Epilepsy is not the same in each

individual - is it? It shares some of the same characterstics....but is not the


Some feel they are " cured " .

Others don't feel that way - but have learned to function with limitations.....


Some of us are gentle....some are more blunt. Such is life.....

Think about this, please - and stop this group from turning into a finger

pointing bunch of bitterness.......

> > Joanie:

> >

> > When Pepper gets involved in a conversation, there is much

> > anger and hostility. After a few posts back and forth, it is

> > best just to ignore her.

> >

> > Coterillo



> IOW, you can't contradict the facts I present, so you get mad, and tell people

to ignore me.


> Pepper







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No, Pepper, IOW, it is exactly what she said it is.  I have been sitting here

quietly watching this for many months on end, doing my best not to get

involved.  BUT the reason I finally did get involved is just for the very reason

mentioned by .  Because nearly every time you start posting regularly and

with increased frequency, it always leads to some sort of upset in the group.  I

have observed cause and effect, which as I mentioned before, is the way to

gather evidence in whatever manner.  And I cannot figure out why you support

this scenario unless you quite enjoy it, even if you will never admit this

openly.  You must enjoy it; otherwise, if you found it so distasteful and

inaccurately portraying your persona, you would do everything in your power to

AVOID confrontation or written altercation.  But you don't.  I find that

interesting.  But more power to you then if this is how you choose to handle

it.  Nothing any of us can do about it

. .  except . . . touche . . . ignore you.  Pray tell why that isn't a

solution?  It has nothing to do with right or wrong, but simply based on cause

and effect and what we have observed, it really is the only solution I can see. 

Having said this, I agree wholeheartedly and will just allow you to think and

believe whatever you wish.


Notwithstanding, what Dee said the other day is very, very true.  The point is

this.  Not everyone's metabolic or physiologic system will react exactly,

identically the same to a substance that is essentially NOT meant to be a part

of our healthy biology (i.e., mercury being one of these substances, no

different from lead, etc.) - - and basically, it is like playing Russian

roulette for every person who is exposed to them.  Does any one of us wish to

take the chance that THEY will be the one who is adversely affected or

critically injured?  I think not.  Who is going to be first one in line for

Russian roulette?  You?  Hey, maybe so.  Just wondering, that's all.  You won't

find me in that line, but if you want to stand there and cross fingers, then I

wish you all the best (said in a most sincere and amiable manner).  That is the

great thing about America.  We can live our lives as we choose.  So, let her

live it and let's ignore her.  I

thought really hit the nail on the head.  She's right . . .



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lisa , its the medicines that i hate mostly cant function normal my heads always

in a fog

thanks linda

Re: [ ] vaccinations squabbles

People....people. ....people. ......

WHAT is going on here??


" We " are not all here for the same reasons.  Some of us have epilepsy...some of

us have family members with epilepsy.   Epilepsy is not the same in each

individual - is it?  It shares some of the same characterstics. ...but is not

the same......


Some feel they are " cured " .

Others don't feel that way - but have learned to function with limitations.





Some of us are gentle....some are more blunt.  Such is life.....


Think about this, please - and stop this group from turning into a finger

pointing bunch of bitterness.. .....


> > Joanie:

> >

> > When Pepper gets involved in a conversation, there is much

> > anger and hostility. After a few posts back and forth, it is

> > best just to ignore her.

> >

> > Coterillo



> IOW, you can't contradict the facts I present, so you get mad, and tell people

to ignore me.


> Pepper







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> From: Diane <heyitsme_di@...>

> No, Pepper, IOW, it is exactly what she said it is. I have

> been sitting here quietly watching this for many months on> end, doing my best

not to get involved. BUT the reason I

>> finally did get involved is just for the very reason

> mentioned by . Because nearly every time you start

> posting regularly and with increased frequency, it always

> leads to some sort of upset in the group.

IF that is true, I can't do it on my own, you just attacked me with this email.

I have observed

> cause and effect,

Your biased observations.

which as I mentioned before, is the way to

> gather evidence in whatever manner. And I cannot figure

> out why you support this scenario unless you quite enjoy it,

> even if you will never admit this openly.

I don't. Problem solved.

You must enjoy

> it; otherwise, if you found it so distasteful and

> inaccurately portraying your persona, you would do

> everything in your power to AVOID confrontation or written

> altercation. But you don't.

That's your theory. I find telling the truth more important than " avoiding

confrontation " .

Perhaps you are projecting, YOU enjoy the confrontation, that's why you spew

page long anti-Pepper rants, talking about how you are going to ignore me.

(rest of your rant snipped...)


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> No, Pepper, IOW, it is exactly what she said it is.>

OK...what is IOW?

---- Diane <heyitsme_di@...> wrote:

> No, Pepper, IOW, it is exactly what she said it is.  I have been sitting here

quietly watching this for many months on end, doing my best not to get

involved.  BUT the reason I finally did get involved is just for the very

reason mentioned by .  Because nearly every time you start posting

regularly and with increased frequency, it always leads to some sort of upset in

the group.  I have observed cause and effect, which as I mentioned before, is

the way to gather evidence in whatever manner.  And I cannot figure out why you

support this scenario unless you quite enjoy it, even if you will never admit

this openly.  You must enjoy it; otherwise, if you found it so distasteful and

inaccurately portraying your persona, you would do everything in your power to

AVOID confrontation or written altercation.  But you don't.  I find that

interesting.  But more power to you then if this is how you choose to handle

it.  Nothing any of us can do about it

> . .  except . . . touche . . . ignore you.  Pray tell why that isn't a

solution?  It has nothing to do with right or wrong, but simply based on cause

and effect and what we have observed, it really is the only solution I can

see.  Having said this, I agree wholeheartedly and will just allow you to think

and believe whatever you wish.


> Notwithstanding, what Dee said the other day is very, very true.  The point

is this.  Not everyone's metabolic or physiologic system will react exactly,

identically the same to a substance that is essentially NOT meant to be a part

of our healthy biology (i.e., mercury being one of these substances, no

different from lead, etc.) - - and basically, it is like playing Russian

roulette for every person who is exposed to them.  Does any one of us wish to

take the chance that THEY will be the one who is adversely affected or

critically injured?  I think not.  Who is going to be first one in line for

Russian roulette?  You?  Hey, maybe so.  Just wondering, that's all.  You

won't find me in that line, but if you want to stand there and cross fingers,

then I wish you all the best (said in a most sincere and amiable manner).  That

is the great thing about America.  We can live our lives as we choose.  So,

let her live it and let's ignore her.  I

> thought really hit the nail on the head.  She's right . . .


> Diane








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> > From: Diane <heyitsme_di@...>

> > No, Pepper, IOW, it is exactly what she said it is. I have

> > been sitting here quietly watching this for many months on> end,

doing my best not to get involved. BUT the reason I

> >> finally did get involved is just for the very reason

> > mentioned by . Because nearly every time you start

> > posting regularly and with increased frequency, it always

> > leads to some sort of upset in the group.


> IF that is true, I can't do it on my own, you just attacked me

with this email.



> I have observed

> > cause and effect,


> Your biased observations.



> which as I mentioned before, is the way to

> > gather evidence in whatever manner. And I cannot figure

> > out why you support this scenario unless you quite enjoy it,

> > even if you will never admit this openly.


> I don't. Problem solved.


> You must enjoy

> > it; otherwise, if you found it so distasteful and

> > inaccurately portraying your persona, you would do

> > everything in your power to AVOID confrontation or written

> > altercation. But you don't.


> That's your theory. I find telling the truth more important

than " avoiding confrontation " .


> Perhaps you are projecting, YOU enjoy the confrontation, that's

why you spew page long anti-Pepper rants, talking about how you are

going to ignore me.

> (rest of your rant snipped...)


> Pepper


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> > No, Pepper, IOW, it is exactly what she said it is.  I have

been sitting here quietly watching this for many months on end,

doing my best not to get involved.  BUT the reason I finally did

get involved is just for the very reason mentioned by . 

Because nearly every time you start posting regularly and with

increased frequency, it always leads to some sort of upset in the

group.  I have observed cause and effect, which as I mentioned

before, is the way to gather evidence in whatever manner.  And I

cannot figure out why you support this scenario unless you quite

enjoy it, even if you will never admit this openly.  You must enjoy

it; otherwise, if you found it so distasteful and inaccurately

portraying your persona, you would do everything in your power to

AVOID confrontation or written altercation.  But you don't.  I

find that interesting.  But more power to you then if this is how

you choose to handle it.  Nothing any of us can do about it

> > . .  except . . . touche . . . ignore you.  Pray tell why

that isn't a solution?  It has nothing to do with right or wrong,

but simply based on cause and effect and what we have observed, it

really is the only solution I can see.  Having said this, I agree

wholeheartedly and will just allow you to think and believe whatever

you wish.

> >  

> > Notwithstanding, what Dee said the other day is very, very

true.  The point is this.  Not everyone's metabolic or physiologic

system will react exactly, identically the same to a substance that

is essentially NOT meant to be a part of our healthy biology (i.e.,

mercury being one of these substances, no different from lead,

etc.) - - and basically, it is like playing Russian roulette for

every person who is exposed to them.  Does any one of us wish to

take the chance that THEY will be the one who is adversely affected

or critically injured?  I think not.  Who is going to be first one

in line for Russian roulette?  You?  Hey, maybe so.  Just

wondering, that's all.  You won't find me in that line, but if you

want to stand there and cross fingers, then I wish you all the best

(said in a most sincere and amiable manner).  That is the great

thing about America.  We can live our lives as we choose.  So, let

her live it and let's ignore her.  I

> > thought really hit the nail on the head.  She's

right . . .

> >  

> > Diane

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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With all the back and forth, hope I'm quoting the right person...

> From: tjlawsonn <tjlawsonn@...>

> Because nearly every time you start posting regularly

> and with

> increased frequency, it always leads to some sort of upset

> in the

> group.Â

I can't cause an upset on my own, now can I? Others must object to the facts I

present, and fight with me.

I have observed cause and effect, which as I

> mentioned

> before, is the way to gather evidence in whatever

> manner. And I

> cannot figure out why you support this scenario unless you

> quite

> enjoy it,

Spot the irony.

even if you will never admit this openly. You

> must enjoy

> it; otherwise, if you found it so distasteful and

> inaccurately

> portraying your persona, you would do everything in your

> power to

> AVOID confrontation or written altercation.Â

Or, telling the truth is more important to me than how my persona is portrayed.


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> From: tjlawsonn <tjlawsonn@...>

> Subject: [ ] Re: vaccinations squabbles


> Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008, 8:54 AM


> Pepper, My gosh, shut the hell up! Take what people say to

> you,as a

> idea to maybe check into to what they know and STOP

> attacking people

> just like someone said out there I have learned to just

> delete what

> you have to say.

But you will still attack me...

Which is not why I joined the group. I

> joined to

> learn more about what is going on with me. You don't

> always have to

> have the last word. Sometimes if you sit back and learn

> from what

> people say you might learn something.

Spot the irony.


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> > Pepper, My gosh, shut the hell up! Take what people say to

> > you,as a

> > idea to maybe check into to what they know and STOP

> > attacking people

> > just like someone said out there I have learned to just

> > delete what

> > you have to say.


> But you will still attack me...


> Which is not why I joined the group. I

> > joined to

> > learn more about what is going on with me. You don't

> > always have to

> > have the last word. Sometimes if you sit back and learn

> > from what

> > people say you might learn something.



> Spot the irony.


> Pepper


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Pepper has an answer to everything except why she/ (or he??)  joined the group

From: tjlawsonn <tjlawsonn@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: vaccinations squabbles

Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 11:55 AM

> > Pepper, My gosh, shut the hell up! Take what people say to

> > you,as a

> > idea to maybe check into to what they know and STOP

> > attacking people

> > just like someone said out there I have learned to just

> > delete what

> > you have to say.


> But you will still attack me...


> Which is not why I joined the group. I

> > joined to

> > learn more about what is going on with me. You don't

> > always have to

> > have the last word. Sometimes if you sit back and learn

> > from what

> > people say you might learn something.



> Spot the irony.


> Pepper


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Yes she does its to bad. she could sit back and listen and maybe

learn a little.

> > > Pepper, My gosh, shut the hell up! Take what people say to

> > > you,as a

> > > idea to maybe check into to what they know and STOP

> > > attacking people

> > > just like someone said out there I have learned to just

> > > delete what

> > > you have to say.

> >

> > But you will still attack me...

> >

> > Which is not why I joined the group. I

> > > joined to

> > > learn more about what is going on with me. You don't

> > > always have to

> > > have the last word. Sometimes if you sit back and learn

> > > from what

> > > people say you might learn something.

> >

> >

> > Spot the irony.

> >

> > Pepper

> >




















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